Matthew 28:1 | |
← 27:66 28:2 → | |
![]() Mikołaj Haberschrack's Three Marys at the Tomb depicts three women, following Mark's version | |
Book | Gospel of Matthew |
Christian Bible part | New Testament |
Matthew 28:1 is the first verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse opens the resurrection narrative as Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" visit Jesus' tomb after the crucifixion.
The original Koine Greek, according to Westcott and Hort, reads:
In the King James Version of the Bible it is translated as:
The modern World English Bible translates the passage as:
The most important debate over this verse is what it says about the time of the visit, and thus the resurrection. The three other gospels, and Christian tradition, have the empty tomb discovered the day after Sabbath, today known as Easter Sunday. This verse has two time indicators. The first can be translated as "late on Sabbath" and the second as "at the beginning of the first day of the week". It literally translates as dawning of the day, but as at Luke 23:54 this term can also refer to the beginning of night. [1] By the Jewish calendar the new day begins at sundown, thus the beginning of the day would have been Saturday evening. Thus the verse can be read as describing the resurrection as happening on Saturday rather than Sunday. [2] Some scholars, such as Eduard Schweizer. [3] and Robert H. Gundry [4] believe that the author of Matthew did have a different chronology in mind when he wrote this verse.
This has been an issue of concern for Christian writers since early in church history. St. Augustine was concerned that an initial reading of the verse indicated the Saturday date, but argued it could also be read as referring to Sunday morning and thus in keeping with the other gospels. [5] Some modern scholars agree. France notes that there is no good explanation for any time difference, and Matthew was clearly working from a copy of Mark with its Sunday timing. [6] Nolland believes that the Greek is ambiguous, but can be read to refer to Sunday morning. "Late on Sabbath" can be read as "after Sabbath" and the "beginning of the next day" as the "dawning of the next day", and thus sunrise on Sunday. Nolland also notes that other Jewish texts from the period are also imprecise and refer to the dawn as the beginning of a new day. [7] Davies and Allison also consider the Saturday evening timing as less likely, as an evening visit would have been implausible, as two women would not have travelled to the edge of town as darkness was falling in that era. [8]
In this verse the author of Matthew seems to be working from a copy of Mark 16:1-3. Luke 24:1-12 and John 20:1-13 also cover the same events, and seem to share some of the same source material beyond what is in Mark. [9] There are many changes from Mark. Matthew mentions only two women, dropping Salome from the group. It also refers to "the other Mary." An ambiguous usage copied from Matthew 27:61 and usually accepted to refer to Mary, the mother of James. [10]
In Mark and Luke the women come to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus. This is dropped from Matthew's version. Here they are described as coming simply to "see the tomb." This is usually understood as the women coming to continue their vigil that had begun at Matthew 27:55. The anointing is also not an issue, as this was already accomplished at Matthew 26:12. [11] Anointing would also have been impossible in Matthew's story, due to the guards posted outside the tomb in his version. [12] Schweizer notes that anointing at this stage was improbable to begin with, as a body after three days in the Near Eastern heat would be unpleasant to work with. [13]
Matthew thus drops the description of the women buying the anointing spices, something Mark has happening on the Saturday evening. The author of Matthew may have copied the wording from the Saturday spice buying over to the visit to the tomb, creating the ambiguity in the timing. Unlike Luke, Matthew gives no information as to what happened on Sabbath itself, skipping over that day. [14]
Nolland notes that the reference to the dawn might be a link to Matthew 4:16, creating a link between the very beginning of Jesus' ministry and its end. [15] Peter Chrysologus wrote that the reference to dawn is to the renewal of Sabbath on its new day. [16]
John 20:1 is the first verse of the twentieth chapter of the Gospel of John in the New Testament. John 20 covers the resurrection of Jesus after his crucifixion. In this verse Mary Magdalene visits Jesus' tomb and finds it opened.
Matthew 5:26 is the twenty-sixth verse of the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament and is part of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus has just warned that if you do not reconcile with your enemies a judge is likely to throw you in jail. In this verse Jesus mentions that your debts must be paid completely before one can leave.
Matthew 5:35 and Matthew 5:36 are the thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth verses of the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. They are part of the Sermon on the Mount. These verses are part of either the third or fourth antithesis, the discussion of oaths. Jesus tells his listeners in Matthew 5:34 "to swear not at all" and in here presents examples of unacceptable swearing.
Matthew 28:3 is the third verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative and describes the angel who arrived at the tomb of Jesus in the previous verse.
Matthew 28:4 is the fourth verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative; describing the reaction of the tomb guards after the arrival of the angel of the Lord and the occurrence of an earthquake that opened the tomb.
Matthew 28:2 is the second verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative. Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" were approaching Jesus' tomb after the crucifixion, when an earthquake occurred and an angel appeared.
Matthew 28:5–6 are the fifth and sixth verses of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Both verses form part of the resurrection narrative. An angel has appeared at the empty tomb and now gives instructions to Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary".
Matthew 28:7 is the seventh verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative. An angel has appeared at the empty tomb and in this verse he continues his instructions to Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary".
Matthew 28:8 is the eighth verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative. Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" had just encountered an angel who has appeared at the empty tomb of Jesus, and in this verse they leave to bear the angel's message.
Matthew 28:9 is the ninth verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative. Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" are leaving the empty tomb of Jesus after encountering an angel, and in this verse they encounter the risen Jesus.
Matthew 28:10 is the tenth verse of the twenty-eighth chapter in the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative. Having left the empty tomb, Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" are on their way to meet the other disciples, when Jesus meets with them. In this verse the risen Jesus speaks with them.
Matthew 28:12 is the twelfth verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative. In this verse the guards of the tomb, after being present for an angel hearkening the resurrection, are bribed by the priests to lie about what they saw.
Matthew 27:60 is the sixtieth verse of the twenty-seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse describes the Entombment of Jesus by Joseph of Arimathea after the crucifixion.
Matthew 27:57 is the fifty-seventh verse of the twenty-seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse begins a discussion of the burial of Jesus and introduces Joseph of Arimathea.
Matthew 27:55–56 are the fifty-sixth and fifty-seventh verses of the twenty-seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. The crucifixion and death of Jesus have just occurred, and these verses make note of a group of women who were present at that event.
Matthew 27:53 is the fifty-third verse of the twenty-seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse describes some of the events that occurred upon the death of Jesus. The previous verse mentioned that tombs broke open and the saints inside were resurrected. In this verse the saints descend upon the Holy City.
Matthew 10:1 is the first verse of the tenth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. In this verse Jesus gathers his disciples and grants them healing powers in what is known as the commissioning the twelve apostles.
Matthew 27:7 is the seventh verse of the twenty-seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse continues the final story of Judas Iscariot. In the previous verses Judas has killed himself, but not before casting the thirty pieces of silver into the Temple. In this verse the priests decide to buy a potter's field with them.
Matthew 27:5 is the fifth verse of the twenty-seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse continues the final story of Judas Iscariot. In the earlier verse Judas had regretted his decision to betray Jesus, but is met with disinterest from the Jewish leaders. In this verse his response is to return the blood money and then commit suicide.
Matthew 27:6 is the sixth verse of the twenty-seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse continues the final story of Judas Iscariot. In the previous verse Judas had cast into the temple the thirty pieces of silver he'd been paid for betraying Jesus. In this verse the priests discuss what to do with them.
Preceded by Matthew 27:66 | Gospel of Matthew Chapter 28 | Succeeded by Matthew 28:2 |