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In mathematics, especially in topology, equidimensionality is a property of a space that the local dimension is the same everywhere. [1]


Definition (topology)

A topological space X is said to be equidimensional if for all points p in X, the dimension at p, that is dim p(X), is constant. The Euclidean space is an example of an equidimensional space. The disjoint union of two spaces X and Y (as topological spaces) of different dimension is an example of a non-equidimensional space.

Definition (algebraic geometry)

A scheme S is said to be equidimensional if every irreducible component has the same Krull dimension. For example, the affine scheme Spec k[x,y,z]/(xy,xz), which intuitively looks like a line intersecting a plane, is not equidimensional.

Cohen–Macaulay ring

An affine algebraic variety whose coordinate ring is a Cohen–Macaulay ring is equidimensional. [2] [ clarification needed ]

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In algebraic geometry, the dimension of a scheme is a generalization of a dimension of an algebraic variety. Scheme theory emphasizes the relative point of view and, accordingly, the relative dimension of a morphism of schemes is also important.


  1. Wirthmüller, Klaus. A Topology Primer: Lecture Notes 2001/2002 (PDF). p. 90. Archived (PDF) from the original on 29 June 2020.
  2. Sawant, Anand P. Hartshorne's Connectedness Theorem (PDF). p. 3. Archived from the original (PDF) on 24 June 2015.