Dan McKenzie (geophysicist)

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Dan McKenzie
Born (1942-02-21) 21 February 1942 (age 82)
Alma mater King's College, Cambridge, (BA 1963, PhD 1966)
Awards A.G. Huntsman Award (1980)
Balzan Prize (1981)
Wollaston Medal (1983)
Japan Prize (1990)
Royal Medal (1991)
Copley Medal (2011)
William Bowie Medal (2001)
Crafoord Prize (2002)
Scientific career
Fields Geophysics
Institutions University of Cambridge
Thesis The shape of the earth  (1967)
Doctoral advisor Teddy Bullard

Dan Peter McKenzie CH FRS (born 21 February 1942) is a Professor of Geophysics at the University of Cambridge, and one-time head of the Bullard Laboratories of the Cambridge Department of Earth Sciences. He wrote the first paper defining the mathematical principles of plate tectonics on a sphere, and his early work on mantle convection created the modern discussion of planetary interiors.


Early life

Born in Cheltenham, the son of an ear, nose, and throat surgeon, [1] he first attended Westminster Under School and later Westminster School, London.

Education and career

McKenzie attended King's College, Cambridge where he read physics, obtaining a 2:1 in his final degree. [1]

As a graduate student, he worked with Edward "Teddy" Bullard who suggested he work on the subject of thermodynamic variables. He was awarded a Research Fellowship at King's College at the beginning of his second year which enabled him to study anything he wanted. As such, he gave up doing what Teddy had suggested and became interested in how the interior of the earth convects, something completely speculative at that time. McKenzie taught himself fluid mechanics and then went to the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, on the invitation of Freeman Gilbert and Walter Munk. After eight months he returned to Cambridge, submitting his PhD in 1966. He has since said that nothing in his early life as a scientist had such a profound effect on him as those eight months in California. [2]

Plate tectonics

Spending time between Cambridge and a Fellowship held in Caltech, McKenzie was invited, along with Teddy Bullard, to a conference in New York which initiated his revolutionary work on plate tectonics. After listening to separate talks from Fred Vine on plate tectonics, [3] looking at the thermal structure of oceanic plates as they formed and cooled. [1]

Following this, he published a seminal paper with Bob Parker, [4] which employed Euler's Fixed Point Theorem, in conjunction with magnetic anomalies and earthquakes to determine a precise mathematical theory on plate tectonics. This work was published some 3–4 months after the same work had been carried out by Jason Morgan at Princeton. Allegations were subsequently made suggesting that McKenzie was at Morgan's spring AGU talk where he presented his plate tectonics work. [1] Later in 1968 he went to Princeton where he found that he and Morgan had solved two or three problems using identical mathematics in exactly the same way – plate tectonics was one, another was the thermal structure of the oceans and another was looking at earthquake mechanisms in a different way to seismologists. [1]

Working with John Sclater, McKenzie determined the entire geological history of the Indian Ocean, the publication [5] of which eventually resulted in them both receiving Fellowships at the Royal Society.

Mantle convection and sedimentary basins

McKenzie was awarded a University position and took it up in 1969. At this point he decided to move away from plate tectonics, choosing instead to focus on the behavior of fluids below the plates. He studied cellular convection and motions in the mantle whilst at the same time pursuing yet another new avenue of research; the development of sedimentary basins. It was from this work that he produced a classic paper [6] that has been widely accepted by oil companies as the "McKenzie Model of Sedimentary Basins." [1]

McKenzie was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1976 aged just 34, and by 1978 was awarded a University Readership position.

Later career

McKenzie continues to work at the Bullard Laboratories in Cambridge where he is Professor of Earth Science. Most recently his research has provided new insights into the tectonic evolution of Mars and Venus. In 2002 he was awarded the prestigious Crafoord Prize from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for his contributions to research in the field of plate tectonics, sedimentary basin formation and mantle melting. With his appointment as a Member of the Order of the Companions of Honour in 2003, he brought the then current Cambridge membership of this elite group to four: Brenner, McKenzie, Hobsbawm and Hawking. He also served on the Physical Sciences jury for the Infosys Prize from 2009 to 2011.

Selected bibliography


Related Research Articles

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Slab pull is a geophysical mechanism whereby the cooling and subsequent densifying of a subducting tectonic plate produces a downward force along the rest of the plate. In 1975 Forsyth and Uyeda used the inverse theory method to show that, of the many forces likely to be driving plate motion, slab pull was the strongest. Plate motion is partly driven by the weight of cold, dense plates sinking into the mantle at oceanic trenches. This force and slab suction account for almost all of the force driving plate tectonics. The ridge push at rifts contributes only 5 to 10%.

The evolution of tectonophysics is closely linked to the history of the continental drift and plate tectonics hypotheses. The continental drift/ Airy-Heiskanen isostasy hypothesis had many flaws and scarce data. The fixist/ Pratt-Hayford isostasy, the contracting Earth and the expanding Earth concepts had many flaws as well.

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The evolution of tectonophysics is closely linked to the history of the continental drift and plate tectonics hypotheses. The continental drift/ Airy-Heiskanen isostasy hypothesis had many flaws and scarce data. The fixist/ Pratt-Hayford isostasy, the contracting Earth and the expanding Earth concepts had many flaws as well.

Lid tectonics, commonly thought of as stagnant lid tectonics or single lid tectonics, is the type of tectonics that is believed to exist on several silicate planets and moons in the Solar System, and possibly existed on Earth during the very early part of its history. The lid is the equivalent of the lithosphere, formed of solid silicate minerals. The relative stability and immobility of the strong cooler lids leads to stagnant lid tectonics, which has greatly reduced amounts of horizontal tectonics compared with plate tectonics. The presence of a stagnant lid above a convecting mantle was recognised as a possible stable regime for convection on Earth, in contrast to the well-attested mobile plate tectonics of the current eon.

Alik Ismail-Zadeh is a mathematical geophysicist known for his contribution to computational geodynamics and natural hazard studies, pioneering work on data assimilation in geodynamics as well as for outstanding service to the Earth and space science community. He is Senior Research Fellow at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany.

Dietmar Müller is a professor of geophysics at the school of geosciences, the University of Sydney.

The depth of the seafloor on the flanks of a mid-ocean ridge is determined mainly by the age of the oceanic lithosphere; older seafloor is deeper. During seafloor spreading, lithosphere and mantle cooling, contraction, and isostatic adjustment with age cause seafloor deepening. This relationship has come to be better understood since around 1969 with significant updates in 1974 and 1977. Two main theories have been put forward to explain this observation: one where the mantle including the lithosphere is cooling; the cooling mantle model, and a second where a lithosphere plate cools above a mantle at a constant temperature; the cooling plate model. The cooling mantle model explains the age-depth observations for seafloor younger than 80 million years. The cooling plate model explains the age-depth observations best for seafloor older that 20 million years. In addition, the cooling plate model explains the almost constant depth and heat flow observed in very old seafloor and lithosphere. In practice it is convenient to use the solution for the cooling mantle model for an age-depth relationship younger than 20 million years. Older than this the cooling plate model fits data as well. Beyond 80 million years the plate model fits better than the mantle model.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Marine geophysics</span>

Marine geophysics is the scientific discipline that employs methods of geophysics to study the world's ocean basins and continental margins, particularly the solid earth beneath the ocean. It shares objectives with marine geology, which uses sedimentological, paleontological, and geochemical methods. Marine geophysical data analyses led to the theories of seafloor spreading and plate tectonics.


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Macfarlane, A. & Harrison, S. (2007) "An interview with McKenzie". dspace.cam.ac.uk
  2. American Geophysical Union. "McKenzie Receives 2001 William Bowie Medal"
  3. McKenzie, D. (1966). "The viscosity of the lower mantle". Journal of Geophysical Research. 71 (16): 3995–4010. Bibcode:1966JGR....71.3995M. doi:10.1029/JZ071i016p03995.
  4. McKenzie, D.; Parker, R. L. (1967). "The North Pacific: An Example of Tectonics on a Sphere". Nature. 216 (5122): 1276. Bibcode:1967Natur.216.1276M. doi:10.1038/2161276a0. S2CID   4193218.
  5. McKenzie, D.; Sclater, J. G. (1971). "The Evolution of the Indian Ocean since the Late Cretaceous". Geophysical Journal International. 24 (5): 437. Bibcode:1971GeoJ...24..437M. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1971.tb02190.x .
  6. McKenzie, D. (1978). "Some remarks on the development of sedimentary basins". Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 40 (1): 25–32. Bibcode:1978E&PSL..40...25M. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1016/0012-821X(78)90071-7.
  7. 1 2 3 "Dan McKenzie | Royal Society". royalsociety.org. Retrieved 12 June 2021.
  8. Laureates of the Japan Prize. japanprize.jp