List of neurologists and neurosurgeons

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This is a list of neurologists and neurosurgeons , with their year of birth and death and nationality. This list compiles the names of neurologists and neurosurgeons with a corresponding Wikipedia biographical article, and is not necessarily a reflection of their relative importance in the field. Many neurologists and neurosurgeons are considered to be neuroscientists as well and some neurologists are also in the list of psychiatrists.

A Deepak Agrawal 1970 -IndiaDREZotomy for Neuropathic pain
A Joseph Abadie 1873 - 1934France Abadie's sign of tabes dorsalis
A Adnan Abdallat 1943 -Jordan Abdallat–Davis–Farrage syndrome
A William John Adie 1886 - 1935United Kingdom Adie syndrome
A Théophile Alajouanine 1890 - 1980France
A Alois Alzheimer 1864 - 1915Germany Alzheimer's disease
A Gabriel Anton 1858 - 1933Austria Anton syndrome
A François-Amilcar Aran 1817 - 1861France Aran–Duchenne spinal muscular atrophy
A Antônio Austregésilo 1876 - 1960 Brazil
B Joseph Babinski 1857 - 1932France Babinski sign
B Percival Bailey 1892 - 1973United States
B Brenda Banwell 1967 -Canada Multiple sclerosis, Neuromyelitis optica, MOG antibody disease
B Jean Alexandre Barré 1880 - 1967France Guillain–Barré syndrome, Barré–Liéou syndrome, Barré test
B Henry Charlton Bastian 1837 - 1915United Kingdom Bastian-Bruns sign
B Diana Beck 1900 - 1956United Kingdom
B Peter Emil Becker 1908 - 2000Germany Becker's muscular dystrophy
B Charles Edward Beevor 1854 - 1908United Kingdom Beevor's sign, Beevor's axiom
B Vladimir Bekhterev 1857 - 1927Russia Bekhterev–Jacobsohn reflex, Bekhterev–Mendel reflex, Bekhterev's disease, Bekhterev's mixture
B Charles Bell 1774 - 1842United Kingdom Bell's palsy, Bell's phenomenon, Bell–Magendie law
B Morris Bender 1905 - 1983United States
B Hans Berger 1873 - 1941Germany Berger wave (rhythm)
B Paul Robert Bing 1878 - 1956Switzerland Bing's sign
B Lucio Bini 1908 - 1964Italy
B Otto Ludwig Binswanger 1852 - 1929Germany Binswanger's disease
B Désiré-Magloire Bourneville 1840 - 1909France Bourneville-Pringle syndrome
B Russell Brain, 1st Baron Brain 1895 - 1966United Kingdom Brain's reflex
B Édouard Brissaud 1852 - 1909France Brissaud's reflex
B Paul Broca 1824 - 1880France Broca's aphasia, Broca's area
B Korbinian Brodmann 1868 - 1918Germany Brodmann area
B David R. Brown 1964 -Australia
B Józef Brudziński 1874 - 1917Poland Brudziński's sign
B Ludwig Bruns 1858 - 1916Germany Bruns apraxia, Bastian-Bruns sign, Bruns nystagmus
B Serafima Bryusova 1894 - 1958Soviet Union
B Paul Bucy 1904 - 1992United States Klüver–Bucy syndrome
B Robert A. Burton United States
C Donald Calne 1936 -Canada
C Ben Carson 1951 -United States
C Ugo Cerletti 1877 - 1963Italy
C Charles Gilbert Chaddock 1861 - 1936United States Chaddock reflex
C Jean-Martin Charcot 1825 - 1893France Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease, Charcot–Wilbrand syndrome, Charcot–Bouchard aneurysm, Charcot's triad
C John Cheyne 1777 - 1836British Cheyne–Stokes respiration
C Jeffrey A. Cohen 1954 -United States
C Jules Cotard 1840 - 1889France Cotard delusion
C Domenico Cotugno 1736 - 1822Italy
C Hans Gerhard Creutzfeldt 1885 - 1964Canada Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
C James Crichton-Browne 1840 - 1938United Kingdom Crichton-Browne sign
C MacDonald Critchley 1900 - 1997United Kingdom
C Bernard Croisile France
C Jeffrey Cummings United States
C Harvey Cushing 1869 - 1939United States Cushing reflex, Cushing's disease, Cushing's syndrome
D Antonio Damasio 1944 -Portugal
D Hanna Damasio 1942 -Portugal
D Charles Loomis Dana 1852 – 1935United States
D Walter Dandy 1886 - 1946United States Dandy–Walker syndrome
D Daoud Mustafa Khalid 1917 - 2008Sudan Daoud Research Group
D Dirk De Ridder 1966 -Belgium
D Augusta Déjerine-Klumpke 1859 - 1927United States Dejerine-Klumpke paralysis
D Joseph Jules Dejerine 1849 - 1917France Dejerine-Roussy syndrome, Dejerine-Sottas disease, Landouzy-Dejerine syndrome
D Mahlon DeLong 1938 -United States
D Margaret Dix 1902 - 1991United Kingdom Dix–Hallpike test
D Guillaume Duchenne 1806 - 1875France Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Duchenne-Aran spinal muscular atrophy, Erb-Duchenne palsy, Duchenne smile
E Constantin von Economo 1876 - 1931Austria von Economo neurons
E Wilhelm Heinrich Erb 1840 - 1921Germany Erb's palsy
F David Ferrier 1843 - 1924United Kingdom
F C. Miller Fisher 1913 - 2012Canada Miller Fisher test, Miller Fisher Syndrome
F Edward Flatau 1868 - 1932Poland
F Otfrid Foerster 1873 - 1941Germany
F Charles Foix 1882 - 1927France Foix–Alajouanine syndrome
F Walter Jackson Freeman II 1895 - 1972United States
F Sigmund Freud 1856 - 1939Austria Freudian slip
F Łucja Frey 1889 - 1942Poland Frey's syndrome
F Nikolaus Friedreich 1825 - 1882Germany Friedreich's ataxia, Friedreich's sign
F Adolf Albrecht Friedländer 1870-1949Austria
F Jules Froment 1878 - 1946France Froment's sign
G Paulo Garcia 1959 - 2010Brazil
G Henri Gastaut 1915 - 1995France Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
G Norman Geschwind 1926 - 1984United States Geschwind syndrome, Geschwind–Galaburda hypothesis
G Joseph Godwin Greenfield 1884 - 1958United Kingdom Greenfield's disease
G Rickman Godlee 1849 - 1925United Kingdom
G Justo Gonzalo 1910-1986Spain
G Alfred Gordon 1874 - 1953France - United States Gordon's sign
G William Richard Gowers 1845 - 1915United Kingdom Gowers' sign
G Georges Guillain 1876 - 1961France Guillain–Barré syndrome, Triangle of Guillain-Mollaret
G Sanjay Gupta 1969 -United States
H Salomón Hakim 1922 - 2011Colombia
H William Alexander Hammond 1828 - 1900United States
H Anita Harding 1952 - 1995Ireland-United Kingdom
H Henry Head 1861 - 1940United Kingdom
H Salomon Eberhard Henschen 1847 - 1930Sweden
H Juha Hernesniemi 1947 - 2023Finland
H Johann Hoffmann 1857 - 1919Germany Hoffmann's reflex, Hoffmann's sign, Werdnig–Hoffmann disease
H Gordon Morgan Holmes 1876 - 1965Ireland Holmes rebound phenomenon, Holmes tremor
H Victor Horsley 1857 - 1916United Kingdom Horsley–Clarke apparatus
H Robert Roland Hughes 1911 - 1991United Kingdom
H James Ramsay Hunt 1872 - 1937United States Ramsay Hunt syndrome
H Janina Hurynowicz 1894 - 1967Poland
H Abbashar Hussein 1959 -Sudan
I Ivan Izquierdo 1937 - 2021Brazil
J John Hughlings Jackson 1834 - 1911United Kingdom Jacksonian seizure
J Louis Jacobsohn-Lask 1863 - 1941Germany Bekhterev–Jacobsohn reflex
J Alfons Maria Jakob 1884 - 1931Germany Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
J Herbert Jasper 1906 - 1999Canada
J Ernő Jendrassik 1858 - 1921Hungary Jendrassik maneuver
J Friedrich Jolly 1844 - 1904Germany Jolly's test
K Sean Kenniff 1969 -United States
K Robert Foster Kennedy 1884 - 1952Ireland and United States Foster Kennedy syndrome
K Woldemar Kernig 1840 - 1917Russia Kernig's sign
K Karl Kleist 1879 - 1961Germany
K Gitte Moos Knudsen 1959 -Denmark
K Sergei Sergeievich Korsakoff 1854 - 1900Russia Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome, Korsakoff's syndrome
K Georg N. Koskinas 1885 - 1975Greece
K John Krakauer 1967 -United States
L Charles Lasègue 1816 - 1883France Lasègue's sign
L Rita Levi-Montalcini 1909 - 2012Italy Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
L Gabrielle Charlotte Lévy 1886 - 1934France Roussy–Lévy syndrome
L Jean Lhermitte 1877 - 1959France Lhermitte's sign, Lhermitte–Duclos disease
L Hugo Liepmann 1863 - 1925Germany
L Zachary London 1976 -United States Neuromuscular disease
M B. K. Misra 1953 -India
M William Macewen 1848 - 1924United Kingdom Macewen's sign
M Pierre Marie 1853 - 1940France Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease
M Gheorghe Marinescu 1863 - 1938Romania Marinesco–Sjögren syndrome
M C. David Marsden 1938 - 1998United Kingdom
M Ladislas J. Meduna 1896 - 1964Hungary
M Friedrich Meggendorfer 1880 - 1953Germany
M Kurt Mendel 1874 - 1946Germany Bekhterev–Mendel reflex
M H. Houston Merritt 1902 - 1979United States
M Giovanni Mingazzini 1859 - 1929Italy Mingazzini test
M Pierre Mollaret 1898 - 1987France Triangle of Guillain-Mollaret, Mollaret's meningitis
M Constantin von Monakow 1853 - 1930Switzerland
M Egas Moniz 1874 - 1955Portugal Moniz sign
M Karin Muraszko 1957 -United States
M Abraham Myerson 1881 - 1948United States Myerson's sign
N Max Nonne 1861 - 1959Germany
N Ralph Northam 1959 -United States
O Herbert Olivecrona 1891 - 1980Sweden
O Hermann Oppenheim 1858 - 1919Germany Oppenheim's sign
P James Papez 1883 - 1958United States Papez circuit
P Carlos Pardo-Villamizar Colombia
P Ambroise Paré 1510 - 1590France
P James Parkinson 1755 - 1824United Kingdom Parkinson's disease
P Wilder Penfield 1891 - 1976United States
P Charles Poser 1923 - 2010United States
P Ludvig Puusepp 1875 - 1942Estonia
Q Hans Heinrich Georg Queckenstedt 1876 - 1918Germany Queckenstedt's maneuver
R Marcus Raichle 1937-United States
R Vilayanur S. Ramachandran 1951-India
R Ricardo Ramina 1951 -Brazil
R Robert Wheeler Rand 1928 - 2013United States
R Wade Regehr Canada
R Franco Regli 1931 - 2017Switzerland
R Helena Riggs 1899 - 1968United States
R Moritz Heinrich Romberg 1795 - 1873Germany Romberg's test
R Grigory Rossolimo 1860 - 1928Russia Rossolimo's sign
S Oliver Sacks 1933 - 2015United Kingdom
S Manfred Sakel 1900 - 1957Poland
S Majid Samii 1937 -Iran - Germany
S Robert Sapolsky 1957 -United States
S Hermann Schloffer 1868 - 1937Austria
S William Beecher Scoville 1906 - 1984United States
S Jean-Athanase Sicard 1872 - 1929France Collet-Sicard syndrome
S Pankaj Sharma United Kingdom
S Pratibha Singhi 1951 -India Pediatrics
S Robert F. Spetzler 1944-United States, GermanySpetzler-Martin grading of Cerebral arteriovenous malformation
S Roy Glenwood Spurling 1894 - 1968United States Spurling's test
S Adolph Strümpell 1853 - 1925 Baltic German Strümpell-Lorrain disease, Strümpell's sign
T Charlie Teo 1957-Australia
T Tom Bentley Throckmorton 1885 - 1961United States Throckmorton's reflex
T Jules Tinel 1879 - 1952France Tinel's sign
T Robert Bentley Todd 1809 - 1860Ireland Todd's paresis
T Howard Henry Tooth 1856 - 1925United Kingdom Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease
V Oskar Vogt 1870 - 1959Germany
V N. K. Venkataramana India
W Juhn Atsushi Wada 1924 - 2023Japan - Canada Wada test
W Arthur Earl Walker 1907 - 1995United States Dandy–Walker syndrome
W Adolf Wallenberg 1862 - 1949Germany Wallenberg syndrome
W Julius Wagner-Jauregg 1857 - 1940Austria
W Robert Wartenberg 1887 - 1956United States Wartenberg wheel
W Karl Friedrich Otto Westphal 1833 - 1890Germany Edinger–Westphal nucleus
W Robert Whytt 1714 - 1766United Kingdom
W Thomas Willis 1621 - 1675United Kingdom Circle of Willis
W Samuel Alexander Kinnier Wilson 1878 - 1937United Kingdom Wilson's disease
W Tissa Wijeratne Sri Lanka and AustraliaPost Covid-19 Neurological Syndrome, Serial Systemic Immune Inflmmatory IndicesTissa Wijeratne
Y Gazi Yaşargil 1925 -Turkey

See also


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