Air-launched ballistic missile

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GAM-87 Skybolt Xagm-48a.jpg
GAM-87 Skybolt
AGM-183 ARRW under the wing of a B-52 AGM-183A ARRW on a B-52, June 2019 (190612-F-HP195-0014) (cropped).jpg
AGM-183 ARRW under the wing of a B-52

An air-launched ballistic missile (ALBM) is a ballistic missile launched from an aircraft. An ALBM allows the launch aircraft to stand off at long distances from its target, keeping it well outside the range of defensive weapons like anti-aircraft missiles and interceptor aircraft. Historically, once launched the missile was essentially immune to interception due to a lack of capable anti-ballistic missiles, with those few that did exist being limited to known static positions. This combination of features allowed a strategic bomber to present a credible deterrent second-strike option in an era when improving anti-aircraft defences appeared to be rendering conventional bombers obsolete. However, by the 1990s surface-to-air missile technology had innovated to the point of allowing the interception of such weapons (especially in their terminal phase) from road mobile systems, albeit at a lower probability of kill(PoK). By the early 21st century capable, dedicated, ABM systems from several nations had been deployed in significant numbers (with examples including upgraded MIM-104 Patriot and S-300, THAAD, SM-3, and S-400), spurring further innovation in hypersonic glide vehicles to penetrate such systems and keep ballistic missiles capable.


Operational history

The ALBM concept was studied in the US as a way to ensure the usefulness and survivability of their large bomber fleet. After testing several experimental designs as part of the WS-199 efforts in the 1950s, the U.S. Air Force began development of the GAM-87 Skybolt missile with range on the order of 1,150 miles (1,850 km). The only other major force relying on strategic bombers was the Royal Air Force, who also selected the Skybolt to arm their V bomber fleet. The Soviet Union moved their strategic force directly to Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles.

Skybolt ultimately failed several key tests, while the US Navy's UGM-27 Polaris offered the same advantages and more. Skybolt was cancelled, leading to the Skybolt crisis and an agreement to sell Polaris to the Royal Navy as part of the Nassau Agreement. The concept saw little active development until the 1970s when ICBM warheads began to become accurate enough to attack other ICBMs while they were still on the ground. The US carried out several experiments using existing missile designs dropped from cargo aircraft, but ultimately abandoned this line of research entirely. No further strategic ALBM development has been carried out by the US, and this class of missile never saw active use.

In March 2022, the Kinzhal was used for the first time in combat by Russia in Ukraine during its invasion of the country. [1]

Air-launched ballistic missiles were used in the October 2024 Israeli strikes on Iran. [2]

List of ALBMs

High Virgo

The High Virgo, also known as Weapons System 199C (WS-199C), was a prototype air-launched ballistic missile (ALBM) jointly developed by Lockheed and the Convair division of General Dynamics during the late 1950s. The missile proved moderately successful and aided in the development of the later GAM-87 Skybolt ALBM. It was also used in early tests of anti-satellite weapons.

WS-199B Bold Orion

Developed by Martin Aircraft, the Bold Orion missile was an air-launched ballistic missile, launched from the B-47 Stratojet medium bomber, with flight tests being carried out in 1958 and 1959. Early launches of the Bold Orion as a single-stage vehicle were unsuccessful, however a redesign as a two-stage weapon produced improved results, with the remainder of the 12-launch series establishing the ALBM as a viable vehicle. The final test flight trialed the Bold Orion missile as an anti-satellite missile, passing within 4 miles (6.4 km) of Explorer VI, [3] the first-ever interception of a satellite. [4]

GAM-87 Skybolt

The GAM-87 Skybolt, intended to be launched from Boeing B-52 Stratofortress and Avro Vulcan bombers, was in development by the United States Air Force, with the United Kingdom as a customer. In 1962, with technical difficulties and costs mounting, the program was cancelled, with the United States and the UK concentrating on the UGM-27 Polaris submarine-launched ballistic missile instead.

Air Mobile Feasibility test: C-5 w/ LGM-30

Air Mobile Feasibility demonstration, 24 October 1974 USAF MMIII C5 airdrop(Oct 1974).jpg
Air Mobile Feasibility demonstration, 24 October 1974

In the early 1970s, the USAF tested air-launching a Minuteman I/B ICBM from a C-5A Galaxy transport aircraft. On 24 October 1974, the Space and Missile Systems Organization successfully conducted an Air Mobile Feasibility test where a C-5A Galaxy aircraft air-dropped the 86,000-pound missile from 20,000 feet over the Pacific Ocean. The missile fell to 8,000 feet before its rocket engine fired. The 10-second engine burn carried the missile to 20,000 feet again before it dropped into the ocean. The test proved the feasibility of launching an intercontinental ballistic missile from the air. Operational deployment was discarded due to engineering and security difficulties, though the capability was used as a negotiating point in the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. [5] [6]

Kh-47M2 Kinzhal

In 2018, Russia unveiled an air-launched ballistic missile called Kh-47M2 Kinzhal with a range of 2,000 km (1,200 mi). It is suspected to be a version of the Iskander missile. Earlier Soviet aero-ballistic missiles have a much shorter range, e.g. Kh-15 only has a range of 300 km (190 mi). In March 2022, the Kinzhal was used for the first time in combat by Russia in Ukraine during its invasion of the country. [7]

Chinese DF-21 and DF-17

In March 2018, Defense Intelligence Agency chief Robert Ashley confirmed that China is developing two new air-launched ballistic missiles, one of which can carry a nuclear warhead. [8] The H-6K bomber would be suited to launch such missiles. One of these missiles is a derivative of the DF-21 called the CH-AS-X-13 and has a range of 3,000km.

In October 2020, a H-6 bomber was spotted at Neixiang Air Base landing with what appeared to be an air-launched ballistic missile similar to the DF-17. [9]

Israeli Air LORA

In June 2024, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) unveiled an air-launched variant of the combat-proven LORA Tactical Ballistic Missile called Air LORA, meant for deep Stand-Off strike missions against strategic targets. [10]

Sparrow target missile

The Israeli Sparrow target missile is used to test the Arrow anti-ballistic missile system. [11]

See also

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The High Virgo, also known as Weapons System 199C (WS-199C), was a prototype air-launched ballistic missile (ALBM) jointly developed by Lockheed and the Convair division of General Dynamics during the late 1950s. The missile proved moderately successful and aided in the development of the later GAM-87 Skybolt ALBM. It was also used in early tests of anti-satellite weapons.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">AGM-183 ARRW</span> U.S. Air Force prototype missile

The AGM-183 ARRW is a hypersonic air-to-ground ballistic missile planned for use by the United States Air Force. Developed by Lockheed Martin, the boost-glide vehicle is propelled to a maximum speed of more than Mach 5 by a rocket motor before gliding toward its target. The program was cancelled in March 2023 after multiple failed tests. The program, however, continued despite the cancellation and was announced to still be in development following additional, undisclosed testing. However in 2024 it was announced that in the fiscal year 2025 budget, no funding would be provided for procurement or further research and development.

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In March 2018, as part of his Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly, the Russian president Vladimir Putin announced six novel nuclear or dual-use weapons systems, popularly dubbed "super weapons".


  1. "Russia claims first use of hypersonic Kinzhal missile in Ukraine". BBC News. 19 March 2022.
  2. Doyle, Gerry (November 4, 2024). "Israel's strikes on Iran spark interest in air-launched ballistic missiles". Reuters . Retrieved November 4, 2024.
  3. Parsch, Andreas (2005). "WS-199". Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles. Retrieved 2010-12-29.
  4. Peebles 1997, p. 65.
  5. U.S. Air Force, Inside the AF.MIL Heritage section (Thursday, January 01, 1970 - Sunday, December 31, 1989) Archived October 18, 2012, at the Wayback Machine
  6. Marti and Sarigul-Klijn, A Study of Air Launch Methods for RLVs. Doc No. AIAA 2001-4619, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Dept, University of California, Davis, CA 95616
  7. "Russia claims first use of hypersonic Kinzhal missile in Ukraine". BBC News. 19 March 2022.
  8. "North Korea, Russia, China weapons: Top Pentagon official issues warning". Retrieved 5 February 2019.
  9. D'Urso, Stefano (19 October 2020). "Chinese H-6N Bomber Spotted Carrying Possible Air Launched Ballistic Missile". The Aviationist. Retrieved 19 February 2021.
  10. Newdick, Thomas (2024-06-06). "Air LORA, Israel's Biggest Air-Launched Ballistic Missile, Emerges From The Shadows". The War Zone. Retrieved 2024-10-21.
  11. Jim Miklaszewski, Courtney Kube and Alastair Jamieson (September 3, 2013). "Amid Syria tension, Israel test-fires missile over Mediterranean Sea". NBC News.