Subfields of archaeology

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Archaeological subfields are typically characterised by a focus on a specific method, type of material, geographical, chronological, or other thematic categories. Among academic disciplines, archaeology, in particular, often can be found in cross-disciplinary research due to the inherent multidisciplinary and geographical nature of the field in general. The lived human experience is vast and varied and reconstructing those lifeways and their consequences requires problem solving from numerous angles. In general, archaeologists work backwards with their research, starting with what is already known.


By time

By historicity

Another main division of archaeology distinguishes:

In areas of semi-literacy the term

By time period

A selective list of sub-disciplines distinguished by time-period might include:

More regional specific categories include:

By geography

Some archaeologists fall into regional or categorical groupings based on geography; these include:

By civilization or cultural grouping

Certain civilizations and cultural groups have attracted so much attention that their study has been specifically named. These sub-disciplines include:

By cultural object or event

By theory

Some archaeologists prefer to approach their research from various philosophical and political lenses. These include:

By method

Many subdisciplines, notably from the Environmental and archaeological sciences, are often grouped by their methods. These subfields are often heavily disciplinary with other departments. These include:

Specific methods include:

Other sub-disciplines

The following is a list of other sub-disciplines. Some of these are not areas of study in their own right, and are only methods to be used in larger projects. This non-exhaustive list includes:

Post-excavation analysis and heritage preservation also make use of a wide variety of further techniques.

See also


  1. POPULUS Project; Leveau, Philippe, eds. (1999). Environmental reconstruction in Mediterranean landscape archaeology. Oxbow Books. p. 25. ISBN   9781900188630 . Retrieved 2013-10-01. Anthracology is the study of charcoal from archaeological sediments and soils.
  2. "settlement archaeology". Oxford Reference. Retrieved Oct 13, 2018.