Date Nationality Name Company Role Cause of Death Sources January 5, 2004 CanadianRichard Flynn Unknown Private Military Contractor Killed by a roadside bomb [ 21] January 6, 2004 FrenchNames unknown (2 individuals) Unknown Private contractors Killed in an ambush in Fallujah [ citation needed ] January 14, 2004 AmericanNames unknown (2 individuals) Kellogg, Brown & Root Truck drivers Killed in an ambush near Tikrit [ citation needed ] January 21, 2004 AmericanJody Deatherage Kellogg, Brown & Root Truck driver Killed in a vehicle accident [ 22] January 24, 2004 PakistaniHabibur Rehman Saudi Arabian firm Truck driver Killed in an ambush [ citation needed ] January 26, 2004 AmericanArthur Linderman Jr. Kellogg, Brown & Root Truck driver Killed in an ambush near Tikrit [ 23] January 29, 2004 South AfricanFrancois Strydom SAS International Private Military Contractor Killed by a suicide bomber in Baghdad [ 24] February 8, 2004 FijianTomasi Ramatau Global Risk Strategies Limited Private Military Contractor Killed in a mortar attack in Baghdad [ 25] February 16, 2004 AmericanRay Parks American Services Contract manager Killed in an ambush in Baghdad [ 26] February 23, 2004 AmericanAlbert Luther Cayton Kellogg, Brown & Root Truck driver Killed by a roadside bomb [ 27] March 1, 2004 AmericanMarch 1, 2004 AmericanTravis B. Whitman Unknown Private Military Contractor Killed in a vehicle accident in Baghdad [ 28] [ 29] March 16, 2004 Dutch, GermanMarch 16, 2004 Dutch, GermanNames unknown (1 Dutch, 1 German) Unknown Water project engineers Killed in an ambush near Hillah [ 30] March 17, 2004 BritishScott Mounce Italian communications company Telecommunications engineer Killed by a suicide bomber in Baghdad [ 31] [ 32] March 22, 2004 FinnishSeppo Haapanen, Jorma Toronen Entso , Air-Ix Businessmen Killed in a drive-by attack in western Baghdad [ 33] March 28, 2004 Canadian, BritishAndy Bradsell, Christopher McDonald Olive Security Private Military Contractors Killed in an ambush in Mosul [ 34] March 31, 2004 American Wesley Batalona , Scott Helvenston , Michael Teague, Jerko Zovko Blackwater Security Private Military Contractors Ambushed and massacred in Fallujah, bodies mutilated and hanged [ 35] April 1, 2004 CzechJiří Juran Chemoprojekt Petrochemical expert Killed in an accidental gas explosion at a refinery in Baiji [ citation needed ] April 3, 2004 AmericanEmad Mikha Titan National Security Solutions Translator Died in his sleep in Miqdadiyah [ 36] April 6, 2004 South AfricanGray Branfield Hart Security Company Private Military Contractor Killed during street fighting in Al Kut , body mutilated and hanged [ 37] April 6, 2004 BulgarianMario Manchev SOMAT Truck driver Killed in an ambush south of Nasiriyah [ citation needed ] April 7, 2004 GermanTobias Retterath, Thomas Hafenecker GSG-9 Embassy guards Ambushed by Iraqi terrorists near Fallujah . Retterath was killed; Hafenecker is missing [ 38] April 8, 2004 AmericanTim Smith Kellogg, Brown & Root Truck driver Killed in an ambush [ citation needed ] April 9, 2004 BritishMichael John Bloss Custer Battles Private Military Contractor Killed in an ambush near Hit [ 39] April 9, 2004 AmericanWilliam Bradley, Timothy Bell, Stephen Hulett, Steven Scott Fisher, Tony Duane Johnson, Jack Montague, Jeffery Parker Kellogg, Brown & Root Truck drivers Convoy ambushed and decimated in Baghdad [ 40] April 9, 2004 NepaliRam Bahadur Gurung, Shiva Prasad Lawati Global Risk Strategies Limited Private Military Contractors Killed by a land mine in northern Iraq [ 41] April 10, 2004 American Nick Berg Unknown Businessman Captured in Baghdad and executed on May 7 [ citation needed ] April 11, 2004 DanishHenrik Frandsen Unknown Businessman Shot and killed in Baghdad [ 42] April 11, 2004 RomanianAron Alexandru Bidepa Private Military Contractor Killed in an ambush near Baghdad [ 43] April 12, 2004 South AfricanHendrik Visagie Erinys International Private Military Contractor Died of wounds from an ambush while escorting a convoy [ 44] April 13, 2004 Italian Fabrizio Quattrocchi Unknown Private Military Contractor Captured and executed [ 45] April 22, 2004 South AfricanFrancois de Beer Meteoric Tactical Solutions Private Military Contractor Shot and killed in Baghdad [ 46] April 25, 2004 AmericanThomas Carter, Vincent Foster Cochise Consultancy Inc. Private Military Contractors Killed by a roadside bomb near Baiji [ 47] April 28, 2004 FilipinoRodrigo Reyes Kellogg, Brown & Root Truck driver Killed in an ambush in Abdali, near the Kuwait border [ citation needed ] April 29, 2004 South AfricanName unknown Construction company Private Military Contractor Shot and killed in Basra [ citation needed ] April 30, 2004 AmericanMike Price Cochise Consultancy Inc. Private Military Contractor Mortally injured by a roadside bomb near Baiji [ 48] Date Unknown South AfricanName unknown British security company Private Military Contractor Killed by a land mine in Fallujah [ citation needed ] May 1, 2004 AmericanChristian F. Kilpatrick DynCorp International Private Military Contractor Killed in an ambush near Tikrit [ 49] Date Unknown TurkishCemal Ugar Unknown Truck driver Killed in an ambush near Baghdad [ citation needed ] May 2, 2004 FijianKelepi Qaranivalu, Emori Vunibokoi Global Risk Strategies Limited Private Military Contractors Killed in an ambush in Mosul [ 50] May 3, 2004 American Aban Elias Unknown Civil engineer Captured in Baghdad , still missing and presumed dead [ 51] May 7, 2004 AmericanDaniel Parker Kellogg, Brown & Root Private Military Contractor Killed by a roadside bomb in Baghdad [ 52] May 7, 2004 Polish Waldemar Milewicz , Mounir Bouamrane Polish National TV Journalist , Cameraman Killed in an ambush in Latifiya [ 53] May 10, 2004 New Zealander, South AfricanJohn Robert Tyrrell, William (Bill) John Richard Iraqi construction company Engineers Killed in an ambush in Kirkuk [ 54] May 10, 2004 RussianAlexei Konorev InterEnergoServis Construction worker Killed in an ambush in Musayyib , south of Baghdad [ 55] May 11, 2004 FilipinoRaymundo Natividad Prime Projects International Warehouseman Killed in a mortar attack near Balad [ citation needed ] May 12, 2004 TurkishSuayip Kaplanli, Name unknown Yuksel Construction Construction workers Killed in an ambush in Mosul [ citation needed ] May 13, 2004 AmericanHenry Doll, Jesse Gentry DynCorp International Private Military Contractors Killed in a vehicle accident near Tikrit [ citation needed ] May 14, 2004 BritishBrian Tilley Egyptian communications project Private Military Contractor Killed in his home [ 56] May 18, 2004 BritishAndrew Harries ArmorGroup Private Military Contractor Killed in an ambush between Mosul and Erbil [ citation needed ] May 24, 2004 BritishMark Carman, Bob Morgan Control Risks Group , British Foreign Office Private Military Contractor, Petroleum consultant Killed by a roadside bomb in Baghdad [ citation needed ] May 25, 2004 RussianViktor Dynkin, Vyacheslav Ovsyannikov InterEnergoServis Power plant technicians Killed in an ambush south of Baghdad [ citation needed ] May 30, 2004 AmericanBruce Tow DynCorp International Private Military Contractor Killed in an ambush in Baghdad [ citation needed ] June 2, 2004 American Richard Bruce Blackwater Security Private Military Contractor Killed in a vehicle accident [ citation needed ] June 5, 2004 AmericanJarrod Little, Chris Neidrich Blackwater Security Private Military Contractors Killed in an ambush in Baghdad [ citation needed ] June 5, 2004 PolishKrzysztof Kaskos, Artur Zukowsk] Blackwater Security Private Military Contractors Killed in an ambush in Baghdad [ citation needed ] June 5, 2004 AmericanJames Gregory Wingate Kellogg, Brown & Root Truck driver Killed by a roadside bomb near Haditha [ citation needed ] June 5, 2004 BritishCraig Dickens ArmourGroup Private Military Contractor Killed in an ambush near Mosul [ citation needed ] June 11, 2004 LebaneseHussein Ali Alyan Unknown Construction worker Captured and executed [ citation needed ] June 13, 2004 AmericanShaun Fyfe Environmental Chemical Corp. International Construction worker Died of natural causes [ citation needed ] June 14, 2004 Bill Hoke II Granite Services, Inc. Power industry worker Killed by a car bomb in Baghdad [ citation needed ] [ citation needed ] June 14, 2004 BritishKeith Butler, John Poole Olive Security Private Military Contractors Killed by a car bomb in Baghdad [ citation needed ] June 14, 2004 FrenchName unknown Granite Services, Inc. Power industry worker Killed by a car bomb in Baghdad [ citation needed ] June 14, 2004 Filipino[Raul Flores Granite Services, Inc. Power industry worker Killed by a car bomb in Baghdad [ citation needed ] June 14, 2004 AmericanRex G.Sprague III Titan National Security Solutions Private Military Contractor Killed in an ambush in Baghdad [ citation needed ] June 17, 2004 American[Walter J.Zbryski Kellogg, Brown & Root Truck driver Killed by a roadside bomb [ citation needed ] June 17, 2004 TurkishFaysal Demir Turkish manufacturer of Prefabricated housing Truck driver Killed by friendly fire in Baghdad [ citation needed ] June 19, 2004 PortugueseRoberto Carlos Al-Atheer Telecommunications worker Killed by a roadside bomb south of Basra [ 57] June 22, 2004 BritishJulian Davies [Global Risk Strategies Limited Private Military Contractor Killed in an ambush in Mosul [ citation needed ] June 22, 2004 South Korean Kim Sun-il Gana General Trading Co. Supplier Captured and executed [ citation needed ] June 27, 2004 AmericanJoseph Arguelles Readiness Mgmt. Svcs. Electric power specialist Killed when transport plane was fired on over Baghdad [ citation needed ] July 2, 2004 AmericanVern O'Neal Richerson Kellogg, Brown & Root Construction foreman Died in a U.S. military hospital in Landstuhl , Germany from injuries sustained in a mortar attack in Iraq [ citation needed ] July 9, 2004 TurkishNames unknown (2 individuals) Unknown Truck drivers Killed in an ambush near Samarra [ citation needed ] July 12, 2004 TurkishName unknown Unknown Truck driver Killed by a roadside bomb near Baiji [ citation needed ] July 13, 2004 Bulgarian Georgi Lazov Bulgarian trucking company Truck driver Captured and executed in Mosul [ citation needed ] July 17, 2004 JordanianAyid Nassir Unknown Truck driver Killed in an ambush in Ramadi [ 58] July 17, 2004 TurkishAbdulcelil Bayik Unknown Truck driver Killed in an ambush near Mosul [ citation needed ] July 19, 2004 AmericanMike Copley United Defense Industries Bradley fighting vehicle maintenance technician Killed in a mortar attack in Samarra [ citation needed ] July 20, 2004 RussianAnatoly Korenkov InterEnergoServis Power plant technician Died of wounds from an ambush in a Moscow hospital [ citation needed ] July 22, 2004 BulgarianIvaylo Kepov Bulgarian trucking company Truck driver Captured and executed near Baiji [ citation needed ] July 25, 2004 JordanianMarwan Zuheir Al Rusan Unknown Businessman Shot and killed in Mosul [ citation needed ] July 28, 2004 PakistaniRaja Azad, Sajad Naeem Al Tamimi group Construction workers Captured and executed [ citation needed ] August 1, 2004 TurkishMurat Yuce Bilintur Cleaner Captured and executed [ citation needed ] August 2, 2004 TurkishFerit Nural Unknown Truck driver Killed in an ambush near Baghdad [ citation needed ] August 4, 2004 TurkishOsman Alisan Ulasli Oil Company Truck driver Killed in an ambush near Baghdad [ citation needed ] August 10, 2004 Egyptian[Mohammed Abdel Aal Unknown Car mechanic Captured and executed [ citation needed ] August 11, 2004 AmericanKevin Rader Kellogg, Brown & Root Truck driver Killed in an ambush [ citation needed ] August 12, 2004 IndianEldho Abraham Frame Project International Electrical engineer Killed by a roadside bomb in Baghdad [ 59] August 16, 2004 South AfricanHerman Pretorius DynCorp International Private Military Contractor Killed in an ambush in Mosul [ citation needed ] August 22, 2004 IndonesianFahmi Ahmad Subcontractor to Siemens Telecommunications engineer Killed in an ambush in Mosul [ citation needed ] Date Unknown TurkishName unknown Tikrit bridge repair firm Construction worker Killed in an ambush between Tikrit & Kirkuk [ citation needed ] August 23, 2004 MacedonianDalibor Lazarevski, Dragan Markovikj, Zoran Naskovski Soufan Engineering Construction workers Captured and executed in Baghdad [ citation needed ] Date Unknown JordanianBeshir Ahmed Unknown Businessman Killed in a car hijacking between Tikrit & Baiji [ citation needed ] August 24, 2004 AmericanJamal Tewfik Salman Unknown Translator Captured and executed [ citation needed ] August 27, 2004 EgyptianJawdee Baker Unknown Private contractor Shot and killed in Baiji [ citation needed ] August 30, 2004 NepaliPrakash Adhikari, Ramesh Khadka, Lalan Singh Koiri, Mangal Bahadur Limbu, Jit Bahadur Thapa Magar, Gyanendra Shrestha, Rajendra Kumar Shrestha, Bodhan Kumar Sah Sudi, Manoj Kumar Thakur, Sanjay Kumar Thakur, Bhekh Bahadur Thapa, Bishnu Hari Thapa Morning Star Co. Cooks and cleaners Captured and executed [ citation needed ] August 30, 2004 TurkishMajid Mehmet al-Gilam], Yahya Sadr, Name unknown Unknown Truck drivers Captured and executed near Samarra [ citation needed ] September 4, 2004 AmericanJohn N. Mallery MayDay Supply Project manager Killed in an ambush in Taji [ 60] Date Unknown EgyptianNasser Salama Unknown Private contractor Captured and executed near Baiji [ citation needed ] September 10, 2004 AmericanWilliam Earl Bowers SEI Group Inc. Engineer Killed in an ambush near Baghdad [ citation needed ] September 14, 2004 CanadianAndrew Shmakov, Munir Toma Unknown Private contractors Shot 17 times in an ambush (initially reported as a car bomb) [ citation needed ] September 14, 2004 AmericanTodd Engstrom EOD Technology Inc. Private Military Contractor Killed in an ambush near Balad, Iraq [ citation needed ] September 16, 2004 American Eugene Armstrong Gulf Services Co. Engineer Captured in Baghdad , executed on September 20 [ citation needed ] September 16, 2004 American Jack Hensley Gulf Services Co. Engineer Captured in Baghdad , executed on September 21 [ citation needed ] September 16, 2004 British Kenneth Bigley Gulf Services Co. Engineer Captured in Baghdad , executed on October 7 [ citation needed ] September 21, 2004 TurkishAkar Besir Unknown Unknown Killed in an ambush [ citation needed ] September 28, 2004 AmericanRoger Moffett Kellogg, Brown & Root Truck driver Killed by a roadside bomb [ citation needed ] September 29, 2004 BritishIain Hunter ArmorGroup Private Military Contractor Killed in a vehicle accident in Tikrit [ citation needed ] September 30, 2004 BritishAlan Wimpenny Unknown Private Military Contractor Killed by a roadside bomb near Samarra [ citation needed ] October 4, 2004 South AfricanJohann Hattingh, Gavin Holtzhausen Unknown Unknown Killed and wounded by a suicide car-bomber in Baghdad ; Holtzhausen later died [ citation needed ] October 11, 2004 BritishPaul Chadwick ArmorGroup Private Military Contractor Accidentally shot himself in Kirkuk [ citation needed ] October 11, 2004 BritishName unknown ArmorGroup Private Military Contractor Killed by a sniper in Kirkuk [ citation needed ] October 11, 2004 TurkishMaher Kemal Unknown Truck driver Captured and executed [ citation needed ] October 12, 2004 South AfricanJohan Botha, Louis Campher Omega Risk Solutions Private Military Contractors Killed in an ambush south of Baghdad [ citation needed ] October 14, 2004 AmericanEric Miner, Steve Osborne, John Pinsonneault, Ferdinand Ibabao DynCorp International Private Military Contractors Killed by a suicide bomber in Baghdad [ citation needed ] October 14, 2004 TurkishRamazan Elbu Unknown Truck driver Captured and executed [ citation needed ] October 19, 2004 AmericanFelipe E.Lugo III Kellogg, Brown & Root Labor foreman Killed in a mortar attack near Baghdad [ citation needed ] October 23, 2004 CroatianDalibor Burazović Eurodelta d.o.o. Truck driver Killed in an ambush near Mosul [ citation needed ] October 23, 2004 TurkishName unknown Unknown Truck driver Killed in an ambush in Baiji [ citation needed ] October 27, 2004 AmericanTravis Schnoor Custer Battl] Private Military Contractor Killed by a roadside bomb west of Baghdad [ citation needed ] October 29, 2004 TurkishName unknown Unknown Truck driver Killed in an ambush in Mosul [ 61] November 2, 2004 AmericanRadim Sadeq Mohammed Sadeq Unknown Businessman Captured in Baghdad , still missing and presumed dead [ citation needed ] November 3, 2004 AmericanJeffery Serrett Kellogg, Brown & Root Medic Killed in an attack on a prison in Baghdad [ citation needed ] November 3, 2004 BritishJohn Barke] Global Risk Strategies Limited Private Military Contractor Killed by a suicide bomber in Baghdad [ citation needed ] November 5, 2004 NepaliTikaram Gurung Gorkha Manpower Company Private Military Contractor Killed in an ambush [ citation needed ] November 7, 2004 TurkishName unknown Unknown Truck driver Killed in an ambush in Samarra [ citation needed ] November 7, 2004 British, South AfricanShaun Husband, Johan Terry Olive Security Private Military Contractors Killed by a roadside bomb in Al Zubayr , near Basra [ citation needed ] November 8–16, 2004 BritishName unknown Unknown Private Military Contractor Killed during the Battle of Mosul [ citation needed ] November 8–16, 2004 TurkishName unknown Unknown Truck driver Killed during the Battle of Mosul [ citation needed ] November 9, 2004 AmericanAaron Iversen, David Randolph EOD Technology Inc. Private Military Contractors Killed in an ambush between Baghdad and Fallujah [ citation needed ] November 10, 2004 AmericanDouglas S.Thomas DynCorp International Private Military Contractor Killed by an IED in a convoy from Balad, Iraq to Tikrit [ citation needed ] November 11, 2004 AmericanMike Tatar DynCorp International Private Military Contractor Killed with friendly fire en route to Baghdad [ citation needed ] November 14, 2004 AmericanWolf Weis Unknown Private contractor Killed in an ambush near Mosul [ citation needed ] November 16, 2004 South KoreanJung Myeong-nam Taehwa Electric Co. Private contractor Killed in an accident in Erbil [ citation needed ] November, 2004 South AfricanJacques Oosthuize Erinys Iraq Private Military Contractor Killed in an ambush between Tikrit and Mosul [ 62] November 25, 2004 NepaliNames unknown (4 individuals) Global Risk Strategies Limited Private Military Contractors Killed by a mortar attack in Baghdad [ citation needed ] November 30, 2004 HonduranJosé Mauricio Mena Puerto DynCorp International Medic Killed in an ambush [ citation needed ] December 8, 2004 American Dale Stoffel , Joseph Wemple CLI USA Construction contractors Shot and killed near an Iraqi military base north of Baghdad [ 63] December 15, 2004 Italian Salvatore Santoro Unknown Aid worker Shot and killed at an insurgent checkpoint outside Ramadi [ 64] December 20, 2004 TurkishSaban Ozsagir Unknown Truck driver Killed in an ambush near Mosul [ citation needed ] December 21, 2004 AmericanLeslie W. Davis, Brett A.Hunter, Allen Smith, Anthony M. Stramiello Jr. Kellogg, Brown & Root Construction foremen and technicians Killed by a suicide bomber in Mosul [ citation needed ]