Next Turkish parliamentary election

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Next Turkish parliamentary election
Flag of Turkey.svg
  2023 On or before 7 May 20282033 

All 600 seats in the Grand National Assembly
301 seats needed for a majority
PartyLeaderCurrent seats
AKP Recep Tayyip Erdoğan 266
CHP Özgür Özel 127
DEM Tülay Hatimoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan 57
MHP Devlet Bahçeli 50
İYİ Müsavat Dervişoğlu 32
Felicity Party Temel Karamollaoğlu 20
DEVA Ali Babacan 15
Independents N/A 7
YRP Fatih Erbakan 4
HÜDA PAR Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu 4
DP Gültekin Uysal 3
TİP Erkan Baş 3
DBP Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar and Keskin Bayındır 2
EMEP Seyit Aslan2
DSP Önder Aksakal 1

Parliamentary elections will be held in Turkey no later than 7 May 2028, alongside presidential elections, to elect all 600 members of the Grand National Assembly. The incoming members will form the 29th Parliament of Turkey.


2015 election Deputies
2018 elections Deputies
2023 election Deputies


2023 parliamentary election

The previous general election were held on May 14, 2023, and the second round of the presidential election was held on May 28, 2023. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who has been in office since 2014, was re-elected president in the 2023 elections. The AKP, which received 35.62% of the votes in the general elections, came in first place, winning 268 of the 600 seats in parliament. The main opposition party, the CHP, entered parliament with 169 seats.

Additionally, 61 deputies from the Green Left Party, 50 from the MHP, 43 from the İYİ Party, 5 from the New Welfare Party, and 4 from the TİP received the necessary votes to enter parliament.

Due to the alliances formed after the elections, 4 deputies elected from the AK Party lists went to the Free Cause Party, 1 deputie to the Democratic Left Party, 15 deputies elected from the CHP went to the DEVA Party, 10 deputies each to the Future Party and SAADET, 3 deputies to the DP, 2 deputies elected from the Green Left Party went to the EMEP, 2 deputies to the HDP and 1 deputy to the TÖP, thus creating a parliamentary distribution in which 16 parties are represented.

Hatay MP Can Atalay, who was imprisoned due to the Gezi Park case, could not attend the oath-taking ceremony held on June 2, 2023. He was subsequently stripped of his parliamentary seat.

On June 4, 2023, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced the 2nd presidential cabinet of Turkey. The vice president and 15 of the 17 ministers in the previous cabinet have changed and new names have taken office.

2024 local elections

Electoral system

The 600 members of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey will be elected by party-list proportional representation in 87 electoral districts, by the D'Hondt method. For the purpose of legislative elections, 77 of Turkey's 81 provinces serve as single districts. Due to their large populations, the provinces of Bursa and İzmir are divided into two districts, while the provinces of Ankara and Istanbul are each divided into three. [1]

According to the Constitution of Turkey, any amendment to the election law can only apply a year after it comes into effect. [2]

Lowering of the electoral threshold

At the initiative of the ruling AKP and its main political ally MHP, the national electoral threshold for a party to enter parliament was lowered from 10% to 7%. [3] This was the first lowering of the threshold since it was introduced by the military junta following the 1980 Turkish coup d'état. [4]

There is no threshold for independent candidates. [5] Political parties can also opt to contest the election in a political alliance with other parties, removing the 7% requirement as long as the alliance as a whole wins more than 7% of the vote in total. [6]

Other amendments to the election law includes the distribution of seats. Previously, parliamentary seats were distributed based on the vote share of each election alliance in any given district. Now, the seats are distributed based solely on the vote share of each political party in that district. If applied to the previous elections, the results would have been slightly more in line with the preferences of the voters on local level. For example, one Erzurum seat from IYI (4th largest party in Erzurum) would have gone to HDP (3rd largest party in Erzurum) and one Elazığ seat from CHP (3rd largest party in Elazığ) to MHP (2nd largest party in Elazığ). [7]

Electoral districts

Turkey is split into 87 electoral districts, which elect a certain number of members to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. The Assembly has a total of 600 seats, with each electoral district allocated a certain number of MPs in proportion to their population. The Supreme Electoral Council of Turkey conducts population reviews of each district before the election and can increase or decrease a district's number of seats according to their electorate.

In all but four cases, electoral districts share the same name and borders as the 81 provinces, with the exceptions being Ankara, Bursa, İzmir and Istanbul. Provinces electing between 19 and 36 MPs are split into two electoral districts, while any province electing above 36 MPs is divided into three. As the country's most populous provinces, Bursa and İzmir are divided into two subdistricts while Ankara and Istanbul are divided into three. The distribution of elected MPs per electoral district is shown below. [8]

Adana 15
Adıyaman 5
Afyonkarahisar 6
Ağrı 4
Aksaray 4
Amasya 3
Ankara 36
Ankara (I) 13
Ankara (II) 11
Ankara (III) 12
Antalya 17
Ardahan 2
Artvin 2
Aydın 8
Balıkesir 9
Bartın 2
Batman 5
Bayburt 1
Bilecik 2
Bingöl 3
Bitlis 3
Bolu 3
Burdur 3
Bursa 20
Bursa (I) 10
Bursa (II) 10
Çanakkale 4
Çankırı 2
Çorum 4
Denizli 7
Diyarbakır 12
Düzce 3
Edirne 4
Elazığ 5
Erzincan 2
Erzurum 6
Eskişehir 6
Gaziantep 14
Giresun 4
Gümüşhane 2
Hakkâri 3
Hatay 11
Iğdır 2
Isparta 4
Istanbul 98
Istanbul (I) 35
Istanbul (II) 27
Istanbul (III) 36
İzmir 28
İzmir (I) 14
İzmir (II) 14
Kahramanmaraş 8
Kars 3
Kastamonu 3
Karabük 3
Karaman 3
Kayseri 10
Kilis 2
Kırklareli 3
Kırıkkale 3
Kırşehir 2
Kocaeli 14
Konya 15
Kütahya 5
Malatya 6
Manisa 10
Mardin 6
Mersin 13
Muğla 7
Muş 3
Nevşehir 3
Niğde 3
Ordu 6
Osmaniye 4
Rize 3
Sakarya 8
Samsun 9
Siirt 3
Sinop 2
Sivas 5
Şanlıurfa 14
Şırnak 4
Tekirdağ 8
Tokat 5
Trabzon 6
Tunceli 1
Uşak 3
Van 8
Yalova 3
Yozgat 4
Zonguldak 5

Opinion polls

Opinion Polling for the Next Turkish Parliamentary Election.png


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    1. "How Turkey's Parliamentary Elections Work". 26 October 2015. Retrieved 19 May 2023.
    2. "Turkey: Parliament Passes Law Amending Election Laws and Lowering Electoral Threshold". Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA. Retrieved 19 May 2023.
    3. "Turkey reduces its election threshold from 10 to 7 percent". Turkish Minute. April 2022. Retrieved 2 April 2022.
    4. "Turkey lowers party' election threshold for parliament to 7 pct". 1 April 2022. Retrieved 2 April 2022.
    5. "Crossing the threshold – the Turkish election". Retrieved 3 March 2020.
    6. "Yeni seçim yasası ve ittifaklar: Kritik değişiklikler!". (in Turkish). 3 April 2023. Retrieved 19 May 2023.
    7. Sarıkaya, Muharrem (15 March 2022). "İttifakın ayrıcalığı kalmayacak". (in Turkish). Retrieved 2 April 2022.
    8. "Yüksek Seçim Kurulunun 02/03/2023 Tarihli ve 71 Sayılı Kararı" (PDF). Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey . No. 32121. 3 March 2023. Retrieved 24 March 2023.