Scissortail sergeant | |
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Scientific classification ![]() | |
Domain: | Eukaryota |
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Chordata |
Class: | Actinopterygii |
Family: | Pomacentridae |
Genus: | Abudefduf |
Species: | A. sexfasciatus |
Binomial name | |
Abudefduf sexfasciatus Lacépède, 1801 | |
Synonyms | |
The scissortail sergeant or striptailed damselfish (Abudefduf sexfasciatus) is a large damselfish. It earns its name from the black-striped tail and sides, which are reminiscent of the insignia of a military Sergeant, being similar to those of the sergeant major damselfish. It grows to a length of about 16 centimetres (6.3 in).
Scissortail sergeants live on coral reefs at depths of up to 15 metres (50 ft) in tropical reaches, often living in a group surrounding a single head of coral. They are found on reefs in the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea.
The fish feed upon the larvae of invertebrates, zooplankton, smaller fishes, crustaceans, and various species of algae. They are preyed upon by some members of the Labridae and Serranidae families. They lay their eggs in patches on a firm substrate and guard them vigorously till they hatch.
Scissortail sergeants are found in the Indo-Pacific including the Red Sea. [2] Areas scissortail sergeants can be found in around the Indian Ocean include the Red Sea, eastern Africa, Madagascar, Seychelles, the Persian Gulf, India, Sri Lanka, the Bay of Bengal, the Andaman Sea, Indonesia, and Australia. Pacific Ocean populations are found in the Great Barrier Reef around Australia, the Gulf of Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, and various Pacific islands all the way to Hawaii. A single record was reported recently (2017) in the eastern Mediterranean Sea near Athens, Greece, likely a result of aquarium release. [3]
Adults live in coral reefs while younger individuals live in the open sea. [2] They are found at depths of 1 to 20 metres (3.3 to 65.6 ft). [2]
This fish is white. [4] They have 5 vertical bands that are black. Two horizontal bands are present on the lobes of their tail. [4] This fish can grow up to 22 centimetres (8.7 in) at maximum length. [4]
This species fish feeds on algae, zooplankton, and sometimes its own eggs. [2] [4]
This fish aggregates in large groups above coral. [2]
This fish is popular in the aquarium trade. It is very aggressive and difficult to stay peaceful with other similar size fishes. [5]
Like some other fish species, male scissortail sergeants are in charge of parental care. Males are polygamous and will collect eggs from up to 12 females while females spawn with a male and then abandon their eggs. Male parental care is more common than female- or bi-parental care in fish because territorial males are able to guard several clutches of eggs while simultaneously attracting new mates. [6]
Male scissortail sergeants undergo brood cycling, in which they alternate between a mating phase and a parental phase. [7] During the mating phase, males become gold in color and put on displays to attract egg-laying females. After two to three days in the mating phase, male scissortail sergeants will lose their gold color and transition into a four- to five-day parental phase. During the parental phase, males guard their eggs until they hatch. Filial cannibalism occurs during the parental phase.
In order to select the best quality males and maximize their offspring survival rate, females will pool their eggs with other females into a single male's territory and create a larger brood. Studies have shown that pooling to create larger broods serves to not only decrease predatory effects, but also increases paternal investment. By increasing brood size, predation rate per individual decreases as a result of dilution effects. Also, males with larger broods are less likely to cannibalize their broods. It has also been hypothesized that egg pooling is a simple imitation tactic by which females confirm the quality of the male. By copying the spawning behavior of other females, females can minimize the search costs of finding a good mate.
In order to increase the propagation of their offspring, female scissortail sergeant must also actively select for good fathers. Female fish utilize multiple strategies in order to select for male parental quality: important factors include mate size, courtship rates, and male cannibalism. Some females will monitor a male's parental quality by laying small clutches of “test eggs” in a male's territory. [8] This unusual tactic is a direct way for females to confirm the parenting ability of males who do not yet have any eggs in their brood. Females only lay one test clutch and return shortly after laying it. Capable males prove their parental quality by defending the brood and not cannibalizing the eggs. Test eggs are energetically expensive to create, so this strategy is typically only used by large females at the beginning of the mating phase.
Filial cannibalism, the act of eating one's own offspring, is a common phenomena in territorial male fish. It occurs during the parental phase of brood cycling. Embryo mortality rates are generally attributed more to filial cannibalism than to predation effects because embryo predators are largely unsuccessful. Recent studies suggest that filial cannibalism, in fact, is an evolutionarily adaptive behavior. [9] Baseline cannibalism is a result of males eating nonviable or damaged eggs, but males may cannibalize their current broods even more based on the costs and benefits of their parental investment. [10] Raising offspring requires a large energy investment. Increased filial cannibalism occurs when the cost-to-benefit ratio of raising offspring is too high.
Filial cannibalism balances the loss of foraging opportunities. When guarding their territories, investment costs are lowest for large males with easy food access. When fathers are small and are unable to forage while caring for their broods, their offspring can be used as an extra food source to offset the energy requirements needed for parental care. By eating part of his brood, a male can improve his care for the remaining young in his brood. Supplementary feeding, however, decreases the energetic costs of raising a brood and can modulate cannibalistic tendencies in male scissortail sergeants. Experiments that supply provisional food like scissortail sergeant eggs and/or crab meat to brooding males lead to a decrease in cannibalism. [11]
At the most extreme level, a male Scissortail Sergeant may cannibalize his entire brood. If the current brood is small and is not worth a male's continued investment, a male can choose to improve his future reproductive success by eating the rest of his current brood. Studies show that males who skip one mating cycle due to cannibalism or other environmental factors tend to invest more effort and have larger broods during the following season.
Cannibalism is also related to brood size and age. There is an increase in cannibalism when broods have low reproductive value. Smaller broods that are still early in the development cycle have relatively low reproductive value and are more likely to be cannibalized. Studies found that males who had their clutches reduced the first day of the parental phase were more likely to cannibalize the remaining eggs. Males whose broods are reduced on the third day of the parental phase, however, do not increase cannibalism because parental care is less costly closer to the hatch date. Males that cannibalized their broods early on in the development process, however, may mate with more females and rebrood during the same season. [12]
Filial cannibalism is also influenced by the father's relatedness to his brood. The benefits of parental investment decrease with decreasing relatedness. Sneaking by other males is a common occurrence in male scissortail sergeants. Sneaking behavior, as defined by opportunistic males that attempt to fertilize some eggs during another spawning pair, decreases the relatedness of a brood to its father. Decreased benefits due to relatedness increase the probability of cannibalism. When there are many other non-nesting males around a male's territory, scientists see increased cannibalism and reduced parental care. [13] [14] This finding is attributed to the increased probability of sneaking.
Behavioral ecology, also spelled behavioural ecology, is the study of the evolutionary basis for animal behavior due to ecological pressures. Behavioral ecology emerged from ethology after Niko Tinbergen outlined four questions to address when studying animal behaviors: What are the proximate causes, ontogeny, survival value, and phylogeny of a behavior?
Damselfish are those within the subfamilies Abudefdufinae, Chrominae, Lepidozyginae, Pomacentrinae, and Stegastinae within the family Pomacentridae. Most species within this group are relatively small, with the largest species being about 30cm in length. Most damselfish species exist only in marine environments, but a few inhabit brackish or fresh water. These fish are found globally in tropical, subtropical, and temperate waters.
The blue-footed booby is a marine bird native to subtropical and tropical regions of the eastern Pacific Ocean. It is one of six species of the genus Sula – known as boobies. It is easily recognizable by its distinctive bright blue feet, which is a sexually selected trait and a product of their diet. Males display their feet in an elaborate mating ritual by lifting them up and down while strutting before the female. The female is slightly larger than the male and can measure up to 90 cm (35 in) long with a wingspan up to 1.5 m (5 ft).
Parent–offspring conflict (POC) is an expression coined in 1974 by Robert Trivers. It is used to describe the evolutionary conflict arising from differences in optimal parental investment (PI) in an offspring from the standpoint of the parent and the offspring. PI is any investment by the parent in an individual offspring that decreases the parent's ability to invest in other offspring, while the selected offspring's chance of surviving increases.
Parental investment, in evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology, is any parental expenditure that benefits offspring. Parental investment may be performed by both males and females, females alone or males alone. Care can be provided at any stage of the offspring's life, from pre-natal to post-natal.
Pipefishes or pipe-fishes (Syngnathinae) are a subfamily of small fishes, which, together with the seahorses and seadragons, form the family Syngnathidae.
Abudefduf, also known as the sergeant-majors, is a genus of fish in the family Pomacentridae.
Cannibalism is the act of consuming another individual of the same species as food. Cannibalism is a common ecological interaction in the animal kingdom and has been recorded in more than 1,500 species. Human cannibalism is also well documented, both in ancient and in recent times.
In animals, infanticide involves the intentional killing of young offspring by a mature animal of the same species. Animal infanticide is studied in zoology, specifically in the field of ethology. Ovicide is the analogous destruction of eggs. The practice has been observed in many species throughout the animal kingdom, especially primates but including microscopic rotifers, insects, fish, amphibians, birds and mammals. Infanticide can be practiced by both males and females.
Parental care is a behavioural and evolutionary strategy adopted by some animals, involving a parental investment being made to the evolutionary fitness of offspring. Patterns of parental care are widespread and highly diverse across the animal kingdom. There is great variation in different animal groups in terms of how parents care for offspring, and the amount of resources invested by parents. For example, there may be considerable variation in the amount of care invested by each sex, where females may invest more in some species, males invest more in others, or investment may be shared equally. Numerous hypotheses have been proposed to describe this variation and patterns in parental care that exist between the sexes, as well as among species.
Mate desertion occurs when one or both parents abandon their current offspring, and thereby reduce or stop providing parental care. Often, by deserting, a parent attempts to increase breeding opportunities by seeking out another mate. This form of mating strategy behavior is exhibited in insects, birds and mammals. Typically, males are more likely to desert, but both males and females have been observed to practice mate desertion.
The yellowtail damselfish is a species of damselfish native to tropical areas such as the Caribbean coast of Panama. Damselfish are abundant in coral reef environments. The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists this fish as being of “least concern”. The species is exploited on a minor scale, for fisheries and the aquarium trade. It may be threatened by the invasive lionfish.
The mango tilapia is a species of fish from the cichlid family that is native to fresh and brackish waters in Africa and the Levant. Other common names include Galilaea tilapia, Galilean comb, Galilee St. Peter's fish, and St. Peter's fish. This is a relatively large cichlid at up to 41 centimetres (16 in) in total length and about 1.6 kilograms (3.5 lb) in weight. It is very important to local fisheries and the species is also aquacultured.
Rhynocoris tristis is a species of assassin bug family (Reduviidae), in the subfamily Harpactorinae. R. tristis is a polyphagous predator found in sub-Saharan Africa.
The broadnosed pipefish or deepnosed pipefish is a fish of the family Syngnathidae. It is native to the Eastern Atlantic ocean from Vardø in Norway, the Baltic Sea and the British Isles in the north all the way to Morocco at south. It is also found in the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Sea of Azov. It is common in the coastal shallow waters, usually on reefs with seagrasses. This species is notable for its "broad" snout, which is as deep as its body.
Filial cannibalism occurs when an adult individual of a species consumes all or part of the young of its own species or immediate offspring. Filial cannibalism occurs in many species ranging from mammals to insects, and is especially prevalent in various types of fish species with males that engage in egg guardianship. The exact evolutionary purpose of the practice in those species is unclear and debated among zoologists, though there is consensus that it may have, or may have had at some point in species' evolutionary history, certain evolutionary and ecological implications.
Abudefduf troschelii, the Pacific sergeant major or Panama sergeant major, is a species of damselfish belonging to the family Pomacentridae that can be identified by the pronounced black stripes on the lateral sides of the fish. Its specific name honors the zoologist Franz Hermann Troschel (1810-1882). It is native to the neritic pelagic zone of the shallow water coral reefs in the Eastern Pacific Ocean and they are an omnivorous species feeding on plankton and algae attached to their coral habitat. Abudefduf troschelii is a sister-species of A. saxatilis but have diverged from each other since the uplift of the isthmus of Panama, separated by the rise of the Panama land bridge 3.1 to 3.5 million years ago. Males, like in many other marine species, take care of and defend newborn A. troschelii after they have been hatched by eggs from the female. There are currently no major threats to the species and there is no indication of a current decline in its population size. The IUCN Red List lists this damselfish as being of “least concern”.
Parental care refers to the level of investment provided by the mother and the father to ensure development and survival of their offspring. In most birds, parents invest profoundly in their offspring as a mutual effort, making a majority of them socially monogamous for the duration of the breeding season. This happens regardless of whether there is a paternal uncertainty.
Amblyglyphidodon flavilatus, known as yellow damselfish, yellowfin damselfish, yellow flank damselfish, yellow side damselfish, and yellow-sided Damselfish, is part Pomacentridae, which is a family of ray-finned fish including damselfish and clownfish. This family represents the greatest diversity and abundance of fish species inhabiting coral reefs. They were first described in 1980 by Allen and Randall.
Pardosa pseudoannulata, a member of a group of species referred to as wolf-spiders, is a non-web-building spider belonging to the family Lycosidae. P. pseudoannulata are wandering spiders that track and ambush prey and display sexual cannibalism. They are commonly encountered in farmlands across China and other East Asian countries. Their venom has properties that helps it function as an effective insecticide, and it is, therefore, a crucial pesticide control agent.