Chañaral Epimetamorphic Complex

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Chañaral Epimetamorphic Complex
Type Complex
Primary Metasediments including metaturbidite
Region Atacama Region
Country Chile
Type section
Named for Chañaral

The Chañaral Epimetamorphic Complex is an accretionary complex composed of metamorphic rocks located in western Atacama Region, Chile. The rocks of the complex are mainly mica schist, greenschist and metasediment of low-grade. The deposition of the sedimentary protoliths occurred in the Carboniferous and Permian being later metamorphosed. Among the protoliths of the complex are turbidites and other sediments. [1] Chañaral Epimetamorphic Complex is thought to represent the shallow and frontal part of an accretionary prism while the nearby Punta de Choros Metamorphic Complex represents the deeper basal part of the very same accretionary prism. [1]

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  1. 1 2 Creixell, C.; Oliveros, V.; Vásquez, P.; Navarro, J.; Vallejos, D.; Valin, X.; Godoy, E.; Ducea, M.N. (2016). "Geodynamics of Late Carboniferous–Early Permian forearc in north Chile (28°30′–29°30′S)". Journal of the Geological Society. doi:10.1144/jgs2016-010.