2019 Albanian local elections

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2019 Albanian Local Elections
Flag of Albania.svg
  2015 30 June 2019 (2019-06-30) 2023  

[[File:|thumb|Map of Albania's Municipalities|484x484px]]


Local elections were held in Albania held on 30 June 2019. Voters were asked to elect mayors, municipal council members, municipal unit mayors and municipal unit members. These were the second local elections in Albania since substantial administrative reforms legislated in 2014 reduced the number of municipalities in the country to 61.

The Central Election Commission of Albania was responsible for administrating the elections.


Following months of political crisis, opposition parties promised to not participate in the election, accusing the government and the Prime Minister of vote buying, voter intimidation and links with criminal organizations which had contributed to the Socialist Party's majority in previous elections.

The President originally attempted to postpone the elections, instead opting to hold them on October 13 after many protests were held by opposition parties, some of which turned violent. The postponement was, however, not accepted by the government and the CEC, which decided to continue with the process on the original date. [1]

The Socialists ran uncontested in 31 municipalities, facing smaller parties and independent candidates in the other 30 municipalities, including the newly formed Bindja Demokratike, resulting in an absolute win by the Socialists in all municipalities except Finiq, [2] and the Socialists gaining the most votes in all city council elections except Finiq and Pukë.

In most areas, turnout was low, ranging between under 10% in Shkodra to around 38% in Librazhd. Only one municipality, Pustec, was outside of this range, and had a turnout of over 50%.

Parties and coalitions

Following the decision of the Albanian opposition to not run in the elections, the incumbent Socialist Party and their alliance faced very little competition in most municipalities, only having to counter small parties and independents.

The Democratic Party opted to not partake in the elections, following several months of protests. [3] [4]

1 Fryma e Re Demokratike FRD Bamir Topi
2Partia Demokracia e Re EuropianePDREKoci TahiriShpresa për Ndryshim
3 Partia Balli Kombëtar Shqiptar PBKAdriatik AlimadhiShpresa për Ndryshim
4 Partia Bashkimi Liberal Demokrat BLDArian StarovaShpresa për Ndryshim
5 Aleanca Kuq e Zi AKLumturi RatkoceriShpresa për Ndryshim
6Partia Ora e ShqiperisePOSHZef ShtjefniShpresa për Ndryshim
7Partia Emigracionit ShqiptarPESHKostaq PapaShpresa për Ndryshim
8 Partia Komuniste e Shqipërisë PKSHQemal Cicollari
9Partia Personat me Aftesi te KufizuarPPAKGjovalin Shqalshi
10 Aleanca për Barazi dhe Drejtësi Europiane ABDEValentino MustakaAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
11Partia Aleanca Arbnore KombetareAAKGjet NdojAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
12 Partia Demokracia Sociale e Shqipërisë PDS Paskal Milo Aleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
13 Partia Kristian Demokrate e Shqipërisë PKDDhimiter MusliaAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
14Partia Lëvizja Punëtore ShqiptarePLPSHGenc SakajAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
15Partia e Pajtimit Kombëtar ShqiptarPPKSpartak DobiAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
16Partia e Gjelbër e ShqipërisëPGJEdlir PetanajAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
17Partia G99G99Redi ShtinoAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
18Partia e Reformave Demokratike ShqiptarePRDSHKrenar RryçiAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
19Partia Aleanca DemokristianeADK Zef Bushati Aleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
20Partia Socialpunëtore ShqiptarePSPRamadan NdrekaAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
21Partia Aleanca për Demokraci dhe SolidaritetADSGaqo ApostoliAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
22Partia për Mbrojtjen e të Drejtave të Emigrantëve e ShqipërisëPMDEYmer KurtiAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
23Partia Demokrate Per Integrim e ProsperitetPDIPKujtim MucaAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
24 Partia Aleanca Demokratike ADEduart AbaziAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
25Partia Socialiste e ModeruarPSMGjergj KojaAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
26Partia Ardhmëria ShqiptarePASHEmin SubashiAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
27Partia e Unitetit Kombëtar ShqipëtarPUKIdajet BeqiriAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
28 Partia Socialdemokrate e Shqipërisë PSDEngjell BejtajAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
29Partia e të Drejtave të MohuaraPDMIlir VataAleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
30 Partia Socialiste e Shqipërisë PS Edi Rama Aleanca për Shqipërinë Europiane
31 Partia Aleanca Maqedonase për Integrimin Europian AMIE Edmond Themelko
32Partia për Mbrojtjen e të Drejtave të PunëtorëvePMDPSHKadri Isufaj
33Partia Kombetare KonservatorePKKAKujtim Gjuzi
34Partia per Liri Demokraci dhe EtikeLDEArian Galdini
35Raporti i auditimit për Partia Minoriteti Etnik Grek për të ArdhmenMEGAKristo Kiço
36 Partia Bindja Demokratike BD Astrit Patozi


Five days after the election, on July 4, 2019, only preliminary results were available. The final results were not published until the end of July. [5]

Shkodër and Finiq remained led by the opposition, despite boycotts. Other municipalities returned a majority for the Socialist Party. [6] According to official figures, turnout was 22.97%, equivalent to 812,249 people. The opposition stated that, according to their calculations, only 534,528 people took part, which means that the turnout was 15.12%. [7] [ undue weight? discuss ] The elections were declared as a farce by leader of the opposition Lulzim Basha at the time. [8]

Shkodër was handed back to Voltana Ademi following a trial against the official winner who was suspected to have been involved in trafficking. [9]

CountyMunicipalityCouncil Seats [10] Vote Share PS

(Socialist Party)

ASHE Seats

(Socialist Party)

Other parties and independent candidatesWinner
Berat Berat 3190.79 %30 (29)1 Socialist Party
Berat Kuçova 3182.28 %31 (26)0Socialist Party
Berat Poliçan 1587.07 %15 (13)0Socialist Party
Berat Skrapar 1585.32 %14 (13)1Socialist Party
Berat Ura Vajgurore 2174.34 %21 (15)0Socialist Party
Dibër Bulqizë 2133.55 %20 (7)1Socialist Party
Dibër Dibër 3145.72 %29 (14)2Socialist Party
Dibër Klos 2128.26 %21 (6)0Socialist Party
Dibër Mat 2151.69 %21 (11)0Socialist Party
Durrës Durrës 5187.13 %50 (46)1Socialist Party
Durrës Krujë 3169.37 %31 (23)0Socialist Party
Durrës Shijak 2173.76 %20 (+6)1Socialist Party
Elbasan Belsh 2180.14 %20 (18)1Socialist Party
Elbasan Cërrik 2188.13 %21 (19)0Socialist Party
Elbasan Elbasan 5180.43 %49 (43)2Socialist Party
Elbasan Gramsh 2147.74 %21 (10)0Socialist Party
Elbasan Librazhd 2154.21 %18 (12)3Socialist Party
Elbasan Peqin 2184.85 %21 (18)0Socialist Party
Elbasan Përrenjas 2164.45 %21 (13)0Socialist Party
Fier Divjakë 3181.95 %31 (26)0Socialist Party
Fier Fier 5191.19 %51 (48)0Socialist Party
Fier Lushnjë 4183.08 %40 (33)1Socialist Party
Fier Mallakastër 2164.74 %21 (15)0Socialist Party
Fier Patos 2189.82 %21 (19)0Socialist Party
Fier Roskovec 2192.06 %21 (19)0Socialist Party
Gjirokastër Dropull 2176.99 %18 (16)3Socialist Party
Gjirokastër Gjirokastër 3163.09 %30 (19)1Socialist Party
Gjirokastër Këlcyra 1522.78 %13 (4)2Socialist Party
Gjirokastër Libohovë 1573.63 %14 (12)1Socialist Party
Gjirokastër Memaliaj 2177.76 %21 (17)0Socialist Party
Gjirokastër Përmet 1544.17 %15 (7)0Socialist Party
Gjirokastër Tepelena 1580.21 %15 (12)0Socialist Party
Korçë Devoll 2168.54 %21 (15)0Socialist Party
Korçë Kolonja 1560.74 %15 (10)0Socialist Party
Korçë Korça 4176.94 %39 (33)2Socialist Party
Korçë Maliq 3182.34 %31 (26)0Socialist Party
Korçë Pogradec 3162.06 %30 (20)1Socialist Party
Korçë Pustec 1543.04 %11 (6)4Socialist Party
Kukës Has 2122.4 %20 (5)1Socialist Party
Kukës Kukës 3124.17 %27 (8)4Socialist Party
Kukës Tropojë 2131.31 %21 (7)0Socialist Party
Lezhë Kurbin 3154.28 %28 (11)3Socialist Party
Lezhë Lezhë 4135.27 %30 (15)1Socialist Party
Lezhë Mirditë 2124.77 %21 (5)0Socialist Party
Shkodër Fushë-Arrëz 1532.27 %13 (5)2Socialist Party
Shkodër Malësia e Madhe 3134.56 %26 (11)5Socialist Party
Shkodër Pukë 1527.66 %15 (4)0Socialist Party
Shkodër Shkodër 5175.83 %51 (40)0Socialist Party
Shkodër Vau i Dejës 3143.99 %31 (14)0Socialist Party
Tirana Kamëz 4187.61 %40 (36)1Socialist Party
Tirana Kavajë 3194.36 %31 (29)0Socialist Party
Tirana Rrogozhinë 2193.94 %21 (20)0Socialist Party
Tirana Tirana 6185.82 %59 (56)2Socialist Party
Tirana Vorë 2182.43 %20 (18)1Socialist Party
Vlorë Delvinë 15100.0 %15 (15)0Socialist Party
Vlorë Finiq 2134.49 %12 (8)9 MEGA
Vlorë Himarë 2163.82 %20 (14)1Socialist Party
Vlorë Konispol 15100.0 %15 (15)0Socialist Party
Vlorë Sarandë 3168.09 %27 (23)4Socialist Party
Vlorë Selenicë 2166.41 %21 (15)0Socialist Party
Vlorë Vlorë 5186.65 %49 (47)2Socialist Party


  1. "Albania's President Meta postpones local elections, protests continue". 10 June 2019.
  2. "A disputed election leaves Albania's democracy in tatters".
  3. "Albania votes amid opposition boycott". BBC News. 30 June 2019. Retrieved 5 February 2023.
  4. "Polls close in Albania municipal election boycotted by opposition". www.aljazeera.com. Retrieved 5 February 2023.
  5. "KANDIDATËT FITUES PËR KËSHILL BASHKIAK" (PDF). Central electoral commission (in Albanian). Retrieved 30 July 2022.
  6. "Albania votes amid opposition boycott". BBC News. 30 June 2019. Retrieved 5 February 2023.
  7. "DP refuses to accept the turnout number announced by CEC". top-channel.tv. Retrieved 5 February 2023.
  8. "Opposition rallies again to get Albanian PM to quit". Reuters. 8 June 2019. Retrieved 5 February 2023.
  9. "Padia e Voltana Ademit, Gjykata Kushtetuese vendos sot për zgjedhjet vendore të 2019. Përfaqësuesja e qeverisë: Të mos shqyrtohet". www.balkanweb.com (in Albanian). Retrieved 5 February 2023.
  10. "Zgjedhjet Vendore 2019: Shpërndarja e mandateve për këshillin" (PDF). Central Commission. Retrieved 5 January 2023.