Cloud-computing comparison

Last updated

The following is a comparison of cloud-computing software and providers.


IaaS (Infrastructure as a service)



ProviderLaunchedBlock storageAssignable IPsSMTP supportIOPS Guaranteed minimum Security Locations Notes
Google Cloud Platform 2013YesNoNo [1] YesYes [2] br, ca, cl, us, be, ch, de, es, fi, it, po, nl, uk, il, au, cn, in, jp, sg, id, tw [3] SMTP blocked. [4]
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2014YesYesYesYesYes [5] us, ca, br, de, uk, nl, ch, in, aus, jp, kr, saud
Amazon Web Services 2006YesYesPartial [6] YesYes [7] us, ca, br, ie, de, uk, cn, sg, au, jp, kr, in, za, fr, se, bh, hk, it, idList of bugs [8]
IBM Cloud 2005YesYesNo [9] YesYes [10] us, gb, fr, de, nl, in, au, hk, kr, it, jp, no, sg
Microsoft Azure 2010YesYesYes [11] YesYes [12] ca, us, br, ie, nl, de, uk, cn, au, jp, in, kr, sg, hk, za, idList of bugs [13]
GoDaddy 2016NoNoYes [14]
Rackspace 1998PartialNoYesNoYes [15] us, au, hkroot volume is a fixed size
OVH 1999 [16] YesYes [17] Yes [18] YesYes [19] au, ca, de, fr, gb, pl, us, sg [20]
Atlantic.Net 2010NoYesNoYes [21] us, uk, ca
Scaleway 2016YesYes [22] Yes [23] YesYes [24] fr, nl
Alibaba Cloud 2009YesYesYesYesYes [25] cn, hk, sg, au, my, id, in, jp, us, de, uk, ae
Hetzner Cloud YesYes [26] de, fi, us
Safe Swiss Cloud 2013 [27] YesYesYesYes [28] ch
DigitalOcean 2016 [29] PartialYesPartialYes [30] sg, nl, uk, ca, de, inSMTP for accounts older than 60 days [31] but they use spam mandrillapp servers. [32] root volume is a fixed size.

SaaS (Software as a Service)


SaaS (Software as a Service)Initial release dateLicense(s)Written inAs a serviceLocal installations
fluid Operations eCloudManager 2009-03-01 Proprietary Java, GroovyNoYes
AppScale [33] 2009-03-07 Apache License Python, Ruby, GoYesYes
Cloud Foundry 2011-04-12 Apache License Ruby, C, Java, GoYesYes / CloudStack [34] 2010-05-04 Apache license Java, CYesYes
Eucalyptus [35] 2008-05-29 Proprietary, GPL v3 Java, CYesYes
Nimbus 2009-01-09 Apache License Java, PythonYesYes
OpenNebula [36] 2008-03-?? Apache License C++, C, Ruby, Java, Shell script, lex, yaccYesYes
OpenQRM [37] 2008-03-?? GPL License C++, PHP, Shell scriptYesYes
OpenShift [38] 2011-05-04 Apache License GoYesYes
OpenStack [39] 2010-10-21 Apache License PythonYesYes
OnApp 2010-07-01 Proprietary Java, Ruby, C++YesYes
oVirt 2012-08-09 Apache License Java, Python ?Yes
Jelastic 2011-01-27 GPL License, Apache License, BSD License Java, JavaScript, Perl, Shell scriptYesYes

Supported hosts

SoftwareLinuxFreeBSDWindowsBare Metal
AppScale  ? ? ?
Cloud Foundry YesNoYesYes / CloudStackYesNoYesYes
Eucalyptus YesNoNoYes [40]
Nimbus Yes ?NoNo
OpenNebula YesNo ?No
OpenQRM YesNoNoNo
OpenShift YesNoNoYes
OpenStack YesNoYesYes
OnApp YesNoNoYes
oVirt YesNoNoYes

Supported guests

fluid Operations YesYesYesYesYesNo ?
AppScale  ? ?YesYesYesYes ?
Cloud Foundry YesYesYesYesYesYesYes / CloudStackYesYes [41] YesYesYesYes ?
Eucalyptus YesYesYesYesYes ? ?Any guest OS supported by Xen, KVM, or VMWare
Nimbus Yes ? ?YesYes ? ?
OpenNebula YesYesYesYesYesYes ?Any guest OS supported by Xen, KVM, or VMWare
OpenQRM YesYesYesYesYesYes ?
OpenShift YesNoYesYesYesYes ?
OpenStack YesYesYesYesYesNoYes
OnApp YesYesYesYesYesNo ?JumpBox, FreeBSD
oVirt YesYesNoNoYesNo ?
Jelastic  ? ? ? ? ? ?YesParallels Virtuozzo Containers

PaaS (Platform as a service)


Appian 1999
Cloud Foundry 2011
CloudBees 2010Java, JRails and Grails, Jenkins
Computer Sciences Corporation
Engine Yard 2006
Heroku 2008 Ruby, Java, Node.js, Scala, Clojure, Python, PHP, and Go.
Oracle Cloud Platform 2014
PythonAnywhere 2012 Python
Salesforce App Cloud

Providers on IaaS

PaaS providers which can run on IaaS providers ("itself" means the provider is both PaaS and IaaS):

Software Amazon EC2 Rackspace GoGrid Mail.Ru (MCS)Other
AppScale Yes ? ??
Cloud Foundry YesYes ??  ? ? ??itself
Eucalyptus  ? ? ??itself
fluid Operations  ? ? ??
Nimbus  ? ? ??itself
OnApp  ? ? ??itself
OpenNebula  ? ? ??itself
OpenQRM  ? ? ??itself
OpenShift Yes ? ??Safe Swiss Cloud [42]
OpenStack YesYesYesYesSafe Swiss Cloud [43]


  1. SMTP at Google compute
  2. Security, Privacy, and Cloud Compliance | Google Cloud
  3. Global Locations - Regions & Zones | Google Cloud
  4. "Sending email from an instance | Compute Engine Documentation".
  5. Cloud Security Services
  6. Restriction on port 25 at AWS
  7. AWS Cloud Security
  8. Amazon bugs at Ubuntu
  9. SMTP at IBM
  10. Security for IBM Cloud
  11. SMTP at Azure
  12. Introduction to Azure security at Azure
  13. Azure bugs at Ubuntu
  14. Website Security - Protect Your Site with GoDaddy
  15. Cloud Security & Cybersecurity Solution
  16. Clabaugh, Jeff (2016-10-06). "French firm to open 1st US data center in Fauquier Co". WTOP . Archived from the original on 2019-10-16. Retrieved 2019-10-16.
  17. "Failover IP - Networking & Security | OVHcloud". OVH . 2019-11-26. Archived from the original on 2019-11-27. Retrieved 2019-11-26.
  18. "Getting started with an MX Plan solution | OVH Guides". OVH . 2019-11-26. Archived from the original on 2019-11-27. Retrieved 2019-11-26.
  19. Network security and application protection | OVHcloud
  20. "About OVH - Data Centers | OVHcloud". OVH . 2019-11-26. Archived from the original on 2019-11-27. Retrieved 2019-11-26.
  21. PCI Security Services
  22. "How to deal with private and flexible IPs addresses". Scaleway . 2020-04-15.
  23. SMTP at Scaleway
  24. Our certifications & security
  25. Cloud Security
  26. Security
  27. safeswisscloud at Internet Archive
  28. IT Security
  29. DigitalOcean launches block storage and lets you store terabytes of data at techcrunch
  30. DigitalOcean's security pillars
  31. SMTP policy at digitalocean
  32. "Network Tools: DNS,IP,Email".
  33. Urquhart, James (June 22, 2009). "The new generation of cloud-development platforms." CNET News. Accessed November 2011.
  34. Harris, Derrick Harris (October 22, 2010). "Microsoft Joins OpenStack to Add Hyper-V Support." Archived 2021-08-03 at the Wayback Machine Accessed November 2011.
  35. Prickett Timothy M. (May 10, 2011). "Ubuntu eats OpenStack for clouds - Eucalyptus leaves." The Register. Accessed November 2011.
  36. European Commission Expert Group Report (January 26, 2010). "The Future of Cloud Computing"
  37. " OpenQRM Enterprise Architecture (February 24, 2010)
  38. Schabell, Eric (December 2012). OpenShift Primer. Developer.Press.
  39. Pepple, Ken (August 2011). Deploying OpenStack. O'Reilly Media. ISBN   978-1-4493-1105-6.
  40. Poul Weiss " install instruction for node cluster." Youtube Video. 12 October 2012.
  41. "Apache CloudStack Features - Wide Range Guest VM OS Support". Archived from the original on 2013-10-05. Retrieved 2013-10-04.
  42. Kubernetes Cloud at
  43. Open Cloud at