Specific energy

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Specific energy
Common symbols
SI unit J/kg
Other units
kcal/g, W⋅h/kg, kW⋅h/kg, Btu/lb
In SI base units m 2s −2
Derivations from
other quantities

Specific energy or massic energy is energy per unit mass. It is also sometimes called gravimetric energy density, which is not to be confused with energy density, which is defined as energy per unit volume. It is used to quantify, for example, stored heat and other thermodynamic properties of substances such as specific internal energy, specific enthalpy, specific Gibbs free energy, and specific Helmholtz free energy. It may also be used for the kinetic energy or potential energy of a body. Specific energy is an intensive property, whereas energy and mass are extensive properties.


The SI unit for specific energy is the joule per kilogram (J/kg). Other units still in use worldwide in some contexts are the kilocalorie per gram (Cal/g or kcal/g), mostly in food-related topics, and watt hours per kilogram in the field of batteries. In some countries the Imperial unit BTU per pound (Btu/lb) is used in some engineering and applied technical fields. [1]

Specific energy has the same units as specific strength, which is related to the maximum specific energy of rotation an object can have without flying apart due to centrifugal force. The concept of specific energy is related to but distinct from the notion of molar energy in chemistry, that is energy per mole of a substance, which uses units such as joules per mole, or the older but still widely used calories per mole. [2]

Table of some non-SI conversions

The following table shows the factors for conversion to J/kg of some non-SI units:

UnitSI equivalent
kcal/g [3] 4.184 MJ/kg
Wh/kg3.6 kJ/kg
kWh/kg3.6 MJ/kg
Btu/lb [4] 2.326 kJ/kg
Btu/lb [5] 2.32444 kJ/kg

For a table giving the specific energy of many different fuels as well as batteries, see the article Energy density.

Ionising radiation

For ionising radiation, the gray is the SI unit of specific energy absorbed by matter known as absorbed dose, from which the SI unit the sievert is calculated for the stochastic health effect on tissues, known as dose equivalent. The International Committee for Weights and Measures states: "In order to avoid any risk of confusion between the absorbed dose D and the dose equivalent H, the special names for the respective units should be used, that is, the name gray should be used instead of joules per kilogram for the unit of absorbed dose D and the name sievert instead of joules per kilogram for the unit of dose equivalent H." [6]

Energy density of food

Energy density is the amount of energy per mass or volume of food. The energy density of a food can be determined from the label by dividing the energy per serving (usually in kilojoules or food calories) by the serving size (usually in grams, milliliters or fluid ounces). An energy unit commonly used in nutritional contexts within non-metric countries (e.g. the United States) is the "dietary calorie," "food calorie," or "Calorie" with a capital "C" and is commonly abbreviated as "Cal." A nutritional Calorie is equivalent to a thousand chemical or thermodynamic calories (abbreviated "cal" with a lower case "c") or one kilocalorie (kcal). Because food energy is commonly measured in Calories, the energy density of food is commonly called "caloric density". [7] In the metric system, the energy unit commonly used on food labels is the kilojoule (kJ) or megajoule (MJ). Energy density is thus commonly expressed in metric units of cal/g, kcal/g, J/g, kJ/g, MJ/kg, cal/mL, kcal/mL, J/mL, or kJ/mL.

Energy density measures the energy released when the food is metabolized by a healthy organism when it ingests the food (see food energy for calculation). In aerobic environments, this typically requires oxygen as an input and generates waste products such as carbon dioxide and water. Besides alcohol, the only sources of food energy are carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which make up ninety percent of the dry weight of food. [8] Therefore, water content is the most important factor in computing energy density. In general, proteins have lower energy densities (≈16 kJ/g) than carbohydrates (≈17 kJ/g), whereas fats provide much higher energy densities (≈38 kJ/g), [8] 2+14 times as much energy. Fats contain more carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds than carbohydrates or proteins, yielding higher energy density. [9] Foods that derive most of their energy from fat have a much higher energy density than those that derive most of their energy from carbohydrates or proteins, even if the water content is the same. Nutrients with a lower absorption, such as fiber or sugar alcohols, lower the energy density of foods as well. A moderate energy density would be 1.6 to 3 calories per gram (7–13 kJ/g); salmon, lean meat, and bread would fall in this category. Foods with high energy density have more than three calories per gram (>13 kJ/g) and include crackers, cheese, chocolate, nuts, [10] and fried foods like potato or tortilla chips.


Energy density is sometimes more useful than specific energy for comparing fuels. For example, liquid hydrogen fuel has a higher specific energy (energy per unit mass) than gasoline does, but a much lower volumetric energy density. [ citation needed ]


Specific mechanical energy, rather than simply energy, is often used in astrodynamics, because gravity changes the kinetic and potential specific energies of a vehicle in ways that are independent of the mass of the vehicle, consistent with the conservation of energy in a Newtonian gravitational system.

The specific energy of an object such as a meteoroid falling on the Earth from outside the Earth's gravitational well is at least one half the square of the escape velocity of 11.2 km/s. This comes to 63 MJ/kg (15 kcal/g, or 15 tonnes TNT equivalent per tonne). Comets have even more energy, typically moving with respect to the Sun, when in our vicinity, at about the square root of two times the speed of the Earth. This comes to 42 km/s, or a specific energy of 882 MJ/kg. The speed relative to the Earth may be more or less, depending on direction. Since the speed of the Earth around the Sun is about 30 km/s, a comet's speed relative to the Earth can range from 12 to 72 km/s, the latter corresponding to 2592 MJ/kg. If a comet with this speed fell to the Earth it would gain another 63 MJ/kg, yielding a total of 2655 MJ/kg with a speed of 72.9 km/s. Since the equator is moving at about 0.5 km/s, the impact speed has an upper limit of 73.4 km/s, giving an upper limit for the specific energy of a comet hitting the Earth of about 2690 MJ/kg.

If the Hale-Bopp comet (50 km in diameter) had hit Earth, it would have vaporized the oceans and sterilized the surface of Earth. [11]


See also

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The British thermal unit (Btu) is a measure of heat, which is a form of energy. It was originally defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. It is also part of the United States customary units. The SI unit for energy is the joule (J); one Btu equals about 1,055 J.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Calorie</span> Unit of energy used in nutrition

The calorie is a unit of energy that originated from the caloric theory of heat. The large calorie, food calorie, dietary calorie, or kilogram calorie is defined as the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one liter of water by one degree Celsius. The small calorie or gram calorie is defined as the amount of heat needed to cause the same increase in one milliliter of water. Thus, 1 large calorie is equal to 1000 small calories.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Energy</span> Physical quantity

Energy is the quantitative property that is transferred to a body or to a physical system, recognizable in the performance of work and in the form of heat and light. Energy is a conserved quantity—the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed; matter and energy may also be converted to one another. The unit of measurement for energy in the International System of Units (SI) is the joule (J).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Joule</span> SI unit of energy

The joule is the unit of energy in the International System of Units (SI). It is equal to the amount of work done when a force of one newton displaces a mass through a distance of one metre in the direction of that force. It is also the energy dissipated as heat when an electric current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second. It is named after the English physicist James Prescott Joule (1818–1889).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kinetic energy</span> Energy of a moving physical body

In physics, the kinetic energy of an object is the form of energy that it possesses due to its motion.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Specific heat capacity</span> Heat required to increase temperature of a given unit of mass of a substance

In thermodynamics, the specific heat capacity of a substance is the amount of heat that must be added to one unit of mass of the substance in order to cause an increase of one unit in temperature. It is also referred to as massic heat capacity or as the specific heat. More formally it is the heat capacity of a sample of the substance divided by the mass of the sample. The SI unit of specific heat capacity is joule per kelvin per kilogram, J⋅kg−1⋅K−1. For example, the heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 K is 4184 joules, so the specific heat capacity of water is 4184 J⋅kg−1⋅K−1.

The volumetric heat capacity of a material is the heat capacity of a sample of the substance divided by the volume of the sample. It is the amount of energy that must be added, in the form of heat, to one unit of volume of the material in order to cause an increase of one unit in its temperature. The SI unit of volumetric heat capacity is joule per kelvin per cubic meter, J⋅K−1⋅m−3.

Food energy is chemical energy that animals derive from their food to sustain their metabolism, including their muscular activity.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Heat capacity</span> Physical property describing the energy required to change a materials temperature

Heat capacity or thermal capacity is a physical property of matter, defined as the amount of heat to be supplied to an object to produce a unit change in its temperature. The SI unit of heat capacity is joule per kelvin (J/K).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Fuel efficiency</span> Form of thermal efficiency

Fuel efficiency is a form of thermal efficiency, meaning the ratio of effort to result of a process that converts chemical potential energy contained in a carrier (fuel) into kinetic energy or work. Overall fuel efficiency may vary per device, which in turn may vary per application, and this spectrum of variance is often illustrated as a continuous energy profile. Non-transportation applications, such as industry, benefit from increased fuel efficiency, especially fossil fuel power plants or industries dealing with combustion, such as ammonia production during the Haber process.

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the rate of energy expenditure per unit time by endothermic animals at rest. It is reported in energy units per unit time ranging from watt (joule/second) to ml O2/min or joule per hour per kg body mass J/(h·kg). Proper measurement requires a strict set of criteria to be met. These criteria include being in a physically and psychologically undisturbed state and being in a thermally neutral environment while in the post-absorptive state (i.e., not actively digesting food). In bradymetabolic animals, such as fish and reptiles, the equivalent term standard metabolic rate (SMR) applies. It follows the same criteria as BMR, but requires the documentation of the temperature at which the metabolic rate was measured. This makes BMR a variant of standard metabolic rate measurement that excludes the temperature data, a practice that has led to problems in defining "standard" rates of metabolism for many mammals.

The molar heat capacity of a chemical substance is the amount of energy that must be added, in the form of heat, to one mole of the substance in order to cause an increase of one unit in its temperature. Alternatively, it is the heat capacity of a sample of the substance divided by the amount of substance of the sample; or also the specific heat capacity of the substance times its molar mass. The SI unit of molar heat capacity is joule per kelvin per mole, J⋅K−1⋅mol−1.

In physics, energy density is the amount of energy stored in a given system or region of space per unit volume. Often only the useful or extractable energy is measured. It is sometimes confused with stored energy per unit mass, which is called specific energy or gravimetric energy density.

The kilocalorie per mole is a unit to measure an amount of energy per number of molecules, atoms, or other similar particles. It is defined as one kilocalorie of energy per one mole of substance. The unit symbol is written kcal/mol or kcal⋅mol−1. As typically measured, one kcal/mol represents a temperature increase of one degree Celsius in one liter of water resulting from the reaction of one mole of reagents.

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to energy:

The Atwater system, named after Wilbur Olin Atwater, or derivatives of this system are used for the calculation of the available energy of foods. The system was developed largely from the experimental studies of Atwater and his colleagues in the later part of the 19th century and the early years of the 20th at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut. Its use has frequently been the cause of dispute, but few alternatives have been proposed. As with the calculation of protein from total nitrogen, the Atwater system is a convention and its limitations can be seen in its derivation.

Energy is defined via work, so the SI unit of energy is the same as the unit of work – the joule (J), named in honour of James Prescott Joule and his experiments on the mechanical equivalent of heat. In slightly more fundamental terms, 1 joule is equal to 1 newton metre and, in terms of SI base units

The energy content of biofuel is the chemical energy contained in a given biofuel, measured per unit mass of that fuel, as specific energy, or per unit of volume of the fuel, as energy density. A biofuel is a fuel produced from recently living organisms. Biofuels include bioethanol, an alcohol made by fermentation—often used as a gasoline additive, and biodiesel, which is usually used as a diesel additive. Specific energy is energy per unit mass, which is used to describe the chemical energy content of a fuel, expressed in SI units as joule per kilogram (J/kg) or equivalent units. Energy density is the amount of chemical energy per unit volume of the fuel, expressed in SI units as joule per litre (J/L) or equivalent units.

The energy efficiency in transport is the useful travelled distance, of passengers, goods or any type of load; divided by the total energy put into the transport propulsion means. The energy input might be rendered in several different types depending on the type of propulsion, and normally such energy is presented in liquid fuels, electrical energy or food energy. The energy efficiency is also occasionally known as energy intensity. The inverse of the energy efficiency in transport is the energy consumption in transport.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kinetic energy weapon</span> Weapon based solely on a projectiles kinetic energy

A kinetic energy weapon is a projectile weapon based solely on a projectile's kinetic energy to inflict damage to a target, instead of using any explosive, incendiary/thermal, chemical or radiological payload. All kinetic weapons work by attaining a high flight speed — generally supersonic or even up to hypervelocity — and collide with their targets, converting its kinetic energy and relative impulse into destructive shock waves, heat and cavitation. In kinetic weapons with unpowered flight, the muzzle velocity or launch velocity often determines the effective range and potential damage of the kinetic projectile.


  1. Kenneth E. Heselton (2004), "Boiler Operator's Handbook". Fairmont Press, 405 pages. ISBN   0881734357
  2. Jerzy Leszczynski (2011), "Handbook of Computational Chemistry". Springer, 1430 pages. ISBN   940070710X
  3. Using the thermochemical calorie.
  4. Using the definition based on the international steam table calorie.
  5. Using the definition based on the thermochemical calorie.
  6. "CIPM, 2002: Recommendation 2". BIPM.
  7. Stevens, Heidi (April 19, 2010). "Consider caloric density for weight loss". Chicago Tribune .
  8. 1 2 "Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats: Overview of Nutrition". The Merck Manual.
  9. Wilson, David L. (2009). 11th Hour: Introduction to Biology. John Wiley & Sons. p. 40. ISBN   9781444313222.
  10. "The Okinawa Diet: Caloric Density Pyramid" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on May 9, 2009.
  11. "The end of life on Earth". New Scientist . Jun 4, 2016.