List of serial killers active in the 2020s

Last updated

This is a list of serial killers who were active between 2020 and the present. A serial killer is typically defined as an individual who murders more than two people with a cooling-off period. [1] The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines serial murder as "a series of two or more murders, committed as separate events, usually, but not always, by one offender acting alone". [2]


Convicted serial killers


NameCountryYears activeProven victimsPossible victimsCurrent statusNotes
Rosario AlfonsoFlag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 2018–202034Serving a sentence of 70 years in prisonMurdered at least three women between December 2018 and January 2020. Absolved of a fourth murder. [3]
Esteban Lorenzo DuarteFlag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 2004–202025Committed suicide before apprehensionKnown as "The Butcher/Bluebeard of Villa Astolfi"; murdered his wife in 2004, then murdered and dismembered a girlfriend in 2020. He is suspected of the disappearances of three neighbors. [4] [5]
Kenyel Brown Flag of the United States.svg  United States 2001–202066Committed suicide before apprehensionKnown as the "Metro Detroit Serial Killer". Robbed and murdered six people from 2019 to 2020 in Wayne County, Michigan, later dying by suicide. [6]
Travis LewisFlag of the United States.svg United States1996–202033Committed suicide before apprehensionMurdered three members of a family in the same house from 1996 to 2020. After murdering his third victim, he drowned himself in Horseshoe Lake. [7]
Anil ValaFlag of India.svg  India ?–202023Convicted of two murders; awaiting trial for thirdSexually assaulted and strangled women in Gujarat. [8]
Andrey Yezhov Flag of Russia.svg Russia2010–202077Committed suicide before trialKnown as "The Kashirsky Maniac"; linked to nine sexually-motivated attacks against elderly women and young girls, seven of which were fatal. A month after he was arrested, he hanged himself in his prison cell. [9]
Omar Santos LoeraFlag of Mexico.svg Mexico2010–202033Committed suicide before trialMurdered two people with a saber in 2010 and was arrested, but escaped in less than a year. He later murdered his girlfriend in 2020. [10]
Ismael Antonio Sánchez and José RojasFlag of Argentina.svg Argentina2019–202033Serving a sentence of life imprisonmentAlong with other two men, they murdered an agricultural producer in June of 2020, and were later linked to two other murders which took place between November 2019 and January 2020. [11] [12]
Hugo Bustamante PérezFlag of Chile.svg  Chile 2005–202035Serving a sentence of life imprisonmentMurdered his girlfriend and her son in 2005 and hid their bodies in a metal barrel. Released in 2016 just to kill the daughter of his new girlfriend in 2020. [13] In 2024, while in prison, he confessed to two other homicides. [14]
Lissa María CaizaFlag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador 202045Serving a sentence of 56 years in prisonKnown as "Mrs. Poison"; murdered her children, her boyfriend and a friend, and it is believed that she killed one more man. She is accused of having tried to murder ten people, including her mother and brothers. [15] [16]
Karel Šťovíček Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 1998–202033Serving a sentence of life imprisonmentCaused the death of a pensioner during a robbery; after release, he murdered two women in the Bohemian Paradise area during sexual encounters. [17]
Yuri Sparikhin Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
1980–202044Serving a sentence of life imprisonmentKnown as "The Novorossiysk Maniac"; violent recidivist and sex offender who raped a woman and killed another in Krasnodar shortly after being released from prison. Previously convicted for murdering a neighbor in 1980 and two children in 2001. [18]
Diego Ruiz Restrepo Flag of Chile.svg Chile2020815–20Serving a sentence of life imprisonmentKnown as "The Psychopath of Meiggs"; Murdered random homeless people by stabbing them in November 2020. [19]
Harold Haulman Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Flag of the United States.svg United States
1999–202034Serving a sentence of life imprisonment without paroleConvicted of murdering three people in the United States and Germany and suspected of an additional one. He lured his last two victims through dating apps. [20]
Omar Fernandez HerradaFlag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia 2017–202044Serving a sentence of 30 years in prisonMurdered four people, including his cousin, with two accomplices. [21]
Maina Ramulu Flag of India.svg India2003–20201618Convicted; awaiting sentencingConvicted of murdering sixteen women during three separate murder sprees due to his hatred of women. He has now been charged with the murders of two more women committed after he was released from prison in 2020. [22]
Rustam Kiknadze Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 2004–202055Sentenced to 26 years imprisonmentRaped, murdered two women and set their bodies on fire in 2004; paroled in 2014, but re-arrested for sexually abusing a disabled young girl; paroled on a second occasion in 2020 and killed three more women in Taraz that year; sentenced to 26 years imprisonment. [23]
Nikolay TishovFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain (accused)
202013Serving an indefinite sentence in a psychiatric hospitalSuspected of murdering two people in Alicante, Spain, between August and November 2020. He later murdered another person in Russia, and was admitted to a psychiatric hospital after being declared mentally ill. [24] [25]
Maniram SenFlag of India.svg India2000–202056Convicted of five murders; awaiting trial for sixthAfter being released from prison in 2017 for murdering five people in 2000, Sen allegedly bludgeoned a journalist to death with a stone on November 8, 2020. [26]
Adre BarozFlag of the United States.svg United States202055Sentenced to five consecutive life sentences plus 140 yearsMurdered five people in seven weeks in southern Colorado. [27] [28]


NameCountryYears activeProven victimsPossible victimsCurrent statusNotes
Tracy Walker Flag of the United States.svg United States1991–202144Serving a sentence of life imprisonmentStabbed three homeless people to death in Rancho Dominguez; previously convicted of voluntary manslaughter in Los Angeles. [29]
Sean Michael Lannon Flag of the United States.svg United States2021516Serving a combined sentence of 95 years in prisonBludgeoned a man to death in New Jersey and murdered five other people, including his ex-wife, in New Mexico. He confessed to murdering an additional 11 people, most of whom were drug dealers, but his claims have not been substantiated. [30]
Hugo Ernesto Osorio Chávez Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador 2019–20211418–40Serving a sentence of seventy years in prisonRaped and murdered fourteen women and girls with nine accomplices, and is suspected of having raped and murdered a further four to 26. [31] [32]
Andrés Mendoza Flag of Mexico.svg Mexico2001–20211930Serving a sentence of life imprisonmentMurdered and cannibalized seventeen women, a man, and a child. [33]
Masten Milimu Wanjala Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya 2015–20211010Lynched by mob while awaiting trialMurdered young boys in Nairobi and drank their blood. After escaping from prison, he was lynched by a mob. [34]
Charles RowlandFlag of the United States.svg United States202129Serving two life sentencesShot a couple to death in their Georgia home in September 2021 and later confessed to seven other murders in Georgia, including a triple homicide that another man had been imprisoned for. [35]
Daniel PrintzFlag of the United States.svg United States2017–202114Serving a sentence of life without paroleConvicted of murdering a woman in 2021 and later confessed to murdering three others. [36]
Fabricio Eloy LudeñaFlag of Ecuador.svg Ecuador2017–202134Committed suicide before trialKnown as "The Undertaker of Dayuma", murdered three men and is believed to have killed a fourth in 2017. While awaiting trial, he hanged himself in his jail cell. [37]
José Tiago Correia Soroka Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 202135One hundred and four years in prisonFatally strangled three gay men he contacted through a dating app. He is also a supect in two other homicides; the death of a doctor in 2016, and his former boss, a gay man. He was captured after attempting to murder another victim. [38]
Richard Choque Flag of Bolivia.svg Bolivia2009–202144+Serving a sentence of 30 years in prisonConvicted of murdering a woman in 2013. He bribed a judge and kidnapped, raped, and murdered at least two more women once released. He had already killed his cousin in 2009. [39]
Shavkat Shayakhmedov Flag of Tajikistan.svg  Tajikistan
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
1994–202156+Died in prisonKnown as "The Zalegoshchensky Maniac"; Uzbekistani-Russian who raped and murdered four children and one adult woman in the Sughd Region and the Oryol Oblast. [40]
Keith Gibson Flag of the United States.svg  United States 2008–202137Serving a life sentenceKilled a man in a robbery in Wilmington, Delaware in 2008. Convicted of two shooting deaths that occurred in May and June 2021 in Delaware, and is suspected of four other murders that occurred in Philadelphia that same year. [41] [42]
Jason Thornburg Flag of the United States.svg  United States 2017–202135 Sentenced to death in Texas in 2024. Currently incarcerated on death row.Convicted of murdering, dismembering and cannibalising three people in Fort Worth, Texas in September 2021. Additionally confessed to the murder of his missing girlfriend in Arizona in 2017 and the murder of his friend in Texas in May 2021. [43]
Kwon Jae-chan Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 2003–202133Serving a death sentenceRobbed and murdered three people in Incheon between 2003 and 2021. [44]


NameCountryYears activeProven victimsPossible victimsCurrent statusNotes
William Devonshire Flag of the United States.svg United States2003–202233Died before trialMurdered a woman in Sarasota, Florida, after being released from prison for a murder he committed in Delaware in 2003. On June 5, 2022, he died in the Sarasota County Jail after refusing to take his medication. Shortly after his death, he was linked by DNA to the murder of another woman in the same area. [45] [46]
Freddrick Jackson Flag of the United States.svg United States2020–202244Serving a 50 year sentenceFatally shot four people in Little Rock, Arkansas. [47]
Jeremy Skibicki Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Canada202244IncarceratedMurdered four Indigenous-Canadian women between March and May 2022. Found guilty of first-degree murder on all counts on July 11, 2024. [48]
Tyrone SteeleFlag of the United States.svg United States202245Serving four life sentencesShot four to five people to death in New Orleans in a 45-day span. [49] [50]
John Mark RichardsonFlag of the United States.svg United States202233+Serving three sentences of life imprisonmentShot three black men to death in Greensboro, North Carolina, one of whom he dismembered. [51]
Malachi UwemFlag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria20221515Shot and killed by police during an attempted escapeLeader of a gang who robbed and murdered fifteen people with accomplices. He and another gang member were shot and killed while attempting to escape police custody. [52]
Neftalí Valencia TorrijosFlag of Colombia.svg  Colombia 2013–202214Convicted of one murder; awaiting trial for anotherAllegedly attacked a couple while on house arrest for a murder, killing the woman and wounding the man. He is also suspected of two additional murders. [53]
Roberto José Carmona Flag of Argentina.svg Argentina1986–202244Serving a sentence of life imprisonmentKnown as "The Human Hyena", in 1986 he kidnapped, raped and murdered a young woman named Gabriela Ceppi. Once in prison, he killed two other inmates. In 2022 he escaped from prison, during which he kidnapped and murdered a taxi driver in order to steal his vehicle. [54]
Lucho Plátano Flag of Chile.svg Chile2022–202344IncarceratedCriminal who murdered four people in the Santiago Metropolitan Region between 2022 and 2023. [55]
Andrew Hammond Flag of the United States.svg United States2020–202233Serving three sentences of life without paroleShot and killed three men in Fresno, California. [56]


NameCountryYears activeProven victimsPossible victimsCurrent statusNotes
Mario Alberto Berrios MuñozFlag of Mexico.svg Mexico2021–202325–10+Killed by intended victimIn 2022, he murdered a US citizen and on February 5, 2023, an elderly man, from whom he stole their cell phones. He is suspected of having killed another man and two women, whom he would also have raped. He is the main suspect in the Cuauhtémoc murders, [57] where five women were raped and murdered. He was killed on February 6, 2023 by one of his relatives whom he also tried to kill during the commission of a robbery. [58]
Slamet Tohari Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia 2020–20231212+Serving a death sentenceScammed and poisoned people with cyanide before burying them near his home in Banjarnegara. [59]
Efraín Sarmiento Cuero Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia 2017–202333Serving a sentence of forty four years in prisonMurdered his two girlfriends between 2017 and 2019, and his wife in 2023 during a prison visit. [60]
Raul Meza Jr. Flag of the United States.svg  United States 1982–2023313Convicted of three murdersMurdered an 8-year-old girl in 1982 in Austin, Texas. He has also pleaded guilty and confessed to the murder of Gloria Lofton in mid-2019, and the murder of his roommate Jesse Fraga on May 20, 2023. Suspect in as many as ten other homicides. [61] [62] [63]
Juan Carlos Villa Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia 2012–20231111Serving a sentence of forty five years in prisonKnown as "The Dwarf" for his short height. He tortured and killed eleven elderly people and one minor. [64]
Denis Kazungu Flag of Rwanda.svg  Rwanda 20231414Serving a life sentenceLured 14 people to his home in Kigali, where he robbed and murdered them before dumping them in a hole in the kitchen. [65]
Alexei VarakinFlag of Russia.svg  Russia 2010–202324Convicted of two murders; awaiting trial for othersSentenced to compulsory treatment after murdering two prostitutes in St. Petersburg in 2010. After his release in 2021, he killed two more prostitutes in Moscow in 2023 and was arrested. [66]
Heather Pressdee Flag of the United States.svg United States2022–2023317Sentenced to three consecutive life sentences plus 380 to 760 yearsIntentionally administered lethal doses of insulin to nursing patients throughout five Pennsylvania nursing homes. Sentenced on charges related to three murders and 19 attempts of committing murder, [67] while being connected to the deaths of 17 patients in total. [68] [69]


NameCountryYears activeProven victimsPossible victimsCurrent statusNotes
Larry Dewayne ReedFlag of the United States.svg United States2012–202414Convicted of one murder; awaiting trial for othersMurdered 18-year-old Obeth Hernandez in 2012. Arrested as a suspect in a triple homicide that took place in January 2024. [70]
Mark FordFlag of the United States.svg United States2003–202433Died by suicide before he could be arrested for the 2024 murdersConvicted of one murder in 2003; confirmed to have committed two more plus one attempted murder in 2024. [71]
Nikolai Ageev Flag of Russia.svg Russia2006–202444Sentenced to life imprisonmentMurdered a cellmate while serving a sentence for robbery; paroled in 2018, whereupon he raped and murdered an elderly woman and a young girl in separate incidents; while serving a life sentence, he murdered a second cellmate. [72]

Suspected serial killers

NameCountryYears activeProven victimsPossible victimsCurrent statusNotes
Pete RenteriaFlag of the United States.svg United States202344A man is charged with fatally shooting his grandparents and uncle at their home in San Bernardino, California, on January 30. He allegedly murdered another man at a park eight months later. [73]
Ronaldo RickettsFlag of Jamaica.svg  Jamaica 202349A man is charged with stabbing four homeless people to death. He was arrested in August 2023 after abducting and attempting to rape a woman. [74]
Rebecca AubornFlag of the United States.svg United States202344+A woman is charged with the fatal drugging robberies of at least four men between January and June of 2023 in Columbus, Ohio. She is accused of giving her victims fentanyl without their knowledge while meeting them for sex at hotels. [75]
Sushant Singh and Shiva PariyarFlag of Nepal.svg    Nepal 2022–202333+A husband and wife allegedly robbed and murdered three women between September 2022 and January 2023. [76]
Sararat and Vithul RangsiwutthapornFlag of Thailand.svg Thailand2015–20231420+A woman is charged with poisoning creditors in 8 provinces. The first case occurred in 2015 and the cyanide killings continued until 2023. The police also arrested the woman's ex-husband. [77]
Kulthum Akbari Flag of Iran.svg Iran2001–20231120+A woman named Kulthum Akbari confessed to murdering ten of her former husbands for money after being arrested for suffocating her most recent husband to death. [78]
Kenwood AllenFlag of the United States.svg United States202255A man is accused of drugging 21 victims during robberies outside of downtown Manhattan nightclubs using fentanyl and other opioids, resulting in five deaths between March and December of 2022. [79]
Giandavide De PauFlag of Italy.svg Italy202203Three women were murdered at two different locations in Rome in November 2022. The killer initially murdered a Colombian prostitute before moving to another brothel and killing two Chinese women. A suspect, Giandavide De Pau, was arrested in connection to the murders. [80]
Christopher MartellFlag of the United States.svg United States202233+A man is accused of fatally stabbing at least three homeless people between February and September 2022. Two other victims survived. [81]
Dr. Abass Adio AdeyemiFlag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria202244A medical doctor is accused of murdering four people, most in Kwara State, for the purposes of organ harvesting. [82]
Wesley Brownlee Flag of the United States.svg United States2021–202277The fatal shootings of six people in Stockton, California and one in Oakland. Police believe the suspect also shot and wounded another woman in Stockton. A suspect was arrested and is awaiting trial. [83]
Muhammad Atif Syed Flag of the United States.svg United States2021–202224Shootings of four Muslim men in Albuquerque, New Mexico. A Muslim man was arrested and charged with two of the murders. [84]
Renato TeixeiraFlag of Brazil.svg Brazil2020–202239–14A man charged with fatally stabbing two men and a woman between 2020 and 2022 confessed to murdering six additional people he met through dating apps, and is suspected of a further five murders. [85]
Anthony Robinson Flag of the United States.svg United States202125–6DC metro area authorities believe a man, whom they have dubbed the "Shopping Cart Killer," met his victims on dating websites and allegedly lured them into motels, where he then killed them and transported their bodies in shopping carts. He has been charged with the murders of two victims and is suspected to be responsible for the murders of four additional women. [86]
Perez ReedFlag of the United States.svg  United States 202177A man is charged with seven shooting murders of various people in Kansas City, Kansas and St. Louis, Missouri. He was arrested and found to be in possession of the gun with ballistics matching the homicides evidence. [87]
Gurpartap SinghFlag of India.svg India2020–202155A man allegedly murdered five truck drivers and looted their vehicles with an accomplice. [88]
Richard Bradley Jr.Flag of the United States.svg United States2019–202144+A man has been charged with four murders committed between July 2019 and May 2021 in Washington. He allegedly lured his victims by asking them for help in digging up his stolen buried gold. [89]
Jayson TheuriFlag of Kenya.svg Kenya2018–202044+A man allegedly murdered women and children in Nyandarua West with accomplices. [90]
Savara RameshFlag of India.svg India2016–202033+A man is charged with murdering three women. [91]
Pedro José Silva OchoaFlag of Chile.svg Chile2022–202333A Colombian citizen is awaiting trial for a double homicide committed in Quinta Normal in November 2022, and one of their relatives, whom he allegedly killed when they went to his home to confront him in May 2023. [92]
KuldeepFlag of India.svg India2023–2024611+Between 2023 and 2024, between six and at least eleven women were strangled with their saris in rural villages near Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. A suspect was detained in August 2024 following the initiation of Operation Talash, and has confessed to six of the killings so far. [93]
Jerrid Joseph PowellFlag of the United States.svg United States202344A man is charged with and awaiting trial for the fatal shootings of three homeless men in Los Angeles, California, as well as a home invasion shooting before the spree. [94]

Unsolved serial killings

AliasCountryYears activeProven victimsPossible victimsNotes
Highway of DeathFlag of Mexico.svg Mexico2020–present7186–200+A 136-mile stretch of Federal Highway 86 where, since 2020, at least seventy-one men, women, and children have disappeared or been murdered. The eighteen survivors said that they were abducted by armed men and tortured. It's suspected that cartels are responsible for many of the murders, but there is also a possibility that lone criminals are responsible for some of them. [95]
Highway of Tears Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 1970–present8080+A corridor of Highway 16 where, since 1970, at least eighty girls and women, primarily indigenous, have gone missing or been murdered. [96]
Toy Car MurdersFlag of Mexico.svg Mexico2019–202356Alleged vigilante who killed car thieves in Sinaloa with a shot to the head minutes after stealing. Toy cars were found on the body of all the victims. Due to this distinctive mark, the alleged murderer is popularly known as "El Asesino del Carrito" (The Toy Car Killer) or "El Juguetero" (The Toy-Maker). It is believed that they would be vigilante justice actions by one or more organized persons. [97] [98] [99]
Cuauhtémoc killingsFlag of Mexico.svg Mexico202155The rapes and murders of five women in Cuauhtémoc, Mexico. The victims were found in vacant lots with their throats slit. One of the victims is unidentified. Mario Alberto Berrios Muñoz, a serial killer murdered in 2023, is the main suspect. [100]
Little Rock serial stabbings Flag of the United States.svg United States2020–202133The fatal stabbings of three people in Little Rock, Arkansas. [101]
Janikhel grave Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan 202044A grave containing the mutilated bodies of four teenage boys. One victim was decapitated, one was shot, and two were stoned to death. [102]
Fana beheadingsFlag of Mali.svg  Mali 2018–20201010The ritualistic decapitations of ten Fana residents. [103]
"Vampire"Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya 2022–20244242A 33-year-old Kenyan man was accused of killing 42 women in Nairobi between 2022 and 2024. After his arrest, he escaped custody and has not been heard from since. [104]

See also

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