Retraction (topology)

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In topology, a branch of mathematics, a retraction is a continuous mapping from a topological space into a subspace that preserves the position of all points in that subspace. [1] The subspace is then called a retract of the original space. A deformation retraction is a mapping that captures the idea of continuously shrinking a space into a subspace.


An absolute neighborhood retract (ANR) is a particularly well-behaved type of topological space. For example, every topological manifold is an ANR. Every ANR has the homotopy type of a very simple topological space, a CW complex.



Let X be a topological space and A a subspace of X. Then a continuous map

is a retraction if the restriction of r to A is the identity map on A; that is, for all a in A. Equivalently, denoting by

the inclusion, a retraction is a continuous map r such that

that is, the composition of r with the inclusion is the identity of A. Note that, by definition, a retraction maps X onto A. A subspace A is called a retract of X if such a retraction exists. For instance, any non-empty space retracts to a point in the obvious way (the constant map yields a retraction). If X is Hausdorff, then A must be a closed subset of X.

If is a retraction, then the composition ι∘r is an idempotent continuous map from X to X. Conversely, given any idempotent continuous map we obtain a retraction onto the image of s by restricting the codomain.

Deformation retract and strong deformation retract

A continuous map

is a deformation retraction of a space X onto a subspace A if, for every x in X and a in A,

In other words, a deformation retraction is a homotopy between a retraction and the identity map on X. The subspace A is called a deformation retract of X. A deformation retraction is a special case of a homotopy equivalence.

A retract need not be a deformation retract. For instance, having a single point as a deformation retract of a space X would imply that X is path connected (and in fact that X is contractible).

Note: An equivalent definition of deformation retraction is the following. A continuous map is a deformation retraction if it is a retraction and its composition with the inclusion is homotopic to the identity map on X. In this formulation, a deformation retraction carries with it a homotopy between the identity map on X and itself.

If, in the definition of a deformation retraction, we add the requirement that

for all t in [0, 1] and a in A, then F is called a strong deformation retraction. In other words, a strong deformation retraction leaves points in A fixed throughout the homotopy. (Some authors, such as Hatcher, take this as the definition of deformation retraction.)

As an example, the n-sphere is a strong deformation retract of as strong deformation retraction one can choose the map

Note that the condition of being a strong deformation retract is strictly stronger than being a deformation retract. For instance, let X be the subspace of consisting of closed line segments connecting the origin and the point for n a positive integer, together with the closed line segment connecting the origin with . Let X have the subspace topology inherited from the Euclidean topology on . Now let A be the subspace of X consisting of the line segment connecting the origin with . Then A is a deformation retract of X but not a strong deformation retract of X. [2]

Cofibration and neighborhood deformation retract

A map f: AX of topological spaces is a (Hurewicz) cofibration if it has the homotopy extension property for maps to any space. This is one of the central concepts of homotopy theory. A cofibration f is always injective, in fact a homeomorphism to its image. [3] If X is Hausdorff (or a compactly generated weak Hausdorff space), then the image of a cofibration f is closed in X.

Among all closed inclusions, cofibrations can be characterized as follows. The inclusion of a closed subspace A in a space X is a cofibration if and only if A is a neighborhood deformation retract of X, meaning that there is a continuous map with and a homotopy such that for all for all and and if . [4]

For example, the inclusion of a subcomplex in a CW complex is a cofibration.


No-retraction theorem

The boundary of the n-dimensional ball, that is, the (n−1)-sphere, is not a retract of the ball. (See Brouwer fixed-point theorem § A proof using homology or cohomology.)

Absolute neighborhood retract (ANR)

A closed subset of a topological space is called a neighborhood retract of if is a retract of some open subset of that contains .

Let be a class of topological spaces, closed under homeomorphisms and passage to closed subsets. Following Borsuk (starting in 1931), a space is called an absolute retract for the class , written if is in and whenever is a closed subset of a space in , is a retract of . A space is an absolute neighborhood retract for the class , written if is in and whenever is a closed subset of a space in , is a neighborhood retract of .

Various classes such as normal spaces have been considered in this definition, but the class of metrizable spaces has been found to give the most satisfactory theory. For that reason, the notations AR and ANR by themselves are used in this article to mean and . [6]

A metrizable space is an AR if and only if it is contractible and an ANR. [7] By Dugundji, every locally convex metrizable topological vector space is an AR; more generally, every nonempty convex subset of such a vector space is an AR. [8] For example, any normed vector space (complete or not) is an AR. More concretely, Euclidean space the unit cube and the Hilbert cube are ARs.

ANRs form a remarkable class of "well-behaved" topological spaces. Among their properties are:


  1. Borsuk (1931).
  2. Weintraub, Steven H. Fundamentals of Algebraic Topology. Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Vol. 270. Springer. p. 20.
  3. Hatcher (2002), Proposition 4H.1.
  4. Puppe (1967), Satz 1.
  5. Hatcher (2002), Exercise 0.6.
  6. Mardešiċ (1999), p. 242.
  7. Hu (1965), Proposition II.7.2.
  8. Hu (1965), Corollary II.14.2 and Theorem II.3.1.
  9. Hu (1965), Theorem III.8.1.
  10. Mardešiċ (1999), p. 245.
  11. Fritsch & Piccinini (1990), Theorem 5.2.1.
  12. Hu (1965), Theorem V.7.1.
  13. Borsuk (1967), section IV.4.
  14. Borsuk (1967), Theorem V.11.1.
  15. Fritsch & Piccinini (1990), Theorem 5.2.1.
  16. West (2004), p. 119.
  17. Hu (1965), Theorem VII.3.1 and Remark VII.2.3.
  18. Cauty (1994), Fund. Math. 144: 11–22.
  19. Cauty (1994), Fund. Math. 146: 85–99.

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