Entomophaga grylli | |
Scientific classification ![]() | |
Domain: | Eukaryota |
Kingdom: | Fungi |
Division: | Entomophthoromycota |
Class: | Entomophthoromycetes |
Order: | Entomophthorales |
Family: | Entomophthoraceae |
Genus: | Entomophaga |
Species: | E. grylli |
Binomial name | |
Entomophaga grylli Fresenius | |
Entomophaga grylli is a fungal pathogen which infects and kills grasshoppers. It is the causal agent of one of the most widespread diseases affecting grasshoppers. This is sometimes known as summit disease because infected insects climb to the upper part of a plant and grip the tip of the stem as they die; this ensures widespread dispersal of the fungal spores. [1] The fungus is a species complex with several different pathotypes, each one of which seems to be host-specific to different subfamilies of grasshoppers. The pathogen is being investigated for its possible use in biological pest control of grasshoppers.
Entomophaga grylli is a species complex which in North America includes the pathotypes E. macleodii and E. calopteni, and in Australia E. praxibuli. The different pathotypes can be distinguished by the formation or lack of formation of primary conidia, the size and the number of nuclei in the conidia, their isozyme profiles, the host species involved, and the geographical range in which they are found. They all attack grasshoppers, but it is not known whether all grasshopper species are susceptible to infection. [2] Each pathotype seems to be host-specific to certain grasshopper subfamilies. [3]
Entomophaga calopteni only produces resting spores, which are available to infect grasshoppers the following year. E. macleodii and E. praxibuli produce both resting spores and asexual conidia. Large numbers of conidia are produced under wet, humid conditions, and several cycles of infection can then occur in a single season. [2] After landing on a potential host, a conidium produces a germ tube which can grow through the cuticle into the hemocoel; once there, it produces amoeboid protoplasts. These are cells without cell walls and seem to elude the insect's immune system. They multiply and kill the host. In some members of the species complex, they develop hyphae with cell walls and grow through the cuticle, producing conidiophores and infective conidia. In these and other members of the species complex, they also have an intermediate stage producing resting spores with cell walls. [4]
After the insect cadaver has fallen to the ground, the resting spores overwinter in the soil. A portion of them germinate in the spring, producing other spores that are forcibly ejected from the soil, landing on low vegetation where they come into contact with grasshoppers. They penetrate through the cuticle, proliferate and develop rapidly, the infected insect dying within about one week. At an advanced stage of the disease, an infected individual climbs to the top of a plant and dies with its limbs gripping the stem and its head pointing upwards. Some resting spores remain dormant in the soil for two or more years. [1] [5] Epizootic outbreaks of disease in grasshopper populations in North America have been attributed to E. grylli but are usually localised and sporadic rather than widespread. [2] They have been credited with ending many outbreaks of grasshopper species over the decades. [1]
In western Canada and the western United States, grasshoppers are estimated to cause over $400 million economic damage each year to crops and rangeland. From 1986 to 1992 an integrated pest management program was initiated by the United States Department of Agriculture and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to attempt to control grasshopper numbers without the use of vast quantities of insecticide. The inclusion of the E. grylli complex in the program was investigated. A disadvantage to its use is that, unlike entomopathogens such as Metarhizium acridum , the fungus cannot be mass-produced and its effectiveness depends on the weather conditions (more grasshoppers are infected in warm, moist conditions). [2]
Attempts to control grasshoppers with this fungus have been largely ineffective; insects can be successfully infected by injecting them with the pathogen, but introduction of North American pathotypes into Australia and vice versa have failed to establish long term infections. The pathogen has potential for biological control of grasshoppers but more research is needed. [1]
Ascomycota is a phylum of the kingdom Fungi that, together with the Basidiomycota, forms the subkingdom Dikarya. Its members are commonly known as the sac fungi or ascomycetes. It is the largest phylum of Fungi, with over 64,000 species. The defining feature of this fungal group is the "ascus", a microscopic sexual structure in which nonmotile spores, called ascospores, are formed. However, some species of Ascomycota are asexual and thus do not form asci or ascospores. Familiar examples of sac fungi include morels, truffles, brewers' and bakers' yeast, dead man's fingers, and cup fungi. The fungal symbionts in the majority of lichens such as Cladonia belong to the Ascomycota.
Texas root rot is a disease that is fairly common in Mexico and the southwestern United States resulting in sudden wilt and death of affected plants, usually during the warmer months. It is caused by a soil-borne fungus named Phymatotrichopsis omnivora that attacks the roots of susceptible plants. It was first discovered in 1888 by Pammel and later named by Duggar in 1916.
An entomopathogenic fungus is a fungus that can kill or seriously disable insects. They do not need to enter an insect's body through oral ingestion or intake; rather, they directly penetrate though the exoskeleton.
Thielaviopsis basicola is the plant-pathogen fungus responsible for black root rot disease. This particular disease has a large host range, affecting woody ornamentals, herbaceous ornamentals, agronomic crops, and even vegetable crops. Examples of susceptible hosts include petunia, pansy, poinsettia, tobacco, cotton, carrot, lettuce, tomato, and others. Symptoms of this disease resemble nutrient deficiency but are truly a result of the decaying root systems of plants. Common symptoms include chlorotic lower foliage, yellowing of plant, stunting or wilting, and black lesions along the roots. The lesions along the roots may appear red at first, getting darker and turning black as the disease progresses. Black root lesions that begin in the middle of a root can also spread further along the roots in either direction. Due to the nature of the pathogen, the disease can easily be identified by the black lesions along the roots, especially when compared to healthy roots. The black lesions that appear along the roots are a result of the formation of chlamydospores, resting spores of the fungus that contribute to its pathogenicity. The chlamydospores are a dark brown-black color and cause the "discoloration" of the roots when they are produced in large amounts.
Nectria cinnabarina, also known as coral spot, is a plant pathogen that causes cankers on broadleaf trees. This disease is polycyclic and infects trees in the cool temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. N. cinnabarina is typically saprophytic, but will act as a weak parasite if presented with an opportunity via wounds in the tree or other stressors that weaken the tree's defense to the disease. A study published in 2011 showed that this complex consists of at least 4 distinct species. There are only a few ways to manage this disease with techniques such as sanitation and pruning away branches that have the cankers. N. cinnabarina is not as significant a problem as other Nectria spp., some of which are the most important pathogens to infect hardwood trees.
Alternaria triticina is a fungal plant pathogen that causes leaf blight on wheat. A. triticina is responsible for the largest leaf blight issue in wheat and also causes disease in other major cereal grain crops. It was first identified in India in 1962 and still causes significant yield loss to wheat crops on the Indian subcontinent. The disease is caused by a fungal pathogen and causes necrotic leaf lesions and in severe cases shriveling of the leaves.
Ascochyta pisi is a fungal plant pathogen that causes ascochyta blight on pea, causing lesions of stems, leaves, and pods. These same symptoms can also be caused by Ascochyta pinodes, and the two fungi are not easily distinguishable.
Colletotrichum lindemuthianum is a fungus which causes anthracnose, or black spot disease, of the common bean plant. It is considered a hemibiotrophic pathogen because it spends part of its infection cycle as a biotroph, living off of the host but not harming it, and the other part as a necrotroph, killing and obtaining nutrients from the host tissues.
Massospora cicadina is a fungal pathogen that infects only 13 and 17 year periodical cicadas. Infection results in a "plug" of spores that replaces the end of the cicada's abdomen while it is still alive, leading to infertility, disease transmission, and eventual death of the cicada.
Entomophthora is a fungal genus in the family Entomophthoraceae. Species in this genus are parasitic on flies and other two-winged insects. The genus was circumscribed by German physician Johann Baptist Georg Wolfgang Fresenius (1808–1866) in 1856.
Entomophthora muscae is a species of pathogenic fungus in the order Entomophthorales which causes a fatal disease in flies. It can cause epizootic outbreaks of disease in houseflies and has been investigated as a potential biological control agent.
The Ancylistaceae are a family of fungi in the order Entomophthorales. The family currently contains 3 genera: Ancylistes, Macrobiotophthora, Conidiobolus. Capillidium was added in 2020, it was once thought to be a sub-genus of Conidiobolus. Microconidiobolus and Neoconidiobolus were also added in 2020.
Entomophaga maimaiga is a Japanese fungus which has shown striking success in managing spongy moth populations in North America.
Zoophthora is a genus of fungi in the family Entomophthoraceae. Like other taxa in this family, Zoophthora species cause disease in insects and as such are considered entomopathogenic fungi.
Banana freckle is a disease caused by the fungus Guignardia musae (teleomorph) or Phyllosticta musarum (anamorph). Generally, the causal agent of disease is referred to as Guignardia-Phyllosticta sp. There are several different strains of the fungus that exist to infect different banana varieties around the globe. Symptoms include yellowing of the tissue and formation of small dark brown spots on the leaves and fruit. Within the spots, conidia or pycnidia can be found. Banana freckle is easily propagated and spread from plant to plant by rain splash and movement of infected tissue or fruit. Management of the disease consists of cutting out infected leaves, using the paper bag method, fungicide application, and proper sanitation techniques it can be stopped by applying vegeta to it. This devastating disease is extremely relevant for the major banana exporting countries of the world. In the absence of chemical control, there is about a 78% yield loss. Banana freckle disease needs to be carefully monitored in order to prevent further spread of the disease.
Verticillium nonalfalfae is a soilborne fungus in the order Hypocreales. It causes verticillium wilt in some plant species, particularly Ailanthus altissima. The fungus produces a resting mycelium characterized by brown-pigmented hyphae. It is most closely related to V. dahliae and V. alfalfae.
Alternaria brassicicola is a fungal necrotrophic plant pathogen that causes black spot disease on a wide range of hosts, particularly in the genus of Brassica, including a number of economically important crops such as cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, oilseeds, broccoli and canola. Although mainly known as a significant plant pathogen, it also contributes to various respiratory allergic conditions such as asthma and rhinoconjunctivitis. Despite the presence of mating genes, no sexual reproductive stage has been reported for this fungus. In terms of geography, it is most likely to be found in tropical and sub-tropical regions, but also in places with high rain and humidity such as Poland. It has also been found in Taiwan and Israel. Its main mode of propagation is vegetative. The resulting conidia reside in the soil, air and water. These spores are extremely resilient and can overwinter on crop debris and overwintering herbaceous plants.
Strongwellsea is a genus of fungi within the order Entomophthorales of the Zygomycota. They are known to infect insects. Infected adult dipteran hosts develop a large hole in their abdomens, through which conidia (spores) are then actively discharged while the hosts are still alive.
Furia is a genus of fungi within the family of Entomophthoraceae. This has been supported by molecular phylogenetic analysis.
Meristacrum is a fungal genus in the monotypic family Meristacraceae, of the order Entomophthorales. They are parasites of soil invertebrates, they typically infect nematodes, and tardigrades.