Archaeological subfields are typically characterised by a focus on a specific method, type of material, geographical, chronological, or other thematic categories. Among academic disciplines, archaeology, in particular, often can be found in cross-disciplinary research due to the inherent multidisciplinary and geographical nature of the field in general. The lived human experience is vast and varied and reconstructing those lifeways and their consequences requires problem solving from numerous angles. In general, archaeologists work backwards with their research, starting with what is already known.
Another main division of archaeology distinguishes:
Historical archaeology, which examines civilizations that left behind written records; and
Prehistoric archaeology, which concerns itself with societies that did not have writing systems. However, the term is generally valid only in Europe and Asia where literate societies emerged without colonial influence. In areas where literacy arrived relatively late, it is more convenient to use other terms to divide up the archaeological record.
Ethnoarchaeology is the study of modern societies resembling extinct ones of archaeological interest, for archaeological purposes. It is often difficult to infer solid conclusions about the structure and values of ancient societies from their material remains, not only because objects are mute and say little about those who crafted and used them, but also because not all objects survive to be uncovered by scholars of a later age. Ethnoarchaeology seeks to determine, for instance, what kinds of objects used in a living settlement are deposited in middens or other places where they may be preserved, and how likely an object is to be discarded near to the place where it was used.
Taphonomy is the study of how objects decay and degrade over time. This information is critical to the interpretation of artefacts and other objects, so that the work of ancient people can be differentiated from the later work of living creatures and elemental forces.
By time period
A selective list of sub-disciplines distinguished by time-period might include:
Palaeolithic archaeology studies the earliest period of human history, focusing on stone tools and early humans.
Bronze Age archaeology investigates the period characterized by the use of early metallurgy including bronze tools and the rise of early civilizations with large cultural footprints.
Medieval archaeology is the study of post-Roman European archaeology until the sixteenth century.
Historical archaeology is the study of the past using both material evidence (i.e. artifacts and their contexts) and documentary evidence (including maps, photographs and film). Usually this is associated with the Americas.
Classical archaeology is the study of the past using both material evidence (i.e. artifacts and their contexts) and documentary evidence (including maps, literature of the time, other primary sources, etc.). Classical archaeology specifically pertains to the Mediterranean area and the archaeology of Greece and its surrounding areas.
Viking Age archaeology examines the material culture and societal structures of the Viking Age in Scandinavia.
Certain civilizations and cultural groups have attracted so much attention that their study has been specifically named. These sub-disciplines include:
Some archaeologists also specialise in debunking and the phenomenon of pseudoarchaeology.
By method
Many subdisciplines, notably from the Environmental and archaeological sciences, are often grouped by their methods. These subfields are often heavily disciplinary with other departments. These include:
Experimental archaeology involves attempting to re-enact past processes to test theories about ancient manufacturing, engineering and the effects of time on sites and objects (for example: flintknapping)
Osteoarchaeology– Sub-discipline of archaeologyPages displaying short descriptions of redirect targets
Palaeoecology– Study of interactions between organisms and their environments across geologic timescalesPages displaying short descriptions of redirect targets
Paleoethnobotany– Study of plants used by people in ancient times
The following is a list of other sub-disciplines. Some of these are not areas of study in their own right, and are only methods to be used in larger projects. This non-exhaustive list includes:
Forensic archaeology - the application of archaeological techniques to criminal investigations. It has become particularly prominent in the investigation of mass-killings associated with war crimes.
Museum studies - the display and interpretation of past remains for the public
Recceology - the study of warfare and the means of warfare from an archaeological perspective
Settlement archaeology - "The study of the internal structure, arrangement, distribution, and relationships of ancient settlements in the context of their environmental setting and landscape position."[2]
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