Boiler stay

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A boiler stay is an internal structural element of a boiler. Where the shell of a boiler or other pressure vessel is made of cylindrical or (part) spherical elements, the internal pressure will be contained without distortion. However, flat surfaces of any significant size will distort under pressure, tending to bulge. [1]



Stays of various types are used to support these surfaces by tying them together to resist pressure. Some boiler configurations require a great deal of staying. [2] A large locomotive boiler may require several thousand stays to support the firebox. In water tube boilers, stays were sometimes used between their main chambers, and could themselves be water tubes. [3] A knuckle joint is used for diagonal stays in a boiler.

A cylindrical firebox may be self-supporting without stays because of its shape.

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Henry Albert Hoy (1855–1910) was a locomotive engineer with the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway (L&YR). Hoy was born on 13 January 1855 in London, and educated at King Edward VI's Grammar School in St Albans, and at St John's College, Liverpool University.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Smokebox</span>

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  1. Hodgson, Jas. T.; Lake, Chas. S. (1954). Locomotive Management (10th ed.). London: Tothill Press. p. 77.
  2. "What is a Combi Boiler? Comparison Between Various Combi Boilers" . Retrieved 2024-02-20.
  3. Robertson, L.S. (1901). Water-Tube Boilers: Based on a Short Course of Lectures Delivered at University College, London. London: Murray. pp. 153–4. OCLC   5640870.