Llano de Chocolate Beds

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Llano de Chocolate Beds
Stratigraphic range: Late Carboniferous-Early Permian
TypeInformal sedimentary unit
Underlies Canto del Agua Formation
Primary Conglomerate, green sandstone, limestone
Region Atacama Region
CountryFlag of Chile.svg  Chile

The Llano de Chocolate Beds is a geological unit of sedimentary rock in Atacama Region of Chile. Sediments forming the rock deposited during the Carboniferous and Permian. Lithologies include conglomerate, green sandstone and limestone. It was formerly considered part of the Triassic-aged Canto del Agua Formation. [1] Llano de Chocolate Beds was deposited in an ancient forearc basin. [1]

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  1. 1 2 Creixell, C.; Oliveros, V.; Vásquez, P.; Navarro, J.; Vallejos, D.; Valin, X.; Godoy, E.; Ducea, M.N. (2016). "Geodynamics of Late Carboniferous–Early Permian forearc in north Chile (28°30′–29°30′S)". Journal of the Geological Society. 173 (5): 757–772. Bibcode:2016JGSoc.173..757C. doi:10.1144/jgs2016-010.