Reticulocyte production index

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Reticulocyte production index
Synonyms CRC
Purposeis a calculated value used in the diagnosis of anemia

The reticulocyte production index (RPI), also called a corrected reticulocyte count (CRC), is a calculated value used in the diagnosis of anemia. This calculation is necessary because the raw reticulocyte count is misleading in anemic patients. The problem arises because the reticulocyte count is not really a count but rather a percentage: it reports the number of reticulocytes as a percentage of the number of red blood cells. In anemia, the patient's red blood cells are depleted, creating an erroneously elevated reticulocyte count.




Reticulocyte Polychromatic erythrocyte.png
Erythrocyte Erythrocyte.png

Reticulocytes are newly produced red blood cells. They are slightly larger than totally mature red blood cells, and have some residual ribosomal RNA. The presence of RNA allows a visible blue stain to bind or, in the case of fluorescent dye, result in a different brightness. This allows them to be detected and counted as a distinct population. [2]

The RPI is used to assess whether the bone marrow is producing an appropriate response to an anemic state. Reticulocyte production should increase in response to any loss of red blood cells. It should increase within 2–3 days of a major acute hemorrhage, for instance, and reach its peak in 6–10 days. [3] If reticulocyte production is not raised in response to anemia, then the anemia may be due to an acute cause with insufficient time to compensate, or there is a defect with red blood cell production in the bone marrow. Marrow defects include nutritional deficiencies (i.e. iron, folate, or B12) or insufficient erythropoietin, the stimulus for red blood cell production. Reticulocytopenia, or "aplastic crisis", is the medical term for an abnormal decrease of reticulocytes in the body The reticulocyte production index may find new use as a more reliable detector of erythropoietin-doping in athletes. The use of this method is referred to as "biological passport."[ citation needed ]

Calculation of RPI

Reticulocyte Production Index is calculated as follows:


This calculation is to correct for the severity of the anemia. A value of 45% (or 0,45 L/L) is usually used as a normal hematocrit for males. [4]

2.The next step is to correct for the longer life span of prematurely released reticulocytes in the blood—a phenomenon of increased red blood cell production. This relies on a table:

Hematocrit (%)Retic survival (days) = maturation correction
15 and below2.5

So, in a person whose reticulocyte percentage is 5%, hemoglobin 7.5 g/dL, hematocrit 25%, the RPI would be:

→ RPI 1.4

Alternatively some books provide the following formula and is called Reticulocyte Index (RI):

Whereas normal reticulocytes lose their RNA within 24 hours, a severely anemic patient with a full erythropoietin response will release reticulocytes that take from 2-3 days to lose their RNA. This has the effect of raising the reticulocyte count simply because reticulocytes produced on any single day will spend more than 1 day in circulation as reticulocytes and, therefore, will be counted for 2 or more days. The simplest method for correcting the reticulocyte count, to obtain a more accurate daily production index, is to divide the corrected count by a factor of 2 (or multiply with ½) whenever polychromasia (the presence of immature marrow reticulocytes or "shift" cells) is observed on the smear or the immature fraction on the automated counter is increased. [5] [6] [7]



Interpretation of these values are not standard and vary based on specific laboratory values and clinical context. [9]

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The term macrocytic is from Greek words meaning "large cell". A macrocytic class of anemia is an anemia in which the red blood cells (erythrocytes) are larger than their normal volume. The normal erythrocyte volume in humans is about 80 to 100 femtoliters. In metric terms the size is given in equivalent cubic micrometers. The condition of having erythrocytes which are too large, is called macrocytosis. In contrast, in microcytic anemia, the erythrocytes are smaller than normal.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Polychromasia</span> Medical condition

Polychromasia is a disorder where there is an abnormally high number of immature red blood cells found in the bloodstream as a result of being prematurely released from the bone marrow during blood formation These cells are often shades of grayish-blue. Polychromasia is usually a sign of bone marrow stress as well as immature red blood cells. 3 types are recognized, with types 1 and 2 being referred to as 'young red blood cells' and type 3 as 'old red blood cells'. Giemsa stain is used to distinguish all three types of blood smears. The young cells will generally stain gray or blue in the cytoplasm. These young red blood cells are commonly called reticulocytes. All polychromatophilic cells are reticulocytes, however, not all reticulocytes are polychromatophilic. In the old blood cells, the cytoplasm either stains a light orange or does not stain at all.

Anemia is a condition in which blood has a lower-than-normal amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin. Anemia in pregnancy is a decrease in the total red blood cells (RBCs) or hemoglobin in the blood during pregnancy. Anemia is an extremely common condition in pregnancy world-wide, conferring a number of health risks to mother and child. While anemia in pregnancy may be pathologic, in normal pregnancies, the increase in RBC mass is smaller than the increase in plasma volume, leading to a mild decrease in hemoglobin concentration referred to as physiologic anemia. Maternal signs and symptoms are usually non-specific, but can include: fatigue, pallor, dyspnea, palpitations, and dizziness. There are numerous well-known maternal consequences of anemia including: maternal cardiovascular strain, reduced physical and mental performance, reduced peripartum blood reserves, increased risk for peripartum blood product transfusion, and increased risk for maternal mortality.


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