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A speedcubing competition Championnat de France de Speedcubing 2024 * Saverne - 21.jpg
A speedcubing competition

Speedcubing, also referred to as speedsolving, is a competitive sport centered around the rapid solving of various combination puzzles. The most prominent puzzle in this category is the 3x3x3 puzzle, commonly known as the Rubik's Cube. Participants in this sport are known as "speedcubers," who focus specifically on solving these puzzles at high speeds, or more generally as "cubers". The essential aspect of solving these puzzles typically involves executing a series of predefined algorithms in a particular sequence.


Competitive speedcubing is predominantly overseen by the World Cube Association (WCA), [1] which, as of January 16, 2024, officially recognizes 17 distinct speedcubing events. These events encompass a range of puzzles, including cubic puzzles of sizes ranging from 2x2 to 7x7 and other puzzle forms such as the Pyraminx, Megaminx, Skewb, Square-1, and Rubik's Clock. Additionally, specialized formats such as 3x3, 4x4, and 5x5 blindfolded, 3x3 one-handed, 3x3 FMC also known as Fewest Moves Challenge, and 3x3 multi-blind are also regulated and hosted in competitions. [1]

As of July 2023, the world record for the fastest single solve of a Rubik's cube in a competitive setting stands at 3.13 seconds. This record was achieved by Max Park at the Pride in Long Beach 2023 event on June 11, 2023. [2] [3] Additionally, Yiheng Wang set the record for the average time of five solves in the 3x3x3 category at 4.36 seconds at the 2024 Philippine Championship on July 5, 2024. [4] [5] Speedcubing participants are predominantly under the age of 20, and numerous countries organize international competitions throughout the year. [6] The widespread popularity of the Rubik's Cube has led to an abundance of online resources, including guides and techniques, aimed at assisting individuals in solving the puzzle.


Original Rubik's cube from 1980 Original Rubik's cube from 1980.jpg
Original Rubik's cube from 1980

The Rubik's Cube was invented on May 19, 1974, by Hungarian professor of architecture Ernő Rubik (born July 13, 1944). In 1979, Rubik partnered with Ideal Toy Company to garner widespread international interest in the cube. On June 5, 1982, the first world championship of speedcubing was held in Budapest, Hungary. Nineteen people competed in the event, and the American Minh Thai won with a single solve time of 22.95 seconds, which was, at the time, the fastest Rubik's Cube solve ever recorded. Other attendees include Jessica Fridrich and Lars Petrus, both of whom later contributed to the development of new solving methods and of the speedcubing community. [7] The Rubik's Cube waned in popularity after 1983, as there were no official competitions held, [8] but with the advent of the Internet, online websites began to surface to discuss the cube. With these websites facilitating the renewed popularity of the cube, a new generation of speedcubers arose.

Those prominent in the online speedsolving community, such as Ron van Bruchem, Tyson Mao, Chris Hardwick, and Ton Dennenbroek, eventually wanted to create an organization where cubers from around the world could meet and compete. In 2003, they organized a championship in Toronto, Ontario, followed by another competition in the Netherlands later that same year. This revival of competition sparked a new wave of organized speedcubing events, which included regular national and international competitions. [9] There were twelve competitions in 2004, 58 more from 2005 to 2006, over 100 in 2008, and over 1150 in 2018. Since Budapest's 1982 competition, there have been nine further World Championships traditionally held every other year. This new wave of speedcubing competitions has been and still is organized by the World Cube Association (WCA).

Since the rise of speedcubing's popularity, numerous entrepreneurial ventures have been founded specializing in making or selling speedcubes, creating competition between these brands and Rubik's. Dozens of cube manufacturers, such as GANCube, MoYu, YJ, and QiYi, have begun improving the cube's technology to allow for smoother turning and faster solving. [10] This has helped to facilitate the eventual rise of the Rubik's Cube as not just a toy, but also a lucrative business. [11]

Solving methods for 3x3x3 Cubes

The standard 3x3x3 can be solved using several methods, not all of which are intended for or suited to speedcubing. The most commonly used methods for speedcubing are CFOP, Roux, and ZZ, which are generally considered to achieve the fastest times. The CFOP method is used by the majority of cubers and employs a layer-by-layer system with numerous algorithms for solving the final layer. Roux, the second most popular method, starts by forming a 3x2x1 block on either side of the cube and solves the middle layer last, using fewer algorithms. ZZ uses a unique step called Edge Orientation to improve the ergonomics of turning. Other notable methods include Petrus, which has been popular at times in the past; however, it is now considered sub-optimal to CFOP and Roux and was abandoned due to its unfavorable fingertricks.

Solving larger cubes, such as 4x4x4 and 5x5x5, is most often done by reducing them to 3x3x3 and solving them like so, while 2x2x2 can be solved with the same or similar methods as 3x3x3. However, specialized 2x2x2 methods are quicker, and are regarded as superior to 3x3x3 methods. These methods include Ortega, CLL, and the EG method(which can allow users to plan the entire solution during inspection).

CFOP method

CFOP speedsolver in a speedcubing competition

The CFOP (abbreviation for Cross-F2L-OLL – PLL) method, also known as the Fridrich method after one of its inventors, Jessica Fridrich, who finished second in the 2003 Rubik's Cube World Championships, is the most commonly used method in speedcubing today. Its origins are credited to David Singmaster, who was one of the first to publish a layer-by-layer method of solving in 1980, [12] and Guus Razoux Schultz, who built upon this and developed a more efficient system for the first two layers (F2L). [13] Jessica Fridrich then finished developing the method and published it online in 1997, [14] an event that was very influential in the revival of competitive speedcubing. The first step of the method is to solve a cross of edge pieces on the first layer. The remainder of the first layer and all of the second layer are then solved together in what is referred to as "corner-edge pairs," or slots. Finally, the last layer is solved in two steps – first, all of the pieces in the layer are oriented to form a solid color (but without the individual pieces always being in their correct places on the cube). This step is referred to as orientation and is usually performed with a single set of algorithms known as OLL (Orientation of the Last Layer). Then, all of those pieces are permuted to their correct spots. This is also usually performed as a single set of PLL (Permutation of the Last Layer) algorithms. OLL and PLL use 57 and 21 algorithms, respectively.

The CFOP method can be used as a less advanced method by dividing the steps into more steps, reducing the number of algorithms that need to be learned but sacrificing time. It is usually known as the beginner method or layer by layer (LBL). Most people start learning CFOP with 4LLL (Four-Look Last Layer), which is the less advanced, slower, and algorithm-reducing (from 78 algorithms to 16) way to learn CFOP. The 4 steps are divided into edge orientation, corner orientation, corner permutation, and edge permutation (which can be called EO, CO, CP, and EP). Later on, full OLL, which has 57 algorithms, and full PLL, which has 21 algorithms, can be learned. An average CFOP user that solves with full OLL and PLL, along with an efficient cross (which takes 8 moves at maximum) and efficient F2L (which takes almost 30 moves), consists of 55-60 moves, which means that it has a higher move count than Roux and ZZ. However, finger tricks and algorithms are more researched with CFOP than any other method, which explains why the majority of the fastest speedcubers use CFOP as their main speedcubing method. [15]

The CFOP method is the most widely used speed-solving method. It is a more efficient version of the Layer-By-Layer method (also known as the beginner's method). It is very popular due to the vast amount of resources that teach and improve upon the CFOP method. Many top speedcubers, including two-time World Champion Feliks Zemdegs and world record holder Max Park, learn additional sets of algorithms for the last slot and layer, such as Corners of Last Layer (COLL), which orients and permutes the corners when the edges are oriented, or Winter Variation (also known as Valk Last Slot, or VLS), which finishes OLL while inserting the last pair, and ZBLL, which combines the solving processes of OLL corner orientation and PLL in only one algorithm, provided the last-layer edges are oriented.

Pseudoslotting is a technique that allows advanced CFOP solvers to be more creative with efficient solutions. It is an alternative method to F2L, where instead of creating and inserting pairs with matching colors, the bottom layer is intentionally misaligned to allow different pieces to be paired together. [16] This provides more freedom while pairing pieces during F2L. Pseudoslotting is similar to another technique called keyhole in which the bottom layer is misaligned to allow a piece to be inserted independently of its solved counterpart. [17] It is widely believed that Tymon Kolasiński (who holds the European record for a 3x3x3 single with 3.66 seconds) [18] [19] is the best speedcuber who uses pseudoslotting. [20]

Roux method

The Roux method was invented by French speedcuber Gilles Roux. The first step of the Roux method is to form a 3×2×1 block, usually placed in the lower portion of the left layer. The second step is creating another 3×2×1 on the opposite side, so each block shares a bottom color. The creation of these blocks is commonly known as "block-building". [21] The remaining four corners are then solved using a set of algorithms known as CMLL (Corners of the Last Layer, without regard to the M-slice), which leaves six edges and four centers that are solved in the last step, L6E or LSE (Last Six Edges).

This method is not as dependent on algorithm memorization as the CFOP method since all but the third step is done with intuition as opposed to predefined sets of algorithms. Because of the frequent use of M moves, the Roux method can be performed without any rotations (unlike the CFOP method), which means it is easier to look ahead (solving pieces while at the same time looking for the solution to the next step) while solving. It is also considered one of the most efficient speedsolving methods, with its average move count being between 45 and 50 moves for experienced solvers. However, the Roux method of speedcubing has been criticized over the years because, unlike CFOP, ZZ, or Petrus, Roux requires M (middle layer) slices to solve LSE. Using M slice moves makes it harder to achieve higher TPS (turns per second) because the finger tricks are almost always flicks, but high TPS is achievable through training.

One of the users of this method, Kian Mansour, broke the one-handed (OH) world record average with a time of 9.54 seconds. [22] Sean Patrick Villanueva is the first Roux user to achieve a sub-6 average of five in competition and is currently ranked twenty-sixth in the world by 3x3 average. He also podiumed in 3x3 at the WCA World Championship 2019 (2nd Place).

ZZ method

The ZZ method (short for "Zbigniew Zborowski") is a modern speedcubing method originally proposed by Zbigniew Zborowski in 2006, and built upon since. The method was designed specifically to achieve high turning speeds by focusing on movement ergonomics and is a combination of a block-building method and a layer-by-layer method. The initial pre-planned step is called EOCross and is the most distinctive hallmark of the ZZ method. It involves orienting all edges while placing the cross pieces. It is also common to build an EOLine, mainly used for one-handed solving, where all edges are oriented and only the front and back cross edges are placed. The next step solves the remaining first two layers using only left, right, top, and bottom face turns, one of the advantages of ZZ. On completion of the first two layers, the last layer's edges are all correctly oriented because of edge pre-orientation during EO. The last layer may be completed using a number of techniques, including those used in the CFOP method. An expert variant of this method, ZBLL (Zborowski-Bruchem Last Layer), allows the last layer to be completed in a single step with an average of just over 12 moves but requires a total of 493 algorithms to be learned. [23] Due to the ergonomics of ZZ, rotating when solving will never be needed, unlike in the CFOP method. The ZZ method has fewer moves than CFOP, with ZZ averaging 53.5 compared to CFOP's 55–60 moves. Because ZZ uses EO, it is very move-efficient, and these techniques are sometimes used in FMC (Fewest Moves Challenge). [24]

Corners-first methods

Corners-first methods involve solving the corners and then finishing the edges with slice turns. Corner-first solutions were common in the 1980s and were one of the most popular methods that 1982 world champion Minh Thai used[ citation needed ]. Currently, corner-first solutions are rarely used among speedsolvers. Dutch cuber Marc Waterman created a corners-first method in the cube craze and averaged 18 seconds in the mid-late 1980s.[ citation needed ]

Fewest Moves Challenge (FMC) methods

At the highest level, there is typically not a standard method used for Fewest Moves solving. Rather, competitors attempt to solve the cube intuitively using solving techniques such as blockbuilding, Normal-Inverse-Scramble-Switch (NISS), commutator insertions, and Domino Reduction after its rise to popularity in 2019. Most solves use multiple of these techniques in order to generate a solution.

Blindfolded methods

In 2003, when the first blindfolded competitions were organized, world record solvers would use the 3OP (3-Cycle Orientation Permutation) Method, which orients and then permutes pieces using 3 cycles. As of today, methods such as 3-Style and M2 are among the fastest and most popular blind-solving methods. The Old Pochmann Method, which is a method that solves one piece at a time, is a method typically used by beginner blindsolvers. Blindfolded solvers use letter patterns to help memorize sequences of moves in order to solve the cube.

The lettering scheme that blindfolded solvers use is called the Speffz lettering scheme, and each sticker or individual color is given a letter. The letters are assigned starting with the top edge of the top face, going clockwise, and beginning with A. The top edge of the top face is A, the right edge is B, the bottom edge is C, and the left edge is D. The same process is done on the other sides in the order top, left, front, right, back, and bottom to get every edge lettered from A to X. The same process is applied to all of the corners, starting with the top left corner and going clockwise in the same face order. A cycle of piece swaps is then used with the letter E being used as a buffer location for corners and D commonly being used for edges in the Old Pochmann method. The current 3x3 average and single blindfolded world record holder is Tommy Cherry, from the United States. [25]


Tommy Cherry solving a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube blindfolded in 12.00 seconds at the Triton Tricubealon 2024 Tommy Cherry 3bld 12.00 Triton Tricubealon 2024.png
Tommy Cherry solving a 3×3×3 Rubik's Cube blindfolded in 12.00 seconds at the Triton Tricubealon 2024

World Cube Association (WCA)

Speedcubing competitions have been held every year since 2003. The World Cube Association (WCA) was formed in 2004 to govern all official competitions. For a competition to be official, it must be approved by the WCA and follow the WCA regulations. Included in the regulations is the necessity of having one or more WCA delegate in attendance. A delegate's main role is to ensure all regulations are followed during the competition. Once the competition is finished, results are uploaded to the WCA website. Judges oversee the round. Delegates help the judge. Runners give the scrambled or solved cube to the competitor. A scrambler scrambles the cube.


The majority of puzzle competitions are held using a trimmed mean of five. This involves the competitor executing five solves in the round in question, after which the fastest and slowest solves are disregarded and the mean of the remaining three is used. The 6×6×6 and 7×7×7 events are ranked by a straight mean of three—only three solves, none of which are disregarded. In 3×3×3 blindfolded and 3×3×3 fewest moves challenges, either a straight mean of 3 or the best of 3 is used, while 4×4×4 blindfolded, 5×5×5 blindfolded, and multiple blindfolded challenges are ranked using the best of 1, 2 or 3, depending on the competition.

When a round begins, competitors turn in the puzzle they will use. Puzzles are scrambled using a computer-generated scramble. In each round, five, three, or one (depending on the format mentioned above) scrambles are used. Every competitor in the round will receive each scramble once. Before starting a solution, a competitor has up to 15 seconds to inspect the puzzle (inspection is removed for blindfolded events). This is monitored by a judge with a stopwatch. Once the solution is complete, the judge records the time on the competitor's scorecard, which is signed by both. If the puzzle is unsolved and the timer is stopped, the time is recorded as "DNF" (Did Not Finish). There are also numerous reasons why the solver can receive a two-second addition to the solve time, such as a face being more than 45 degrees off or the competitor going over the allowed inspection time. A competitor can also receive an extra solution to replace the one just completed, for example in the case of a timer malfunction or a duplicate scramble.

The official timer used in competitions is the StackMat Gen 4 or Gen 5 timer, which was originally designed for sport stacking. This device has touch-sensitive pads that are triggered by the user lifting one or both of their hands to start the time and placing both their hands back on the pads after releasing the puzzle to stop the timer.

Only two WCA recognised events are not "speedsolving" events (i.e. are scored by means other than time taken for solves), these being: Fewest Moves Competition, or FMC, which is scored using the amount of moves for a competitor's solution, with a lower number of moves being better, and multiple blindfold solving, or "multi-blind", where a competitor's score is calculated by subtracting the number of unsolved cubes from the number of solved cubes.

Official competitions are currently being held in several categories.

CategoryCube type
Speedsolving 2×2×2, 3×3×3, 4×4×4, 5×5×5, 6×6×6, 7×7×7
Blindfolded solving3x3x3, 4x4x4, 5x5x5
Multiple blindfolded solving3x3x3
One-handed solving3x3x3
Solving in fewest moves3x3x3
Speedsolvers solving Megaminxes at the 2011 Estonian Open Megaminx, Estonian Open 2011.jpg
Speedsolvers solving Megaminxes at the 2011 Estonian Open

Competitions will often include events for speedsolving other puzzles as well, such as:

World Rubik's Cube Championships

The WCA organizes the Rubik's Cube World Championship as the main international competition once every two years. The latest championship was held in Incheon, South Korea from August 12 to 15 August 2023. [28]

ChampionshipYearHostDate(s)NationsCompetitorsEventsWinner (3x3)Winning time(s)Ref
I 1982 Flag of Hungary.svg Budapest 5 June19191 Flag of the United States.svg Minh Thai 22.95 (Single) [29]
II2003 Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Toronto 23–24 August158813 Flag of the United States.svg Dan Knights20.00 (Average) [30]
III2005 Flag of the United States.svg Lake Buena Vista 5–6 November1614915 Flag of France.svg Jean Pons15.10 (Average) [31]
IV2007 Flag of Hungary.svg Budapest 5–7 October2821417 Flag of Japan.svg Yu Nakajima 12.46 (Average) [32]
V2009 Flag of Germany.svg Düsseldorf 9–11 October3232719 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Breandan Vallance10.74 (Average) [33]
VI2011 Flag of Thailand.svg Bangkok 14–16 October3529219 Flag of Poland.svg Michał Pleskowicz8.65 (Average) [34]
VII2013 Flag of the United States.svg Las Vegas 26–28 July3558017 Flag of Australia (converted).svg Feliks Zemdegs 8.18 (Average) [35]
VIII2015 Flag of Brazil.svg São Paulo 17–19 July3742818 Flag of Australia (converted).svg Feliks Zemdegs 7.56 (Average) [36]
IX2017 Flag of France.svg Paris 13–16 July6493818 Flag of the United States.svg Max Park 6.85 (Average) [37]
X2019 Flag of Australia (converted).svg Melbourne 11–14 July5283318 Flag of Germany.svg Philipp Weyer6.74 (Average) [38]
XI2021 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Almere Cancelled [lower-alpha 1] 17 [40]
XII2023 Flag of South Korea.svg Incheon 12–15 August63118717 Flag of the United States.svg Max Park 5.31 (Average) [41]
XIII2025 Flag of the United States.svg Seattle 3-6 JulyTBA200017TBDTBD [42]

World Records

The following are the current official speedcubing world records approved by the WCA. [43]

Note: For averages of 5 solves, the best time and the worst time are dropped, and the mean of the remaining 3 solves is taken. For events where only 3 solves are done, the mean of all 3 is taken.

EventTypeResultPersonCompetition (Date(s))Result details (Min:Sec.100ths)
3×3×3 Cube Single3.13 Flag of the United States.svg Max Park Pride in Long Beach 2023 (11 June)
Average4.36 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Yiheng Wang (王艺衡)Philippine Championships 2024 (5-7 July)(6.11) / (3.97) / 4.48 / 4.59 / 4.02
2×2×2 Cube Single0.43 Flag of Poland.svg Teodor ZajderWarsaw Cube Masters 2023 (5 November)
Average0.78 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Yiheng Wang (王艺衡)Johor Cube Open 2024 (22 June)0.78 / (0.70) / (0.97) / 0.78 / 0.81
4×4×4 Cube Single15.71 Flag of the United States.svg Max Park Colorado Mountain Tour - Evergreen 2024 (8 June)
Average19.38 Flag of the United States.svg Max Park Arizona Speedcubing Spring 2023 (19 March)(17.60) / 18.49 / 19.37 / (23.80) / 20.28
5×5×5 Cube Single32.52 Flag of the United States.svg Max Park DFW Megacomp 2024 (16-17 March)
Average34.76 Flag of the United States.svg Max Park Rubik's WCA North American Championship 2024 (18-21 July)(39.71) / 35.10 / (33.55) / 35.44 / 33.75
6×6×6 Cube Single59.74 Flag of the United States.svg Max Park CubingUSA Southeast Championship 2022 (29-31 July)
Average1:05.88 Flag of the United States.svg Max Park Rubik's WCA North American Championship 2024 (18-21 July)1:06.45 / 1:02.85 / 1:08.33
7×7×7 Cube Single1:34.15 Flag of the United States.svg Max Park Rubik's WCA North American Championship 2024 (18-21 July)
Average1:39.68 Flag of the United States.svg Max Park Nub Open Yucaipa 2024 (20 April)1:36.19 / 1:38.19 / 1:44.65
3×3×3 BlindfoldedSingle12.00 Flag of the United States.svg Tommy CherryTriton Tricubealon 2024 (11 February)
Mean14.15 Flag of the United States.svg Tommy CherryRubik's WCA World Championship 2023 (12-15 August)14.07 / 13.98 / 14.39
3×3×3 Fewest MovesSingle16 Flag of Italy.svg Sebastiano TrontoFMC 2019 (15–16 June)
Flag of the United States.svg Aedan BryantAshfield Summer Challenge 2024 (23 June)
Flag of the United States.svg Levi Gibson
Mean20.00 Flag of Singapore.svg Wong Chong WenFMC Johor Bahru 2023 (17 September)20 / 21 / 19
FMC West Melbourne 2024 (14 April)23 / 18 / 19
3×3×3 One-HandedSingle6.05 Flag of the Philippines.svg Sean Patrick Villanueva Clocked in Quezon City 2024 (30 June)
Average8.09 Flag of the Philippines.svg Sean Patrick Villanueva Quezon City Open II 2024 (25-26 May)8.94 / (9.38) / 7.71 / (6.60) / 7.63
Clock Single2.25 Flag of Norway.svg Niklas Aasen EliassonVannas & Friends 2024 (14-16 June)
Average2.52 Flag of Poland.svg Eryk KasperekCube4fun Lublin on WEII 2024 (20-21 April)2.44 / (3.36) / 2.59 / (2.40) / 2.52
Megaminx Single23.18 Flag of Argentina.svg Leandro Martín LópezDi Tella Inspira 2024 (13 April)
Average26.84 Flag of Argentina.svg Leandro Martín LópezNacionales Argentinas 2023 (1-3 September)(25.22) / 26.31 / 26.55 / 27.67 / (28.15)
Pyraminx Single0.73 Flag of the United States.svg Simon KellumMiddleton Meetup Thursday 2023 (21 December)
Average1.43 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Lingkun Jiang (姜凌坤)Hangzhou Spring 2024 (2 March)1.67 / 1.34 / (1.72) / 1.29 / (1.29)
Xuzhou Open 2024 (30 March)1.36 / 1.46 / (1.05) / 1.46 / (1.51)
Skewb Single0.75 Flag of the United States.svg Carter KucalaGoing Fast in Grandview 2024 (23 March)
Average1.52 Flag of the United States.svg Carter KucalaCubingUSA Heartland Championship 2024 (7-9 June)1.65 / 1.45 / (2.57) / (1.37) / 1.45
Square-1 Single3.41 Flag of the United States.svg Ryan PilatWichita Family ArtVenture 2024 (2 March)
Average4.91 Flag of the United States.svg Max SiauwStumptown Speedcubing Summer 2023 (22 July)5.32 / 4.60 / (6.26) / 4.80 / (4.58)
4×4×4 BlindfoldedSingle51.96 Flag of the United States.svg Stanley Chapel4BLD in a Madison Hall 2023 (28-29 January)
Average1:06.46 Flag of the United States.svg Stanley ChapelPBQ and a Little Eggstra Oxford 2024 (30-31 March)1:01.14 / 1:04.03 / 1:14.20
5×5×5 BlindfoldedSingle2:04.41 Flag of the United States.svg Stanley ChapelVirginia Championship 2023 (10-12 November)
Average2:27.63 Flag of the United States.svg Stanley ChapelMichigan Cubing Club Epsilon 2019 (14 December)2:32.48 / 2:28.80 / 2:21.62
3×3×3 Multi-BlindSingle62/65 57:47 Flag of the United States.svg Graham SigginsBlind Is Back LA 2022 (26 June)
A scatter plot of Rubik's Cube world records (single and average) against time. This depicts the improvement made over the years, as well as highlights records that stayed unbroken for an unusual amount of time. Progression of Rubik's Cube world records.png
A scatter plot of Rubik's Cube world records (single and average) against time. This depicts the improvement made over the years, as well as highlights records that stayed unbroken for an unusual amount of time.


Members of the cubing community lubricate their cubes to allow them to be turned faster, easier, smoother, more controllable, and more reliably than a non-lubricated cube. Silicone-based lubricants are commonly used, applied sparingly to the core, springs, screws, and contact surfaces. Regular maintenance, including cleaning and re-lubrication, ensures optimal performance over time.

See also


  1. Postponed to 28–31 December 2020 and later canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. [39]

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The CFOP method, also known as the Fridrich method, is one of the most commonly used methods in speedsolving a 3×3×3 Rubik's Cube and is one of the fastest methods. This method was first developed in the early 1980s, combining innovations by a number of speed cubers. Jessica Fridrich, a Czech speed cuber and the namesake of the method, is generally credited for popularizing it by publishing it online in 1997.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bob Burton Jr.</span> American speedcuber

Bob Burton is an American speedcuber, most famous for competing in and organizing competitions all over the world and his former world records on the Rubik's Magic and Rubik's Master Magic.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ron van Bruchem</span> Speedcuber and founder of WCA

Ron van Bruchem is a Dutch speedcuber living in Hilversum. He helped create the current resurge of Rubik's Cube enthusiasm by founding the international speedcubing community and organizing international competitions. He is also a founder, delegate and former chairman of the World Cube Association, an organization aiming at the spread of speedcubing as a regulated sport. He is also the host of the website speedcubing.com.

Eric Limeback is a Canadian speedcuber. He is known for his 11/11 3x3x3 multiblindfold Canadian record solve, as well as his standard 3x3x3 blindfolded solving. Limeback was the first Canadian to record a sub-30 second official 3x3x3 blindfolded solve. Limeback began solving the Rubik's Cube in 9th grade. He graduated from Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute in 2010. He formerly held the Guinness World Record for the most 3x3x3 cubes solved in 24 hours, 5800, set from 3–4 October 2013 at Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Feliks Zemdegs</span> Australian speedcuber (born 1995)

Feliks Aleksanders Zemdegs is an Australian Rubik's Cube speedsolver. He is one of the only two speedcubers ever to win the World Cube Association World Championship twice, winning in 2013 and 2015, and is widely considered the most successful and greatest speedcuber of all time. He has set more than 350 records across various speedcubing events: 121 world records, 214 continental records, and 7 national records.

Anthony Michael Brooks is an American speed cubing champion. He specializes in the 2x2 cube and classic 3x3 cube, and used to be officially ranked in the top five in the world in both categories as recognized by the World Cube Association. Since learning to solve the cube in March 2008, Brooks has become known for developing advanced speedsolving methods as well as frequently promoting speedcubing in the media. While working as the Liberty Science Center's Speedcuber-in-Residence, Brooks set the Guinness World Record for most Rubik's Cubes solved underwater in a single breath, and also led the team that currently holds the world record for solving the Groovik's Cube, the world's largest functioning Rubik's Cube. In July 2017, Brooks was featured on the debut season of FOX's Superhuman TV show.

Gilles Roux is a French speedcuber primarily known for inventing a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube method, the Roux Method, and achieving fast times with it.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mats Valk</span> Dutch speedsolver

Mats Valk is a Dutch Rubik's Cube speedsolver. He broke the Rubik's cube single solve world record twice with times of 5.55 seconds in 2013 and 4.74 seconds in 2016. He won the Rubik's Cube European Championship in 2018 and was runner-up for 3x3x3 at the Rubik's Cube World Championships in 2013 and 2015.

The Layer by Layer method, also known as the beginners' method, is a method of solving the 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube. Many beginners' methods use this approach, and it also forms the basis of the CFOP speedcubing technique.

Vincent Sheu is an American speedcuber or Rubik's Cube solver from Saratoga, California known for organizing World Cube Association competitions and setting world records in both the Fewest Moves event and the 2x2x2 single solve. He currently serves as a Director and Delegate for the World Cube Association (WCA) and has been an organizer of every annual US Nationals Cubing Competition since 2010. Sheu previously served as the first Chair of the WCA's Regulations Committee with Lucas Garron from 2012 to 2015, directing a complete redrafting of the official competition regulations and guidelines during his tenure. He has received media attention as the subject of several viral images and video clips at various college sporting events.

Sean Patrick Villanueva is a Filipino speedcuber who is the reigning World Cube Association 3×3×3 one-handed world champion who won the title in Incheon, South Korea in August 2023 with an average time of 9.42 seconds. He previously held the Asian Record for 3x3x3 one-handed average at 8.64 seconds, which he set at Santa Cruz Speedcubing 2024 in Santa Cruz, Laguna on January 28, 2024. He currently holds the 3x3x3 one-handed world record average with a time of 8.09 seconds, set on May 26, 2024 at Quezon City Open II 2024 in Quezon City, Philippines.


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