42nd (East Lancashire) Infantry Division

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East Lancashire Division
42nd (East Lancashire) Division
42nd (East Lancashire) Infantry Division
42nd Armoured Division
42nd (Lancashire) Division
WW1 British 42nd Division.svg
42nd (East Lancashire) Division insignia, First World War
Active 19081919
CountryFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
BranchFlag of the British Army.svg  British Army
Type Infantry
Size Division
Peacetime HQ Manchester
Motto(s)Go One Better [note 1]
Engagements First World War
Second World War
William Douglas
Bertram Mitford
Arthur Solly-Flood
William Beach
Sir Hugh Elles
Sir Miles Dempsey
Sir Geoffrey Evans
Vyvyan Evelegh

42nd Division insignia, Second World War (infantry and armoured).
42nd div PW.svg

42nd Division insignia, post Second World War, amalgamated with the 55th (West Lancashire) Division.

The 42nd (East Lancashire) Infantry Division was an infantry division of the British Army. The division was raised in 1908 as part of the Territorial Force (TF), originally as the East Lancashire Division, and was redesignated as the 42nd (East Lancashire) Division on 25 May 1915. [1] It was the first TF division to be sent overseas during the First World War. The division fought at Gallipoli, in the Sinai desert and on the Western Front in France and Belgium. Disbanded after the war, it was reformed in the Territorial Army (TA), in the Second World War it served as the 42nd (East Lancashire) Infantry Division with the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) and fought in Belgium and France before being evacuated at Dunkirk. The division was later reformed in the United Kingdom and, in November 1941, was converted into the 42nd Armoured Division, which was disbanded in October 1943 without serving overseas. A 2nd Line duplicate formation, the 66th Infantry Division, was created when the Territorials were doubled in both world wars.


The division was disbanded during the war but was reformed in the TA in 1947 after the Second World War. Beckett 2008 says that TA units that were in suspended animation were formally reactivated on 1 January 1947, although no personnel were assigned until commanding officers and permanent staff had been appointed in March and April 1947. [2] From December 1955, the division was placed on a lower establishment, for home defence purposes only. [3] On 1 May 1961, the division was merged with North West District to become 42nd Lancashire Division/North West District. [4]


The Territorial Force (TF) was formed on 1 April 1908 following the enactment of the Territorial and Reserve Forces Act 1907 (7 Edw.7, c.9) which combined and re-organised the old Volunteer Force, the Honourable Artillery Company and the Yeomanry. On formation, the TF contained 14 infantry divisions and 14 mounted yeomanry brigades. [5] One of the divisions was the East Lancashire Division. [6] In peacetime, the divisional headquarters was, from 1910, in the National Buildings at St Mary's Parsonage in Manchester. [6] [7]

First World War

The division was embodied upon the outbreak of war. The war station was intended to be Ireland; but, due to its pacific state, the intended move did not materialise. After a brief period at their drill halls, the various units proceeded to large tented camps at Turton Bottoms (near Bolton), Chesham (near Bury) and Holingworth Lake, Littleborough (near Rochdale). The personnel were asked to volunteer for overseas service, and the overwhelming majority did so, the deficiencies made up of men from the National Reserve and other re-enlistments. The 'home service' men formed the cadre of duplicate units, intended to train the rush of volunteers at the drill halls. These would form the divisional reserve, and later become the 66th (2nd East Lancashire) Division. [8]

In 1914, the East Lancashire Division was one of 14 infantry divisions and 55 mounted regiments, called the Yeomanry, that made up the Territorial Force. Lord Kitchener, the Secretary of State for War, described these divisions and regiments of mainly white–collar workers as "a town clerk's army". Their junior officers were trained at the Officer Training Corps set up at the universities and large public schools, such as Eton and Harrow. Kitchener sent these forces to the peripheral campaigns; to the Sudan, Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Caucasus, to release Regular British Army soldiers for duty on the Western Front because he thought these amateur soldiers 'might not be able to hold their own with the German Army'. [9]


Suez Canal zone and Sinai, WWI MapSinaiWWI.jpg
Suez Canal zone and Sinai, WWI

The East Lancashire Division arrived in Egypt on 25 September 1914 and served in the interior, around Cairo (with some elements stationed in Cyprus and the Sudan) together with some Yeomanry units, and the Australian and New Zealand contingents before going to Gallipoli. [10]

The division was sent to Egypt to defend the Suez Canal against anticipated Turkish attacks. The 15 pounder gun batteries were deployed at key points on the west bank in support of Indian Army and New Zealand troops manning guardposts. The 20th Battery (Bolton Artillery) fired the division's first artillery rounds of the Great War, and the first of the Territorial Force of the campaign, near El Ferdan on 2 February 1915. [11] The 19th Battery (Bolton Artillery) was in action in support of Indian and New Zealand troops between Tussum and Serapeum on the night and morning of 3–4 February 1915, against the attempted crossing of the canal by the 74th Regiment, Turkish 25th Division. [12]


A boat carrying Lancashire Fusiliers, bound for Gallipoli. Photo by Ernest Brooks. Lancashire Fusiliers boat Gallipoli May 1915.jpg
A boat carrying Lancashire Fusiliers, bound for Gallipoli. Photo by Ernest Brooks.
Area of operations of 42nd Division on Gallipoli MapHellesWarZoneGallipoli1915.jpg
Area of operations of 42nd Division on Gallipoli

Beginning in early May 1915, the division joined the British Army Corps, from June known as VIII Corps, at Cape Helles following the failure of the Allies to achieve the anticipated swift success at Gallipoli during April. On 26 May 1915 the division received its number, becoming the 42nd (East Lancashire) Division, and the brigades were also numbered, becoming 125th (1/1st Lancashire Fusiliers) Brigade, 126th (1/1st East Lancashire) Brigade and 127th (1/1st Manchester) Brigade. [13]

The 4th (Blackburn) battery, 1 section of the 6th (Burnley) battery, and 19th and 20th (Bolton) batteries did not join the division on Gallipoli until 23/24 September, and the 1st/2nd East Lancs Brigade RFA (Manchester Artillery) arrived in Egypt in May from Britain and remained in Egypt. [14]

The 125th (Lancashire Fusiliers) Brigade landed in time to participate in the Second Battle of Krithia on 6 May and the 126th Brigade arrived on 11 May. [15] The entire division was involved in the Third Battle of Krithia on 4 June. [16]

The division carried out the Helles diversion at the start of the Battle of Sari Bair in what became known as the Battle of Krithia Vineyard. Captain William Thomas Forshaw of the 1/9th Battalion, Manchester Regiment was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions in this battle from 7 to 9 August. [17]

2nd Lieutenant Alfred Victor Smith of the 1/5th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for his action at Helles on 23 December. [18]

The division remained at Gallipoli until the final evacuation of Helles in January 1916 but was severely depleted by casualties and illness. 42nd Division's casualties at Gallipoli were 395 officers and 8152 other ranks killed, wounded and missing. [19]

Egypt and the Sinai Campaign

After the evacuation of Gallipoli, the division returned to Egypt, and was renamed the 42nd (East Lancashire) Division. [20] As such it participated in the Battle of Romani and the advance from Romani to Katia. [21]

The 42nd Division served at Kantara on the Suez Canal in No. 3 Section of the Suez Canal Defences under General Lawrence until they were entrained for the railhead at Pelusium on the first day of the Battle of Romani on 4 August 1916. [22] [23] [24]

Map of Romani Battlefield Powles pp.32-3 Romani.jpg
Map of Romani Battlefield

On arrival late in the day, the 127th Brigade of the 42nd Division took over outpost duties at 1930 hours while the New Zealand Mounted Rifle and 5th Mounted Yeomanry Brigades, which had been heavily involved in fighting during the day, withdrew to water and rest at Pelusium. [25] [26]

On the second day of battle, 5 August 1916, the 42nd Division along with the 52nd (Lowland) Division, which had fought the previous day from their entrenched position, were ordered to move out to support the Australian Light Horse and New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigades in a pursuit of the enemy. [27] [28] The 42nd Division was not prepared for the conditions they found in the Sinai desert. They had not been trained to operate in heavy sand in mid summer heat, and with insufficient water, extreme distress and tragedy followed. The mounted troops alone, were unable to stop the enemy making a disciplined withdrawal to water at Katia and to fall back in good order, the following day. [29] [30] [31] [32]

The 127th Brigade, 42nd Division eventually reached Katia the next day, 6 August; 800 men had died in the two-day march from Pelusium Station. The 125th Brigade of the 42nd Division and the 155th, and 157th brigades of the 52nd Division also had many men fall victim to thirst and the blazing sun; the infantry pursuit could not go on. [33] [34] [35]

Robert Bethel, Army Service Corps, and McPherson, an officer in the Egyptian Camel Transport Corps, worked to transport provisions and water to the 125th and 127th brigades. They recorded what they saw of these terrible days. [36] [37] Nearly 50 years after serving with the 42nd Division in the Sinai, one veteran, gunner J. Thompson, confessed that the "sight of a leaking tap" made him "squirm". [38]

By December 1916, the 42nd Division was furnishing units to protect the lines of communication at Salmana, Abu Tilul and the railway station Maadan and took part in a practice attack on 13 December. On 21 December, 42nd and 52nd Divisions marched from Kilo 128 to Bardawil and continued to move eastwards towards Masaid. [39]

On 17 January 1917, the 42nd Division was no longer in the Sinai Campaign, having been among the first of the Territorial Force to receive orders for the Western Front. The division was replaced in Desert Column by another Territorial Division, the 53rd (Welsh) Division commanded by Dallas. The two other Territorial infantry divisions, the 52nd at Rafa and the 54th (East Anglian) Division ordered out to Romani from the Suez Canal, were put directly under General Dobell commander of Eastern Force. [40] [41] [42] The 42nd Division departed Egypt early in February 1917. [43]

Western Front

42nd Division 8 April - 22 August 1917, and 23 March - 11 November 1918 42 Division Final Advance map 1918.jpg
42nd Division 8 April – 22 August 1917, and 23 March – 11 November 1918

The division moved to France and joined 3 Corps in the Fourth Army in March 1917. It relieved the 48th (South Midland) Division on 8 May 1917 and held the line at Épehy before relieving the 20th (Light) Division and holding the line at Havrincourt, north of Epéhy, from 23 May 1917. [44] Its infantry was relieved by the 58th (2/1st London) Division on 8 July 1917 but its divisional artillery remained in the line in support of 58th and then 9th (Scottish) Division at Havrincourt Wood. It moved to the Ytres sector on 9 July 1917. [45]

Area of the 42nd Division's operations near Ypres, 23 August - 29 September 1917 MapThirdYpresFrezenbergSeptemberOctober1917.jpg
Area of the 42nd Division's operations near Ypres, 23 August – 29 September 1917

On 23 August 1917, it joined V Corps in the Fifth Army, although the infantry in Poperinghe area behind Ypres for training. Its divisional artillery entered line immediately in support of the 15th (Scottish) Division near Potijze Chateau. Its infantry relieved the 15th (Scottish) Division in the line to the right of Potijze Road near Frezenberg Ridge at Ypres on 1 September 1917 and on 6 September the 125th Brigade made an unsuccessful attempt to capture the fortified Iberian, Borry and Beck Farms during the Third Battle of Ypres. [46]

The divisional infantry were relieved by the 9th (Scottish) Division and retired to Poperinghe area on 18 September 1917. Its divisional artillery remained in the line until 29 September, participated in the Battle of the Menin Road Ridge (20–26 September 1917) and advanced to exposed positions on Frezenberg Ridge on 25 September. On 26 September it relieved the 66th (2nd East Lancashire) Division. The divisional artillery rejoined and it held the line at Nieuport. [47]

Trench message dog of 10th Manchesters waits while message is written, Cuinchy, 26 January 1918 MessageDog10thManchestersCuinchy26Jan1918.jpg
Trench message dog of 10th Manchesters waits while message is written, Cuinchy, 26 January 1918
Men of the 4th East Lancs at a sap-head, Givenchy, 28 January 1918 4thEastLancsSapheadGivenchy28Jan1918.jpg
Men of the 4th East Lancs at a sap-head, Givenchy, 28 January 1918

On 29 November 1917 it relieved the 25th Division and held the line at Givenchy on the La Bassée sector. [48] It constructed fortifications according to the new British defensive doctrine of "defended localities" in anticipation of major German attack. Private Walter Mills of C Company, the 1/10th Manchesters, was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for actions at Red Dragon Crater, Givenchy on the night of 10 December 1917. [49]

It was relieved by the 55th (West Lancashire) Division on 15 February 1918. [50] It was held in reserve and undertook training at BusnesBurbureFouquieres area, forming part of the I Corps reserve and then the GHQ reserve from 1 March 1918. [51]

On 23 March 1918 it joined VI Corps under the command of Lieutenant-General Sir Aylmer Haldane in the Third Army, initially in reserve, and then at Ervillers, to defend the line against the German 17th Army under the command of General Otto von Below on the right (i.e. north) wing of the German Spring Offensive (Kaiserschlacht) in the First Battle of the Somme (1918) and then the First Battle of Bapaume. [52]

It counterattacked in the afternoon with seven tanks and 300 infantry from Logeast Wood to delay the German VI Reserve Corps on 25 March 1918. The 10th Manchesters repelled eight attacks by the German 2nd Guard Reserve Division, at Ervillers. [53]

Positions on 5 April 1918 MapBucquoy5April1918.jpg
Positions on 5 April 1918

It retired the ErvillersBucquoy area on 26 March 1918. Together the 42nd and 62nd (2nd West Riding) Division held the Rossignol Wood–Bucquoy sector under heavy shelling against six attacks by the German 3rd Guard Infantry Division, the last with assistance of 11 Mk. IV tanks. [54]

Bucquoy Crossroads, held by 125 Brigade in heavy fighting on 5 April 1918 BucquoyCrossroads1918.jpg
Bucquoy Crossroads, held by 125 Brigade in heavy fighting on 5 April 1918

It then held the line until end of final German assault on 5 April 1918 at Bucquoy and held the line at Bucquoy, Gommecourt, Hébuterne from 6 April 1918. It served with the IV Corps in the Third Army from 21 August 1918 and attacked and advanced Miraumont, across the River Ancre, Pys, Warlencourt during the Second Battle of the Somme (1918) including the Battle of Albert (1918). Their opponent was the 183rd Division. Lance-Sergeant Edward Smith of the 1/5th Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers was awarded the Victoria Cross for actions in the capture of The Lozenge (Hill 140, a German machine-gun nest) on 21 August and enemy counter-attacks on 22 August. [55]

The infantry withdrew for two days rest in Miraumont–Pys area on 25 August 1918. The divisional artillery went into action under heavy fire in support of 63rd (Royal Naval) Division on the outskirts of Loupart Wood. [56] It then relieved 63rd Division in the line and resumed its advance on 28 August 1918. [57] It attacked and advanced to Thilloy, Riencourt-lès-Bapaume, Villers-au-Flos, Ytres, across the Canal du Nord to Metz-en-Couture in the Second Battle of the Somme (1918) including the Second Battle of Bapaume. Its infantry relieved by New Zealand Division and moved to rest in Pys-Tholloy area on 6 September 1918. [58] The divisional artillery remained in the line in support of New Zealand Division. On 21 September 1918 it relieved 37th Division east of Havrincourt Wood. [59]

Graves of 42nd Division's fallen in the breaking of the Hindenburg Line, near Bilhem Farm, Trescault-Ribecourt Road, photographed in 1919 (Today known as Ribecourt Road Cemetery) CemeteryTrescault-RibecourtRoad.jpg
Graves of 42nd Division's fallen in the breaking of the Hindenburg Line, near Bilhem Farm, Trescault–Ribecourt Road, photographed in 1919 (Today known as Ribecourt Road Cemetery)
42nd Division's attack through the Hindenburg Line 27/28 September 1918 42DivisionAttackOnHindenburgLine.jpg
42nd Division's attack through the Hindenburg Line 27/28 September 1918
Trench in the Hindenburg Line near Havrincourt taken by 42nd Division HindenburgLineHavrincourt.jpg
Trench in the Hindenburg Line near Havrincourt taken by 42nd Division

On 27 September 1918 it attacked and advanced Havrincourt Wood through the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line) via objectives called the Black, Red, Brown, Yellow and Blue lines, to Welsh Ridge. [60] The Hindenburg Line was attacked in enfilade, or diagonally, as can be seen from the map. Many casualties were sustained from machine guns situated in Beaucamps to the right of the division's front during the Battle of the Canal du Nord. Its infantry relieved by New Zealand Division and withdrew to Havrincourt Wood for rest on 29 September 2018. The divisional artillery remained in action in support of the New Zealand Division in the Pursuit to the Selle. [61]

On 9 October 1918 its infantry marched up to the front through Lesdain, Esnes, Beauvois and relieved New Zealand Division, who had established a bridgehead across the River Selle at Briastre. It defended Briastre against German counterattacks and shelling from 12 October 1918 and then advanced across the River Selle to Marou, Virtigneul and Belle Vue Farm during the Battle of the Selle. Private Alfred Robert Wilkinson of the 1/5th Manchesters was awarded the Victoria Cross for actions on 20 October 1918 at Marou. [62] The division's opponent in these actions was the 25th Division. [63]

It was relieved by New Zealand Division on 24 October 1918 and withdrew to Beauvois for a rest. It then moved up though Le Quesnoy and Forêt de Mormal in support of the advance of the 37th Division and New Zealand Division on 3 November 1918. [64] It relieved the New Zealand Division in line of attack on eastern edge of Forest of Mormal and attacked and advanced to Hautmont in the Arrondissement of Avesnes-sur-Helpe on 6 November 1918. It was standing fast on line MaubeugeAvesnes-sur-Helpe Road when the Armistice of 11 November 1918 came into force. [65]

First World War composition

The infantry were equipped with the obsolescent Long Magazine Lee–Enfield (MLE) rifle from embarkation in 1914 until arrival in France in March 1917, when they were re-equipped with the standard modern Short Magazine Lee–Enfield (SMLE). [66]


The division comprised three infantry brigades:

125th (Lancashire Fusiliers) Brigade [67]

Disbanded February 1918. Men transferred within 42nd Division and to 66th Division.

126th (East Lancashire) Brigade

Disbanded February 1918. Men transferred within 42nd Division and to 66th Division.
Disbanded February 1918. Men transferred within 42nd Division and to 66th Division.
Transferred from 127th Brigade February 1918.

127th (Manchester) Brigade [68]

Transferred to 126th Brigade February 1918.

Pioneers and Cavalry

Joined the 42nd Division from 50th (Northumbrian) Division on 12 February 1918 near Bethune after being converted from an infantry battalion. [69] 3 companies
Did not proceed to Gallipoli; remained in Egypt and fought in the Western Desert expedition against the Senussi. Rejoined 42nd Division after it returned to Egypt from Gallipoli. Transferred to 53rd Division January 1917 and fought at Gaza, then served with 60th and 52nd Divisions in Palestine and Syria.

Divisional artillery

Originally, each of the field gun batteries was equipped with four obsolescent BLC 15-pounder field guns (referred to somewhat inaccurately by Ian Hamilton as "relics of South Africa" [70] ). They were replaced on 29 February 1916 with modern QF 18-pounder guns handed over by 29th Division in Egypt. [71]

1917 field artillery reorganization

In February 1917, the Cumberland Artillery / 213 Brigade was disbanded and its two howitzer batteries merged into the 18-pounder brigades in accordance with the new artillery brigade philosophy. Existing four-gun, 18-pounder batteries in each of 210, 211 and 212 Brigades were merged into six-gun batteries, and the four brigades replaced by new 210 and 211 Brigades, each with 3 six-gun, 18-pounder batteries and one howitzer battery.

Gibbon's divisional history states that the above occurred on paper on Christmas Day 1916, when the division was on manoeuvres at Al Mazar, and the reorganization actually occurred in February 1917 on return to the canal zone. [74]

Hence, from February 1917 to 11 November 1918, the divisional artillery consisted of 210 and 211 Brigades, each with 3 six-gun batteries of 18-pounders (A,B,C) and one battery of four 4.5-inch howitzers (D).

Trench mortar batteries

42 Battalion Machine Gun Corps

Formed 23 February 1918 from the previous four separate companies. One company was attached to each of the three infantry brigades and one company in Divisional Reserve.

42nd (East Lancashire) Divisional Engineers

Combat Service Support

A surgery of one of the division's field ambulances. A surgeon Capt John Morley FRCS, who after the war became Professor of Surgery at Manchester University, removes a bullet from a soldier wounded during fighting at Cape Helles. Photo by Ernest Brooks. Field surgery Cape Helles.jpg
A surgery of one of the division's field ambulances. A surgeon Capt John Morley FRCS, who after the war became Professor of Surgery at Manchester University, removes a bullet from a soldier wounded during fighting at Cape Helles. Photo by Ernest Brooks.

Between the wars

The division was disbanded after the war, along with the rest of the Territorial Force. However, it was later reformed in the 1920s as the Territorial Army and the 42nd Division was reconstituted.

Second World War

Shortly after the outbreak of the Second World War on 3 September 1939, the 42nd Division, commanded by Major General William Holmes, [77] was serving under Western Command with its headquarters stationed in Manchester, and was mobilised for war service. [77] [78] The division, still comprising the 125th, 126th, and 127th Infantry Brigades, was understrength, having sent many of its best officers and men to help create a duplicate formation, the 66th Infantry Division, when the possibility of another conflict became obvious. [78] Although war was declared, many of the division's units, widely scattered, were engaged in static defensive duties and guarding vulnerable positions, and so were initially unable to concentrate on training. In late September, the division moved to Northumberland where it came under Northern Command [77] and was able to begin training, which continued into the winter. [78]

In January 1940, the division moved to Wiltshire, coming under Southern Command [77] and continued training in order to join the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France. By late March, training had progressed sufficiently and, in mid-April, the division crossed over to France, coming under the control of General Headquarters (GHQ) BEF, before being assigned to Lieutenant General Ronald Adam's III Corps on 29 April. [77] While there, the division exchanged some of its units for Regular Army units, as part of official BEF policy, which was, in theory, intended to strengthen the inexperienced TA formations with experienced Regular units but this also had the simultaneous effect of weakening the Regular formations with relatively untrained troops. [77]

The 42nd Division transferred from Adam's III Corps to Lieutenant General Michael Barker's I Corps on 19 May 1940, nine days after the German Army invaded France, as the division moved into the front line on the River Escaut. [77] On 17 May, Brigadier John Smyth's 127th Brigade was detached to join "Mac Force", under Major General Noel Mason-MacFarlane, temporarily leaving the division with two brigades, returning on 20 May. [79] After the speed of the German advance, the division, along with the rest of the BEF, was forced to retreat to Dunkirk, and was evacuated from Dunkirk on 31 May/1 June, having suffered significant casualties. [77] Around this time the 42nd Division gained its first and only Victoria Cross (VC) of the Second World War, belonging to Captain Marcus Ervine-Andrews of the 1st Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment, of the 126th Brigade. In addition to being one of the first VCs won by the British Army during the Second World War, he was also the first Irishman to be awarded the medal during the war. [78]

Men from Bolton Wanderers Football Club serving together with a battery of artillery in the 53rd (Bolton) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, at Beccles, Suffolk on the east coast of England. The photograph, pictured sometime in 1940, shows the nine footballers in uniform pulling an artillery piece. Sport and Leisure during the Second World War H7497.jpg
Men from Bolton Wanderers Football Club serving together with a battery of artillery in the 53rd (Bolton) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, at Beccles, Suffolk on the east coast of England. The photograph, pictured sometime in 1940, shows the nine footballers in uniform pulling an artillery piece.

The next few months for the division were spent in England, being re-equipped and reformed, along with anti-invasion duties in the event of a German invasion. [78] Due to the heavy casualties sustained in France, the division absorbed thousands of conscripts as replacements. The division was stationed initially near Middlesbrough, Yorkshire under Northern Command, and in mid-June Major General Holmes, who had been General Officer Commanding (GOC) for over two years, was given command of X Corps and succeeded as GOC 42nd Division by Major General Henry Willcox. [77] On 4 July, the division came under the command of X Corps and then, on 9 September, moving to East Anglia, IV Corps, commanded by Lieutenant General Francis Nosworthy, under Eastern Command. [77] The corps was intended by General Sir Alan Brooke, the Commander-in-Chief, Home Forces, to be used in a counterattack role if the Germans invaded. On 5 November 1940, the division moved to Gloucestershire upon transferring again, this time to Lieutenant General Hugh Massy's XI Corps, [77] and continued its routine of alternating between beach defence and training for potential future operations overseas. In late April 1941, Major General Eric Miles, who had commanded the 126th Brigade with distinction in France and Belgium the year before, assumed command from Major General Willcox, [77] upon the latter's promotion to command I Corps, and, after further training, which included numerous large-scale exercises, on 23 October, the 42nd Division transferred again to Northern Command and, five days later, Major General Miles Dempsey assumed command from Major General Miles, who was posted to the 56th (London) Infantry Division as its GOC. [77]

Soon afterwards the division was, due to a shortage of armoured troops in the British Army to face a German invasion of the country, selected by General Brooke (soon to become Chief of the Imperial General Staff), as the most senior TA division, and, in his opinion, "a good division" (as he wrote in his diary after having spent the day with the division on 1 July), [80] for conversion into an armoured formation. [77] Consequently, on 1 November, the division was redesignated as the 42nd Armoured Division , the 125th and 126th Brigades becoming the 10th and 11th Armoured Brigades and the 127th Brigade becoming the 42nd Support Group, respectively. [77] Thus, the division ceased to be an infantry formation. [77] [78] However, after undergoing numerous changes in organisation and personnel, the 42nd Armoured Division, after an existence of just less than two years, was broken up, many of its units reconverting to infantry or disbanding. [78]

Order of battle

The 42nd Infantry Division was constituted as follows during the war: [77]

125th Infantry Brigade [81]

126th Infantry Brigade [82]

127th Infantry Brigade [79]

Divisional Troops

Post 1945

In 1947, the 42nd and 55th (West Lancashire) Divisions were amalgamated to form the 42nd (Lancashire) Division as part of the post-war Territorial Army. [83] In 1961 the division became a district headquarters as 42nd (Lancashire) Division/District, [84] and it was disbanded on the reduction of the TA into the Territorial and Army Volunteer Reserve on 1 April 1967, when many individual TA units lost their identities. [85] The district headquarters itself formed the core of the structure for the creation of North West District under HQ UK Land Forces in 1972. [86]

In the modern British Army, the 42 North West Brigade has adopted the former 42nd (Lancashire) Division badge. [87]


General Officers Commanding have included: [88]

AppointedGeneral officer commanding
April 1908 Major-General William Fry
October 1910Major-General Cecil Park
5 May 1913Major-General William Douglas
24 July 1915Major-General William Marshall
8 August 1915Major-General William Douglas
29 December 1915Brigadier-General Herbert Frith
21 January 1916Major-General Sir William Douglas
2 March 1917Brigadier-General Herbert Frith
10 March 1917Major-General Bertram Mitford
1 October 1917Brigadier-General William Seymour
15 October 1917Major-General Arthur Solly-Flood
June 1919Major-General Herbert Shoubridge
June 1923Major-General Arthur Solly-Flood
March 1927Major-General Claude Moore
January 1929Major-General William Beach
May 1933Major-General Arthur McNamara
October 1933Major-General Hugh Elles
March 1934Major-General Kenneth Buchanan
March 1938Major-General William Holmes
June 1940Major-General Henry Willcox
April 1941Major-General Eric Miles
October 1941Major-General Miles Dempsey
December 1942Major-General John Aizlewood
15 January 1947Major-General Geoffrey Evans [89]
March 1948Major-General Vyvyan Evelegh
October 1950Major-General Valentine Blomfield
December 1953Major-General William Stratton
May 1956Major-General Thomas Scott
May 1959Major-General Claude Dunbar
April 1962Major-General George Lea
December 1963Major-General Noel Thomas
September 1965Major-General Bala Bredin

Memorials and monuments

The 42nd Division Memorial stands on the north edge of Trescault village on the left of the road to Havrincourt. It was unveiled by Major-General Arthur Solly-Flood on Easter Sunday, 1922. The inscription reads: "In memory of all ranks of the 42nd East Lancashire Territorial Division who gave their lives for King and Country during the Great War and in commemoration of the attack and capture of the Hindenburg line at Trescault by the Division on 28 September 1918". [90] On the north-east side of Trescault, 274 metres to the east of the monument, is Ribecourt Road Cemetery, which the 42nd Division called the Divisional Cemetery, Trescault. [91]

Recipients of the Victoria Cross

See also


  1. The motto "Go One Better" was bestowed on the division by its commander Major-General Arthur Solly-Flood on 1 March 1918, as part of his address to the officers and N.C.O.s in anticipation of the German Spring Offensive. Gibbon 1920, page 125

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The Manchester Regiment was a line infantry regiment of the British Army in existence from 1881 until 1958. The regiment was created during the 1881 Childers Reforms by the amalgamation of the 63rd Regiment of Foot and the 96th Regiment of Foot as the 1st and 2nd battalions; the 6th Royal Lancashire Militia became the 3rd (Reserve) and 4th battalions and the Volunteer battalions became the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th battalions.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lancashire Fusiliers</span> Line infantry regiment of the British Army 1688–1968

The Lancashire Fusiliers was a line infantry regiment of the British Army that saw distinguished service through many years and wars, including the Second Boer War, and the First and Second World Wars. It had many different titles throughout its 280 years of existence.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">32nd Division (United Kingdom)</span> Infantry division of the British Army during the First World War

The 32nd Division was an infantry division of the British Army that was raised in 1914, during the First World War. The division was raised from volunteers for Lord Kitchener's New Armies, made up of infantry 'Pals battalions' and artillery brigades raised by public subscription or private patronage. The division was taken over by the War Office in September 1915. It served in France and Belgium in the trenches of the Western Front for the duration of the war. It saw action at the Battle of the Somme, the Pursuit to the Hindenburg Line, the Defence of Nieuport, the German spring offensive, and the Allied Hundred Days Offensive beginning at the Battle of Amiens. After the Armistice it marched into Germany as part of the Army of Occupation.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">29th Infantry Brigade (United Kingdom)</span> Military unit

The 29th Infantry Brigade was an infantry brigade unit of the British Army. It was originally raised in 1914 and saw service during the First and Second World Wars and the Korean War.

The 25th Division was an infantry division of the British Army, raised as part of Lord Kitchener's Third New Army (K3) in September 1914, shortly after the outbreak of the Great War. It served on the Western Front for most of the war.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">125th (Lancashire Fusiliers) Brigade</span> Military unit

The 125th Brigade was an infantry brigade formation of the British Army that saw active service during both the First and Second World Wars. It was assigned to the 42nd Division and served in the Middle East and later in the trenches of the Western Front in the First World War. In the Second World War the brigade, now redesignated 125th Infantry Brigade, fought in Belgium and France before being evacuated at Dunkirk and was then converted into 10th Armoured Brigade.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">126th (East Lancashire) Brigade</span> Military unit

The 126th Brigade was an infantry brigade of the British Army during the First World War and the Second World War. It was assigned to the 42nd Division and served in the Middle East and on the Western Front in the Great War. In the Second World War, now as the 126th Infantry Brigade, it served again with the 42nd Division in France and was evacuated at Dunkirk and then later converted into 11th Armoured Brigade.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">127th (Manchester) Brigade</span> Infantry brigade of the British Army

The 127th (Manchester) Brigade was an infantry brigade of the British Army that saw active service during both the First and Second World Wars. It was assigned to the 42nd Division and served in the Middle East and on the Western Front in the First World War.

The 199th Brigade was an infantry brigade formation of the British Army that saw active service during the First World War as part of 66th Division. During the Second World War, it was reformed as the 199th Infantry Brigade and served with the 55th Infantry Division until August 1944 when it was redesignated as the 166th Infantry Brigade.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">66th (2nd East Lancashire) Division</span> British Army territorial infantry division, active during the First and Second World Wars

The 66th Division was an infantry division of the British Army, part of the Territorial Force, which saw service in the trenches of the Western Front, during the later years of the Great War and was disbanded after the war.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Order of battle for the Gallipoli campaign</span>

This is an order of battle listing the Allied and Ottoman forces involved in the Gallipoli campaign during 1915.

The 7th Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers, was a volunteer unit of Britain's Territorial Army from 1908 until 1967. Raised in Salford, Greater Manchester, it fought as infantry at Gallipoli, in Egypt and on the Western Front during the First World War. It served as a searchlight unit during the Second World War, particularly during the 'Liverpool Blitz', and continued in an air defence role postwar.

The 1st Manchester Rifles, later the 6th Battalion, Manchester Regiment, was a unit of Britain's Volunteer Force and Territorial Army recruited in and around Manchester. It served as infantry at Gallipoli, fighting with distinction at the Third Battle of Krithia, and in some of the bitterest battles on the Western Front in the First World War. After conversion into an anti-aircraft unit of the Royal Artillery between the wars, it defended Manchester, Scapa Flow and Ceylon during the Second World War and continued in the air defence role until 1955.

The 3rd Manchester Rifles, later the 7th Battalion, Manchester Regiment was a unit of Britain's Volunteers and Territorial Force raised in Manchester. It served at Gallipoli and on the Western Front in the First World War.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">42nd (East Lancashire) Signal Regiment</span> Military unit

42 Signal Regiment was a Territorial Army unit of the British Army's Royal Corps of Signals. It had its origins in a Volunteer unit of the Royal Engineers formed in Manchester during the Second Boer War. It provided the divisional signals during both world wars, and served with the 42nd Division, the 66th Division, and the 66th Infantry Division. Its successor continues in the Army Reserve as a Signal Troop in Manchester.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">3rd Lancashire Artillery Volunteers</span> Military unit

The 3rd Lancashire Artillery Volunteers was a unit of Britain's part-time Volunteer Force recruited from Blackburn and the surrounding area in 1860. It became a brigade of the Royal Field Artillery in the Territorial Force in 1908, and served through the First World War with the 42nd Division at Gallipoli, in Egypt and on the Western Front. Its second line unit also served on the Western Front in 1917–18. During the Second World War, its batteries operated in the light anti-aircraft role in Norway, France, Greece, Crete, North Africa and Italy. It was reformed postwar, but disappeared in a merger in 1955.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Manchester Artillery</span> Military unit

The Manchester Artillery is a Volunteer unit of the British Army first raised in the City of Manchester in 1860, whose successors continue to serve in the Army Reserve today. It became a brigade of the Royal Field Artillery in the Territorial Force in 1908, and in World War I it served in Egypt in 1915–17 before being broken up. Its second line unit went to the Western Front in 1917, seeing action at Ypres, against the German Spring Offensive, and leading the pursuit in the Allies' victorious Hundred Days Offensive. Just before World War II the Manchester Artillery again formed a duplicate. While the parent regiment served in the Battle of France including the Dunkirk evacuation, and later in the Middle East and the Italian campaign, its duplicate fought in Normandy and North West Europe. Both regiments were reformed postwar, but after a number of amalgamations they and several other Manchester-based units were reduced into 209 Battery in the present-day Army Reserve.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bolton Artillery</span> Military unit

The Bolton Artillery, under various titles, has been a Volunteer unit of the British Army based in Bolton, Lancashire, since 1889. In the First World War it served in Egypt and Gallipoli in 1915–17, and then on the Western Front for the rest of the war, including Passchendaele, the German Spring Offensive and the Allied Hundred Days Offensive. Just before the outbreak of the Second World War the regiment formed a duplicate unit. The parent regiment served in the Battle of France and was evacuated from Dunkirk. Both regiments served at the Battle of Alamein and in the Italian campaign, while one of the regiments was involved in the intervention in Yugoslavia. The regiment was reformed postwar, and after a number of mergers its successors continue to serve in today's Army Reserve.

The 21st (Wigan) Lancashire Rifle Volunteers, later the 5th Battalion, Manchester Regiment, was a unit of Britain's Volunteer Force and Territorial Army recruited in and around Wigan. It served as infantry in Egypt, at Gallipoli, and in some of the bitterest battles on the Western Front in the First World War. Its Second Line battalion was virtually destroyed in the German spring offensive of 1918. During the Second World War, the battalion served in the Battle of France and was evacuated from Dunkirk. Afterwards it was converted into an armoured regiment, but saw no action in this role. Postwar it served as an anti-aircraft unit of the Royal Artillery until 1955.


  1. Gibbon 1920, page 33
  2. Beckett 2008, 169.
  3. Beckett 2008, 180.
  4. Beckett 2008, 183, 185, and regiments.org (archive), Lancashire District and North West District, 1905–1995.
  5. Westlake 1992 , p. 3
  6. 1 2 Conrad, Mark (1996). "The British Army, 1914" . Retrieved 27 February 2015.
  7. Westlake, Ray (2011). The Territorials, 1908–1914: A Guide for Military and Family Historians. Pen & Sword. ISBN   978-1848843608.
  8. Baker, Chris (2010). "The 66th (2nd East Lancashire) Division". The British Army in the Great War.
  9. David R. Woodward, Hell in the Holy Land World War I in the Middle East (Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 2006) pp. 2–3
  10. Powles, C. Guy, The New Zealanders in Sinai and Palestine Volume III Official History New Zealand's Effort in the Great War (Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin and Wellington: Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd, 1922) p. viii; Field Marshal Earl Wavell, The Palestine Campaigns 3rd Edition thirteenth Printing Series: A Short History of the British Army 4th Edition by Major E.W. Sheppard (London: Constable & Co., 1968) p. 27
  11. Farndale 1988, page 5
  12. Bean, page 156-162. See map of positions page 156
  13. "1914-1918.net".
  14. Farndale 1988, page 39
  15. Gibbon 1920, p.22
  16. Gibbon 1920, p.35
  17. "No. 29289". The London Gazette (Supplement). 7 September 1915. p. 8971.
  18. "No. 29496". The London Gazette . 3 March 1916. p. 2349.
  19. Gibbon 1920, p.62
  20. Baker, Chris. "42nd (East Lancashire) Division". The Long Long Trail. Retrieved 23 January 2012.
  21. Gibbon 1920, p.75
  22. Bruce 2002, p. 43
  23. Hill 1978, p. 74
  24. Kinloch 2007, p. 81
  25. Powles 1922, pp. 32–3
  26. Keogh 1955, p. 53
  27. Powles 1922, p. 35
  28. Keogh 1955, p. 54
  29. Powles 1922, pp. 33–4
  30. Bruce 2002, p. 46 & 47
  31. Carver 2003, pp. 190–1
  32. Keogh 1955, p. 55
  33. Woodward 2006, pp. 48–9
  34. Keogh 1955, pp. 55–6
  35. Bruce 2002, p. 47
  36. Bethel Papers, The National Army Museum 1994-10-56-2 in Carver 2003, pp. 191–2
  37. McPherson MSS 80/25/1; War letter 105, Vol. 11, Imperial War Museum in Woodward 2006, pp. 48–9
  38. Woodward 2006, p. 52
  39. Anzac Mounted Division War Diary AWM4-1-60-10 pages 13, 18 & 23
  40. Powles 1922, p. 85
  41. Keogh 1955, p. 78 & 84
  42. Woodward 2006, p. 20
  43. Bruce 2002, p. 89
  44. Gibbon 1920, p.90
  45. Gibbon 1920, p.95
  46. Gibbon 1920, p.101
  47. Gibbon 1920, p.106
  48. Gibbon 1920, p.113
  49. "No. 30523". The London Gazette (Supplement). 12 February 1918. p. 2005.
  50. Gibbon 1920, p.122
  51. Gibbon 1920, p.125
  52. Gibbon 1920, p.129
  53. Gray 2002, page 57
  54. Gray 2002, page 62
  55. "No. 30967". The London Gazette (Supplement). 18 October 1918. p. 12488.
  56. Gibbon 1920, p.156
  57. Gibbon 1920, p.159
  58. Gibbon 1920, p.169
  59. Gibbon 1920, p.172
  60. Gibbon 1920, p.174
  61. Gibbon 1920, p.178
  62. "No. 31108". The London Gazette (Supplement). 4 January 1919. p. 309.
  63. Gibbon 1920, p.180
  64. Gibbon 1920, p.180
  65. "The Armistice Agreement". 11 November 1918. Archived from the original on 9 January 2014. Retrieved 13 February 2014.
  66. Gibbon 1920, page 86-87
  67. "Fusiliers' Museum, Lancashire". Archived from the original on 13 February 2013. Retrieved 12 February 2013.
  68. Museum of The Manchester Regiment. History Territorial Force 1914 – 1919
  69. Captain Francis Buckley, Extract from "War History of The Seventh Northumberland Fusiliers" Archived 24 August 2007 at the Wayback Machine
  70. 1 2 Hamilton, Gallipoli Diary Volume I 1920
  71. 1 2 3 4 Farndale 1988, page 71
  72. 1 2 Simpson-Baikie 1920
  73. Gibbon 1920, page 70
  74. Gibbon 1920, page 83, 85
  75. 1 2 3 Anon, History of the East Lancashire Royal Engineers.
  76. "Kelly, 42 Signal Squadron History". Archived from the original on 18 November 2005. Retrieved 30 August 2007.
  77. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Joslen, p. 68
  78. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "badge, formation/unit, 42nd Armoured Division & 42nd (East Lancashire) Division & 42nd Assault Regiment RE & 42nd Armoured Engineer Regiment". Imperial War Museum. Retrieved 14 June 2017.
  79. 1 2 Joslen, p. 312
  80. Danchev and Todman, p. 168
  81. Joslen, p. 310
  82. Joslen, p. 311
  83. "History of 42 (North West) Brigade, official British Army website". Archived from the original on 26 June 2007. Retrieved 14 August 2008.
  84. "Lancashire District, and North West District". Regiments.og. Archived from the original on 17 August 2007. Retrieved 6 June 2020.
  85. Watson & Rinaldi, p. 289.
  86. Paxton, J. (1972). The Statesman's Year-Book 1972-73: The Encyclopaedia for the Businessman-of-The-World. Palgrave Macmillan UK. p. 104. ISBN   978-0-230-27101-2.
  87. "42 (North West) Brigade". British Army.
  88. "Army Commands" (PDF). Retrieved 28 May 2020.
  89. "Army Notes". Royal United Services Institution. 92:566 (566): 298. 1946. doi:10.1080/03071844709434007.
  90. "Cambrai". World War One Battlefields. Archived from the original on 7 September 2007. Retrieved 19 May 2020.
  91. "Ribecourt Road Cemetery". Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Retrieved 19 May 2020.
