Secondary sex characteristic

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A peacock displays his long, colored tail, an example of secondary sex characteristics. Peacock.displaying.better.800pix.jpg
A peacock displays his long, colored tail, an example of secondary sex characteristics.
An adult human's Adam's apple, a visible secondary sex characteristic common in males. Adam's apple 71.jpg
An adult human's Adam's apple, a visible secondary sex characteristic common in males.

A secondary sex characteristic is a physical characteristic of an organism that is related to or derived from its sex, but not directly part of its reproductive system. [1] In humans, these characteristics typically start to appear during puberty. In animals, they can start to appear at sexual maturity. [2] [3] In humans, secondary sex characteristics include enlarged breasts and widened hips of females, facial hair and Adam's apples on males, and pubic hair on both. [1] [4] In non-human animals, secondary sex characteristics include, for example, the manes of male lions, [3] the bright facial and rump coloration of male mandrills, and horns in many goats and antelopes.


Secondary sex characteristics are particularly evident in the sexually dimorphic phenotypic traits that distinguish the sexes of a species. [5] In evolution, secondary sex characteristics are the product of sexual selection for traits that show fitness, giving an organism an advantage over its rivals in courtship and in aggressive interactions. [6]

Many characteristics are believed to have been established by a positive feedback loop known as the Fisherian runaway produced by the secondary characteristic in one sex and the desire for that characteristic in the other sex. Male birds and fish of many species have brighter coloration or other external ornaments. Differences in size between sexes are also considered secondary sexual characteristics.

Secondary sex characteristics vs. primary sex characteristics

The reproductive organs in male or female mammals that are usually identifiable at birth are described as the primary sex characteristics or sex organs. In the male, these are the penis, testes, scrotum. In the female, these are the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina and vulva. The primary sex organs are different from the secondary sex organs because at maturity they produce gametes, which are haploid male or female germ cells which can unite with another of the opposite sex during sexual reproduction to form a zygote.

The secondary sex characteristics differ in that they will not be identifiable at birth, they will develop as the subject becomes sexually mature. In mammals, these characteristics include breasts in females and greater muscle mass in males. Secondary sexual characteristics have an evolutionary purpose: increase the chance of breeding. [7]

Evolutionary roots

A red deer stag's antlers are secondary sexual characteristics. Red deer stag velvet.jpg
A red deer stag's antlers are secondary sexual characteristics.

In The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex , Charles Darwin hypothesized that sexual selection, or competition within a species for mates, can explain observed differences between sexes in many species. [8]

Ronald Fisher, the English biologist, developed a number of ideas concerning secondary characteristics in his 1930 book The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection , including the concept of Fisherian runaway which postulates that the desire for a characteristic in females combined with that characteristic in males can create a positive feedback loop or runaway where the feature becomes hugely amplified. The 1975 handicap principle extends this idea, stating that a peacock's tail, for instance, displays fitness by being a useless impediment that is very hard to fake. Another of Fisher's ideas is the sexy son hypothesis, whereby females will desire to have sons that possess the characteristic that they find sexually attractive in order to maximize the number of grandchildren they produce. [9] An alternative hypothesis is that some of the genes that enable males to develop impressive ornaments or fighting ability may be correlated with fitness markers such as disease resistance or a more efficient metabolism. This idea is known as the good genes hypothesis.[ citation needed ]

In non-human animals

Examples of secondary sex characteristics in non-human animals include manes of male lions [3] and long feathers of male peafowl, the tusks of male narwhals, enlarged proboscises in male elephant seals and proboscis monkeys, the bright facial and rump coloration of male mandrills, horns in many goats and antelopes, [10] and the swollen upper lip and elongated premaxillary and maxillary teeth of male spikethumb frogs. [11] Male fish develop "nuptial tubercles", [12] mainly on their snouts, in the breeding season. These are an honest signal of health, and may assist females in sexual selection for species that use lek mating, such as the roach Rutilus rutilus. [13]

Biologists today distinguish between "male-to-male combat" and "mate choice", usually female choice of male mates. Sexual characteristics due to combat are such things as antlers, horns, and greater size. Characteristics due to mate choice, often referred to as ornaments, include brighter plumage, coloration, and other features that have no immediate purpose for survival or combat. [14]

Male jumping spiders have visual patches of UV reflectance, which are ornamentations used to attract females. [15]

In humans

Anatomical characteristics of the human female and male Anterior view of human female and male, with labels 2.png
Anatomical characteristics of the human female and male

Sexual differentiation begins during gestation, when the gonads are formed. The general structure and shape of the body and face, as well as sex hormone levels, are similar in preadolescent boys and girls. As puberty begins and sex hormone levels rise, differences appear, though some changes are similar in males and females. Male levels of testosterone directly induce the growth of the genitals, and indirectly (via dihydrotestosterone (DHT)) the prostate. Estradiol and other hormones cause breasts to develop in females. However, fetal or neonatal androgens may modulate later breast development by reducing the capacity of breast tissue to respond to later estrogen. [16] [17] [18]

Underarm hair and pubic hair are usually considered secondary sex characteristics, [4] but they may also be considered non-secondary sex characteristics because they are features of both sexes following puberty. [19]


In females, breasts are a manifestation of higher levels of estrogen; estrogen also widens the pelvis and increases the amount of body fat in hips, thighs, buttocks, and breasts. [1] [4] Estrogen also induces growth of the uterus, proliferation of the endometrium, and menstruation. [1] Female secondary sex characteristics include:


The increased secretion of testosterone from the testes during puberty causes the male secondary sexual characteristics to be manifested. [23] Testosterone directly increases size and mass of muscles, vocal cords, and bones, deepening of the voice, and changing the shape of the face and skeleton. [1] Converted into DHT in the skin, it accelerates growth of androgen-responsive facial and body hair but may slow and eventually stop the growth of head hair.[ citation needed ] Taller stature is largely a result of later puberty and slower epiphyseal fusion.[ citation needed ] Overall, male secondary sex characteristics include:

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Estrogen</span> Primary female sex hormone

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mammary gland</span> Exocrine gland in humans and other mammals

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Virilization</span> Biological development of male sex characteristics

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Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 17α-hydroxylase deficiency is an uncommon form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) resulting from a mutation in the gene CYP17A1, which produces the enzyme 17α-hydroxylase. It causes decreased synthesis of cortisol and sex hormones, with resulting increase in mineralocorticoid production. Thus, common symptoms include mild cortisol deficiency, ambiguous genitalia in men or amenorrhea at puberty in women, and hypokalemic hypertension. However, partial (incomplete) deficiency often has inconsistent symptoms between patients, and affected women may be asymptomatic except for infertility.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Methyltestosterone</span> Chemical compound

Methyltestosterone, sold under the brand names Android, Metandren, and Testred among others, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which is used in the treatment of low testosterone levels in men, delayed puberty in boys, at low doses as a component of menopausal hormone therapy for menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, osteoporosis, and low sexual desire in women, and to treat breast cancer in women. It is taken by mouth or held in the cheek or under the tongue.

Pubarche refers to the first appearance of pubic hair at puberty and it also marks the beginning of puberty. It is one of the physical changes of puberty and can occur independently of complete puberty. The early stage of sexual maturation, also known as adrenarche, is marked by characteristics including the development of pubic hair, axillary hair, adult apocrine body odor, acne, and increased oiliness of hair and skin. The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health corresponds SMR2 with pubarche, defining it as the development of pubic hair that occurs at a mean age of 11.6 years in females and 12.6 years in males. It further describes that pubarche's physical manifestation is vellus hair over the labia or the base of the penis. See Table 1 for the entirety of the sexual maturity rating description.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Thelarche</span> Beginning of development of the breasts in the female

Thelarche, also known as breast budding, is the onset of secondary breast development, often representing the beginning of pubertal development. It is the stage at which male and female breasts differentiate due to variance in hormone levels; however, some males have a condition in which they develop breasts, termed gynecomastia. Thelarche typically occurs between the ages of 8 and 13 years with significant variation between individuals. However, the initial growth of breast tissue occurs during fetal development.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Testicular atrophy</span> Reduction in the size and function of the testicles

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Body hair</span> Hair on the human body during and after puberty

Body hair or androgenic hair is terminal hair that develops on the human body during and after puberty. It is different from head hair and also from less visible vellus hair, which is much finer and lighter in color. Growth of androgenic hair is related to the level of androgens and the density of androgen receptors in the dermal papillae. Both must reach a threshold for the proliferation of hair follicle cells.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Estrogen insensitivity syndrome</span> Medical condition

Estrogen insensitivity syndrome (EIS), or estrogen resistance, is a form of congenital estrogen deficiency or hypoestrogenism which is caused by a defective estrogen receptor (ER) – specifically, the estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) – that results in an inability of estrogen to mediate its biological effects in the body. Congenital estrogen deficiency can alternatively be caused by a defect in aromatase, the enzyme responsible for the biosynthesis of estrogens, a condition which is referred to as aromatase deficiency and is similar in symptomatology to EIS.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Body shape</span> General shape of a human body

Human body shape is a complex phenomenon with sophisticated detail and function. The general shape or figure of a person is defined mainly by the molding of skeletal structures, as well as the distribution of muscles and fat. Skeletal structure grows and changes only up to the point at which a human reaches adulthood and remains essentially the same for the rest of their life. Growth is usually completed between the ages of 13 and 18, at which time the epiphyseal plates of long bones close, allowing no further growth.

Masculinizing hormone therapy, also known as transmasculine hormone therapy or female-to-male hormone therapy, is a form of hormone therapy and gender affirming therapy which is used to change the secondary sexual characteristics of transgender people from feminine or androgynous to masculine. It is a common type of transgender hormone therapy, and is predominantly used to treat transgender men and other transmasculine individuals who were assigned female at birth. Some intersex people also receive this form of therapy, either starting in childhood to confirm the assigned sex or later if the assignment proves to be incorrect.

Feminizing hormone therapy, also known as transfeminine hormone therapy, is hormone therapy and sex reassignment therapy to change the secondary sex characteristics of transgender people from masculine or androgynous to feminine. It is a common type of transgender hormone therapy and is used to treat transgender women and non-binary transfeminine individuals. Some, in particular intersex people, but also some non-transgender people, take this form of therapy according to their personal needs and preferences.

Breast development, also known as mammogenesis, is a complex biological process in primates that takes place throughout a female's life.

Puberty is the process of physical changes through which a child's body matures into an adult body capable of sexual reproduction. It is initiated by hormonal signals from the brain to the gonads: the ovaries in a female, the testicles in a male. In response to the signals, the gonads produce hormones that stimulate libido and the growth, function, and transformation of the brain, bones, muscle, blood, skin, hair, breasts, and sex organs. Physical growth—height and weight—accelerates in the first half of puberty and is completed when an adult body has been developed. Before puberty, the external sex organs, known as primary sexual characteristics, are sex characteristics that distinguish males and females. Puberty leads to sexual dimorphism through the development of the secondary sex characteristics, which further distinguish the sexes.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Aromatase excess syndrome</span> Medical condition

Aromatase excess syndrome is a rarely diagnosed genetic and endocrine syndrome which is characterized by an overexpression of aromatase, the enzyme responsible for the biosynthesis of the estrogen sex hormones from the androgens, in turn resulting in excessive levels of circulating estrogens and, accordingly, symptoms of hyperestrogenism. It affects both sexes, manifesting itself in males as marked or complete phenotypical feminization and in females as hyperfeminization.

Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism (HH), also known as primary or peripheral/gonadal hypogonadism or primary gonadal failure, is a condition which is characterized by hypogonadism which is due to an impaired response of the gonads to the gonadotropins, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), and in turn a lack of sex steroid production. As compensation and the lack of negative feedback, gonadotropin levels are elevated. Individuals with HH have an intact and functioning hypothalamus and pituitary glands so they are still able to produce FSH and LH. HH may present as either congenital or acquired, but the majority of cases are of the former nature. HH can be treated with hormone replacement therapy.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gynecomastia</span> Endocrine system disorder of human male breast

Gynecomastia is the abnormal non-cancerous enlargement of one or both breasts in males due to the growth of breast tissue as a result of a hormone imbalance between estrogens and androgens. Gynecomastia can cause significant psychological distress or unease.

The medical uses of bicalutamide, a nonsteroidal antiandrogen (NSAA), include the treatment of androgen-dependent conditions and hormone therapy to block the effects of androgens. Indications for bicalutamide include the treatment of prostate cancer in men, skin and hair conditions such as acne, seborrhea, hirsutism, and pattern hair loss in women, high testosterone levels in women, hormone therapy in transgender women, as a puberty blocker to prevent puberty in transgender girls and to treat early puberty in boys, and the treatment of long-lasting erections in men. It may also have some value in the treatment of paraphilias and hypersexuality in men.


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