Social and Environmental Responsibility World Forum

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Social and Environment Responsibility:- It refers to those responsibilities which mainly emphasize on benefits for the society so that peoples who are living in the society stay healthy and happy


The Social and Environmental Responsibility World Forum is an initiative organized by the Réseau Alliances in 1993[ where? ] in partnership with private and public organizations, to encourage social and economic responsibility among businesses.

The initiative was planned for four years (2007–2010), with the goal of creating a permanent cycle of continuous exchanges and communication between actors from all parts of the world.

The work of the Forum was based on concrete projects and actions to formulate to generalize social and environmental responsibility throughout the world. During that period, major events were supposed to take place in Lille to bring together actors and experts in social and environmental responsibility of all nationalities, especially during the international meetings scheduled in October each year.

Developed on economic leaders’ initiative, the Réseau Alliances federates and helps businesses anxious to improve their performance while being more respectful of people and the environment.

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