List of angels in theology

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Archangel Michael defeating the Archdemon Satan. Guido Reni 031.jpg
Archangel Michael defeating the Archdemon Satan.

This is a list of angels in religion, theology, astrology and magic, including both specific angels (e.g., Gabriel) and types of angels (e.g., seraphim).



NameAlternate NamesReligion(s)TypeDomain(s)
Abatur Abatur Rama, Abatur Muzania, Ancient of Days, Third Life, Yawar, Bhaq Ziwa Mandaeism Uthra Father of the Uthras
Abaddon Apollyon Judaism, Christianity, Islam Thrones, Watcher, ArchangelLord of the bottomless pit
Abdiel Christianity
Adathan MandaeismUthraGuardian of the "first river", stands at the Gate of Life
Adriel AdvachielChristianity, Judaism Guardian Angel, ArchangelMy help is God, of God's flock, Angel of Sagittarius
Agiel ZazelChristianity, Judaism, IslamArchangel, Seraph The Intelligence Angels of all kinds, Guardian Angel of Saturn
Ananiel ChristianityWatcherStorm of God, Angel of water, guard of the gates of the South Wind [1]
Anush MandaeismUthraTeacher of John the Baptist, miracle worker in Jerusalem
Arakiel Araciel, Arakiba, Araqael, Araqiel, Aretstikapha, Arkas, Arkiel, Arqael, Sarquael Christianity, Judaism Watcher, ArchangelEarth of God
Arariel AzarielJudaismAngel of rivers, waters of the earth
Ariel Christianity, JudaismArchangelLioness of God, Angel of nature elements
Armaros Armoni, ArmonielChristianity, JudaismWatcherAngel of deceit
Artiya'il Islam Removes human grief, sadness and anxiety
Asbeel Christianity Fallen angel, WatcherAngel of destruction
Azazel Azazil (Arabic), Lucifer (Christianity),

sometimes identified with Samael (Judaism)

Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Yazdânism Archangel, Cherub, Watcher, Ancestor of All-Jinns, Al-Wazrul Jannah.(Domains of Samael may also apply to)
Azrael Malʾak al-Mawt (Arabic)Islam, Early ChristianityThe Death Psychopomp
Barachiel Christianity, JudaismArchangel, chief of the guardian angelsGuardian Angels
Baraqiel Baraqel, BaraqijalChristianity, JudaismWatcher, ArchangelThunderstorm/Lightning
BarbielBarbuel, BarubielChristianity, JudaismArchangel, chief of the Fallen Angel[ citation needed ]Thunderstorm/Lightning
Beburos Christianity, Judaism, Islam Archangel[ citation needed ]Angel of the end of Earth
Bene Elohim (type)Sons of GodChristianity, Judaism(type)
Bezaliel Christianity, JudaismWatcher
Bihram Rabba Mandaeism Uthra Presides over the masbuta, or baptism ritual
Camael Cameel, Camiel, Caniel, Kamael, Kemuel, KhamaelChristianity, JudaismArchangel, leader of the Powers, one of the Dominions Strength, Courage, Compassion [ citation needed ]
Cambiel Cafziel, Cafzyel, CaphzielChristianity, Judaism, Orthodox Christianity [ citation needed ]Archangel, one of the Principalities Transformation, Metaphysics and a guardian Angel with a watcher named Tamiel
Cassiel Cassael, Casziel, KasielChristianity, Islam, JudaismArchangelSolitude, Tears
Chalkydri (type)KalkydraChristianity, Judaism(type)Carriers of the Sun's heat [2]
Chamuel Qafsiel, Qaphsiel, Qaspiel, Qephetzial, QuaphsielOrthodox Christianity,[ citation needed ] Islam, ChristianityArchangelSerenity and Devotion
Chazaqiel Christianity, JudaismWatcher
Cherubim (type) [note 1] Christianity, Islam, Judaism (type)
DadrailIslam, [3] Yazdânism Archangel (in Yazdanism)
Daniel DânêlChristianity, Judaism Watcher
Daveithai Sethianism Luminary
Dominions (type)KyriotetesChristianity, Judaism(type)Governors of the movements of celestial bodies [4]
Dumah Islam, JudaismSilence, the stillness of death, the wicked dead
Eleleth SethianismLuminary
Etinsib Ziwa Mandaeism UthraStarts battle against Nbaṭ
Fallen angels Judaism, Christianity(type)
Gabriel Jibreel (Arabic), sometimes Melek Taus Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Yazdânism, Yazidism Archangel, Cherubim[ citation needed ], one of the Seraphim[ citation needed ]Messenger, General of Military, Leader of All-Angels (in Islam), Destruction (in Judaism), God's Left Hand, Ruhul Quddus (in Islam), Ruhul Amin (in Islam), Seven Mysteries (Yazidism)
Gadreel Gadriel, GadrelChristianity, JudaismCherubim, Watcher
GamalielChristianity, Judaism Cherubim, ArchangelAngel of protection and strength, Angel of Cherubs, "recompense of God"
Gubran Gubran UthraMandaeismUthraHelps Nbaṭ lead a rebellion against Yushamin and his 21 sons
Hadraniel Hadrianiel Gnosticism, Judaism Gatekeeper of the Second Heavenly Gate [5]
Hahasiah Christianity, Judaism Principality
Hamalat al-Arsh (type)Bearers of the Throne Islam (type)Bearing the throne of God
HamalielChristianity, JudaismArchangel, leader of the Powers along with Archangel Gabriel as the subordinate [ citation needed ]Angel of Birth, Household and Harvest [ citation needed ]
Hanibal [ citation needed ] Ancient Mesopotamian religion Angel of the god Baal Hadad "Grace of Baal" or "Baal is Gracious"
Haniel Anael, Aniel, HanaelChristianity, JudaismArchangel, leader of the Principalities along with Archangel Netzach The Sephirah Netzach
Harmozel Sethianism Luminary
Harut IslamAngelSorcery
Hashmal [6] Christianity, Judaism Dominions
Hibil Ziwa Yawar Hibil Mandaeism Uthra Conquers the World of Darkness
Hutriel Christianity, JudaismAngel of Punishment"Rod of God"
IeshimIslam, Judaism, ChristianityAngel of God, Fallen angel
ImamiahChristianity, Judaism Principality
Israfil Israfel, Raphael (often associated) Islam ArchangelSignals the beginning of the Day of Judgment by blowing a horn three times
Jegudiel Jehudiel, JhudielChristianityArchangelResponsibility and merciful love
Jehoel [7] YahoelChristianity, JudaismSeraphRestraining Leviathan, [8] Fire [9]
Jequn [10] Yekun, Yaqum, YeqonChristianity, Islam, Judaism
Jerahmeel EremielChristianity, JudaismArchangel
Jophiel Iophiel, Iofiel, Jofiel, Yofiel, Youfiel, Zophiel, Zuriel, Dina Christianity, Judaism ArchangelWisdom, Understanding, and Judgment, Metatron's companion [11]
Kadkadael Yazdânism, Hinduism, Orthodox Islam Archangel, Guardian angelOne of heaven's guardian angel who followed the gatekeeper
Kalka'il Islam Fifth heaven
Kerubiel CherubielJudaismCherub
Kiraman Katibin Islam(type)Recorders of human thoughts, acts and feelings
Kokabiel Kabaiel, Kakabel, Kochab, Kochbiel, Kokbiel, Kokhabiel Christianity, Judaism Watcher
Kundaliel [ citation needed ]Christianity, Judaism, IslamArchangel, Thrones
Kushiel Christianity, JudaismAngel of Punishment"Rigid One of God"
Lailah Laylah, LelielJudaismNight, Conception
Malik IslamHellfire
MacroprosopusMach(k)ielChristianity, Judaism, Orthodox Christianity Dominions, Guardian angel of the sixth heaven"God of concealed form"
Malakbel Ancient Canaanite religion Angel of the god Bel "Messenger/Angel of Bel"; god of the Sun
Manda d-Hayyi Knowledge of Life, Yuzaṭaq Mandaeism Uthra Messenger to John the Baptist, bringer of manda (knowledge or gnosis) to Earth
Marfeil MandaeismUthraAppointed by Yawar Ziwa over the east to watch over Ur
Marut Islam AngelSorcery
Mastema Christianity, Judaism Naphil, angelDisasters
Matriel Ancient Canaanite religion, Judaism, Orthodox Islam, Orthodox Christians Seraph, Archangel of the overseers throne"Angel of rain, the rainstorm bringer"
Mebahiah Christianity, Judaism Principality
Tawûsî Melek Yazidism, Yarsanism ArchangelLord of this World and Leader of the Heptad
Metatron [12] Mitatrush, Enoch (as human according to some) [13] Islam, Christianity, JudaismArchangel,The Celestial Scribe
Michael Mi-ka-el (Hebrew), Mikhail (Arabic), Saint Michael the ArchangelChristianity, Islam, Judaism, Yazdânism, Bahai faith Archangel, Cherubim, one of the seraph [14] Second Command of Military (in Islam), Angel of Mercy (in Islam), Leader and General of The Heavenly Host (in Judaism and Christianity); Angel of Death (in Catholicism), God's Right Hand
MitzraelChristianity, Judaism Thrones, Archangel of the coastal regionInternal reparation, security, intelligence
Moroni Latter Day Saint movement (aka Mormonism)The Golden Plates, Herald of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Mu’aqqibat (type)HafazaIslam(type)
Munkar IslamAngel of DeathThe Faith of the Dead
Muriel Christianity Dominions [15] Administration, Patron of travellers
Nakir Islam Angel of DeathThe Faith of the Dead
NanaelChristianity, Judaism Principality
Nbat Nbaṭ Rba, Nbaṭ Ziwa Mandaeism Uthra King of Air, first great Radiance
Netzach Christianity, JudaismLeader of the Principalities along with Archangel Haniel Eternity
Nidbai MandaeismUthraGuardian spirit of the heavenly yardena (river) in the World of Light
NithaelChristianity, JudaismPrincipality
Nsab Nṣab Rba, Nṣab ZiwaMandaeismUthraSon of Yushamin; admonishes his father Yushamin over his rebellion
Nuriel JudaismHailstorms
Ophans (type) [note 1] Ophanim (plural), galgalim (plural), sometimes identified as Thrones Christianity, Judaism(type)Wheels of the Heavenly Chariot (Merkabah)
OphanielOfaniel Christianity, Judaism Cherubim; sometimes listed as one of the Thrones
Oroiael Sethianism Luminary [16]
Pahaliah Christianity Thrones Virtuosity
Penemue Christianity, Judaism Watcher
Phanuel Christianity, JudaismArchangelRepentance and hope
Powers (type)AuthoritiesChristianity, Judaism(type)
PoyelChristianity, Judaism Principality
Pravuil JudaismArchangel, recording angel God's scribe and record-keeper
Principalities (type)Christianity, Judaism(type)
Ptahil Fourth Life, Gabriel Mandaeism Uthra Creator of the material world
Puriel Pyriel, Puruel, Pusiel, Pyruel, PurelJudaismExamines the souls of those brought to heaven
RaduerielJudaismHeavenly treasuries of the books [17]
Raguel Akrasiel, Raguil, Rakul, Raquel, Rasuil, Reuel, Rufael Christianity, Islam, Judaism ArchangelAngel of Justice
Ramiel RemielChristianity, JudaismArchangel, WatcherAngel of divine visions and guiding of souls to heaven
Raphael Israfil (Arabic, often associated), LibbielChristianity, Islam, Judaism, Yazdânism Archangel, Seraph, leader of the Virtues All manners of healing (Christianity)
Raziel JudaismArchangelKeeper of Secrets
Recording angels (type)Record-keepers
RikbielChristianity, Judaism Cherub
Sachiel Christianity, JudaismArchangel, CherubWealth and Charity
Sahaquiel JudaismArchangelGuardian of the fourth heaven
Sam Ziwa Sam Mana Smira Mandaeism Uthra
Samael Satan (Judaism), sometimes identified with Azazel or Lucifer Christianity, JudaismArchangel, Angel of Death, Fallen Angel Death and fetching souls
Samyaza Semyaza Judaism, Manichaeism Watcher Leader of the Watchers
Sandalphon Elijah (as human, according to some) [18] Christianity, Islam, JudaismArchangelProtector of unborn children (some sources: "twin brother" of Metatron)
Sarathiel ChristianityArchangelDiscipline and Penance
Sariel Sarakiel, Saraqael, Sauriel, Seriel, Souriel, Suriel, Suriyel, Suruel, Surufel, sometimes identified with Samael and Azrael Christianity, Islam[ citation needed ], Judaism, Gnosticism Archangel, Watcher (according to some)
Satan Lucifer (Christianity),

(the) Devil (Christianity), Beelzebub, sometimes identified as Samael (Judaism), Azazil/Iblis (Islam)

Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Baháʼí Faith, Theistic Satanism, LDS movement Fallen Angel, Archdemon Enemy of Jesus, lies, temptation, the Dragon, the ruler of demons (Christianity), Symbol of the lower nature of men (Baháʼí Faith)
Saureil Ṣaureil Qmamir Ziwa Mandaeism Uthra Angel of Death
Schemhampharae Christianity, JudaismA list of 72 angels of the 9 choir orders, with esoteric meaning related to the names of God
Selaphiel Sealtiel, SelatielChristianityArchangelPatron saint of prayer and worship
Seraph (type) [note 1] Seraphim (plural) Christianity, Islam, Judaism (type)
Seraphiel [19] Christianity, JudaismSeraphProtector of Metatron, chief of seraphim
Shamnail Yazdânism Archangel
Shamsiel Samsapeel, Shamshel, Shamshiel, ShashielChristianity, JudaismWatcher
Sheetil Mandaeism Uthra Teacher of John the Baptist, revealer of Mandaeism
Shihlun MandaeismUthraOpposition to the creation of the material world by Ptahil and his assistant uthras [20]
Shilmai MandaeismUthraGuardian spirit of the heavenly river Piriawis in the World of Light
Simat Hayyi Mandaeism UthraTreasure of Life; wife of Yawar Ziwa
Song-Uttering Choirs (type)Judaism(type)Multiple domains, as they are composed of multiple orders
Tamiel Kasdaye, Kasdeja, KasyadeChristianity, JudaismWatcher, Fallen angel
Tarwan Tarwan-NhuraMandaeism Uthra
Temeluchus Temelouchus, Temlakos Christianity Care taking of dead children killed by their parents
Tennin (type) Japanese Buddhism
Thrones (type)Sometimes identified as Ophanim Christianity, Judaism (type)
Turail Yazdânism Archangel
Turiel Christianity, JudaismWatcher
Urfeil Mandaeism Uthra Appointed by Yawar Ziwa over the east to watch over Ur
Uriel Christianity, JudaismArchangel, seraph [21] "El/God is my light"; patron of the Arts
Uziel JudaismArchangel
Vasiariah [22] Christianity, Judaism Dominions
VehuelChristianity, Judaism Principality
VerchielChristianity, Judaism, Islam Archangel, Leader of Principalities"Power of God"; Archangel of pride, grace and beauty
Virtues (type)Christianity, Judaism(type)Controlling the elements.
Watcher (type)GrigoriChristianity, Judaism(type)Various
Wormwood Christianity war
Yadathan MandaeismUthraGuardian of the "first river", stands at the Gate of Life
Yarhibol Ancient Canaanite religion Angel of the god Baal Hadad Springs
Yawar Ziwa Yawar Kasia, Yawar RabbaMandaeismUthraPersonification of light
Yomiel Jomjael, YomyaelChristianity, Judaism Watcher
Yufin-Yufafin MandaeismUthra
Yukabar Yukabar-Kušṭa, Yukabar-ZiwaMandaeism Uthra Helps Nbaṭ fight a rebellion against Yushamin
Yukašar Yukašar-KanaMandaeismUthraSource of Radiance, portrayed as the son of Ptahil
Yurba Shamish, Adonai, [23] Yorabba [24] MandaeismUthraThe fighter; often mentioned as engaging in conversation with Ruha
Yushamin Second LifeMandaeismUthraPrimal uthra
Zachariel [25] Zahariel, Zerachiel, SaraqaelChristianityArchangel
Zadkiel Hesediel, Tzadkiel, [25] Zadakiel, Zadchial, Zedekiel, Zedekul Christianity, Judaism Archangel, leader of the Dominions "Righteousness of God"; archangel of freedom, benevolence, mercy, and the Patron Angel of all who forgive
Zagagel Zathael, Nathanel, Akatriel Judeo Christian, Judaism, Yazdânism Archangel, eastern leader of the Dominions"Crown of God"; archangel of messenger, protection, guardians, and the patron Angel of valor and bravery.
Zaphkiel Tzaphkiel, Tzaphqiel, Zaphchial, Zaphiel, Zelel, Zadkiel (sometimes)Christianity, JudaismArchangel, leader of the Thrones Name means "God's knowledge"
Zaqiel ZavebeChristianity, JudaismWatcher
Zephaniel JudaismArchangelChief of the Ishim [26]
Zephon Judaism Tiphereth [27]
Zihrun Zihrun-Uthra, Yusmir-Kana, Zihrun-Šašlamiel Mandaeism Uthra Uthra of radiance, light, and glory [28]
ZurielChristianity, Judaism, Islam Archangel, leader of the Virtues Guardian angel of the forest and nature

See also


  1. 1 2 3 These beings are not always considered as angels.

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Uziel is an archangel mentioned in some variants of 3 Enoch, in a variant of Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, in Johannes Trithemius's Steganographia, and in John Milton's Paradise Lost.


  1. Davidson, Gustav, A Dictionary of Angels, New York: The Free Press, 1971.
  2. Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. (1926) The Forgotten Books of Eden Jazzybee Verlag, 2012, ISBN   9783849621858 Entry: The Book of the Secrets of Enoch chapter XII,, accessed 18 November 2023
  3. "Angels B, C, D, E (#D)". Archived from the original on 2020-02-19. Retrieved 2011-10-12.
  4. Kasten, Patricia (2013-12-09). "The angels in charge of nature". The Compass. Diocese of Green Bay.
  5. Davidson, Gustav (1967), A Dictionary of Angels, Including The Fallen Angels, p. 132, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 66-19757
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  8. Apocalypse of Abraham. 10:10–14.
  9. Berith Menucha.
  10. Cassels, Walter Richard (1874). Supernatural Religion: An Inquiry into the Reality of Divine Revelation. p. 103.
  11. Davidson, Gustav (1971). A Dictionary of Angels: Including the Fallen Angels. Free Press. ISBN   978-0-02-907050-5.
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  16. Marvin Meyer; Willis Barnstone (June 30, 2009). "The Secret Book of John". The Gnostic Bible. Shambhala . Retrieved 2022-02-14.
  17. 3 Enoch . Chapter 27.
  18. Davidson, Gustav (1971). A Dictionary of Angels: Including the Fallen Angels. Free Press. ISBN   978-0-02-907050-5.
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  20. Drāšā ḏ-Yaḥyā [Book of John].
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  23. Right Ginza. Book 18.
  24. Gelbert, Carlos (2013). The Mandaeans and the Christians in the time of Jesus Christ: enemies from the first days of the church. Fairfield, N.S.W.: Living Water Books. ISBN   978-0-9580346-4-7. OCLC   853508149.
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  26. Masseket Azilut.
  27. Isaac ha-Cohen of Soria. Treatise on the Left Emanation.
  28. Qulasta prayers 2 and 3