5th Chamber of Deputies of the Ottoman Empire

Last updated
5th Chamber of Deputies of the Ottoman Empire
Preceded by 4th Chamber of Deputies
Succeeded by 6th Chamber of Deputies
President of the Chamber of Deputies
Milâslı Halil (Menteşe) (1914–1915)
Mehmet Adil (1915–1919)
Seats275 deputies
Electoral college
Last election
Next election
Meeting place
Cemile Sultan Palace

The Fifth Chamber of Deputies of the Ottoman Empire was elected in the 1914 Ottoman general election, and served from 1914 to 1919.



VilayetElectoral District/SancakDeputyPartyEthnicity
Adrianople Gelibolu Dimitriaki Fito EfendiIndependentRum
Tekfurdağı Timestokli Efkalidis EfendiIndependentRum
Harun Hilmi EfendiTurk
Adrianople (Edirne) Mehmet Faik (Kaltakkıran) Union and Progress Party Turk
Mehmed Talat Pasha [lower-alpha 1]
Hacı İbrahim Bey
Kırkkilise (Kırklareli)Hoca Fehmi EfendiIndependentTurk
Rıza Bey
Independent Çatalca Tokidis EfendiIndependentRum
Constantinople Constantinople (İstanbul) Ahmed Nesimi (Sayman)  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
İsmet  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 2]
Sahib Mollazade Osman Bey
Ali Fethi (Okyar) [lower-alpha 3]
Hüseyin Cahid (Yalçın)
Yağcı Şefik  [ tr ]
Hüseyin Selahattin (Cimcoz)  [ tr ]
Emanuel Karasu Jewish
Bedros Hallaçyan  [ tr ]Armenian
Krikor Zohrab [lower-alpha 4] Freedom and Accord Party
Orfanidis EfendiIndependentRum
Haralambidis Efendi
Konstantin Savaopoulos [lower-alpha 5]
Viktor Bey ÇorbacıoğluJewish
Hayrullah Mübeydi EfendiTurk
Independent İzmit Hafız Rüştü Bey Freedom and Accord Party Turk
Ziya BeyIndependent
Anastas Mihailidis  [ tr ]Rum
Hüdavendigâr Bursa Hasan Refet (Canıtez)  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
Rıza Hamit  [ tr ]
Hacı Mehmet Adil (Arda)  [ tr ]
Hafız Ahmet Hamdi Efendi Freedom and Accord Party
Ahmed Fevzi EfendiIndependent
Ertugrul (Bilecik) Mehmet Şemseddin (Günaltay) Union and Progress Party Turk
Mehmed Sadık  [ tr ]Independent
Enver Bey
Kütahya Abdullah Azmi (Torun)  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
Sadık BeyIndependent
İbrahim Kazım (Tahtakılıç)  [ tr ]
Hacı Hafız Abdullah Efendi
Karahisarı Sahib (Afyon) Ahmet Ağaoğlu Union and Progress Party Turk
Rıza Pasha
Hoca Kamil Miras  [ tr ]Independent
Salim Efendi
Independent Biga Kazım BeyIndependentTurk
IndependentKale-i Sultaniye (Çanakkale) Mehmed Cavid Union and Progress Party Turk
Aydin Menteşe (Muğla) Milâslı Halil (Menteşe) Union and Progress Party Turk
Mansurîzade Said  [ tr ]
Denizli Sadık Efendi  [ tr ]IndependentTurk
Tevfik Rüştü BeyUnknown
Aydın Yunus Nadi (Abalıoğlu) Union and Progress Party Turk
Emmanouil Emmanouilidis Rum
Veli (Saltıkgil) IndependentTurk
Smyrna (İzmir) Mehmed Seyyid  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 6] Union and Progress Party Turk
Mustafa Rahmi (Köken)  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 7]
Mehmet Übeydullah (Hatipoğlu)  [ tr ]
Onnik İhsan  [ tr ]Armenian
Nesim Mazliyah  [ tr ]Jewish
Siminoğlu Simonaki EfendiIndependentRum
Vangil Mimaroğlu Efendi
Saruhan (Manisa) Haydar  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
Mustafa Fevzi (Sarhan)  [ tr ]
Mehmed Sabri (Toprak)
Mustafa İbrahim EfendiIndependent
IndependentKaresi (Balıkesir)Hasan Ferhad Bey Union and Progress Party Turk
Mehmed Vehbi (Bolak)  [ tr ]
Hüseyin Kazım (Kadri)
Hüseyin Haşim (Sanver)  [ tr ]
Hacı Ali Galib  [ tr ]Independent
Konstantin Savopulos  [ tr ]Rum
Konya Konya Mustafa Şeref (Özkan)  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 8] Union and Progress Party Turk
Hamdi Bey [lower-alpha 9]
Ali Haydar (Aksoy)  [ tr ]Independent
Ali Rıza Efendi
Şâkir Bey
Müftüzâde Tevfik Bey
Isparta Mahmud Esad  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 10] [lower-alpha 11] Union and Progress Party Turk
Mustafa Hakkı  [ tr ]Independent
İbrahim Cudi  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 12]
Mehmed Şevki Bey [lower-alpha 13]
Burdur Mustafa Atıf (Bayındır)  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 14] Union and Progress Party Turk
Seyyid Haşim  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 15]
Midhat Şükrü (Bleda)
Antalya Fuad Hulusi (Demirelli)  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
Hamdullah Emin Pasha  [ tr ]Independent
Kastamonu Kastamonu Necmeddin Molla (Kocataş)  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
Ahmet Mahir  [ tr ]
İsmail Mahir  [ tr ]
Ahmed Şükrü (Bayındır)  [ tr ]
Sahibmollazade İsmail BeyIndependent
İzzet Molla Efendi [lower-alpha 16]
Ahmet Rüştü (Çolakoğlu)  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 17]
Çankırı Mehmed Sabri Union and Progress Party Turk
Mehmed Behçet (Kutlu)  [ tr ]
Mustafa Nedim BeyIndependent
Mehmet Fazıl Berki (Tümtürk)  [ tr ]
Sinop Hacı Hasan Fehmi (Tümerkan)  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
Ömer Lütfi (Yasan) Independent
Independent Bolu Yusuf Ziya (Özenci)  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
Rıfat Kamil (Madenci) Bey
Necati BeyIndependent
Mustafa Zeki Efendi
Ankara Ankara Atıf (Kamçıl) Union and Progress Party Turk
Mustafa Hilmi (Çayırlıoğlu)  [ tr ]Independent
Hacı Taib Efendi
Ömer Mümtaz (Tambi)  [ tr ]
Niğde Ürgüplü Mustafa Hayri  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
Halid Bey [lower-alpha 18]
Ebülula Mardin  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 19]
Muhiddin BeyIndependent
Anayas EfendiRum
Kayseri İmamzade Ömer Mümtaz  [ tr ] Freedom and Accord Party Turk
Mustafa Şeref (Özkan)  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 20] Union and Progress Party
Karapet Tomayan  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 21] IndependentArmenian
Kırşehir Ali Rıza (Benli)  [ tr ]IndependentTurk
Mahmud Mahir  [ tr ]
Yozgat Kınacızade Şakir Bey Union and Progress Party Turk
Kasım Nuri  [ tr ]Independent
Çorum Mehmet Münir (Çağıl)  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 22] Union and Progress Party Turk
Azmi Bey
Ahmed Muhiddin (Birgen)  [ tr ]
İsmet (Eker)  [ tr ]Independent
Adana Adana Subhi PashaIndependentTurk
Cebelibereket (Dörtyol)Hasan Sezai BeyIndependentTurk
Kozan Matyos Nalbandiyan  [ tr ]IndependentArmenian
İçel Hafız Emin (İnankur)  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
Mersin Sadık PashaIndependentTurk
IndependentCanık (Samsun) Amizade Talat Avni (Özüdoğru) Union and Progress Party Turk
Nihad Bey
Osmanbey (Selman)  [ tr ]Independent
Arzuoğlu Todoraki  [ tr ]Rum
Sivas Amasya İsmail Hakkı Pasha (Mumcu)  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 23] Freedom and Accord Party Turk
Arif Fazıl  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party
Dr. Asım (Sirel)  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 24] Independent
Nazıf (Aktın)  [ tr ]
Tokat Hacı Kâmil (Baştopçu)  [ tr ]IndependentTurk
Mustafa Fehmi Bey
Tahsin Rıza Bey
Sivas Rasim (Başara)  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
Emin Edip  [ tr ]Independent
Dr. Ömer Şevki (Purut)  [ tr ]
Büyükhocazade Rahmi (Katoğlu)  [ tr ]
Dikran Barsamyan  [ tr ]Armenian
Karahisar-ı Şarkı Muammer Raşit (Seviğ)  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 25] IndependentTurk
Zihni Efendi
Kuvanoğlu Yanko EfendiRum
IndependentUrfa (Şanlıurfa) Sheikh Kemaleddin Saffet (Yetkin)  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
Ömer Edip BeyIndependent
Diyarbekir Mardin İhsan (Sağlam)  [ tr ]IndependentTurk
Mustafa Efendi
Sırrızâde Ali RızaKurd
Diyarbakır Mehmed Zülfi (Tigrel)  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
Pirinççizade Aziz Feyzi IndependentKurd
Siverek İbrahim Vehbi Bey Union and Progress Party Turk
Ergani Mektubîzade Reşit Ronabar Pasha [lower-alpha 26] Union and Progress Party Turk
Kâmil EfendiIndependent
İstefan Çıracıyan  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 27] Armenian
Memuretalaziz Malatya Keşşaf EfendiIndependentTurk
Hâşim Bey
Memuretalaziz (Elazığ)Hacı Mehmed Said EfendiIndependentTurk
Hacı Mehmed Nuri  [ tr ]
Esperzade Mustafa Saffet (Solmaz)  [ tr ]
Dersim (Tunceli)Mehmed Nuri BeyIndependentTurk
Trabzon Gümüşhane Hasan Fehmi (Ataç) Union and Progress Party Turk
Veysel Rıza (Zarbun)  [ tr ]Independent
Trabzon Ali Osman (Güley)  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
Hafız Mehmet
Servet Bey
Yorgi Yuvanidis  [ tr ]Rum
Matthaios Kofidis Independent
Naci BeyTurk
Mahmud Bey
Lazistan (Rize)Ziya Molla Bey Union and Progress Party Turk
Süleyman Sudi Bey
Erzurum Erzurum Vartkes Serengülian [lower-alpha 28] Armenian Revolutionary Federation Armenian
Hafizzade Seyfullah (Topdağı)  [ tr ] Freedom and Accord Party Turk
Raif (Dinç)  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party
Hüseyin Tosun  [ tr ]Independent
Osip Mededyan  [ tr ]Armenian
Hafız Ahmet Ziya  [ tr ]Kurd
Erzincan Halet (Sağıroğlu)  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
Bayazıt Mehmet Şefik (Baydar)  [ tr ]IndependentTurk
Bitlis Muş Gegham Ter-Karapetian Armenian Revolutionary Federation Armenian
Hacı İlyas Sami Muş  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
Bitlis Mınas Çıraz  [ tr ]IndependentArmenian
Hasan Lami EfendiTurk
Bingöl Mehmed Emin  [ tr ]IndependentTurk
Mehmet Ali Bey
Siirt Sheikh Nasreddin EfendiIndependentKurd
Van Van Arshak Vramian [lower-alpha 29] Armenian Revolutionary Federation Armenian
Vahan Papazian
Asaf Süleyman (Doras)  [ tr ]Independent
Hakkari Muhammed Hamza BeyIndependentArab (?)
Münib (Boya)  [ tr ]Turk
Independent Zor Mehmet Nuri EfendiIndependentTurk
Aleppo Aleppo Artin Boshgezenyan Union and Progress Party Armenian
Ali Münif (Yeğenağa) Turk
Türkmenzade Ahmed  [ tr ]Independent
Emrizade Bashir EfendiArab
Hamid Bey
Antep (Gaziantep) Mehmet Ali Cenani Union and Progress Party Turk
Hacı Mustafa EfendiIndependent
Hüseyin Fazıl Bey
Maraş (Kahramanmaraş)İsmail Hakkı Bey Union and Progress Party Turk
Şevketzâde Abdülkadir (Emirmahmutoğlu)  [ tr ]Independent
Agop Hiralakyan  [ tr ]Armenian
Beirut Trablusşam (Tripoli, Lebanon)Osman Pasha al-MuhammedIndependentArab
Saadullah Molla Bey
Beirut Kamel Khalil al-Asaad  [ ar ] Union and Progress Party Arab
Salim Ali Salam Independent
Mishel Sersak Efendi
Acre Abdul Fattah al-Saadi EfendiIndependentArab
Nablus Amin Abdulhadi EfendiIndependentArab
Tewfik Hamad Efendi
Lazikiye (Latakia)Abdul Walid Harun EfendiIndependentArab
Independent Mount Lebanon Mutasarrifate Arslanzade Amir Adil Bey Freedom and Accord Party Arab
Shahibzade Amir Haris BeyIndependent
Ramizade Rashid Bey
Syria Damascus Muhammed Fevzi Pasha  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Arab
Bedii al-Mueyyed Bey
Amir Ali Pasha [lower-alpha 30] Freedom and Accord Party
Murdumzade Sami Pasha [lower-alpha 31] Independent
Awni Bey
Fares al-Khoury [lower-alpha 32]
Kuvvetlizade Shafiq Bey al-Azm [lower-alpha 33]
Hama Wasfi al-Atassi IndependentArab
Abdul Qader al-Keilani
Havran Shakib Arslan IndependentArab
Mikdatzâde Saadettin  [ tr ]
Karak Tawfiq al-Mejali EfendiIndependentArab
Independent Jerusalem Mutasarrifate Said al-Huseyini  [ tr ] Freedom and Accord Party Arab
Raghip al-Nashashibi
Faidi al-Alami Independent
Hejaz Jeddah Sharif Faisal bin Al-Hussein IndependentArab
Mecca Sharif Abdullah bin Al-Hussein IndependentArab
Hasan Sheybi Efendi
Independent Medina Memun Berri Freedom and Accord Party Arab
Said Ahmed Safi Efendi
Yemen Asir Said Yusuf Fazil BeyIndependentArab
Said Abdul Wahab Efendi
Ali Haydar Bey
Taiz Ali Osman Efendi Union and Progress Party Turk
Tahir Fayzi BeyIndependent
Abu Bakr Haddad EfendiArab
Said Ahmed Pasha
Ismail Gurbani Efendi
Sanaa Said Huseyin Abdul Qadir BeyIndependentArab
Said Ahmed Habani Bey
Qadi Muhammed Makhafi Efendi
Said Ali Ibrahim Efendi
Said Ahmed Yahya al-Keysi Efendi
Al Hudaydah Hasan Rıza Pasha [lower-alpha 34] Union and Progress Party Turk
Mustafa Fehmi BeyIndependent
Hıfzi Bey
Hakkı İlhami Bey
Zühdü Efendi  [ tr ] [lower-alpha 35]
Abdurrahman Behkali EfendiArab
Basra Basra Babanzade Ahmed Naim  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Kurd
Suleyman FeyziIndependentArab
Abdurrezak Bey
Talip ibn Rajap
Hajji Isa Ruhi Efendi
Abdullah Said Bey
Mehmet Hilmi BeyTurk (?)
Müntefik Ferid Pashazade Abdunmuhsin Bey Union and Progress Party Arab
Maruf Erhesafi EfendiIndependent
Muhammed Kureysh  [ tr ]
Ammare Abdul Karim BeyIndependentArab
Abdul Mejid  [ tr ]
Şükrü EfendiTurk (?)
Baghdad Divaniye Suleymanbeyzâde Khalid BeyIndependentArab
Ali Haydar Midhat  [ tr ]Turk
Cabecizâde Fuad  [ tr ]
Dr. Sami Bey
Kerbala Mehmet Sami (Çölgeçen)  [ tr ] Union and Progress Party Turk
Nuri BeyIndependent
Abdul Mahdi  [ tr ]Arab
Baghdad Sassoon Eskell Union and Progress Party Jewish
Fuad al-Defteri BeyIndependentArab
Tawfiq al-Khalidi Bey
Beyzade Shawkat Pasha al-Rifat  [ tr ]
Suleymanzade Murad Bey
Jamil Sidqi al-Zahawi
Hamdi BeyTurk
Mosul Kirkuk Mehmed Ali  [ tr ]IndependentTurk (?)
Nâzım Bey
Abdullah Safi EfendiArab
Sulaymaniyah Babanzade Hikmet Bey Union and Progress Party Kurd
Haji Said  [ tr ]Arab
Mosul Hacı Mehmet Emin (Yurdakul) Union and Progress Party Turk
Davud Yusufani  [ tr ] Freedom and Accord Party Assyrian
Salih Saadi BeyIndependentArab
Muhammed Ali Fazil  [ tr ]
Ibrahim Fawzi Efendi


  1. Grand Vizier
  2. Resigned due to his appointment to the Istanbul governorship in 1914, reelected following Zohrab's murder
  3. Elected deputy from Constantinople in Konstantin Savaopulos's place
  4. Killed by Çerkez Ahmed on the way to Urfa from Diyarbekir in July 1915
  5. Died
  6. Appointed to the senate
  7. Elected deputy from Smyrna in Mehmed Seyyid's place
  8. Resigned in 1915 due to his appointment as Undersecretary of the Ministry of Trade and Agriculture
  9. Elected deputy of Konya in Mustafa Şeref's place
  10. Elected deputy from Isparta in Mehmed Şevki's place
  11. Died
  12. Elected deputy from Isparta in Mahmud Esad's place
  13. Died
  14. Resigned on December 1, 1914, due to his appointment as the Director of Local Administrations
  15. Elected deputy from Burdur in Mustafa Atıf's place
  16. Died
  17. Elected deputy of Kastamonu in İzzet Molla's place
  18. Appointed to the Senate
  19. Elected deputy from Niğde in Halid Bey's place
  20. After becoming Undersecretary of the Ministry of Trade and Agriculture in 1915, was elected deputy from Niğde in Karapet Tomayan's place in 1917
  21. Parliamentary membership terminated due to the fact he escaped to England
  22. Resigned to become Undersecretary of the Evkaf Ministry
  23. Was appointed governor of Tokat
  24. Elected deputy from Amasya in İsmail Hakkı Pasha's place
  25. Resigned in 1915 due to his appointment as the Undersecretary of Trade and Agriculture Ministry
  26. Elected deputy from Ergani in İstefan Çıracıyan's place
  27. Killed in Rezvani Pass in 1915
  28. Killed by Çerkez Ahmed on the road from Urfa to Diyarbekir in July 1915
  29. Killed by gendarmes in Beşiri for assisting Van rebellion
  30. Resigned in 1916
  31. Elected deputy from Damascus in Emir Ali Pasha's place
  32. Resigned in 1916
  33. Elected deputy from Damascus in Fares al-Khoury's place
  34. Elected in 1916 to replace Zühdü Efendi
  35. Resigned in 1915

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