40th Parliament of British Columbia

Last updated

40th Parliament of British Columbia
Majority parliament
26 June 2013  11 April 2017
Coat of Arms of British Columbia.png
Parliament leaders
Premier Christy Clark
March 14, 2011 – July 18, 2017
Cabinet C. Clark II
Leader of the
Adrian Dix
April 17, 2011 – May 4, 2014
John Horgan
May 4, 2014 – July 18, 2017
Party caucuses
Government Liberal Party
Opposition New Democratic Party
Unrecognized Green Party
Legislative Assembly
Speaker of the
Linda Reid
June 26, 2013 – March 16, 2017
House Leader
Michael de Jong
2012 – 2017
Members85 MLA seats
Monarch Elizabeth II
February 6, 1952 – present
Judith Guichon
November 2, 2012 – April 24, 2018
1st session
June 26, 2013 – February 11, 2014
2nd session
February 11, 2014 – October 6, 2014
3rd session
October 6, 2014 – February 10, 2015
4th session
February 10, 2015 – February 9, 2016
5th session
February 9, 2016 – February 14, 2017
6th session
February 14, 2017 – March 16, 2017
  39th   41st

The 40th Parliament of British Columbia was in session from June 26, 2013, to April 11, 2017. It consisted of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, as elected by the general election of May 14, 2013, and the Queen represented by the Lieutenant-Governor Judith Guichon. That election unexpectedly returned the BC Liberal Party to another absolute majority government, their fourth consecutive government since 2001, this time with Christy Clark who had been premier since 2011. The BC New Democratic Party formed the official opposition under Adrian Dix and John Horgan who replaced Dix in the 2014 leadership election. The first member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) from the Green Party of BC, Andrew J. Weaver served in this parliament, along with independent Vicki Huntington. Three MLAs resigned: Jenny Kwan and Douglas Horne who resigned to stand in a federal election, as well as Ben Stewart who resigned for the purpose of providing the Premier, who had lost her seat in the general election, with another opportunity to gain a seat. The by-elections to replace the resigned members Clark won Stewart's Kelowna riding, while Melanie Mark and Jodie Wickens replaced Kwan and Horne, respectively. The only members to leave their party, Marc Dalton briefly left the BC Liberals as he unsuccessfully sought the Conservative Party nomination in the federal election, and Pat Pimm left the BC Liberal Party just prior to being arrested.


Legislative initiatives which were part of 2013 BC Liberal election platform included major amendments to liquor laws, local government elections, and holding a plebiscite on TransLink funding. The BC Liberal election priority of fostering a liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry involved the creation of the Liquefied Natural Gas Income Tax Act, the Greenhouse Gas Industrial Reporting and Control Act which provides exemptions for LNG facilities and replaces the existing cap and trade regime, amendments to the Protected Areas of British Columbia Act to make way for pipelines through parks and other protected areas, and various amendments to the Natural Gas Development Statutes Act (formerly the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act). Other major legislation included the adoption of the Water Sustainability Act, creation of a licensing system for all-terrain vehicle and snowmobiles in the Off-Road Vehicle Act, adding electronic cigarette to the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act, modernizing the Societies Act, amendments to the Motor Dealer Act to prohibit online sales of vehicles, creation of a new provincial park called the Ancient Forest/Chun T'oh Whudujut Park, and adoption of the Great Bear Rainforest (Forest Management) Act that limited commercial logging in the Great Bear Rainforest. Other new legislation included making discrimination based on gender identity or expression illegal, and creating a 15% property transfer tax that only applies to foreign nationals in Metro Vancouver.

In preparation for the next general election, legislation was adopted to increase the number of MLAs to 87, delete pre-campaign expense limits, allow constituency associations to incur election expenses, require dissemination of the identity of those who voted in the last election, and limited the update to voter registration information. The 40th parliament of British Columbia was formally dissolved on April 11, 2017, by request of the premier to the lieutenant governor making way for the 41st British Columbia general election set for May 9, 2017.

Elections and appointments

The members of the legislative assembly were elected in the 40th general election, held on May 14, 2013. The BC Liberal Party unexpectedly elected an expanded majority, their fourth consecutive absolute majority. [1] To accommodate party leader Christy Clark who lost her seat, Ben Stewart resigned his Westside-Kelowna seat. Clark won the Westside-Kelowna by-election on July 10. [2] Regardless of not having a seat in the legislative assembly, Clark, as leader of the party with the most seats, was Premier. [3] She named Rich Coleman as Deputy Premier and Minister of Natural Gas Development. In her cabinet, she kept Mike de Jong as Minister of Finance (as well as government house leader), Steve Thomson as Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, and Stephanie Cadieux as Minister of Children and Family Development. Clark shuffled Bill Bennett, Mary Polak, Shirley Bond, Don McRae, Terry Lake, and Naomi Yamamoto to different ministries while Norm Letnick, Ralph Sultan and Moira Stilwell were removed from cabinet. New members who Clark immediately appointed to her cabinet included Peter Fassbender as Minister of Education, Amrik Virk as Minister of Advanced Education, Suzanne Anton as Minister of Justice, Todd Stone as Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, Teresa Wat as Minister of International Trade, Coralee Oakes as Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development, and Andrew Wilkinson as Minister of Technology, Innovation and Citizen Services. Veteran members John Rustad and Pat Pimm were also added to cabinet. [4] Premier Clark issued mandate letters to each minister outlining priorities and expectations. [5]

The Constitution Act states that the next general election had to occur no later than the second Tuesday in May, four years after the last general election. Accordingly, the 40th parliament was dissolved on April 11, 2017, by request of the premier to the lieutenant governor making way for the 41st British Columbia general election which was then scheduled for May 9, 2017.

First session

The first session of the 40th Parliament began on June 26, 2013, with the Speech from the Throne delivered by Lieutenant-Governor Judith Guichon. This brief session was held only to pass a budget for the remainder of the fiscal year. The budget was largely the same as the BC Liberals had introduced in February as a pre-election budget. [6] It increased the general corporate income tax rate from 10% to 11%, inserted a new top tax bracket applicable for the 2014 and 2015 years only, increased tax on cigarettes and tobacco, and exempted coloured fuel from the carbon tax. [7]

Second session

The second session opened on February 11, 2014, following a six-month recess. During the session 26 bills were given royal assent, all on or before May 29. Following through on campaign promises, a plebiscite on TransLink funding was set up with the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Funding Referenda Act, [8] the first of several new liquor laws were passed with the Liquor Control and Licensing Amendment Act and its accompanying regulations, which among other items allowed for sales of liquor at grocery stores and farmers' markets, and recommendations of the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry were implemented with the Missing Persons Act. [9] To facilitate natural gas industry, the budget committed $29 million to the government's LNG strategy program, [10] the Park Act and the Park Boundary Adjustment Policy were amended to allow more industrial activities within provincial parks, and the Natural Gas Development Statutes Amendment Act modernized the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act and revised the ability of land owners to appeal decisions concerning placement of wells, pipelines and facilities on their property.

The Minister of Agriculture Pat Pimm introduced the Animal Health Act updating the laws concerning agricultural biosecurity and amendments to the Agricultural Land Commission Act which controversially divided the ALR into two zones, each with different regulations and application decision-making criteria. [11] Citing health issues, Pimm resigned from cabinet in April and was replaced by Norm Letnick who had served previously as agriculture minister in 2012-13. [12] Michelle Stilwell was promoted to cabinet to replace Letnick's position of Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation.

The long-anticipated Water Sustainability Act modernized the laws regarding water management. [13] The Off-Road Vehicle Act created the requirement that all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles be registered and licensed. [14] The Provincial Capital Commission Dissolution Act closed the Provincial Capital Commission. [14] The Local Elections Campaign Financing Act and the Local Elections Statutes Amendment Act placed new regulations on local elections, like extending the terms of mayor and councils to four years from three, establishing spending limits, and requiring registration of third-party advertisers. [15] The Protected Areas of British Columbia Amendment Act, 2014, removed 11 ha from Indian Arm Provincial Park and 10 ha from Elk Falls Provincial Park and added 47,873 ha to four existing conservancies. [16] The government tabled back-to-work legislation regarding a strike action at the Port of Vancouver but did not pass it as the strike ended. [17]

Third session

A short third session was held in October–November 2014 responding to requests by proponents of the liquefied natural gas industry to fast-track legislation. [18] The Liquefied Natural Gas Income Tax Act established the taxation regime at 1.5% of net income until capital costs have been paid, then 3.5% afterwards, significantly less than the original 7% that the government had been planning. [19] The Greenhouse Gas Industrial Reporting and Control Act repealed the Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Cap and Trade) Act in favour of intensity level emission limits, instead total emission measures, and the act set the emission limit at 0.16 carbon dioxide equivalent tonnes for each tonne of LNG produced. [20] The Protected Areas of British Columbia Amendment Act (No. 2), 2014, removed 63 hectares from the Nisga'a Memorial Lava Bed Park to accommodate a pipeline to one of the proposed LNG facilities. [21]

Also, the Container Trucking Act, which created the office of the British Columbia Container Trucking Commissioner, was adopted as a result of the negotiations in the previous session's response to the Port of Vancouver strike. [22] The Canadian Pacific Railway (Stone and Timber) Settlement Act extinguished all of Canadian Pacific Limited's stone and timber reservations in exchange for $19 million. [23]

Fourth session

Prior to the fourth session, the Premier added Mike Bernier to cabinet as Minister of Education. The former Minister of Education Peter Fassbender took over Coralee Oakes's position as Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development, as well as taking over responsibility for TransLink from Todd Stone's Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Oakes was assigned to be Minister of Small Business, Red Tape Reduction and responsible for the liquor distribution branch. Naomi Yamamoto was moved from Minister of State for Tourism and Small Business was moved over to the newly created Minister of State for Emergency Preparedness. [24] Both Jenny Kwan and Douglas Horne resigned as MLAs in order to pursue election in the federal general election.

The fourth session ran between February and November 2015 and saw 42 bills become law. The previous session's legislation concerning LNG taxation was furthered with the Liquefied Natural Gas Income Tax Amendment Act, 2015, and the Liquefied Natural Gas Project Agreements Act exempted for 25 years LNG facilities from increases in tax and greenhouse gas regulatory changes. [25] The Federal Port Development Act implemented a recently added provision of the Canada Marine Act that enables provincial regulations to be administered on federal port lands. [26] In addition to allowing residential tenants to cancel a rental agreement in instances of domestic violence, the Natural Gas Development Statutes Amendment Act, 2015, expanded the list of activities that are defined as an "oil and gas activity", with the Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2015, further expanding the list and extended the maximum duration of royalty agreements for extracting natural gas. The miscellaneous statutes act also created the Medal of Good Citizenship, repealed the Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters Act, and allowed the Queen's Printer to contract out its printing duties and further implemented aspects of the Liquor Policy Review. Additionally, in response to the Liquor Policy Review, there was a major update to the Liquor Control and Licensing Act.

The Red Tape Reduction Day Act recognized the second Wednesday of March as Red Tape Reduction Day. The Amendments to the Finance Statutes Act allowed ICBC to withhold issuance or renewal of driver's license to those with delinquent student loan repayments or child support payments or unpaid court fines. [27] The Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 2015, made driving in the left lane of a highway a ticketable offense if not using it to pass another vehicle or turning off the highway. [28] This amendment act also now requires winter tires be stamped with a specialized (e.g. snowflake or mountain) symbol. The Guide Dog and Service Dog Act created a Registrar of guide dogs and service dogs requiring that such dogs be certified; those with certified dogs have the right, despite any 'no pet policy', to housing and to enter places where the public is invited (e.g. stores, transit). Two amendments to the Workers Compensation Act implemented the recommendations made by WorkSafeBC and the BC Coroner's Office following the 2012 sawmill explosions that killed four people. [29]

The Tobacco Control Act was expanded to include vapour products and renamed to Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act. [30] The Fish and Seafood Act replaced and modernized the Fisheries Act and the Fish Inspection Act. [31] The Societies Act updated and replaced the Society Act. The Franchises Act was created based on recommendations from the BC Law Institute and the Canadian Bar Association of BC to imposes a duty of fair dealing for franchise agreements, allowing franchises to associate with other franchises, and allowing franchisees to sue for damages in event of misrepresentation by a parent company. [32]

The Information Management Act created the position of Chief Records Officer to oversee digitizing government archives. [33] The Provincial Immigration Programs Act created the position of Director of Provincial Immigration Programs for administering immigration agreements with the federal government. The Auditor General for Local Government Amendment Act, 2015, required the appointment of a deputy auditor general and expanded upon the provisions for suspending or removing an individual from the position of auditor general.

Revisions to the Electoral Districts Act and the Election Act increased the number of electoral districts and MLAs to 87 and deleted expense limits that applied to the pre-campaign period, now allows constituency associations to incur election expenses, only permits updates to voter registration information in conjunction with voting and only with a family member present to vouch, and requires the Chief Electoral Officer to provide each political party the list of voters in the last election with identification of who voted. [34]

Fifth session

The fifth session took place between February and July 2016. Prior to the session beginning, Mike Morris was added to the cabinet under a new position titled Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General. [35] The 2016 budget created the Prosperity Fund and required any increase in general funds either be used to reduce operating debt or held in the Prosperity Fund. The budget increased the property transfer tax increase (from 2% to 3%) on homes over $2 million but increased the exemption threshold for new houses to $750,000. The budget also exempted children from paying Medical Services Premium, created a farmers' food donation tax credit, extended both the mining tax credit and the tax credit for home renovations by seniors of persons with disabilities, expanded of the film tax credit to include animation productions, mandated lower assessment values be placed on rural tourist accommodations, and made funds available to compensate property owners impacted by wildfire control. [36]

Affecting an LNG industry, the Greenhouse Gas Industrial Reporting and Control Amendment Act, 2016, exempted new facilities from reporting emissions for the first 18 months of operations and expanded eligibility to participate in the BC carbon registry; and the Safety Standards Act was amended to move administration of safety standards in the oil and gas sector from the BC Safety Authority to the Oil and Gas Commission. Affecting pipelines, land was removed from Finn Creek Provincial Park to accommodate the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline System and an amendment to the Environmental Management Act created a requirement for regulated industries, like oil pipelines, to have spill contingency plans.

New legislation included the Great Bear Rainforest (Forest Management) Act which limits commercial logging in the Great Bear Rainforest. [37] the Profits of Criminal Notoriety Act prevents people from being paid to recount crime or profiting from crime memorabilia. The Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act, originally introduced by Andrew J. Weaver of the Green Party as the Post-Secondary Sexual Violence Policies Act, was adopted by the government and requires post-secondary institutions to put in place a sexual misconduct policy. [38]

Legislative amendments included an amendment to the Motor Dealer Act which prohibits selling new vehicles using the Internet, prohibits motor dealers from employing unlicensed salespeople, and creates the Motor Dealer Consumer Advancement Fund; the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Amendment Act, 2016, expands the jurisdiction of the College of Pharmacists of BC to include licensing of pharmacy owners; [39] an amendment to the Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Statutes Act adds unintended actions to the definition of interference; the Community Care and Assisted Living Amendment Act, 2016, enacted some recommendations from the Office of the Seniors Advocate to allows partners not legally married but having lived together for 2 years to qualify as spouses and removes the upper limit of how many services a residence can provide to a client before the client must be referred to a complex care home; [40] the Local Elections Campaign Financing (Election Expenses) Amendment Act, 2016, enacted the recommendations of the Special Committee on Local Elections Expense Limits to shorten the election period from 46 to 28 days and create a regulatory system for limiting and reporting campaign expenses during elections for mayor, councils, school boards, and electoral area directors; the Protected Areas of British Columbia Amendment Act, 2016 created a new 11,190-hectare park called Ancient Forest/Chun T'oh Whudujut Park; and the Miscellaneous Statutes (General) Amendment Act, 2016, created a requirement that the Agricultural Land Commission could not remove land from the ALR without property owner consent, amended the Income Tax Act to reduce film tax credits, amended the Environmental Management Act to allow the Minister of Environment to order a director to issue or amend a permit to allow for the discharging of waste into the environment within an area-based management plan (for a mining operation).

Two additional laws were introduced and passed in late July. The Human Rights Code Amendment Act, 2016 made discrimination based on gender identity or expression illegal. [41] The Miscellaneous Statutes (Housing Priority Initiatives) Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 28) created a 15% property transfer tax that applies only to foreign nationals buying real estate in Metro Vancouver, authorized the City of Vancouver to tax vacant residential properties and amended the Real Estate Services Act [42]

Sixth session

Prior to the beginning of the session, Pat Pimm left the BC Liberal caucus following his arrest in a domestic dispute [43] and sat as an independent for the remainder of the parliament. With the general election set for May, the governing BC Liberals introduced, but did not adopt, a [pre-election budget (Bill 8) in February that proposed to reduce Medical Services Plan fees by 50%, reduce the small business corporate tax rate from 2.5% to 2%, create a 'BC back-to-school tax credit' and a 'volunteer firefighter or search and rescue volunteer tax credit', extend the tax credits provided for book publishing, scientific research and experimental development, increase the first time home buyer tax exemption threshold from $475,000 to $500,000, and increase the tobacco tax rate from 23.9 to 24.7¢ per cigarette.

The Minister Responsible for Asia Pacific Strategy and Multiculturalism Teresa Wat introduced the Discriminatory Provisions (Historical Wrongs) Repeal Act that repealed sections from 19 acts, adopted between 1881 and 1930, that discriminated against some ethnic groups. [44] An amendment to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act creates licensing and standards of care requirements for pet breeders. [45] The Information Management (Documenting Government Decisions) Amendment Act, 2017 legislated a duty for provincial public agencies to document information. [46]

Members of the 40th Parliament

MemberPartyElectoral district
  Darryl Plecas Liberal Abbotsford South
  Mike de Jong Liberal Abbotsford West
  Simon Gibson Liberal Abbotsford-Mission
  Scott Fraser NDP Alberni-Pacific Rim
  Linda Larson Liberal Boundary-Similkameen
  Kathy Corrigan NDP Burnaby-Deer Lake
  Raj Chouhan NDP Burnaby-Edmonds
  Jane Shin NDP Burnaby-Lougheed
  Richard Lee Liberal Burnaby North
  Donna Barnett Liberal Cariboo-Chilcotin
  Coralee Oakes Liberal Cariboo North
  John Martin Liberal Chilliwack
  Laurie Throness Liberal Chilliwack-Hope
  Norm Macdonald NDP Columbia River-Revelstoke
  Don McRae Liberal Comox Valley
  Douglas Horne (to August 11, 2015) Liberal Coquitlam-Burke Mountain
  Jodie Wickens (since February 2, 2016) NDP
  Selina Robinson NDP Coquitlam-Maillardville
  Bill Routley NDP Cowichan Valley
  Scott Hamilton Liberal Delta North
  Vicki Huntington Independent Delta South
  Maurine Karagianis NDP Esquimalt-Royal Roads
  Rich Coleman Liberal Fort Langley-Aldergrove
  Jackie Tegart Liberal Fraser-Nicola
  John Horgan NDP Juan de Fuca
  Terry Lake Liberal Kamloops-North Thompson
  Todd Stone Liberal Kamloops-South Thompson
  Norm Letnick Liberal Kelowna-Lake Country
  Steve Thomson Liberal Kelowna-Mission
  Bill Bennett Liberal Kootenay East
  Katrine Conroy NDP Kootenay West
  Mary Polak Liberal Langley
  Marc Dalton Liberal (to February 13, 2015) Maple Ridge-Mission
  Liberal (since September 21, 2015)
  Doug Bing Liberal Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows
  Leonard Krog NDP Nanaimo
  Doug Routley NDP Nanaimo-North Cowichan
  John Rustad Liberal Nechako Lakes
  Michelle Mungall NDP Nelson-Creston
  Judy Darcy NDP New Westminster
  Jennifer Rice NDP North Coast
  Claire Trevena NDP North Island
  Naomi Yamamoto Liberal North Vancouver-Lonsdale
  Jane Thornthwaite Liberal North Vancouver-Seymour
  Andrew Weaver Green Oak Bay-Gordon Head
  Michelle Stilwell Liberal Parksville-Qualicum
  Pat Pimm Liberal (to August 15, 2016) Peace River North
  Mike Bernier Liberal Peace River South
  Dan Ashton Liberal Penticton
  Mike Farnworth NDP Port Coquitlam
  Linda Reimer Liberal Port Moody-Coquitlam
  Nicholas Simons NDP Powell River-Sunshine Coast
  Mike Morris Liberal Prince George-Mackenzie
  Shirley Bond Liberal Prince George-Valemount
  Teresa Wat Liberal Richmond Centre
  Linda Reid Liberal Richmond East
  John Yap Liberal Richmond-Steveston
  Gary Holman NDP Saanich North and the Islands
  Lana Popham NDP Saanich South
  Greg Kyllo Liberal Shuswap
  Robin Austin NDP Skeena
  Doug Donaldson NDP Stikine
  Stephanie Cadieux Liberal Surrey-Cloverdale
  Peter Fassbender Liberal Surrey-Fleetwood
  Sue Hammell NDP Surrey-Green Timbers
  Harry Bains NDP Surrey-Newton
  Marvin Hunt Liberal Surrey-Panorama
  Amrik Virk Liberal Surrey-Tynehead
  Bruce Ralston NDP Surrey-Whalley
  Gordon Hogg Liberal Surrey-White Rock
  George Heyman NDP Vancouver-Fairview
  Sam Sullivan Liberal Vancouver-False Creek
  Suzanne Anton Liberal Vancouver-Fraserview
  Shane Simpson NDP Vancouver-Hastings
  Mable Elmore NDP Vancouver-Kensington
  Adrian Dix NDP Vancouver-Kingsway
  Moira Stilwell Liberal Vancouver-Langara
  Jenny Kwan (to August 4, 2015) NDP Vancouver-Mount Pleasant
  Melanie Mark (since February 2, 2016)
  David Eby NDP Vancouver-Point Grey
  Andrew Wilkinson Liberal Vancouver-Quilchena
  Spencer Chandra Herbert NDP Vancouver-West End
  Eric Foster Liberal Vernon-Monashee
  Carole James NDP Victoria-Beacon Hill
  Rob Fleming NDP Victoria-Swan Lake
  Ralph Sultan Liberal West Vancouver-Capilano
  Jordan Sturdy Liberal West Vancouver-Sea to Sky
  Ben Stewart (to June 5, 2013) Liberal Westside-Kelowna
  Christy Clark (since July 10, 2013)

Party standings of the 40th Parliament

Seating plan

Standings changes

Number of members
per party by date
May 14June 5July 10February 12August 4August 11August 12February 2August 15
  Liberal 49484948474847
  NDP 343335
  Green 1
  Independent 1212
 Total members858485848385
 Government Majority131213121312131110
Membership changes in the 40th Assembly
 May 14, 2013See list of membersElection day of the 40th British Columbia general election
 June 11, 2013 Ben Stewart Westside-Kelowna Liberal Resigned to allow party leader Christy Clark to contest the seat in a by-election, following her defeat in Vancouver-Point Grey on election day. [47]
 July 10, 2013 Christy Clark Westside-KelownaLiberalElected in by-election; Liberal hold.
 February 12, 2015 Marc Dalton Maple Ridge-Mission IndependentLeft BC Liberal caucus to seek Conservative Party of Canada nomination in Pitt Meadows—Maple Ridge. [48]
 August 4, 2015 Jenny Kwan Vancouver-Mount Pleasant NDPResigned to run in the federal election.
 August 11, 2015 Douglas Horne Coquitlam-Burke Mountain LiberalResigned to run in the federal election.
 August 12, 2015 Marc Dalton Maple Ridge-Mission LiberalRejoined BC Liberal caucus after losing Conservative Party of Canada nomination in Pitt Meadows—Maple Ridge.
 February 2, 2016 Jodie Wickens Coquitlam-Burke Mountain NDPElected in by-election; NDP gain
 February 2, 2016 Melanie Mark Vancouver-Mount Pleasant NDPElected in by-election; NDP hold.
 August 15, 2016 Pat Pimm Peace River North IndependentLeft BC Liberal caucus to two days before his arrest. [43]

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Naomi Yamamoto is a Canadian politician who was elected as a Member of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia in the 2009 provincial election. She was elected as a member of the BC Liberal Party in the riding of North Vancouver-Lonsdale. Yamamoto's party formed a majority government in the 39th Parliament and Premier Gordon Campbell included her in his cabinet, between June 2009 and October 2010, as Minister of State for Intergovernmental Relations, and then as Minister of State for Building Code Renewal between October 2010 and March 2011. Following the 2011 BC Liberal leadership election, in which Yamamoto endorsed George Abbott, the new Premier, Christy Clark, promoted Yamamoto to Minister of Advanced Education.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Don McRae (politician)</span> Canadian politician

Don McRae is a Former Member of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, Canada, and a member of the BC Liberal Party. He was elected to the Legislative Assembly from the riding of Comox Valley in the 2009 provincial election. After serving nearly 2 years on the backbenches he was appointed Minister of Agriculture on March 14, 2011, in Premier Christy Clark's first cabinet. On September 5, 2012, he was appointed as the Minister of Education. In addition to his ministerial roles, he sat on the Environment and Land Use Committee and the Cabinet Committee on Open Government and Engagement. He introduced one piece of legislation, the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Act, 2011.

The 2011 British Columbia Liberal Party leadership election was prompted by Gordon Campbell's announcement on November 3, 2010, that he would be resigning as Premier of British Columbia and had asked the BC Liberal Party to hold a leadership convention "at the earliest possible date". The convention elected Christy Clark as the new leader of the party on February 26, 2011.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Jennifer Rice</span> Canadian politician

Jennifer Rice is a Canadian politician, who was elected to the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia to represent the electoral district of North Coast. She is a member of the BC New Democratic Party. Rice was first elected as a member of legislative assembly (MLA) in the 2013 provincial election and was re-elected in the 2017 election. In the 40th Parliament of British Columbia she acted as the official opposition's critic for northern and rural economic development and deputy critic for children and family development and introduced one private member bill, the Drinking Water Protection Amendment Act regarding regularizing testing of drinking water in schools.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Andrew Wilkinson</span> Canadian politician (born 1958)

Andrew Wilkinson is an Australian-born Canadian politician. He is the former leader of the British Columbia Liberal Party, and served as the leader of British Columbia's Official Opposition. He was elected to the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia in the 2013 provincial election and re-elected in 2017 and 2020. He represented the electoral district of Vancouver-Quilchena.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">41st Parliament of British Columbia</span> 2017 to 2020 session of the British Columbia Legislative Assembly

The 41st Parliament of British Columbia was in session from June 22, 2017, to September 21, 2020. It consisted of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, as elected by the general election of May 9, 2017, and subsequent by-elections, and the Queen in right of British Columbia, represented by the lieutenant governor of British Columbia. It was the first parliament following the increase in size of the legislature from 85 to 87 seats. Immediately following the election, Christy Clark, the incumbent premier, asked the lieutenant governor to remain governing until the final votes were counted and it would be known if there would be a majority or minority government. Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon agreed and Clark appointed a cabinet of 21 ministers and 13 parliamentary secretaries, which were sworn in on June 12, 2017.

Jas Johal is a Canadian politician and media personality. He served as Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) of British Columbia for the electoral district of Richmond-Queensborough in the 41st Parliament of British Columbia (2017-2020), as part of the British Columbia Liberal Party caucus.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ellis Ross</span> Canadian politician

Ellis Ross is a Canadian politician who has served as a member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) of British Columbia since 2017, representing the electoral district of Skeena. A caucus member of BC United, he briefly served as Minister of Natural Gas Development and Minister Responsible for Housing in Premier Christy Clark's cabinet, and ran for party leadership in 2022.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">42nd Parliament of British Columbia</span> Legislature of British Columbia, Canada (2020–present)

The 42nd Parliament of British Columbia was chosen in the 2020 British Columbia general election. All 87 seats were up for election.


  1. Fowlie, Jonathan (May 15, 2013). "A win for the ages; Christy Clark boosts Liberal majority in a stunning victory that gives party a fourth term". The Vancouver Sun. p. A1.
  2. "Christy Clark wins byelection". Penticton Western News. Penticton, BC. July 11, 2013. p. 3.
  3. Palmer, Vaughn (June 22, 2013). "How can Clark be premier when she lost her own seat?". The Vancouver Sun. p. A4.
  4. Alexander, Ken (June 12, 2013). "Premier Christy Clark and cabinet sworn in". 100 Mile House Free Press. p. A6.
  5. "Clark government knows what it wants to accomplish". The Vancouver Sun. June 21, 2013. p. A12.
  6. Hutchinson, Brian (June 28, 2013). "B.C.'s promised surplus now dwindling". National Post. p. A6.
  7. Charelle, Evelyn (February 20, 2013). "One 'really boring' budget". Prince George Citizen. Prince George, BC. p. 1.
  8. Bula, Frances (March 28, 2014). "Mayors given powers over fare increases, 10-year visions for TransLink". The Globe and Mail. p. S1.
  9. "Missing persons bill widens police powers. Kines, Lindsay". Times-Colonist. Victoria, BC. February 14, 2014. p. A2.
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  11. Leyne, Les (May 1, 2014). "Letnick, Bennett now sing same tune". Times-Colonist. Victoria, BC.
  12. Hunter, Justine; Hume, Mark (May 29, 2014). "Province set to overhaul Agricultural Land Reserve". The Globe and Mail. p. S1.
  13. Fumano, Dan (May 1, 2014). "New water act replaces 105- year- old law". The Province. Vancouver. p. A13.
  14. 1 2 Leyne, Les (April 23, 2014). "Bills get processed without spotlight". Times-Colonist. Victoria, BC. p. A8.
  15. Gilchrist, Emma (May 4, 2014). "Spending limit delay hurts elections". Times-Colonist. Victoria, BC. p. A10.
  16. "Legislation boosts conservancies". North Island Gazette. Alert Bay, British Columbia. March 20, 2014. p. 1.
  17. Hunter, Justine; Bailey, Ian (March 27, 2014). "Clark, truckers reach labour agreement". The Globe and Mail. p. S1.
  18. Shaw, Rob; Hoekstra, Gord (October 7, 2014). "LNG needed to pay for core services". The Vancouver Sun. p. A1.
  19. Greenfield, Donald; Rautenberg, Alan; Kennedy, Claire (November 27, 2014). "Dissecting B.C.'s LNG tax". National Post. p. SR11.
  20. Hunter, Justine (October 23, 2014). "Liberals pull plug on key part of climate-change strategy". The Globe and Mail. p. S1.
  21. "Nisga'a sign pipeline deal, back LNG". The Vancouver Sun. November 21, 2014. p. D1.
  22. "Timeline of dispute between truckers and trucking companies". The Vancouver Sun. October 24, 2015. p. C4.
  23. Fletcher, Tom (October 22, 2014). "One last holdup on railway tracks". Courtenay Comox Valley Record. Courtenay, British Columbia.
  24. Shaw, Rob; Sinoski, Kelly (July 31, 2015). "Fassbender the fixer takes on transit morass". The Vancouver Sun. p. A4.
  25. Cattaneo, Claudia (July 23, 2015). "B.C. draws line on concessions to LNG sector". National Post. p. FP3.
  26. Hampel, Emma (February 19, 2015). "New law to regulate LNG development in federal ports". Alaska Highway News. Fort St. John, British Columbia. p. A7.
  27. Kines, Lindsay (March 12, 2015). "Pay debts or put your driver's licence at risk; ICBC asked to collect on student loans, court fines". Times-Colonist. Victoria, British Columbia. p. S5.
  28. Kines, Lindsay (April 2, 2015). "Transportation Minister Stone aims to clarify lane rules". Times-Colonist. Victoria, British Columbia. p. S2.
  29. Venis, Rodney (August 4, 2015). "Family of killed mill worker 'can now start to heal'". Prince George Citizen. Prince George, British Columbia. p. A1.
  30. Eagland, Nick (March 13, 2015). "E-cigarette retailers fuming over bill". The Province. Vancouver. p. A3.
  31. Johnson, Gail (April 1, 2015). ".C. Liberals claim to make seafood safer with Fish and Seafood Act". The Georgia Straight . Vancouver . Retrieved July 22, 2016.
  32. Wilson, Tony (November 4, 2014). "B.C. government seeks stakeholder input for proposed franchise law". The Globe and Mail. Retrieved July 22, 2016.
  33. Leyne, Les (June 3, 2015). "Covering tracks by leaving no tracks". Times-Colonist. Victoria, British Columbia. p. A8.
  34. Leyne, Les (April 23, 2015). "Objections grow to providing vote data". Times-Colonist. Victoria, British Columbia. p. A10.
  35. Shaw, Rob (December 12, 2015). "Former senior RCMP officer named solicitor general; Morris is the first to solely hold post since early 2012". The Vancouver Sun. p. A8.
  36. Hunter, Justine (February 17, 2016). "Balanced B.C. budget aims to cool hot real estate market". The Globe and Mail. p. A1.
  37. Leyne, Les (March 2, 2016). "Great Bear deal provides certainty". Times-Colonist. Victoria, British Columbia. p. A8.
  38. Harnett, Cindy (June 10, 2016). "For premier, sexual violence is personal; Christy Clark reveals how her experience helped shape response to Green Party bill". Times-Colonist. Victoria, British Columbia. p. A6.
  39. Lindsay, Bethany (February 12, 2016). "New pharmacy rules proposed". The Vancouver Sun. p. A4.
  40. "Bill could upend how seniors are cared for in B.C.". The Vancouver Sun. April 15, 2016. p. A15.
  41. Rafferty, Baker (July 20, 2016). "Government to amend B.C. Human Rights Code to protect gender rights". CBC News. Retrieved July 29, 2016.
  42. "Province to tax foreign buyers of Metro Vancouver homes". CBC News. July 25, 2016. Retrieved July 29, 2016.
  43. 1 2 McElroy, Justin (August 17, 2016). "Special prosecutor appointed following arrest of B.C. MLA Pat Pimm". CBC News. Retrieved August 18, 2016.
  44. "Past policies struck down for prejudice". The Globe and Mail. March 17, 2017. p. S2.
  45. Leyne, Les (March 4, 2017). "Pet law brings out mushy side of MLAs". Times-Colonist. Victoria, BC. p. A10.
  46. Fedigan, Jessica (March 9, 2017). "British Columbia will be the first province to legislate a duty to document". energeticcity.ca. Retrieved March 24, 2017.
  47. "Ben Stewart steps aside in Kelowna for B.C. Premier Christy Clark" Archived January 11, 2019, at the Wayback Machine . Vancouver Sun , June 5, 2013.
  48. "B.C. MLA Marc Dalton to seek federal Tory nomination in Fraser Valley riding" Archived June 9, 2015, at the Wayback Machine . The Province , February 12, 2015.