Scriptio continua

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Vergilius Augusteus, Georgica 141ff, written in capitalis quadrata
and in scriptio continua Vergilius Augusteus, Georgica 141.jpg
Vergilius Augusteus, Georgica 141ff, written in capitalis quadrata and in scriptio continua

Scriptio continua (Latin for 'continuous script'), also known as scriptura continua or scripta continua, is a style of writing without spaces or other marks between the words or sentences. The form also lacks punctuation, diacritics, or distinguished letter case. In the West, the oldest Greek and Latin inscriptions used word dividers to separate words in sentences; however, Classical Greek and late Classical Latin both employed scriptio continua as the norm. [1] [2]



Although scriptio continua is evidenced in most Classic Greek and Classic Latin manuscripts, different writing styles are depicted in documents that date back even further. Classical Latin often used the interpunct, especially in monuments and inscriptions.

The earliest texts in Classical Greek that used the Greek alphabet, as opposed to Linear B, were formatted in a constant string of capital letters from right to left. Later, that evolved to boustrophedon, which included lines written in alternating directions.

The Latin language and the related Italic languages first came to be written using alphabetic scripts adapted from the Etruscan alphabet (itself ultimately derived from the Greek alphabet). Initially, Latin texts commonly marked word divisions by points, but later on the Romans came to follow the Greek practice of scriptio continua. [3]

Before and after the advent of the codex, Latin and Greek script was written on scrolls by slave scribes. The role of the scribes was to simply record everything they heard to create documentation. Because speech is continuous, there was no need to add spaces.[ citation needed ] Typically, the reader of the text was a trained performer, who would have already memorised the content and breaks of the script.[ citation needed ] During the reading performances, the scroll acted as a cue sheet and therefore did not require in-depth reading.[ citation needed ]

The lack of word parsing forced the reader to distinguish elements of the script without a visual aid, but it also presented the reader with more freedom to interpret the text. The reader had the liberty to insert pauses and dictate tone, which made the act of reading a significantly more subjective activity than it is today. However, the lack of spacing also led to some ambiguity because a minor discrepancy in word parsing could give the text a different meaning. For example, a phrase written in scriptio continua as collectamexiliopubem may be interpreted as collectam ex Ilio pubem, meaning 'a people gathered from Troy', or collectam exilio pubem, 'a people gathered for exile'. Thus, readers had to be much more cognisant of the context to which the text referred. [4]


Over time, the current system of rapid silent reading for information replaced the older, slower, and more dramatic performance-based reading, [5] :113–115 and word dividers and punctuation became more beneficial to text. [6] Though paleographers disagree about the chronological decline of scriptio continua throughout the world, it is generally accepted that the addition of spaces first appeared in Irish and Anglo-Saxon Bibles and Gospels from the seventh and eighth centuries. [7] :21 Subsequently, an increasing number of European texts adopted conventional spacing, and within the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, all European texts were written with word separation. [7] :120–121

When word separation became the standard system, it was seen as a simplification of Roman culture because it undermined the metric and rhythmic fluency generated through scriptio continua. In contrast, paleographers today identify the extinction of scriptio continua as a critical factor in augmenting the widespread absorption of knowledge in the pre-Modern Era. By saving the reader the taxing process of interpreting pauses and breaks, the inclusion of spaces enables the brain to comprehend written text more rapidly. Furthermore, the brain has a greater capacity to profoundly synthesize text and commit a greater portion of information to memory. [7] :16–17

Scriptio continua is still in use in Thai script, other Southeast Asian abugidas: (Burmese, Lao, Khmer, Javanese, Balinese, Sundanese script), and in languages that use Chinese characters (Chinese and Japanese). However, modern vernacular Chinese differentiates itself from ancient scriptio continua through its use of punctuation, although this method of separation was borrowed from the West only in the 19th and 20th centuries. Before this, the only forms of punctuation found in Chinese writings were marks to denote quotes, proper nouns, and emphasis. Modern Tibetic languages also employ a form of scriptio continua; while they punctuate syllables, they do not use spacing between units of meaning.


Latin text

Latin text in scriptio continua with typical capital letters, taken from Cicero's De finibus bonorum et malorum:

Which in modern punctuation is:


Greek text

Greek text in scriptio continua with typical capital letters, taken from Hesiod's Theogony :

Which in modern punctuation is:

Hebrew text

Hebrew text is well known for lacking punctuation for many centuries. Modern versions of the language gradually amended those features.

Runic text

The entire Swedish Rök runestone is written in scriptio continua, which poses problems for scholars attempting to translate it. One example is a phrase repeated several times, sakumukmini. Interpretations proposed include sagum Ygg minni 'let us say the memory to Yggr', sagum mógminni 'let us say the folk-memory', and sagum ungmenni 'let us say to the group of young men'.

Modern Latin script

A form of scriptio continua has become common in internet e-mail addresses and domain names where, because the "space" character is invalid, the address for a website for "Example Fake Website" is written as – without spaces between the separate words. However, the "underscore" or "dash" characters are often used as stand-ins for the "space" character when its use would be invalid and their use would not be.

As another example, so-called camel case—in which the first letter of each word is capitalized—has become part of the culture of many computer programming languages. In this context, names of variables and subroutines as well as other identifiers are rendered easier to read, as in MaxDataRate. Camel case can also eliminate ambiguity: CharTable might name a table of characters, whereas Chartable could ask or answer the question, "Can (something) be charted?"

Chinese language

Chinese does not encounter the problem of incorporating spaces into text because, unlike most writing systems, Chinese characters represent morphemes and not phonemes. [3] Chinese is therefore readable without spaces.

Western punctuation was first used in China in the 20th century as a result of interaction with Western culture. [10]

Example Chinese sentence written in various ways
 Beijing is in northern China; Guangzhou is in southern China.
Normal Chinese sentence北京在中国北方;广州在中国南方。
Without punctuation北京在中国北方广州在中国南方
With spacing北京 在 中国 北方;广州 在 中国 南方。
Pinyin transcriptionBěijīng zài Zhōngguó běifāng; Guǎngzhōu zài Zhōngguó nánfāng.

However, sentences can still be ambiguous due to a lack of punctuation and/or word breaks. One Chinese joke[ citation needed ] concerns a contract between a landlord and a poor scholar, which was written without punctuation and thus was interpreted in two different ways:

沒魚肉也可,沒鷄鴨也可,青菜豆腐不可少,不得工钱Méi yú ròu yě kě, méi jī yā yě kě, qīngcài dòufu bùkě shǎo, bùdé gōngqiánLacking fish and meat is acceptable; lacking chicken or duck is acceptable; vegetables and tofu must not be few; wages prohibited
沒魚,肉也可,沒鷄,鴨也可,青菜豆腐不可,少不得工钱Méi yú, ròu yě kě, méi jī, yā yě kě, qīngcài dòufu bùkě, shàobùdé gōngqiánLacking fish, meat is acceptable; lacking chicken, duck is acceptable; vegetables and tofu must not be provided; wages mandatory

Japanese script

Japanese implements extensive use of Chinese characters—called kanji in Japanese. However, due to the radical differences between the Chinese and Japanese languages, writing Japanese exclusively in kanji would make it extremely difficult to read. [11] This can be seen in texts that predate the modern kana system, in which Japanese was written entirely in kanji and man'yōgana , the latter of which are written solely to indicate a word's pronunciation as opposed to its meaning. For that reason, different syllabary systems called kana were developed to differentiate phonetic graphemes from ideographic ones.

Modern Japanese is typically written using three different types of graphemes, the first being kanji and the latter two being kana systems, the cursive hiragana and the angular katakana. While spaces are not normally used in writing, boundaries between words are often quickly perceived by Japanese speakers since kana are usually visually distinct from kanji. Japanese speakers also know that certain words, morphemes, and parts of speech are typically written using one of the three systems. Kanji is typically used for words of Japanese and Chinese origin as well as content words (e.g. nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs). Hiragana is typically used for native Japanese words, as well as commonly known words, phrases, and grammatical particles, as well as inflections of content words like verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Katakana is typically used for loanwords from languages other than Chinese, onomatopoeia, and emphasized words.

Like Chinese, Japanese lacked any sort of punctuation until interaction with Western civilizations became more common. Punctuation was adopted during the Meiji period.

Examples of Japanese spacing
 Bethany Hills and Akira Takamori are living in Tokyo.
Standard Japanese writing, without spacingベサニー・ヒルズと高森昭は東京に住んでいます。
With spacingベサニー・ヒルズ と 高森 昭 は 東京 に 住んでいます。
Spacing only in kana, sometimes employed in media for childrenベサニー・ヒルズ と たかもり あきら は とうきょう に すんでいます。
RōmajiBesanī Hiruzu to Takamori Akira wa Tōkyō ni sundeimasu.
Kanji and man'yōgana邊三仁伊日流頭吐高森昭歯東京仁須無弟位麻須

Thai script

Modern Thai script, which was said to have been created by King Ram Khamhaeng in 1283, does not contain any spaces between words. Spaces indicate only the clear endings of clauses or sentences.[ citation needed ]

Below is a sample sentence of Thai written first without spaces between words (with Thai romanization in parentheses), second in Thai with spaces between words (also with Thai romanization in parentheses), and then finally translated into English.

For example, "ในน้ำมีปลา ในนามีข้าว" (pronounced "nai nam mi phla nai na mi khao", meaning "In the water there are fish; in the paddy fields there is rice.") can also be written as "ใน น้ำ มี ปลา ใน นา มี ข้าว". [12]

Javanese script

This example shows the first line of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Javanese script, and a case of the text being divided, as in some modern writing, by spaces and dash signs, which look different.

Because of the absence of space, in computer typography, the line-break have to be inserted manually, otherwise a long sentence will not break into new lines. Some computer input methods have put zero-width space instead for word break, which would then break the long sentences into multiple lanes, but the drawback of that method is it will not render the writing correctly.

Arabic script

Before typewriter, computer and smartphones changed the way of writing, Arabic was written continuously.[ citation needed ] That is easy because 22 letters in Arabic have a final, medial and initial forms, which is comparable to initial, or capital, form for the Latin alphabet since the Renaissance. Six letters in Arabic have only one final form, and whenever they occur in a word, there is some space in it that was originally as wide as the space between words. There was also no hyphenation either. In all early manuscripts, words were finished on the next line or, in many Quranic manuscripts, even on the next page.

Punjabi (Gurmukhi) script

Before the 1970's, Gurbani and other Sikh scriptures were written in the traditional method of writing the Gurmukhi script known as larivār where there were no spacing between words in the texts (interpuncts in the form of a dot were used by some to differentiate between words, such as by Guru Arjan). This is opposed to the comparatively more recent method of writing in Gurmukhi known as pad ched, which breaks the words by inserting spacing between them. [13]


Before the invention of delimiter and other punctuations to represent each three digits in numbers above four digits, large numbers (e.g. numbers greater than 999) were written continuously. As of now, only numbers with one, two or three digits has no delimiter or other punctuations either. This manner is somewhat similar how to separate a word in a sentence.

While numbers up to four digits are recommended for separating three digits, there are some of them are not. These include most Slavic languages, Spanish, Hungarian and Swiss German. These languages do not use a delimiter to separate numbers in four digits. English sometimes follow this practice.

See also

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Katakana is a Japanese syllabary, one component of the Japanese writing system along with hiragana, kanji and in some cases the Latin script.

Punctuation marks are marks indicating how a piece of written text should be read and, consequently, understood. The oldest known examples of punctuation marks were found in the Mesha Stele from the 9th century BC, consisting of points between the words and horizontal strokes between sections. The alphabet-based writing began with no spaces, no capitalization, no vowels, and with only a few punctuation marks, as it was mostly aimed at recording business transactions. Only with the Greek playwrights did the ends of sentences begin to be marked to help actors know when to make a pause during performances. Punctuation includes space between words and both obsolete and modern signs.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kanji</span> Chinese characters used in Japanese writing

Kanji are the logographic Chinese characters adapted from the Chinese script used in the writing of Japanese. They were made a major part of the Japanese writing system during the time of Old Japanese and are still used, along with the subsequently-derived syllabic scripts of hiragana and katakana. The characters have Japanese pronunciations; most have two, with one based on the Chinese sound. A few characters were invented in Japan by constructing character components derived from other Chinese characters. After the Meiji Restoration, Japan made its own efforts to simplify the characters, now known as shinjitai, by a process similar to China's simplification efforts, with the intention to increase literacy among the common folk. Since the 1920s, the Japanese government has published character lists periodically to help direct the education of its citizenry through the myriad Chinese characters that exist. There are nearly 3,000 kanji used in Japanese names and in common communication.

The comma, is a punctuation mark that appears in several variants in different languages. Some typefaces render it as a small line, slightly curved or straight, but inclined from the vertical, others give it the appearance of a miniature filled-in figure 9 placed on the baseline. In many typefaces it is the same shape as an apostrophe or single closing quotation mark .

In punctuation, a word divider is a form of glyph which separates written words. In languages which use the Latin, Cyrillic, and Arabic alphabets, as well as other scripts of Europe and West Asia, the word divider is a blank space, or whitespace. This convention is spreading, along with other aspects of European punctuation, to Asia and Africa, where words are usually written without word separation.

An interpunct·, also known as an interpoint, middle dot, middot, centered dot or centred dot, is a punctuation mark consisting of a vertically centered dot used for interword separation in Classical Latin. It appears in a variety of uses in some modern languages.

In writing, a space is a blank area that separates words, sentences, syllables and other written or printed glyphs (characters). Conventions for spacing vary among languages, and in some languages the spacing rules are complex. Inter-word spaces ease the reader's task of identifying words, and avoid outright ambiguities such as "now here" vs. "nowhere". They also provide convenient guides for where a human or program may start new lines.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Emphasis (typography)</span> Typographical distinction

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Iteration mark</span> Character or punctuation mark used to represent a duplicated character or word

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Letter case</span> Uppercase or lowercase

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Japanese writing system</span> Structure of the Japanese writing system

The modern Japanese writing system uses a combination of logographic kanji, which are adopted Chinese characters, and syllabic kana. Kana itself consists of a pair of syllabaries: hiragana, used primarily for native or naturalized Japanese words and grammatical elements; and katakana, used primarily for foreign words and names, loanwords, onomatopoeia, scientific names, and sometimes for emphasis. Almost all written Japanese sentences contain a mixture of kanji and kana. Because of this mixture of scripts, in addition to a large inventory of kanji characters, the Japanese writing system is considered to be one of the most complicated currently in use.

Word spacing in typography is space between words, as contrasted with letter-spacing and sentence spacing. Typographers may modify the spacing of letters or words in a body of type to aid readability and copy fit, or for aesthetic effect. In web browsers and standardized digital typography, word spacing is controlled by the CSS1 word-spacing property.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Japanese input method</span> Methods used to input Japanese characters on a computer

Japanese input methods are used to input Japanese characters on a computer.

Sentence spacing concerns how spaces are inserted between sentences in typeset text and is a matter of typographical convention. Since the introduction of movable-type printing in Europe, various sentence spacing conventions have been used in languages with a Latin alphabet. These include a normal word space, a single enlarged space, and two full spaces.

Text segmentation is the process of dividing written text into meaningful units, such as words, sentences, or topics. The term applies both to mental processes used by humans when reading text, and to artificial processes implemented in computers, which are the subject of natural language processing. The problem is non-trivial, because while some written languages have explicit word boundary markers, such as the word spaces of written English and the distinctive initial, medial and final letter shapes of Arabic, such signals are sometimes ambiguous and not present in all written languages.

Writing systems that use Chinese characters also include various punctuation marks, derived from both Chinese and Western sources. Historically, jùdòu annotations were often used to indicate the boundaries of sentences and clauses in text. The use of punctuation in written Chinese only became mandatory during the 20th century, due to Western influence. Unlike modern punctuation, judou marks were added by scholars for pedagogical purposes and were not viewed as integral to the text. Texts were therefore generally transmitted without judou. In most cases, this practice did not interfere with the interpretation of a text, although it occasionally resulted in ambiguity.

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  1. E. Otha Wingo. (1972). Latin punctuation in the classical age. The Hague: Mouton.
  2. Brent Harmon Vine (1993). Studies in archaic Latin inscriptions. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck.
  3. 1 2 Moore, F. C. T. (2001). "Scribes and Texts: A Test Case for Models of Cultural Transmission". The Monist. 84 (3): 421. doi: 10.5840/monist200184325 . JSTOR   27903738.
  4. Parkes, M. B. "Antiquity: Aids for Inexperienced Readers and the Prehistory of Punctuation". Pause and Effect: An Introduction to the History of Punctuation in the West. Berkeley: University of California, 1993. p. 10–11.
  5. Lanham, Richard A. (2006). The economics of attention: style and substance in the age of information. University of Chicago Press. ISBN   978-0-226-46882-2.
  6. Burnley, David (1995). "Scribes and Hypertext". The Yearbook of English Studies. 25: 41–62. doi:10.2307/3508817. JSTOR   3508817.
  7. 1 2 3 Saenger, Paul (1997). Space Between Words: The Origins of Silent Reading. Stanford University Press. pp. 16–17. ISBN   978-0-804-74016-6.
  8. "The Theogony of Hesiod (Unicode Greek)". Retrieved 2017-10-19.
  9. "The Theogony of Hesiod". Retrieved 2017-10-19.
  10. Fang, Angela. "How To Use: Chinese Punctuation" . Retrieved 2017-09-25.
  11. "Japanese Language & Characters - Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji". Retrieved 2017-09-22.
  12. "A Guide to Thai—10 facts about the Thai language". BBC. Retrieved 2017-09-26.
  13. Singh, Jasjit (2014). "The Guru's Way: Exploring Diversity Among British Khalsa Sikhs" (PDF). Religion Compass. 8 (7). School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, University of Leeds: 209–219. doi:10.1111/rec3.12111 via White Rose. ...until the early 1970s all copies of the Guru Granth Sahib were presented in larivaar format, in which all the words were connected without breaks, after which point the SGPC released a single-volume edition in which the words were separated from one another in 'pad chhed' format (Mann 2001: 126). Whereas previously readers would have to recognize the words and make the appropriate breaks while reading, pad chhed allowed "reading for those who were not trained to read the continuous text." (Mann 2001: 126). The AKJ promotes a return to the larivaar format of the Guru Granth Sahib.