List of Dhaka Metro Rail stations

Last updated

Dhaka MRT Network (en).svg
Network map of Dhaka Metro Rail

The Dhaka Metro Rail is a mass rapid transit system serving Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. It is owned and operated by the Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited. [1] Together with a proposed subway system it is expected to reduce traffic congestion in the city. It is part of the Strategic Transport Plan outlined by the Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority. [2]


The network is planned to contain six lines, with the first section of MRT Line 6 commencing commercial operations on 29 December 2022, and the other lines being either in planning or under construction. [3] [4] The construction of MRT Line 6's second section is scheduled to be completed during 2023. [5] The third phase, which will have an interchange with Line 1, Line 2 and Line 4, is set to be completed by 2026. [6] [7] [8] Further expansion of MRT Line 6 is planned, with the hope of extending it towards Tongi in Gazipur metropolitan and Savar Upazila. The fares range from minimum ৳20 to maximum ৳100 (for MRT line 6). Passengers can get 10% discount for paying fares on either MRT pass or Rapid Pass. Each of the cards has same facilities. [9]


Line(s)Number of StationsPlanned StationsStructureOpening date
102112 underground
9 elevated
5029Under Ground and ElevatedUnknown

Operational stations

Terminal station
*Transfer station
††Transfer station to Airport / Bangladesh Railway / Dhaka BRT

The list gives only operational stations, alphabetically-

CodeStation NameLineOpenedLayoutPlatform LayoutNotesRefs
English Bengali
G9 Agargaon আগারগাঁও  MRT Line 6  29 December 2022ElevatedIsland [10]
G15 Bangladesh Secretariat বাংলাদেশ সচিবালয়  MRT Line 6  5 December 2023ElevatedIsland [11]
G10 Bijoy Sarani বিজয় সরণি  MRT Line 6  13 December 2023ElevatedSide [12]
G14 Dhaka University ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়  MRT Line 6  13 December 2023ElevatedSide [13]
G11 Farmgate ফার্মগেট  MRT Line 6  5 December 2023ElevatedIsland [14]
G12 Karwan Bazar *কারওয়ান বাজার  MRT Line 6  31 December 2023ElevatedIsland [15]
G7 Kazipara কাজীপাড়া  MRT Line 6  15 March 2023ElevatedSide [16]
G6 Mirpur 10 *মিরপুর ১০  MRT Line 6  1 March 2023ElevatedSide [17]
G5 Mirpur 11 মিরপুর ১১  MRT Line 6  15 March 2023ElevatedSide [18]
G16 Motijheel মতিঝিল  MRT Line 6  5 December 2023ElevatedSide [19]
G4 Pallabi পল্লবী  MRT Line 6  25 January 2023ElevatedSide [20]
G13 Shahbagh শাহবাগ  MRT Line 6  31

December 2023

ElevatedIsland [21]
G8 Shewrapara শেওড়াপাড়া  MRT Line 6  31 March 2023ElevatedSide [22]
G2 Uttara Center উত্তরা সেন্টার  MRT Line 6  18 February 2023ElevatedSide [23]
G1 Uttara Northউত্তরা উত্তর  MRT Line 6  29 December 2022ElevatedSide
G3 Uttara South উত্তরা দক্ষিণ  MRT Line 6  31 March 2023ElevatedSide

Proposed and under-construction stations

MRT Line 1

Station NameStatusLayoutNotesRefs
English Bengali
Aftabnagar *আফতাবনগরUnder constructionUndergroundPart of the Airport route
Airport বিমানবন্দরUnder constructionUndergroundPart of the Airport route
Airport Terminal 3 বিমানবন্দর টার্মিনাল ৩Under constructionUndergroundPart of the Airport route
Badda বাড্ডাUnder constructionUndergroundPart of the Airport route
Boalia বোয়ালিয়াUnder constructionElevatedPart of the Purbachal route
Joar Sahara জোয়ার সাহারাUnder constructionElevatedPart of the Purbachal route
Kamalapur *কমলাপুরUnder constructionElevatedPart of the Airport route
Khilkhet খিলক্ষেতUnder constructionUndergroundPart of the Airport route
Malibagh মালিবাগUnder constructionUndergroundPart of the Airport route
Mostul মস্তুলUnder constructionElevatedPart of the Purbachal route
Nadda নদ্দাUnder constructionUndergroundPart of the Airport and Purbachal routes
North Badda উত্তর বাড্ডাUnder constructionUndergroundPart of the Airport and Purbachal routes
Notun Bazar *নতুন বাজারUnder constructionUndergroundPart of the Airport route
Purbachal Central পূর্বাচল মধ্যUnder constructionElevatedPart of the Purbachal route
Purbachal East পূর্বাচল পূর্বUnder constructionElevatedPart of the Purbachal route
Purbachal Terminal পূর্বাচল টার্মিনালUnder constructionElevatedPart of the Purbachal route
Purbachal West পূর্বাচল পশ্চিমUnder constructionElevatedPart of the Purbachal route
Rajarbagh রাজারবাগUnder constructionUndergroundPart of the Airport route
Rampura রামপুরাUnder constructionUndergroundPart of the Airport route

MRT Line 2

Station NameStatusLayoutNotesRefs
English Bengali
Azimpur আজিমপুরPlannedPart of the main line
Bhuighar ভুইঘরPlannedPart of the main line
Dakshingaon দক্ষিণগাঁওPlannedPart of the main line
Dhaka Medical College ঢাকা মেডিকেল কলেজPlannedPart of the main line
Dhaka Uddyan ঢাকা উদ্যানPlannedPart of the main line
Dhamripara ধামড়িপাড়াPlannedPart of the main line
Gabtoli *গাবতলীPlannedPart of the main line
Golap Shah Mazar গোলাপ শাহ মাজারPlannedPart of the branch line
Gulistan গুলিস্তানPlannedPart of the main and branch lines
Jalkury জালকুড়িPlannedPart of the main line
Jhigatola ঝিগাতলাPlannedPart of the main line
Kamalapur *কমলাপুরPlannedPart of the main line
Manda মান্ডাPlannedPart of the main line
Mohammadpur মোহাম্মদপুরPlannedPart of the main line
Motijheel *মতিঝিলPlannedPart of the main line
Narayanganj নারায়ণগঞ্জPlannedPart of the main line
Nayabazar নয়াবাজারPlannedPart of the branch line
New Market নিউ মার্কেটPlannedPart of the main line
Palashi পলাশীPlannedPart of the main line
Sadarghat সদরঘাটPlannedPart of the branch line
Science Lab সায়েন্স ল্যাবPlannedPart of the main line
Signboard *সাইনবোর্ডPlannedPart of the main line

MRT Line 4

Station NameStatusLayoutNotesRefs
English Bengali
Chittagong Road চট্টগ্রাম রোডPlanned
Jatrabari যাত্রাবাড়ীPlanned
Kamalapur *কমলাপুরPlanned
Kanchpur কাঁচপুরPlanned
Madanpur মদনপুরPlanned
Sayedabad সায়েদাবাদPlanned
Signboard *সাইনবোর্ডPlanned
Shonir Akhra শনির আখড়াPlanned

MRT Line 5

Station NameStatusLayoutNotesRefs
English Bengali
Aftabnagar আফতাবনগরPlannedUnderground Southern Route
Aftabnagar Centre আফতাবনগর সেন্টারPlannedElevated Southern Route
Aftabnagar East আফতাবনগর পশ্চিমPlannedElevated Southern Route
Amin Bazar আমিনবাজারPlannedElevated Northern Route
Asad Gate আসাদ গেটPlannedUnderground Southern Route
Baliarpur বালিয়ারপুরPlannedElevated Northern Route
Banani বনানীPlannedUnderground Northern Route
Bilamalia বিলামালিয়াPlannedElevated Northern Route
College Gate কলেজ গেটPlannedUnderground Southern Route
Darus Salam দারুস সালামPlannedUnderground Northern Route
Dasherkandi দাশেরকান্দিPlannedElevated Southern Route
Gabtoli *গাবতলীPlannedUnderground Northern and Southern Route
Gulshan 2 গুলশান ২PlannedUnderground Northern Route
Hatirjheel হাতিরঝিলPlannedUnderground Southern Route
Hemayetpur হেমায়েতপুরPlannedElevated Northern Route
Kallyanpur কল্যাণপুরPlannedUnderground Southern Route
Karwan Bazar *কারওয়ান বাজারOpened for MRT Line 6 Underground Southern Route
Kochukhet কচুক্ষেতPlannedUnderground Northern Route
Mirpur 1 মিরপুর ১PlannedUnderground Northern Route
Mirpur 10 *মিরপুর ১০Opened for MRT Line 6 Underground Northern Route
Mirpur 14 মিরপুর ১৪PlannedUnderground Northern Route
Nasirabad নাসিরাবাদPlannedElevated Southern Route
Notun Bazar *নতুন বাজারPlannedUnderground Northern Route
Russel Square রাসেল স্কয়ারPlannedUnderground Southern Route
Shyamoli শ্যামলীPlannedUnderground Southern Route
Technical টেকনিক্যালPlannedUnderground Southern Route
Tejgaon তেজগাঁওPlannedUnderground Southern Route
Vatara ভাটারাPlannedElevated Northern Route

MRT Line 6

Kamalapur Under construction


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