Supergolden ratio

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Supergolden ratio
Supergolden rectangle BRYG.svg
A supergolden rectangle contains three scaled copies of itself, ψ = ψ−1 + 2ψ−3 + ψ−5
Rationalityirrational algebraic
Algebraic formreal root of x3 = x2 + 1
Continued fraction (linear)[1;2,6,1,3,5,4,22,1,1,4,1,2,84,...]
not periodic

In mathematics, the supergolden ratio is a geometrical proportion close to 85/58. Its true value is the real solution of the equation x3 = x2 + 1.


The name supergolden ratio results from analogy with the golden ratio, the positive solution of the equation x2 = x + 1.

A triangle with side lengths ps, 1, and 1 / ps has an angle of exactly 120 degrees. Supergolden triangle.png
A triangle with side lengths ψ, 1, and 1 ∕ ψ has an angle of exactly 120 degrees.


Two quantities a > b > 0 are in the supergolden ratio-squared if


The ratio is commonly denoted

Based on this definition, one has

It follows that the supergolden ratio is found as the unique real solution of the cubic equation The decimal expansion of the root begins as (sequence A092526 in the OEIS ).

The minimal polynomial for the reciprocal root is the depressed cubic , [2] thus the simplest solution with Cardano's formula,

or, using the hyperbolic sine,

is the superstable fixed point of the iteration .

The iteration results in the continued radical


Dividing the defining trinomial by one obtains , and the conjugate elements of are

with and


Rectangles in aspect ratios ps, ps and ps (from left to right) tile the square. SuperGoldenSquare 6.png
Rectangles in aspect ratios ψ, ψ and ψ (from left to right) tile the square.

Many properties of are related to golden ratio . For example, the supergolden ratio can be expressed in terms of itself as the infinite geometric series   [4]


in comparison to the golden ratio identity

and vice versa.

Additionally, , while

For every integer one has

Argument satisfies the identity [5]

Continued fraction pattern of a few low powers


Notably, the continued fraction of begins as permutation of the first six natural numbers; the next term is equal to their sum + 1.

The supergolden ratio is the fourth smallest Pisot number. [6] Because the absolute value of the algebraic conjugates is smaller than 1, powers of generate almost integers. For example: . After eleven rotation steps the phases of the inward spiraling conjugate pair initially close to nearly align with the imaginary axis.

The minimal polynomial of the supergolden ratio has discriminant . The Hilbert class field of imaginary quadratic field can be formed by adjoining . With argument a generator for the ring of integers of , one has the special value of Dedekind eta quotient


Expressed in terms of the Weber-Ramanujan class invariant Gn

. [7]

Properties of the related Klein j-invariant result in near identity . The difference is < 1/143092.

The elliptic integral singular value [8] for has closed form expression

(which is less than 1/10 the eccentricity of the orbit of Venus).

Narayana sequence

A Rauzy fractal associated with the supergolden ratio-cubed. The central tile and its three subtiles have areas in the ratios ps : ps : ps : 1. Supergolden Rauzy cub.png
A Rauzy fractal associated with the supergolden ratio-cubed. The central tile and its three subtiles have areas in the ratios ψ : ψ : ψ : 1.
A Rauzy fractal associated with the supergolden ratio-squared, with areas as above. Supergolden Rauzy sqr.png
A Rauzy fractal associated with the supergolden ratio-squared, with areas as above.

Narayana's cows is a recurrence sequence originating from a problem proposed by the 14th century Indian mathematician Narayana Pandita. [9] He asked for the number of cows and calves in a herd after 20 years, beginning with one cow in the first year, where each cow gives birth to one calf each year from the age of three onwards.

The Narayana sequence has a close connection to the Fibonacci and Padovan sequences and plays an important role in data coding, cryptography and combinatorics. The number of compositions of n into parts 1 and 3 is counted by the nth Narayana number.

The Narayana sequence is defined by the third-order recurrence relation

for n > 2,

with initial values


The first few terms are 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 13, 19, 28, 41, 60, 88,... (sequence A000930 in the OEIS ). The limit ratio between consecutive terms is the supergolden ratio.

The first 11 indices n for which is prime are n = 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 16, 21, 25, 81, 6241, 25747 (sequence A170954 in the OEIS ). The last number has 4274 decimal digits.

The sequence can be extended to negative indices using


The generating function of the Narayana sequence is given by


The Narayana numbers are related to sums of binomial coefficients by


The characteristic equation of the recurrence is . If the three solutions are real root and conjugate pair and , the Narayana numbers can be computed with the Binet formula [10]

, with real and conjugates and the roots of .

Since and , the number is the nearest integer to , with n 0 and 0.2846930799753185027474714...

Coefficients result in the Binet formula for the related sequence .

The first few terms are 3, 1, 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 15, 21, 31, 46, 67, 98, 144,... (sequence A001609 in the OEIS ).

This anonymous sequence has the Fermat property: if p is prime, . The converse does not hold, but the small number of odd pseudoprimes makes the sequence special. [11] The 8 odd composite numbers below 108 to pass the test are n = 1155, 552599, 2722611, 4822081, 10479787, 10620331, 16910355, 66342673.

A supergolden Rauzy fractal of type a - ab, with areas as above. The fractal boundary has box-counting dimension 1.50 Supergolden Rauzy ab.png
A supergolden Rauzy fractal of type a ↦ ab, with areas as above. The fractal boundary has box-counting dimension 1.50

The Narayana numbers are obtained as integral powers n > 3 of a matrix with real eigenvalue [9]

The trace of gives the above .

Alternatively, can be interpreted as incidence matrix for a D0L Lindenmayer system on the alphabet with corresponding substitution rule

and initiator . The series of words produced by iterating the substitution have the property that the number of c's, b's and a's are equal to successive Narayana numbers. The lengths of these words are

Associated to this string rewriting process is a compact set composed of self-similar tiles called the Rauzy fractal, that visualizes the combinatorial information contained in a multiple-generation three-letter sequence. [12]

Supergolden rectangle

Nested supergolden rectangles with perpendicular diagonals and side lengths in powers of ps. Supergolden ratio.svg
Nested supergolden rectangles with perpendicular diagonals and side lengths in powers of ψ.

A supergolden rectangle is a rectangle whose side lengths are in a ratio. Compared to the golden rectangle, containing linear ratios , the supergolden rectangle has one more degree of self-similarity.

Given a rectangle of height 1, length and diagonal length (according to ). The triangle on the diagonal has altitude the perpendicular foot divides the diagonal in ratio .

On the left-hand side, cut off a square of side length 1 and mark the intersection with the falling diagonal. The remaining rectangle now has aspect ratio (according to ). Divide the original rectangle into four parts by a second, horizontal cut passing through the intersection point. [13] [4]

The rectangle below the diagonal has aspect ratio , the other three are all supergolden rectangles. The areas of the rectangles opposite the diagonal are both equal to . The big supergolden rectangle and the three scaled copies have linear sizes in the ratios

In the supergolden rectangle above the diagonal, the process can be repeated at a scale of .

See also

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  1. Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "SequenceA092526". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.
  2. (sequence A263719 in the OEIS )
  3. m/nx = xn/m
  4. 1 2 Koshy, Thomas (2017). Fibonacci and Lucas numbers with applications (2 ed.). John Wiley & Sons. doi:10.1002/9781118033067. ISBN   978-0-471-39969-8.
  5. Piezas III, Tito (Dec 18, 2022). "On the tribonacci constant with cos(2πk/11), plastic constant with cos(2πk/23), and others". Mathematics stack exchange. Retrieved June 11, 2024.
  6. (sequence A092526 in the OEIS )
  7. Ramanujan G-function (in German)
  8. Weisstein, Eric W. "Elliptic integral singular value". MathWorld .
  9. 1 2 (sequence A000930 in the OEIS )
  10. Lin, Xin (2021). "On the recurrence properties of Narayana's cows sequence". Symmetry . 13 (149): 1–12. Bibcode:2021Symm...13..149L. doi: 10.3390/sym13010149 .
  11. Studied together with the Perrin sequence in: Adams, William; Shanks, Daniel (1982). "Strong primality tests that are not sufficient". Math. Comp. 39 (159). AMS: 255–300. doi: 10.2307/2007637 . JSTOR   2007637.
  12. Siegel, Anne; Thuswaldner, Jörg M. (2009). "Topological properties of Rauzy fractals". Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France. 2. 118: 1–140. doi:10.24033/msmf.430.
  13. Crilly, Tony (1994). "A supergolden rectangle". The Mathematical Gazette . 78 (483): 320–325. doi:10.2307/3620208. JSTOR   3620208. S2CID   125782726.