Matthew 28:7 | |
← 28:6 28:8 → | |
An artistic depiction of the women hearing from the angel at the grave | |
Book | Gospel of Matthew |
Christian Bible part | New Testament |
Matthew 28:7 is the seventh verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative. An angel has appeared at the empty tomb and in this verse he continues his instructions to Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary".
The original Koine Greek, according to Westcott and Hort, reads:
In the King James Version of the Bible it is translated as:
The modern World English Bible translates the passage as:
This verse is a close parallel, and believed to be derived from Mark 16:7. The author of Matthew drops the specific reference to Peter. This decision has been speculated upon by many readers over the centuries, especially as Peter has a central role and is often emphasized throughout Matthew, most importantly at Matthew 16:18 where Jesus calls Peter the rock upon which he will build his church. [1] It may be linked to Peter's denial of Christ. In this part of the narrative Matthew refers to the disciples as a unit, and dropping Peter may simply be to continue this pattern. [2] Arlo Nau considered the omission of Peter from this verse "extraordinarily significant". He believed that Peter's removal here disproves that Matthew was trying to build Peter up as the leader of the church. Rather, Nau argued that Peter is first built up, and then brought down by his portrayal to emphasize the primacy of Jesus. [3]
Matthew adds "he is risen from the dead" to the angel's speech. Gundry speculates that this is to emphasize the fact of the resurrection. [4] The angel in Matthew, unlike Mark, reminds the women to go quickly. Nolland believes that this was added not so much because speed was important, but rather to emphasize the importance to the reader of the message the women are bearing. [5] Like Matthew 28:2 it shows an elevation in drama over the original version in Mark.
The angel tells the disciples to go to Galilee, this fulfills Jesus' promise of Matthew 26:32. In Matthew the Great Commission is delivered in Galilee. Mark does not mention the location, while Luke and John have it take place in Jerusalem. R. T. France notes that throughout Matthew, Galilee is a location of great importance and in Matthew 4 where Jesus first begins his ministry. By contrast, in Matthew Jerusalem is a city where negative things consistently happen. [6] Fowler notes that the move to Galilee may be an attempt to establish that Jesus is truly resurrected, and not just a ghost. Ghosts are confined by tradition to tombs or the place of death. Jesus appearing in Galilee, away from both of those things, is evidence he is not a ghost. [7]
Matthew 4:3 is the third verse of the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse opens the section in Matthew dealing with the temptation of Christ by Satan. Jesus has been fasting for forty days and forty nights and in this verse the devil gives Christ his first temptation and encourages him to use his powers to get food.
Matthew 4:12 is the twelfth verse of the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. The temptation scene has just ended, and this verse begins the introduction to the discussion of the Ministry of Jesus, which makes up the bulk of the gospel.
Matthew 4:13 is the thirteenth verse of the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. In the previous verse Jesus returned to Galilee after hearing of the arrest of John the Baptist. In this verse he leaves from Nazareth to Capernaum.
Matthew 4:18 is the eighteenth verse of the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. Jesus has just begun preaching in Galilee. In this verse he encounters the first of his disciples.
Matthew 5:1 and Matthew 5:2 are the first two verses of the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. The verses introduce the Sermon on the Mount that will be recited in the next several chapters. The previous verse mentioned the large crowds "from Galilee, and from the Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea, and beyond the Jordan" who followed Jesus to witness him healing: these verses present Jesus as seeing the crowds and going up onto a mountain to begin teaching.
Matthew 28 is the twenty-eighth and final chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This chapter records that Jesus is risen, describes the actions of the first witnesses to this event, and ends with the Great Commission.
Matthew 28:1 is the first verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse opens the resurrection narrative as Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" visit Jesus' tomb after the crucifixion.
Matthew 28:3 is the third verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative and describes the angel who arrived at the tomb of Jesus in the previous verse.
Matthew 28:4 is the fourth verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative; describing the reaction of the tomb guards after the arrival of the angel of the Lord and the occurrence of an earthquake that opened the tomb.
Matthew 28:2 is the second verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative. Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" were approaching Jesus' tomb after the crucifixion, when an earthquake occurred and an angel appeared.
Matthew 28:5–6 are the fifth and sixth verses of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Both verses form part of the resurrection narrative. An angel has appeared at the empty tomb and now gives instructions to Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary".
Matthew 28:8 is the eight verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative. Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" had just encountered an angel has appeared at the empty tomb of Jesus, and in this verse they leave to bear his message.
Matthew 28:9 is the ninth verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative. Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" are leaving the empty tomb of Jesus after encountering an angel, and in this verse they encounter the risen Jesus.
Matthew 28:10 is the tenth verse of the twenty-eighth chapter in the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative. Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" are leaving the empty tomb of Jesus after encountering an angel, and in this verse they encounter the risen Jesus.
Matthew 28:11 is the eleventh verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative. In this verse the guards of the tomb, after being present for an angel hearkening the resurrection, return to report to Jerusalem.
Matthew 28:12 is the twelfth verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative. In this verse the guards of the tomb, after being present for an angel hearkening the resurrection, are bribed by the priests to lie about what they saw.
Matthew 27:55-56 are the fifty-sixth and fifty-seventh verses of the twenty-seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. The crucifixion and death of Jesus have just occurred, and these verses make note of a group of women who were present at that event.
Matthew 8:2 is the second verse of the eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse begins the miracle story of Jesus cleansing a leper, the first of a series of miracles in Matthew.
Matthew 10:1 is the first verse of the tenth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. In this verse Jesus gathers his disciples and grants them healing powers in what is known as the commissioning the twelve apostles.
Matthew 27:5 is the fifth verse of the twenty-seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse continues the final story of Judas Iscariot. In the earlier verse Judas had regretted his decision to betray Jesus, but is met with disinterest from the Jewish leaders. In this verse his response is to return the blood money and then commit suicide.
Preceded by Matthew 28:6 | Gospel of Matthew Chapter 28 | Succeeded by Matthew 28:8 |