List of presidents of Turkey

Last updated

The following is a complete list of people who held the office of President of Turkey. There have been twelve heads of state since the inception of the republican period in 1923, following the Turkish War of Independence. For a list of rulers of the predecessor Ottoman Empire, see List of sultans of the Ottoman Empire.


List of presidents (1923–present)

Political parties
   Republican People's Party (CHP)
   Democrat Party (DP)
   Justice Party (AP)
   Motherland Party (ANAP)
   True Path Party (DYP)
   Justice and Development Party (AK Party)
Other factions
  Denotes acting president
ElectedTook officeLeft officeTime in officePolitical partyPrevious office
Parliamentary system (1923–2018)
1 Ataturk1930s.jpg Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
1923 29 October 1923 10 November 1938
(Died in office)
15 years, 12 days CHP 1st speaker of the Grand National Assembly
Mustafa Abdulhalik Renda Renkli Hali.jpg Abdülhalik Renda
10 November 193811 November 19381 day CHP 4th speaker of the Grand National Assembly
2 Ismet Inonu Renkli.jpg İsmet İnönü
1938 11 November 193822 May 195011 years, 192 days CHP 1st prime minister of Turkey
3 Mahmut Celalettin Bayar Renkli Hali.jpg Celâl Bayar
1950 22 May 195027 May 1960 [a] 10 years DP 3rd prime minister of Turkey
Cemal Gursel (1960).jpg National Unity Committee
Milli Birlik Komitesi
Chairman: General Cemal Gürsel
27 May 196010 October 19611 year, 136 days Military 10th commander of the Turkish Army
4 Cemal Gürsel
10 October 19612 February 1966 [b] 4 years, 115 days Independent Chairman of the National Unity Committee
Turkey politic personality icon.svg İbrahim Şevki Atasagun
2 February 196628 March 196654 days AP 3rd chairman of the Senate of Turkey
5 Turkse chef Generale staf (Generaal Sunay), Bestanddeelnr 916-7535 (cropped).jpg Cevdet Sunay
1966 28 March 196628 March 19737 years Independent 12th chief of the Turkish General Staff
Turkey politic personality icon.svg Tekin Arıburun
28 March 19736 April 19739 days AP 4th chairman of the Senate of Turkey
6 Koruturk with cadets (cropped).jpg Fahri Korutürk
1973 6 April 19736 April 19807 years Independent 3rd commander of the Turkish Navy
Ihsan Sabri Caglayangil (1968).jpg İhsan Sabri Çağlayangil
6 April 198012 September 1980 [c] 159 days AP 6th chairman of the Senate of Turkey
Kenan Evren (cropped).png National Security Council
Milli Güvenlik Kurulu
Chairman: General Kenan Evren
12 September 19809 November 19822 years, 58 days Military 17th chief of the Turkish General Staff
7 Kenan Evren
9 November 19829 November 19897 years Independent Chairman of the National Security Council
8 Turgut Ozal as Turkish Prime Minister.jpg Turgut Özal
1989 9 November 198917 April 1993
(Died in office)
3 years, 159 days ANAP 19th prime minister of Turkey
Turkey politic personality icon.svg Hüsamettin Cindoruk
(born 1933)
17 April 199316 May 199329 days DYP 17th speaker of the Grand National Assembly
9 Suleyman Demirel 1998.jpg Süleyman Demirel
1993 16 May 199316 May 20007 years DYP 12th prime minister of Turkey
10 Ahmet Necdet Sezer 2006.jpg Ahmet Necdet Sezer
(born 1941)
2000 16 May 200028 August 20077 years, 104 days Independent 14th president of the Constitutional Court of Turkey
11 Abdullah Gul (cropped version).jpg Abdullah Gül
(born 1950)
2007 28 August 200728 August 20147 years AK Party 40th minister of foreign affairs
12 Recep Tayyip Erdogan 2018 (cropped).jpg Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
(born 1954)
2014 28 August 20149 July 20183 years, 315 days AK Party 25th prime minister of Turkey
Presidential system (2018–present)
12 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in January 2024 (cropped).jpg Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
(born 1954)
2018 9 July 2018Incumbent6 years, 227 days AK Party 25th prime minister of Turkey


Recep Tayyip ErdoğanAbdullah GülAhmet Necdet SezerSüleyman DemirelHüsamettin CindorukTurgut ÖzalKenan Evrenİhsan Sabri ÇağlayangilFahri KorutürkTekin ArıburunCevdet Sunayİbrahim Şevki AtasagunCemal GürselCelal Bayarİsmet İnönüAbdülhalik RendaMustafa Kemal AtatürkList of presidents of Turkey

See also


  1. Deposed in the 1960 Turkish coup d'état.
  2. Removed from office due to ill health.
  3. Deposed in the 1980 Turkish coup d'état.