Cosmic Circle of Fellowship

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Cosmic Circle of Fellowship
Type New religious movement
Classification UFO religion
FounderWilliam R. Ferguson
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Other name(s)Cosmic Study Center

The Cosmic Circle of Fellowship (CCF), also the Cosmic Study Center, was a mid-twentieth century UFO religion. The Circle was founded by postman and UFO contactee William R. Ferguson, who had previously promoted techniques of "absolute relaxation" that he claimed allowed him to travel to other dimensions. In 1947, he claimed he was visited by a being named Khauga, who took him on a trip to the planet Mars. Ferguson began to gather followers in the 1940s over his purported cosmic healing techniques, including a "clarified water device" called the Zerret Applicator that he claimed Khauga had taught him about.


Ferguson claimed the Zerret Applicator was an "atomic cure" that could cure various ailments. In reality the zerret was a dumbbell full of plastic, water and dust. He was convicted of fraud over his claims related to the applicator in 1950 and spent a year in prison. Following his release from prison, Ferguson founded the CCF in 1954 in Chicago, after he said he had received a vision from aliens that UFOs were beneficial and desired to help the Earth. The group's beliefs involved worshiping these higher beings, including Khauga but also others, and engaging in trance-channeling through which they aimed to get the higher beings to speak through them. The messages believed to be received from these beings were then studied. Following Ferguson's death in 1967, the CCF continued to publish his works.

Background and founder

William R. Ferguson was born c.1900. [1] [a] He was a postman and ex-taxi driver. [2] [3] He became skilled at techniques of relaxation, which he called "absolute relaxation", and authored several books, among them Relax First, published 1937, after which he would teach his techniques to others. [2] He also wrote a book called The New Revelation. [4]

He claimed that while he was in one of these states of absolute relaxation, on July 9, 1938, his body became charged with energy and he was transported to the Seventh Dimension, where he stayed for two hours, resulting in the illumination of his soul. Upon his return, his body was incorporeal, but he soon regained form. [2] A week after this, he claimed that he was moved to the "center of creation", now experiencing the sixth dimension, and witnessed creation through "pure intelligent energy" moving through a "cube of pure universal substance". [5]

Khauga and Mars

Cover of the first edition of My Trip to Mars. My Trip to Mars, 1954 cover.png
Cover of the first edition of My Trip to Mars.

Ferguson reported several UFO or alien encounters, all of which occurred during mediation sessions. [6] On January 12, 1947, Ferguson claimed that in a trance state he was visited by a being named Khauga, who was identified as the angel who had given the Book of Revelation to John of Patmos, the Spirit of Truth, and a "perfected being from the Holy Triune". Khauga then took him on a trip to the planet Mars, which he travelled to at the "speed of consciousness". [7] [8] He said that he had been bodily transported there, and then after arrival was remade "along Martian lines". [9] Ferguson described the Martians as being a foot shorter than the average Earth person, being red haired, red complexioned, broad featured, and could levitate. [8]

To his description, Mars had a large network of canals that covered it, with electromagnetic fields shielding its cities. [8] He claimed that on Mars, one could swim in the water without getting wet, breathing was unnecessary, and that the food was simply absorbed and did not need to be excreted. [10] [9] Martians were said to be "twenty thousand years ahead of earthlings in spiritual evolution and scientific development", and were concerned with the state of the Earth, having decided to "release positive energy particles into the earth’s atmosphere [...] to counteract the negative energy particles that man himself has released". [8]

Khauga asked him to give messages to "other earthlings", assuring them that the world would soon improve, and said he was incredulous that humans could kill one another, any. [8] When he returned, he was again incorporeal, before he rematerialized; upon his return, he said that the Martians were sending an expedition to the planet Earth. This was a period of many claimed UFO sightings and contactee events. [7] In 1954, he published this narrative in a book, My Trip to Mars. [8] He believed that these UFO experiences raised his consciousness and provided insight into his life. [6]

In the 1940s, Ferguson began to gather followers mostly related to "cosmic healing techniques", particularly a "clarified water device", which he said had been taught to him by Khauga. This device would later get him in trouble with the American Medical Association. [7] [11]

Zerret Applicator

Ferguson manufactured and created the Zerret Applicator, or zerret, a blue and white celluloid dumbbell shaped device that contained "a mysterious fluid". [1] [12] It was about 10 inches long. [13] It was claimed to contain what was called "zerret water", which was supposed to produce the "Z-ray, a force unknown to science". [14] The device was advertised as an "atomic cure" that functioned via "expanded hydrogen atoms" and would reverse aging; Ferguson claimed that "life rays from the body flow into the zerret, are rejuvenated and invigorated, then flow back into the body". [1] [12] He said this would resulting in relaxation and "improve[d] chemistry of the body" and would "cure all disease". [13] [14] Specific illnesses Ferguson claimed could be cured by the zerret included arthritis and rheumatism. [15] Instructions for usage were to hold the applicator with all ten fingers on both hands, without crossing one's legs, at least three times a day for 15 minutes. [12] [16] The device was claimed to imbue healing properties to water. [7] In 1963, an issue of the magazine Popular Mechanics listed the Zerret Applicator among the "typical fraudulent machines", in an article on quack medicine. [14]

The device actually was a plastic dumbbell that contained only paraffin wax, dust, and tap water. [1] [17] He sold about 1,000 of them, each costing $50. [1] The zerret was manufactured by Ferguson, who sold them to his sales director Mary Sanakis, who sold them to a customer for $25, who then sold them to the public for $50. [12] [1] Sanakis would sell for $50 to individuals and $25 to groups; other sales agents sold the applicators in several other states. [3] After being sold the zerret, several customers agreed to sell zerrets to others. [15] [16] After a customer complained to police after not getting any effect, in 1948, Ferguson, Sanakis, and the customer were arrested, held, and charged with running a scam for a $50,000 profit in Chicago. [12] [15] Ferguson was charged with fraud. [15] All three were released on $1,000 bond, and Ferguson and his associates were banned by the post office from mailing. [13] The devices were studied by city chemists; more than 40 witnesses, mostly women, testified to the judge that it had "curative powers", to which the judge expressed his doubts and stated "I think you are all suckers. But I'll keep an open mind." [15]

The next year, Ferguson and Stanakis were charged federally with a violation of the Pure Food and Drug Act, for "entering a misbranded therapeutic device into interstate commerce". Attorney Robert C. Eardley said they had sent three shipments of the device across interstate lines, with misleading information. [1] [17] [18] The maximum penalty for this charge would have been three years in prison and a fine of $3,000. [3] During the federal trial in 1950, presided over by judge John P. Barnes, it was demonstrated by American nuclear physicist Bernard Waldman, using a Geiger counter, that the zerret contained no radioactive material. [17] [18] Physiologist Anton J. Carlson testified that the devices had no therapeutic value. A chemical analysis was done on the contents of the zerret, and its contents were found to be the same as Chicago tap water. [3] [14] Several physicians testified that the object was useless. [19] Throughout the trial, people who alleged that they had been healed by the zerret testified in Sanakis and Ferguson's defense. [18] [16] They were tried by a jury, which gave its verdict May 17, 1950. [3] He was found guilty and convicted of fraud, sentenced to two years in prison, of which he spent a year. [7] [20] Stanakis was sentenced to a year. [20]

In 1954, he went on a tour of the American Midwest, lecturing about his supposed experiences on Mars and attempting to sell items that he claimed were souvenirs from his time there; included among these items were "brain-relaxing helmets" and "water-float clarifiers". [9] [10] In 1954, he attempted to sell a policewoman in Milwaukee, Wisconsin a "brain-relaxing helmet", and told her that in 14,000 years she would return to her home planet of Saturn; as a result the police sought him. [10] That same year, the Canadian newspaper The Kingston Whig-Standard wrote an article on Ferguson and his claims of Mars travel, calling him a "very remarkable man". [9]

Founding and activities

In 1954, Ferguson claimed that he had been picked up by a spacecraft from Venus, where he said that he learned that spacecraft were four dimensional and were typically invisible for this reason, but could also function in the third dimension, and that this is why sighted UFOs seemed to disappear. [2] He claimed that the leaders of Venus, oligarchs, told him to tell the people of Earth that UFOs were visiting them to help, in a time when it was approaching its "next evolutionary step", a "Four Dimensional Consciousness". [21] The Cosmic Circle of Fellowship was first founded by Ferguson in Chicago that year, with Edward A. Surine and Edna I. Valverde. [2] The group was incorporated the next year. [22] [2] Ferguson began traveling throughout the United States in 1958, founding other "circles" in other cities, including in San Francisco, New York City, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia. [2] There was also one in Siouxland. [4] Ferguson was the group's national president. [4] [22]

Their second annual "Interplanetary Space Conference" began September 13, 1957 in Washington, D.C. [23] A speaker at this conference was Wayne Aho, who played audio which he claimed was "conversations of Venutians", who "described life on their planet and told of inter-planetary experiences"; this audience included some people from the Pentagon, who the Sunday Call-Chronicle noted as "seem[ing] skeptical of the whole thing". The Sunday Call-Chronicle connected this meeting to the supposed sighting of several flying saucers in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania that had occurred the same day, though said it may be "merely a coincidence". [23] As of 1960, the San Francisco chapter met on Fridays in the Bellevue Hotel in San Francisco, California. [22]

Ferguson died in 1967, after which the Chicago circle continued to publish his writings. [24] [7] This was later done under the name Cosmic Study Center, with many of the books being published by Cloe Diroll. [25] Ferguson's techniques of relaxation remained the main method to "consciousness-expansion". [24] Following Ferguson's death, Nancy K. Konkle of San Rafael was the spokesman for the group; she described the movement as "an order of celestial and immortal beings organized 12,000 years ago on Saturn in order to emancipate earth people." [26] In 1972, they planned to hold an "experience in expansion" at sunrise on April 16 at Mount Tamalpais, with another meeting later that day. [26]

Beliefs and practices

The Cosmic Circle of Fellowship was a UFO religion. [27] [28] Religious scholars J. Gordon Melton and George M. Eberhart listed the group as one of the "major contactee groups" in 1995, while Michael K. Schutz classified them as a "UFO-oriented religious cult". [25] In an article on the group's meetings, the San Francisco Examiner called the Cosmic Circle of Fellowship "the space-age religion". [22] Ferguson claimed the group's teachings were based "upon the revelation of the Blessed Jesus" and that they were "in harmony with the laws of the Expressed Creation". [22] In a leaflet that proclaimed the group's "permanent celestial message", they described themself thus: [27]

The Cosmic Circle of Fellowship is a religious organization of the sovereign State of Illinois, under the complete guidance of Celestial and Immortal Beings from Outer Space. The messenger of these space beings is William Ferguson of the Planet Earth, and other Priests and Priestesses, who have been and will be, elevated to the Priesthood of the Cosmic Circle of Fellowship.

We teach the New Age Truth, given to us by the Spirit of Truth from the Holy Triune.

We worship only the Alpha and the Omega, who are the First Cause, (Everliving). We adore many Celestials and Immortals, who are working with us and guiding us. We invite all people of the Planet Earth to join us in fellowship and the worship of Alpha and Omega.

A key belief of the CCF, shared with many other UFO movements, is that benevolent extraterrestrial beings communicate with the group members and leader directly and often. [28] Khauga, a "Celestial Being", was worshiped as a figure called the Comforter, the leader of a group called the "Universal Brotherhood of the Sons of the Father", which was said to have members from various solar systems. [24] [8] This brotherhood was preparing the Earth for the Second Coming of Christ. The beliefs of the group were that there was a Father of Creation, a being of pure intelligent energy, and a Mother of Creation, who was made of pure universal substance; things were created when the father's rays of life impregnated the Mother's substance. When the New Age arrived, they believed that materialism and evil would be overthrown, with humanity being lifted into "fourth-dimensional consciousness". [24] Various other beings who were said to communicate with CCF members included Melchizedek and Zestra, viewed as the male and female rulers of the Solar System who lived inside the sun. [28] The CCF viewed themselves as linked to both mainstream Christianity and science, as they believed they also received messages from Jesus, who they believed had been brought to earth by a flying saucer (that was the Star of Bethlehem). Their connection to science was from Khauga, who was the "Chief Uniphysicist of the Solar System". [28]

To join the group, prospective members had to pass through 13 weekly lectures, which was called the "College of Cosmic Knowledge"; if after attending these lectures they were viewed as worthy, they were then "Elevated to the Priesthood of Melchizedek and Zestra", and were told about the secret and more direct meetings. [28] There were partially secret meetings every week that involved listening and studying to the past message, and simultaneously listening to and receiving a new message. [28] The more secret meetings involved receiving messages from this beings through "trance-channeling", in which the higher being would speak through the individual undergoing the trance; messages received in these trances tended to be of a "quasi-religious" type, with subjects typically relating to how to live a better life, preparing for the Great Cosmic Plan for improvement of the Earth, and how to properly worship these higher beings. These messages were all recorded through tape, mimeographed, and transcribed. [28]



  1. Name also given, incorrectly, as William A. Ferguson. [2]

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Fraud Charge Faces Pair On "Atomic Cure"". The Palladium-Item . Vol. 119, no. 81. Richmond. Associated Press. April 5, 1949. p. 6. ISSN   2993-9534 . Retrieved November 10, 2024 via
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Clark 2001, p. 357.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 "Sealed Verdict Given In Quack 'Dumbbell' Trial: Jury Reaches Decision After Two Hours". Chicago Daily Tribune . International News Service. May 18, 1950. p. 10. ISSN   1085-6706 . Retrieved November 10, 2024 via
  4. 1 2 3 "'Story of Creation' Will Be Subject". The Sioux City Journal . No. 60. October 19, 1966. p. B16. ISSN   2689-5536 . Retrieved October 25, 2024 via
  5. Clark 2001, pp. 357–358.
  6. 1 2 Bartholomew, Basterfield & Howard 1991, p. 218.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Clark 2001, p. 358.
  8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Clark 2000, p. 143.
  9. 1 2 3 4 "A Sad Come-down". The Kingston Whig-Standard . No. 228. November 11, 1954. p. 4. ISSN   1197-4397 . Retrieved November 10, 2024 via
  10. 1 2 3 "Dry water of Mars". The Sun-Herald . No. 306. Sydney. New York News Bureau. December 5, 1954. p. 56. ISSN   1323-1987 . Retrieved November 10, 2024 via
  11. Lewis 2000, p. 91.
  12. 1 2 3 4 5 "Even A 'Zerret': Some People Will Buy Anything". Fort Worth Star-Telegram . No. 225. September 12, 1948. p. 8. Retrieved November 10, 2024 via
  13. 1 2 3 "Health Ray Dumbbell Lifts 3 Into Court On Con Game Charge". Chicago Daily Tribune . Vol. CVII, no. 220. September 13, 1948. p. III-8. ISSN   1085-6706 . Retrieved November 10, 2024 via
  14. 1 2 3 4 McNeel, John P. (October 1963). "Quack Medical Machines". Popular Mechanics . Vol. 120, no. 4. New York City: Hearst Magazines. p. 220. ISSN   0032-4558 . Retrieved November 10, 2024 via Google Books.
  15. 1 2 3 4 5 "Judge Doubts 'Zerret' Has Curative Powers". The Independent. Vol. XVI, no. 198. Pasadena. October 3, 1948. p. 50. Retrieved November 10, 2024 via
  16. 1 2 3 "Deny They're 'Suckers': Zerret Users Rise to Defend Fraud Suspects". Decatur Herald . Vol. 69, no. 231. Associated Press. September 30, 1948. p. 10. Retrieved November 10, 2024 via
  17. 1 2 3 "'Healer' Called Only Dirt And Water In Trial". Chicago Daily Tribune . Vol. CIX, no. 113. May 12, 1950. pp. 2–6. ISSN   1085-6706 . Retrieved November 10, 2024 via
  18. 1 2 3 "Health Device Useless, Expert Says At Trial". Chicago Daily Tribune . Vol. CIX, no. 118. May 16, 1950. p. 10. ISSN   1085-6706 . Retrieved November 10, 2024 via
  19. "3 Doctors Deny Healing Device Aided Patients". Chicago Daily Tribune . Vol. CIX, no. 114. May 13, 1950. p. 8. ISSN   1085-6706 . Retrieved November 10, 2024 via
  20. 1 2 U. S. v. William R. Ferguson (Ferguson's Zerret Applicator), and Mary A. Stanakis, 3157 (N.D. Ill.November 1950).
  21. Saliba 1995, p. 48.
  22. 1 2 3 4 5 "Cosmic Circle to Meet Fridays". San Francisco Examiner . November 12, 1960. p. 12. ISSN   2574-593X . Retrieved October 25, 2024 via
  23. 1 2 "Coincidence? Saucers in Poconos Tied to Conference?". Sunday Call-Chronicle . No. 1884. Allentown. September 15, 1957. p. 19. ISSN   2641-3825 . Retrieved October 25, 2024 via
  24. 1 2 3 4 Lewis 2000, p. 92.
  25. 1 2 Melton & Eberhart 1995, p. 253.
  26. 1 2 "Fellowship Plans Sunrise Function". Daily Independent Journal . Vol. 112, no. 20. San Rafael. April 14, 1972. p. 4. ISSN   0891-5164 . Retrieved October 25, 2024 via
  27. 1 2 Saliba 1995, p. 45.
  28. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Schutz 1980, p. 340.

Works cited