Legal debate

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A legal debate is a discussion between lawyers, legal academics, jurists, politicians, and others who might have interest or expertise in the law, about a particular legal issue.


Legal debates can take many forms, and do not necessarily need to be in person. Most take place on paper—judges within a court, for example, might debate each other. Legal debates include:

Debates between judges

Judges debate face-to-face during judicial conferences, but more often by issuing written opinions. U.S. Supreme Court decisions present a prominent example. Antonin Scalia published many dissents. These debates typically often centered around the proper means of interpreting federal statutes or the Constitution.

Debate between politicians

An example of this debate is that between the President of the United States and the United States Congress over the ability of the executive power to issue warrantless wiretaps. The legal debate at issue is the scope of executive power vis-a-vis other branches of government.

Societal debate

Societies debate the legal order. Elections may trigger legal debates, as happened in the US 2000 Presidential election in Bush v. Gore.

Debates in Western societies address broad themes, including:

In the United States, legal debates include:

See also

  1. "The Abortion Debate: Finding a Forum". Policy Today. 2006-06-01. Retrieved 2008-02-23.
  2. Godoy, Maria (2008-02-23). "NSA Wiretapping: The Legal Debate". National Public Radio . Retrieved 2008-02-23.

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