Talaat Pasha

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"Talat told Dr. Mordtman, the man in charge of the Armenian desk and the dragoman at the German Embassy at Istanbul, that Turkey was "intent on taking advantage of the war in order to thoroughly liquidate its internal foes, i.e., the indigenous Christians, without being thereby disturbed by foreign intervention." [72]

He then issued the order for the Tehcir Law of 1 June 1915 to 8 February 1916 that allowed for the mass deportation of Armenians, a principal means of carrying out what is now recognized as a genocide against Armenians. [73] The deportees did not receive any humanitarian assistance and there is no evidence that the Ottoman government provided the extensive facilities and supplies that would have been necessary to sustain the life of hundreds of thousands of Armenian deportees during their forced march to the Syrian Desert or after. [71] [74] Meanwhile, the deportees were subject to periodic rape and massacre. Talaat, who was a telegraph operator from a young age, had installed a telegraph machine in his own home and sent "sensitive" telegrams during the course of the deportations. [75] [76] This was confirmed by his wife Hayriye, who stated that she often saw him using it to give direct orders to what she believed were provincial governors. [77]

Talaat in 1916 Talaat Bey.png
Talaat in 1916

Numerous diplomats and notable figures confronted Talaat Pasha over the deportations and news of massacres. He had several conversations with the United States ambassador, Henry Morgenthau, Sr. On 2 August 1915 Talaat told him that "our Armenian policy is absolutely fixed and that nothing can change it. We will not have the Armenians anywhere in Anatolia. They can live in the desert but nowhere else." In another exchange, he demanded from Morgenthau the list of the holders of American insurance policies belonging to Armenians in an effort to appropriate the funds to the state. Morgenthau refused. [78] [79] Talaat told him in a later conversation that:

It is no use for you to argue . . . we have already disposed of three quarters of the Armenians; there are none at all left in Bitlis, Van, and Erzeroum. The hatred between the Turks and the Armenians is now so intense that we have got to finish with them. If we don't, they will plan their revenge. [80]

Talaat believed Armenian deportation avenged the Muslim expulsions of the Balkan Wars, and resettled Muhacir in abandoned Armenian property. [81]

The Assyrian Christian community was also targeted by the Unionist government in what is now known as the Seyfo. Talaat ordered the governor of Van to remove the Assyrian population in Hakkâri, leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands, however this anti-Assyrian policy couldn't be implemented nationally. [82]

Meanwhile, deportations of the Rûm were put on hold as Germany wished for a Greek ally or neutrality, however for the sake of their alliance, German reaction to the deportations of Armenians was muted. The participation of the Ottoman Empire as an ally against the Entente powers was crucial to German grand strategy in the war, and good relations were needed. Following Russian breakthrough in the Caucasus and signs that Greece would side with the Allied powers after all, the CUP was finally able to resume operations against the Greeks of the empire, and Talaat ordered the deportation of the Pontus Greeks of the Black Sea coast. [83]

Talaat was also a leading force in the Turkification and deportation of Kurds. In May 1916 he mandated Kurds be deported to the western region of Anatolia, and prohibited the resettlement of Kurds to the south in order to prevent Kurds from becoming Arabized. [84] He was a major force behind the policies regarding the resettlement of Kurds and wanted to be informed of whether the Kurds would really be turkified or not and how they got along with the Turkish inhabitants in the areas where they had been resettled too. [85] Talaat outlined that nowhere in the Empire's vilayets should the Kurdish population be more than 5%. [86] To that end, Balkan Muslim and Turkish refugees were prioritised to be resettled in Urfa, Maraş, and Antep, while some Kurds were deported to Central Anatolia. [84] Kurds were also supposed to be resettled in abandoned Armenian property, however negligence by resettlement authorities still resulted in the deaths of many Kurds by famine. [87]

Approximately 1.7 million Christians (including 200,000 Greeks and 100,000 Lebanese Christians and Druze) died during World War I and the total Ottoman war deaths of some 3.7 million amounted to 14% of the prewar population. [88] According to the Ottoman Interior Ministry, the population of Ottoman Armenians decreased to 284,000 from 1,256,000. [89]


Talaat Pasha with Central Power negotiators at Brest Litovsk Duits-Oostenrijkse-Turkse onderhandelingsdelegatie te Brest-Litowsk.jpg
Talaat Pasha with Central Power negotiators at Brest Litovsk

On 4 February 1917, Talaat finally replaced Said Halim Pasha (a puppet of the committee anyway) by becoming the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire, [90] while also retaining the Ministry of the Interior. [90] This move was precipitated by the liquidation of the Islamist faction of the party. [91] This made him the first member of parliament to become a Prime Minister in Ottoman (and Turkish) history. [2] This move completed the Unionist party-state, as he was both Grand Vizier and chairman of the Union and Progress Party. [92] Talaat, at the time he became Grand Vizier, gained the title "Pasha". [2]

On 15 February, Talaat Pasha gave a speech to parliament of his program, expressing his will to reform Ottoman society to be on par with European civilization. Like first president of the succeeding republic, Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk), would later say similarly, Talaat Pasha believed that there was "only one civilization in the world [Europe], [and that Turkey] to be saved, must be joined to civilization." Another point brought up was cracking down on corruption, much of which he was responsible for and never followed through with. [93]

Talaat Pasha at Berlin with his diplomatic team Grosswesir Taalat-Pascha in Berlin, 1917.jpg
Talaat Pasha at Berlin with his diplomatic team

Many social reforms were introduced, including modernization of the calendar, employment of women as nurses, in charitable organizations, in army shops, and in labor battalions behind the front and new faculties in Istanbul University for architecture, arts, and music. One particular piece of controversial social reform was the 1917 "Temporal Family Law" which was a significant advance in women's rights and secularism in Ottoman matrimonial law. When it came to religious reform, the Quran was translated into Turkish, and even the call to prayer was held in Turkish in a few select mosques in the capital. [94] These pre-Kemalist secularisation and modernisation reforms paved the way for further and more far reaching reforms by Atatürk's regime.

During this time tensions flared between Talaat and Enver. Enver won out in a conflict over prioritizing rationing in favor of the army. In response Talaat established the Ministry of Rationing, and appointed a loyal friend, Kara Kemal  [ tr ], as its head (Kara Kemal was known as the "Little Master" [Küçük Efendi ], whereas Talat was the "Grand Master" [Büyük Efendi]). In a play of zugzwang after the Balfour Declaration, Talaat reproached with the Zionist movement, promising to open up Jewish immigration to Jerusalem. [95] This promise did not reflect ground conditions, as his first year as Grand Vizier saw the loss of Jerusalem and Baghdad.

However territorial loss in the south coincided with diplomatic success with the signing of the Brest-Litovsk treaty in March 1918, with Talaat himself negotiating for the Ottoman Empire, resulting in the return of Kars, Batumi, and Ardahan to Ottoman rule after their loss forty years ago. Another treaty with the Caucasian states signed in Batum strengthened the Ottoman's position in a future drive on Baku, which was accomplished by September. Spring 1918 was the zenith of Unionist power and Talaat Pasha's political career, followed by a slow realization of defeat in WWI over the summer. [96] In a conversation with Cavid, Talaat felt trapped between three "fires": Enver Pasha, who was becoming increasingly erratic and overly optimistic after the breakthrough in the Caucasus; the new sultan Mehmed VI, an anti-Unionist who was more assertive than his deceased half brother, and the Allied armies advancing from the West and the South. [97] In October 1918, the British defeated both Ottoman armies they faced in the Palestinian front. Simultaneously on the Macedonian front, Bulgaria capitulated to the allies, leaving no sufficient forces to check an advance on the Ottoman capital. With defeat certain (and growing unrest from years of unfettered corruption) Talaat Pasha announced his intention to resign on 8 October 1918 and lead a caretaker government for a few more days. [98] Ahmed İzzet Pasha became the new Grand Vizier and signed the Armistice of Mudros with the Allies, ending hostilities in the Middle East on 30 October.

Exile: 1918–1921

Escape to Germany

Talaat with his friends in exile, Holland, 1920 Talaa pasa dostlar.jpg
Talaat with his friends in exile, Holland, 1920

Talaat Pasha delivered a farewell speech in the last CUP congress on 1 November, where it was decided to dissolve the party. With Enver, Cemal, Nazım, Şakir, Azmi, and Osman Bedri, he fled the Ottoman capital on a German torpedo boat that night where they landed in Sevastopol, Crimea and scattered from there. Before escaping the Ottoman Empire, he wrote a letter to İzzet Pasha promising his return to the country. [25] Public opinion was shocked by the departure of Talaat Pasha, which left the country's politics in a sudden vacuum. [99]

Talaat, Nazım, Şakir and some other Turkish officers wound up in Berlin on 10 November, the day after Kaiser Wilhelm II fled the city due to the November Revolution. The new chancellor, Friedrich Ebert of the SPD, signed the documents secretly allowing Talaat asylum in Germany, where he and Nazım settled in a flat at Hardenbergerstraße 4 (Ernst-Reuter Square), Charlottenburg, under the pseudonym "Ali Sâî Bey". Next to his apartment he founded the "Oriental Club" (Şark Kulübü), where anti-Entente Muslims and European activists met. Though he was a wanted man in the Ottoman Empire and Britain, Talaat managed to attend the Socialist International in the Netherlands. [26] He was also able to travel to Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, and Denmark. In all of these visits, he lobbied against the new Allied world-order, specifically against their designs on the Ottoman Empire. [100] Behind bars for his role in the Sparticist uprising, Talaat reconnected with Karl Radek (their previous encounter being on opposite sides of the negotiating table at Brest) and frequently visited him with Enver at Moabit prison. [101] Despite his mobility as a fugitive, his exile was one of practical poverty. At one point wishing to start a newspaper, he didn't have enough money to do so, so he wrote his memoirs instead.

Questioned whether he would return and join the Turkish nationalist movement, Talaat declined, arguing that Mustafa Kemal Pasha (Atatürk) is now the new leader. [102] He held regular correspondences with Mustafa Kemal from Berlin. [103] Unlike Enver, Kemal had friendly relations with Talaat, with Kemal addressing Talaat as his "brother" in their communiques. Even though he effectively endorsed Mustafa Kemal as his "successor", from Berlin Talaat was able to directly issue orders to Turkish commanders in the opening stages of the Turkish War of Independence and hoped to use the commander as a puppet. [104] He also kept in contact with Tevfik Rüştü (Aras), Halide Edip (Adıvar), Celal (Bayar), Abdülkadir Cami (Baykut) and Nuri (Conker). The Ankara government sent the ambassadors Bekir Sami (Kunduh) and Galip Kemali (Söylemezoğlu) to meet with Talaat and support his network that assisted the Turkish nationalist movement from abroad. [105] Through these efforts, he cobbled together a disparate coalition of Turkish nationalists, German nationalists, and Bolsheviks.

After the failure of the Kapp Putsch Talaat offered comments in the subsequent press conference, criticizing the putschists for their dilettantism, exclaiming "A putsch without a cabinet ready at hand was just childish." [106]

Trial and conviction

The front page of Ikdam on 4 November 1918 after the Three Pashas fled the country following World War I Ikdam, 4 Kasim 1918.jpg
The front page of İkdam on 4 November 1918 after the Three Pashas fled the country following World War I

The British government exerted diplomatic pressure on the Ottoman Porte and brought to trial the Ottoman leaders who had held positions of responsibility between 1914 and 1918 for having perpetrated the Armenian genocide. İzzet Pasha was pressured early on by the British to arrest Talaat, but he didn't order his arrest nor order his extradition from Germany until a Constantinople court demanded it. [107] With the allied occupation of Constantinople, İzzet Pasha resigned. Ahmet Tevfik Pasha took the position of grand vizier the same day that Royal Navy ships entered the Golden Horn. Talaat's remaining property was confiscated during Tevfik Pasha's premiership, which lasted until 4 March 1919. He was replaced by Damat Ferid Pasha, whose first order was the arrest of leading members of Union and Progress.[ citation needed ] Those who were caught were put under arrest at the Bekirağa division and were subsequently exiled to Malta. Courts-martials were then organized to punish the CUP for the empire's ill-conceived involvement in World War I.[ citation needed ]

By January 1919, a report to Sultan Mehmed VI accused over 130 suspects, most of whom were high officials. The indictment accused the main defendants, including Talaat, of being "mired in an unending chain of bloodthirstiness, plunder and abuses". They were accused of deliberately engineering Turkey's entry into the war "by a recourse to a number of vile tricks and deceitful means". They were also accused of "the massacre and destruction of the Armenians" and of trying to "pile up fortunes for themselves" through "the pillage and plunder" of their possessions. The indictment alleged that "The massacre and destruction of the Armenians were the result of decisions by the Central Committee of Ittihadd". [108] The court released its verdict on 5 July 1919: Talaat's title of pasha was stripped, and he, Enver, Cemal, Nazım, and Şakir were condemned to death in absentia. [109]

Monitoring by British intelligence

The British government continued to monitor Talaat's activities after the war. The British government had intelligence reports indicating that he had gone to Germany, and the British High Commissioner pressured Ferid Pasha and the Sublime Porte to request that Germany extradite him to the Ottoman Empire.[ citation needed ] Germany was well aware of Talaat's presence but refused to surrender him. [110]

The last official interview Talaat granted was to Aubrey Herbert, a British intelligence agent. [111] During this interview, Talaat maintained at several points that the CUP had always sought British friendship and advice, but claimed that Britain had never replied to such overtures in any meaningful way. [112]

Assassination and funeral

Street where Talaat's assassination took place Berlin Hardenbergstrasse 008309.jpg
Street where Talaat's assassination took place

With most CUP leaders in exile, the Dashnaks organized a plot to assassinate the perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide, known as Operation Nemesis. On 15 March 1921 Talaat was assassinated with a single bullet as he came out of his Hardenbergstraße flat to purchase a pair of gloves. His assassin was a Dashnak agent from Erzurum named Soghomon Tehlirian, who had members of his family who were killed during the genocide. [113] [ unreliable source? ] Tehlirian admitted to the shooting, but, after a cursory two-day trial, he was found innocent by a German court on grounds of temporary insanity due to the traumatic experience he had gone through during the genocide. [114] Immediately after the assassination, Nazım and Şakir, the other two Turkish statesmen who were also staying in the area, received German police protection. [115] Şakir would be assassinated a year later by another Dashnak.

According to Hayriye, Talaat had prophesied his own assassination, recalling that he said to her: "One day, someone will shoot me' said he. 'I will collapse, blood spilling from my forehead. I will not have the luxury to die, lying on bed. It doesn't matter; let them shoot me; the motherland shall not be stained with my death. For each Talaat passing away, one thousand Talaats shall come forth (Bir Talât gider, bin Talât yetişir.)' " [116] Mustafa Kemal Pasha remarked, "The motherland has lost her great son; the revolution has lost its great organizer." [117] [ page needed ]

Initially, Talaat's friends hoped he could be buried in Anatolia, but neither the Ottoman government in Constantinople nor the Turkish nationalist movement in Ankara wanted the body; it would be a political liability to associate themselves with the man considered the worst criminal of World War I. [118] Invitations from Hayriye and the Orient Club were sent to Talaat's funeral, and on 19 March, he was buried in the Alter St.-Matthäus-Kirchhof in a well-attended ceremony. [119] [115] At 11:00 a.m., prayers led by the imam of the Turkish embassy, Şükri Bey, were held at Talaat's apartment. Afterwards, a large procession accompanied the coffin to Matthäus, where he was interred. [115] Many prominent Germans paid their respects, including former foreign ministers Richard von Kühlmann and Arthur Zimmermann, along with the former head of Deutsche Bank, the ex-director of the Baghdad railway, several military personnel who had served in the Ottoman Empire during the war and August von Platen-Hallermünde, attending on behalf of the exiled Kaiser Wilhelm II. [118] The German foreign office sent a wreath with a ribbon saying, "To a great statesman and a faithful friend." [120] [118] Şakir, barely able to maintain his composure, read a funeral oration while the coffin was lowered into the grave, covered in an Ottoman flag. [118] He asserted the assassination was "the consequence of imperialist politics against the Islamic nations". [119] In 1922, the Kemalist government rescinded Talaat's conviction, [121] and then a house and a martyr's pension was granted to Talaat's family with a law passed by the Grand National Assembly in 1926.

During World War II, at the request of the Prime Minister of Turkey, Şükrü Saracoğlu, [122] Talaat's remains were disinterred from Germany and transported to Turkey, where he received a state funeral on 25 February 1943, attended by German ambassador Franz von Papen, Ahmet Emin Yalman, and Saracoğlu. [123] [124] [125] With this gesture, Adolf Hitler hoped to secure Turkish support for the Axis. [124] Talaat's friend Hüseyin Cahit (Yalçın) gave the funeral oration as he was buried at the Monument of Liberty, originally dedicated to those who died during the 31 March Incident. [126] His return to Turkey was welcomed by Turkish society. [127]

Personality and relationships


Tomb of Talaat Pasha in the cemetery of Monument of Liberty Talaat Pasha grave.jpg
Tomb of Talaat Pasha in the cemetery of Monument of Liberty

Many of Talaat's contemporaries wrote of his charm but also of a melancholy spirit. [128] Some occasionally noticed his naivety and others commented on his intimidation skills. [129]

Mehmed Cavid wrote of the fall of Talaat and the CUP into a delusional "all or nothing" approach for salvation by war via the July Crisis. Krikor Zohrab wrote "[Talaat was] the foremost partisan of war" for "whom [he] and his disciples, this war was tout ou rien [all or nothing]". [130]

Talaat's intentional falsehoods were noted by his contrymen and ambassadors alike, and even some of his close friends (Cahid and Rıfkı) considered him a liar. [131] [132]

Alfred Nossig described Talaat as "The strongest man of Young Turkey", a "man of will", a "unique and outstanding talent of statesmanship" who dominates "the whole state machine". Whereas "the sultan is a constitutional ruler, Talaat is an autocratic sultan." He called him "the Turkish Bismarck" upon his becoming Grand Vizier, a title which German journalist and companion Ernst Jäckh affirmed. [133] [134] Others drew similarities between Talaat and some of his contemporaries, such as Greek prime minister Eliftherios Venizelos and de facto co-dictator of Germany General Erich Ludendorff. [51]

Personal life

Talaat married Hayriye Hanım (1895–1983) (later known as Hayriye Talat Bafralı), an Albanian girl from Yanya (Ioannina) on 19 March 1910. [135] Talaat met Hayriye in 1909, while she was studying in the French girls' Lycée Notre Dame de Sion in Constantinople. [35] He learned to speak French in the Israelite School at Salonika, and picked up Greek from his wife. They learned in 1911 that they were not able to have children, [136] but they adopted an orphan, Münevver, as their daughter. [137] Hayriye joined Talaat in Berlin in spring 1920 [138] and returned to Turkey after her husband's assassination. She remarried with Hamdi Bafralı in 1946, and they had two sons. Hayriye died in İstanbul on 15 January 1983.

Her granddaughter, Ayşegül Bafralı, provided Murat Bardakçı documents from the interior ministry that Hayriye stored away containing data on Armenian deportatation and resettlement of Muhacirs in their place. Bardakçı went on to publish these documents, and an interview with Hayriye 27 years later, in The Remaining Documents of Talaat Pasha . [139]

Talaat Pasha was a member of the Bektashi order [23] [140] [141] and a 33° freemason [142] and first became a member of the Salonica Freemason Lodge Macedonia Risorta in 1903 [143] during his time in the Ottoman Balkans. He was also the first Grand Master of the society. [144] [145] He used both organizations as channels for his anti-Hamidian activism, as they were inaccessible for the spies of Yıldız Palace. [23] [140]


Talaat Pasha is widely considered one of the main architects of the Armenian Genocide by historians. [146] Raphael Lemkin, then a law student who followed Talaat's trial, later coined the term genocide to describe what Talaat master minded against the Armenians and Assyrians, and later what Germany committed against Jews.

In his posthumously published memoirs, he propagated a "national myth – that all Ottoman Armenians were rebels, betrayers, secessionists, and that they were responsible for the massacres that took place in 1915–1916". The memoirs were published many times especially when the Armenian genocide was under discussion. [147]

Biographer Hans-Lukas Kieser states that many Jews engaged in "open propaganda for him and CUP causes" despite Talaat's involvement in genocide, and that this continued even after his death into the late twentieth century. [148]

Talaat Pasha is viewed as a "great statesman, skillful revolutionary, and farsighted founding father" in Turkey, where many schools, streets, and mosques are named after him. [149] In Turkey, Talaat and the rest of the Three Pashas are only criticized for causing the Ottoman Empire's entry into World War I and its subsequent partitioning by the Allies. Mustafa Kemal criticized Talaat and his colleagues for their policies during and immediately prior to the First World War. [150]

Kieser writes in his biography of Talaat in Talaat Pasha: Father of Modern Turkey, Architect of Genocide . [151]

The Ottoman signature political animal [Talaat Pasha] held up a distorting mirror to Europe. It showed the worst yet nevertheless real sides of Europe, scaled up. Unconcerned by rules and ethics, arguing that he saw both broken numerous times by the European powers, he began to use the ruthless arms of a comparatively weak actor also wanting empire: extortion and aggression toward weaker ones who could not fight back.

See also


  1. Ottoman Turkish: محمد طلعت, romanized: Mehmed Talʿat; Turkish: Mehmed Talât
  2. Ottoman Turkish: طلعت پاشا, romanized: Talʿat Paşa; Turkish: Talât Paşa - Note that he was known as "Talaat Bey", after gaining the "Bey" title, until he became Grand Vizier in 1917 and gained the "Pasha" title. [2]



  1. Balint Jennifer (2013). "The Ottoman State Special Military Tribunal for the Genocide of the Armenians: 'Doing Government Business'". In Kevin Heller; Gerry Simpson (eds.). The Hidden Histories of War Crimes Trials. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199671144.003.0004. ISBN   9780199671144. Archived from the original on 23 April 2021. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  2. 1 2 3 Kieser 2018, p. 2.
  3. Kieser 2018, p. xi, 22–23, 247, 333.
  4. Akçam, Taner (2006). A Shameful Act . New York City: Holt & Co. pp. 165, 186–187.
  5. Kiernan, Ben (2007). Blood and Soil: Genocide and Extermination in World History from Carthage to Darfur. Yale University Press. p. 414.
  6. Rosenbaum, Alan S. (2001). Is the Holocaust Unique?. Westview Press. pp. 122–123.
  7. Naimark, Norman (2001). Fires of hatred . Harvard University Press. p.  57. ISBN   9780674003132.
  8. 1 2 Kieser 2018, p. xi.
  9. 1 2 Kedourie, Sylvia; Wasti, S. Tanvir (1996). Turkey: Identity, Democracy, Politics. Psychology Press. p. 96. ISBN   0-7146-4718-7.
  10. 1 2 Kieser 2018, p. 41.
  11. They believed that he lacked race and breeding; they scornfully reported that he was of gypsy origin. For more see: David Fromkin, A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East, Henry Holt and Company, 2010, ISBN   1429988525, p. 39.
  12. He was born in the province of Edirne (the westernmost part of Turkey) in 1874, the child of a farmer and a gypsy woman. For more see: Michael Newton, Age of Assassins: A History of Conspiracy and Political Violence, 1865–1981, Faber & Faber, 2012, ISBN   0571290469, p. 49. Archived 17 March 2023 at the Wayback Machine
  13. Among the top party functionaries were Interior Minister Talaat Pasha (Bulgarian Gypsy); For more see: Stephen R. Graubard, The Armenian Genocide in Perspective, Routledge, 2017, ISBN   1351485830, p. 93. Archived 17 March 2023 at the Wayback Machine
  14. 1 2 "Talat Paşa, 15 Mart 1921 yılında Sogomon Teyleryan (Makiryan) adlı bir Ermeni tarafından Berlin'de vurularak öldürüldü". YakınPlan. 17 March 2014. Archived from the original on 7 April 2014.
  15. Young Turk leaders, Talat was not ethnically Turkish; rather he was of Pomak descent. For more see: Eric Bogosian, Operation Nemesis: The Assassination Plot that Avenged the Armenian Genocide, Hachette UK, 2015, ISBN   031629201X, p. 75. Archived 17 March 2023 at the Wayback Machine
  16. Oddly enough, had Zia Bey lived to see the success of the Young Turk movement, after the revolution of 1908, he might have salaamed to Talaat, the Grand Vizier of the Young Turks, a Pomak gipsy. Such are the ironies of politics. For more see: George Young, Constantinople, Barnes & Noble, 1992, ISBN   1566190843, p. 210.
  17. Galip, Özlem Belçim (2020). "Revisiting Armenians in the Ottoman Empire: Deportations and Atrocities". New Social Movements and the Armenian Question in Turkey: Civil Society vs. the State. Modernity, Memory and Identity in South-East Europe. Springer International Publishing. pp. 21–36. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-59400-8_2. ISBN   978-3-030-59400-8. S2CID   236785226. Archived from the original on 5 September 2022. Retrieved 31 May 2021.
  18. Talât Paşa'nın anıları. Istanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları. 2000. p. 27. ISBN   978-975-458-195-9.
  19. Timur, Taner (2000). Türkler ve Ermeniler: 1915 ve sonrası (in Turkish). İmge Kitabevi. p. 53. ISBN   978-975-533-318-2.
  20. Kieser, Hans-Lukas (2018). p. 41
  21. 1 2 3 Mango, Andrew (2004). Atatürk. London: John Murray. p. 67. ISBN   978-0-7195-6592-2.
  22. 1 2 Mango 2002.
  23. 1 2 3 4 5 Kieser, Hans-Lukas (2018), p. 44
  24. Kieser, Hans-Lukas (2018), p. 43
  25. 1 2 Ahmet Aslan, Türk Basınında Talat Paşa Suikastı ve Yansımaları, İstanbul Üniversitesi Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul 2010
  26. 1 2 3 "Talat Pasha". Turkey in the First World War. Archived from the original on 24 September 2021. Retrieved 6 September 2021.
  27. 1 2 Kieser 2018, pp. 46–49.
  28. Hanioğlu 2011, p. 178.
  29. Kieser 2018, p. 53.
  30. Kieser 2018, p. 68.
  31. Kieser 2018, p. 70.
  32. 1 2 Kieser 2018, p. 72.
  33. Kieser 2018, p. 74.
  34. Kieser 2018, p. 75.
  35. 1 2 Boyutu, Yazı (8 April 2012). "İttihat Terakki'nin 'yeminsiz' kadınları". Posta. Archived from the original on 29 October 2021. Retrieved 12 October 2021.
  36. Kieser 2018, pp. 85–86.
  37. Kieser 2018, pp. 82–83.
  38. Kieser 2018, p. 63.
  39. Kieser 2018, p. 64.
  40. Kieser 2018, p. 116.
  41. Kieser 2018, p. 93.
  42. Kieser 2018, p. 117.
  43. Atlı, Altay. "Committee of Union and Progress". Turkey's War. Archived from the original on 5 November 2022. Retrieved 5 November 2022.
  44. Kieser 2018, p. 121.
  45. Kieser 2018, p. 130.
  46. 1 2 Kieser 2018, p. 211.
  47. Kieser 2018, p. 125.
  48. Hanioğlu, Şükrü. "Talat Paşa". İslâm Ansiklopedisi. Archived from the original on 5 March 2016. Retrieved 22 March 2021.
  49. Kieser 2018, pp. 137, 140.
  50. Kieser 2018, p. 138.
  51. 1 2 Kieser 2018.
  52. Zürcher, Erik Jan (13 April 2019). "Young Turk Governance in the Ottoman Empire during the First World War". Middle Eastern Studies. 55 (6): 897–913. doi: 10.1080/00263206.2019.1590820 . ISSN   0026-3206. S2CID   150573160.
  53. Kieser 2018, p. 219.
  54. Kieser 2018, p. 143.
  55. Kieser 2018, p. 144.
  56. 1 2 Kieser 2018, p. 146.
  57. Kieser 2018, p. 176.
  58. Kieser 2018, p. 177.
  59. Kieser 2018, p. 160.
  60. Kieser 2018, p. 200.
  61. Kieser 2018, p. 208.
  62. Kieser 2018, pp. 170–171.
  63. Kieser 2018, p. 215.
  64. Kieser 2018, pp. 191–192.
  65. Kieser 2018, p. 222.
  66. Kieser 2018, p. 224.
  67. Kieser 2018, pp. 225–226.
  68. Kieser 2018, pp. 228–229.
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Mehmed Talât
Mehmed talat.jpg
Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire
In office
4 February 1917 8 October 1918
Political offices
Preceded by
Hacı Adil Bey
Minister of Interior
4 February 1913 – 8 October 1918
Succeeded by
Preceded by Minister of Finance
November 1914 – 4 February 1917
Succeeded by
Preceded by Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire
4 February 1917 – 8 October 1918
Succeeded by