List of guqin societies

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This is a list of currently existing qin societies, of which some are learned societies.


There is a difference between qin schools and qin societies. The former concerns itself with transmission of a style, the latter concerns itself with performance. The qin society will encourage meetings with fellow qin players in order to play music and maybe discuss the nature of the qin. Gatherings such as this are called yaji (雅集, literally "elegant gatherings"), and take place once every month or two. Sometimes, societies may go on excursions to places of natural beauty to play qin, or attend conferences. They may also participate in competitions or research. Of course, societies do not have to have a strict structure to adhere to; it could mostly be on a leisurely basis. The main purpose of qin societies is to promote and play qin music. It is often a good opportunity to network and learn to play the instrument, to ask questions and to receive answers.

Most qin schools and societies are based in China, but during the twentieth century many overseas societies began to form. Although qin study was initially confined to China in ancient times, countries like Japan also have their own qin traditions via import from China, but are extremely small in scale. The Tokyo Qin Society was recently founded, opening up more opportunities for qin study in Japan. Japan has published a qinpu (qin tablature collection) in the past, known as Toukou Kinpu or Donggao Qinpu 【東臯琴譜】. Other qin societies exist in North America and Europe, which are less formal than their counterparts in mainland China, such as the North American Guqin Association and the London Youlan Qin Society.

China, etc

Society Name (English)Society Name (Chinese)Location or baseDate of foundingWebsiteRemarks
Northern China
Beijing Guqin Yanjiu Hui北京古琴研究會 Beijing November 1947
Peking University Guqin Society 北京大學古琴社BeijingSeptember 2001
Shandong Deyin Qinshe山東德音琴社 Jinan 6 November 2003
Shandong Guqin Yianjiu Hui山東古琴研究會 Shandong
Yuanyin Qinshe元音琴社 Taiyuan 1921
Songfeng Qinshe松風琴社 Dalian July 2000
Shenyang Guqin Yianjiuhui沈陽古琴研究會 Shenyang March 1980
Jinjiang Qinshe錦江琴社 Chengdu 1979The main qin society out of many in the Chengdu/Chongqing area.
Bohai Qinshe渤海琴社 Shijiazhuang
Tongshan-Xian Guqin Xuehui銅山縣古琴學會 Cuizhou 1987
Southern China
Jinyu Qin Society 今虞琴社 Shanghai 1934The principal qin society in the Shanghai area. Has many activities and preeminent members of the years.
Mei'an Qinshe梅庵琴社 Nantong 1929 Website
Xiaoyiao Qinshe逍遥琴社 Hefei 1999
Xihu Qinshe西湖琴社 Hangzhou 1987
Wumen Qinshe蘇州吳門琴社 Suzhou November 1986
Guangling Qinshe廣陵琴社 Yangzhou 1915
Mengqi Qinshe夢溪琴社 Zhenjiang
Yushan Qinshe虞山琴社 Changshu Revived 1984
Jinling Qinshe金陵琴社 Nanjing 1934
Bozhou Guqin Yianjiuhui播洲古琴研究會 Guizhou 1986
Guangdong Guqin Yianjiuhui廣東古琴研究會 Canton October 1980
Foshan Guqin Society佛山古琴研究會 Canton December 2006 Website
Hong Kong
Deyin Qinshe德愔琴社Hong Kong1998Founded by students of Tsar Teh-Yun.
Tianting Qinshe天聽琴社Hong KongJuly 1959
Tang Yishe唐藝社Hong Kong
Haitian Qinshe海天琴社 Taiwan
Hezhen Qinshe和真琴社Taiwan
Yingzhou Qinshe瀛洲琴社Taiwan1999? Website
Tianmu Ge Sixian Qinshe天穆閣絲弦琴社Taiwan
Chinese Guqin Study Group – Taipei Qin Hall中華古琴學會-臺北琴道舘Taiwan2010s Website
Taiwan Qin Society台灣琴會Taiwan2014? Website
Taiwan Guqin Association台灣古琴協會Taiwan2010s Website
Xiangeng Qinshe弦耕琴社Taiwan2015?
Other Chinese locations and to-be-classified
Youtong Qinshe友桶琴社
Wuxing Qinshe吳興琴社


Society Name (English)Society Name (Chinese)Location or baseDate of foundingWebsiteRemarks
Tokyo Qin Society東京琴社TokyoMainly formed by overseas Chinese students studying in Tokyo.
Kamakura Qin Society鎌倉琴社 Kanagawa 2002Founded by Muka Fushimi. Restructured in 2013 into the Chushi Qin Society after Fushimi moved to Kyoto.
Chushi Qin Society疇祉琴社 Kyoto 2013 Website Formerly of Kamakura Qin Society.
Japan Society for Promotions of Guqin日本古琴振興会Tokyo2015 Website
"He Yue Zhai" Guqin Music and Arts Centre"龢樂齋"古琴館 Singapore October 2013 Website
Dalü Guqin Music School大吕琴院 Kepong, Malaysia 2010 Website
Siam Guqin元韻山房 (สำนักหยวนอวิ้นซานฝาง) Bangkok 2010 Website Founded by Chatchol Thaikheaw who studied under various Chinese players, including Li Xiangting.

North America

Society Name (English)Society Name (Chinese)Location or baseDate of foundingWebsiteRemarks
United States of America
North American Guqin Association 北美琴社 San Francisco 1997 Website One of the earliest qin societies in the West headed by Wang Fei. Activities are wide-ranging.
North America Mei'an Society 北美梅庵琴社 Boston 2009 Website Founded by Yu Shuishan.
New York Guqin Association 紐約古琴研究會New York City2015 Website Founded by Liu Li.
New York Guqin School 紐約梅庵琴苑New York City2013 Website Founded by 葉時華 Shihhua (Judy) Yeh, first New York based qin school to teach qin in the formal way.
New York Qin Society 紐約琴社New York City2000 Website A more formal qin society based in New York.
Jiuyi Qinshe九嶷琴社 Vancouver 2005 Website
University of Toronto Guqin Association多倫多大學古琴社 Toronto 2005 (defunct)Restructured into the "University of Toronto Chinese Cultural Aesthetic Society (UTCCAS)" since August 2007, guqin aspects again restructured in August 2008.
Toronto Guqin Society (TQS)多倫多古琴社Toronto2008 Website Restructured from UTCCAS's guqin operations in August 2008, with this group oriented toward the Toronto community.


Society Name (English)Society Name (Chinese)Location or baseDate of foundingWebsiteRemarks
United Kingdom
London Youlan Qin Society 倫敦幽蘭琴社London, UKJuly 2003 Website A formal and very active qin society catering for UK qin players. Organises a guqin summer school each year.
Mainland Europe
Berlin Boya Qin Association柏林博雅古琴社Berlin, GermanyAutumn 2016
Friends of Guqin : Amics del Guqin古琴之友Spain; internet-basedSeptember 2004 Website (defunct)Though not officially a society, their activities were mostly internet-based and also translated qin books into Spanish. They have been inactive since Aug 2011 and presumably defunct.


Society Name (English)Society Name (Chinese)Location or baseDate of foundingWebsiteRemarks
Australian Guqin Society Incorporated澳大利亞中國琴會 Melbourne Feb 2018
Guqin in Sydney悉尼古琴同好會 Sydney Mid-2010s Website
JianZhai Guqin Sydney简斋古琴 Sydney 2021 Website


Society Name (English)Society Name (Chinese)Location or baseDate of foundingWebsiteRemarks
Guqin – 古琴 (a.k.a. International Guqin Society)國際琴社International; internet-based22 October 2006 Website The largest online Facebook group mainly catering for English-speaking qin players residing in the West.

See also

Related Research Articles

<i>Guqin</i> Chinese stringed music instrument

The guqin is a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument. It has been played since ancient times, and has traditionally been favoured by scholars and literati as an instrument of great subtlety and refinement, as highlighted by the quote "a gentleman does not part with his qin or se without good reason," as well as being associated with the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius. It is sometimes referred to by the Chinese as "the father of Chinese music" or "the instrument of the sages". The guqin is not to be confused with the guzheng, another Chinese long stringed instrument also without frets, but with moveable bridges under each string.

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Zha Fuxi, also known as Zha Yiping (查夷平) was a leading player and scholar of the guqin. Born in Jiangxi, he started learning guqin in his childhood. In 1936, he co-founded the Jinyu Qin Society (今虞琴社) which later became one of the major national musical organizations for the guqin.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Zeng Chengwei</span> Chinese musician of the guqin

Zeng Chengwei (曾成偉) is a Chinese musician of the guqin, born in the Sichuan province of China. He is a fifth-generation transmitter of the Shu school of qin music, having studied with his maternal grandfather, Yu Shaoze. Zeng is also a well-known maker of the instrument.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Guan Pinghu</span>

Guan Pinghu, was a leading player of the guqin (古琴), a Chinese 7-string bridgeless zither. Born in Suzhou, Jiangsu, Guan came from an artistic family, and started to learn the guqin from his father, Guan Nianci. After the death of his father when he was thirteen, Guan continued with his father's friend Ye Shimeng and Zhang Xiangtao. He also studied with the leading players of three different schools; Yang Zongji (1865–1933), the leading player in Beijing, the Daoist Qin Heming, and the Buddhist monk Wucheng.

The notation of the guqin is a unique form of tablature for the Chinese musical instrument, with a history of over 1,500 years, still in use today.

The North American Guqin Association is a guqin society based in the State of California, in the United States, which serves guqin players on the West Coast of the United States. Of the three major qin societies of the West, this society was the world's largest English speaking online community for the guqin and has the most connections and scope of activities.

The London Youlan Qin Society is a London-based qin society serving guqin players in the UK. Of the three major qin societies of the West, this society was the most informal but still the most active in terms of regular events and yajis.

Lin Youren was a noted player of the Chinese musical instrument guqin. He was famous for his unaffected playing style. Lin also taught guqin at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

The history of the guqin, an ancient Chinese musical instrument, is a long one that spans 3,000 years. Although similar, it should not be confused with another Chinese zither instrument, the guzheng, which has bridges.

The construction of the guqin Chinese zither is a complex process like any other musical instrument. However, there is much symbolism in the choice of materials, the shape or form of the instrument that are important things to consider when creating a qin.

The strings of the guqin Chinese zither are either made of silk, nylon or metal-nylon.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Guqin tunings</span>

There are many different tunings for the guqin.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Guqin aesthetics</span>

The guqin is a Chinese musical instrument with a long history of being played since ancient times. When the guqin is played, a number of aesthetic elements are involved.

The New York Qin Society is a guqin society based in New York, New York in America, serving guqin players on the East Coast of the United States. Of the three major qin societies in the West, this society is the most formally structured with a formal agreement of rules and a more learned society approach to selecting members.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chinese musical notation</span>

Systems of musical notation have been in use in China for over two thousand years. Different systems have been used to record music for bells and for the Guqin stringed instrument. More recently a system of numbered notes (Jianpu) has been used, with resemblances to Western notations.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Shu school</span>

The Shu School of Qin Music (蜀派古琴) refers to the modern guqin regional performance style tradition and lineage begun in the mid-19th century by its founder, Zhang Kongshan. The "Shu" name derives from the main base of operations at the time, namely the Sichuan region of China. Today, the Shu School has many branches and lineages, most of which trace their foundation to Zhang Kongshan, though the term is equally applied to Sichuan-based players in general.

Yu Shuishan is one of the master contemporary guqin players and contributors. He is a Professor of Architecture in the College of Arts, Media and Design at the Northeastern University, a fourth generation Mei’an School guqin player, and the founder of North America Mei'an Society (北美梅庵琴社).


Please see: References section in the guqin article for a full list of references used in all qin related articles.