Grape reaction product

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Grape reaction product
IUPAC name
2-[(E)-3-[3-[2-[(4-amino-4-carboxybutanoyl)amino]-3-(carboxymethylamino)-3-oxopropyl]sulfanyl-4,5-dihydroxyphenyl]prop-2-enoyl]oxy-3-hydroxybutanedioic acid
Other names
2-S-Glutathionyl caftaric acid
3D model (JSmol)
PubChem CID
  • InChI=1S/C23H27N3O15S/c24-10(21(35)36)2-3-14(28)26-11(20(34)25-7-15(29)30)8-42-13-6-9(5-12(27)17(13)32)1-4-16(31)41-19(23(39)40)18(33)22(37)38/h1,4-6,10-11,18-19,27,32-33H,2-3,7-8,24H2,(H,25,34)(H,26,28)(H,29,30)(H,35,36)(H,37,38)(H,39,40)/b4-1+
  • Oc1cc(cc(c1O)SCC(NC(=O)CCC(N)C(=O)O)C(=O)NCC(O)=O)\C=C\C(=O)OC(C(O)=O)C(O)C(O)=O
Molar mass 617.54 g·mol−1
Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa).
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The grape reaction product (GRP, GRP1 or 2-S-glutathionyl caftaric acid [1] ) is a phenolic compound explaining the disappearance of caftaric acid from grape must during processing. [2] It is also found in aged red wines. [3] Its enzymatic production by polyphenol oxidase is important in limiting the browning of musts, [4] especially in white wine production. The product can be recreated in model solutions. [5] [6]


Determining its concentration in wine is possible by mass spectrometry. [7]

S-Glutathionyl caftaric acid is itself oxidizable. [8] It is not a substrate for grape polyphenol oxidase, but laccase from Botrytis cinerea can use it to form GRP2. [9]

Other related molecules are trans-caffeoyltartrate derivatives like GRP o-quinone [10] and 2,5-di-S-glutathionyl cafteoyl tartrate (GRP2) [11] or adducts with anthocyanidins. [12]

Caftaric acid UV visible spectrum GRP UV visible spectrum.png
Caftaric acid UV visible spectrum

See also

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  6. Veronique Cheynier; Jorge M. Ricardo da Silva (1991). "Oxidation of grape procyanidins in model solutions containing trans-caffeoyltartaric acid and polyphenol oxidase". J. Agric. Food Chem. 39 (6): 1047–1049. doi:10.1021/jf00006a008.
  7. Straightforward Method To Quantify GSH, GSSG, GRP, and Hydroxycinnamic Acids in Wines by UPLC-MRM-MS. Anna Vallverdú-Queralt, Arnaud Verbaere, Emmanuelle Meudec, Veronique Cheynier and Nicolas Sommerer, J. Agric. Food Chem. 2015, 63, 142−149, doi : 10.1021/jf504383g
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  11. Véronique Cheynier; Jacques Rigaud; Michel Moutounet (1990). "Oxidation kinetics of trans-caffeoyltartrate and its glutathione derivatives in grape musts". Phytochemistry. 29 (6): 1751–1753. doi:10.1016/0031-9422(90)85008-4.
  12. Petros Kneknopoulos; George K. Skouroumounis; Yoji Hayasaka; Dennis K. Taylor (2011). "New Phenolic Grape Skin Products from Vitis vinifera cv. Pinot Noir". J. Agric. Food Chem. 59 (3): 1005–1011. doi:10.1021/jf103682x. PMID   21214245.