Digital filter

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A general finite impulse response filter with n stages, each with an independent delay, di, and amplification gain, ai. FIR Filter General.svg
A general finite impulse response filter with n stages, each with an independent delay, di, and amplification gain, ai.

In signal processing, a digital filter is a system that performs mathematical operations on a sampled, discrete-time signal to reduce or enhance certain aspects of that signal. This is in contrast to the other major type of electronic filter, the analog filter, which is typically an electronic circuit operating on continuous-time analog signals.


A digital filter system usually consists of an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to sample the input signal, followed by a microprocessor and some peripheral components such as memory to store data and filter coefficients etc. Program Instructions (software) running on the microprocessor implement the digital filter by performing the necessary mathematical operations on the numbers received from the ADC. In some high performance applications, an FPGA or ASIC is used instead of a general purpose microprocessor, or a specialized digital signal processor (DSP) with specific paralleled architecture for expediting operations such as filtering. [1] [2]

Digital filters may be more expensive than an equivalent analog filter due to their increased complexity, but they make practical many designs that are impractical or impossible as analog filters. Digital filters can often be made very high order, and are often finite impulse response filters, which allows for linear phase response. When used in the context of real-time analog systems, digital filters sometimes have problematic latency (the difference in time between the input and the response) due to the associated analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions and anti-aliasing filters, or due to other delays in their implementation.

Digital filters are commonplace and an essential element of everyday electronics such as radios, cellphones, and AV receivers.


A digital filter is characterized by its transfer function, or equivalently, its difference equation. Mathematical analysis of the transfer function can describe how it will respond to any input. As such, designing a filter consists of developing specifications appropriate to the problem (for example, a second-order low-pass filter with a specific cut-off frequency), and then producing a transfer function that meets the specifications.

The transfer function for a linear, time-invariant, digital filter can be expressed as a transfer function in the Z-domain; if it is causal, then it has the form: [3]

where the order of the filter is the greater of N or M. See Z-transform's LCCD equation for further discussion of this transfer function.

This is the form for a recursive filter, which typically leads to an infinite impulse response (IIR) behaviour, but if the denominator is made equal to unity, i.e. no feedback, then this becomes a finite impulse response (FIR) filter.

Analysis techniques

A variety of mathematical techniques may be employed to analyze the behavior of a given digital filter. Many of these analysis techniques may also be employed in designs, and often form the basis of a filter specification.

Typically, one characterizes filters by calculating how they will respond to a simple input such as an impulse. One can then extend this information to compute the filter's response to more complex signals.

Impulse response

The impulse response, often denoted or , is a measurement of how a filter will respond to the Kronecker delta function. [4] For example, given a difference equation, one would set and for and evaluate. The impulse response is a characterization of the filter's behavior. Digital filters are typically considered in two categories: infinite impulse response (IIR) and finite impulse response (FIR). In the case of linear time-invariant FIR filters, the impulse response is exactly equal to the sequence of filter coefficients, and thus:

IIR filters on the other hand are recursive, with the output depending on both current and previous inputs as well as previous outputs. The general form of an IIR filter is thus:

Plotting the impulse response reveals how a filter responds to a sudden, momentary disturbance. An IIR filter is always recursive. While it is possible for a recursive filter to have a finite impulse response, a non-recursive filter always has a finite impulse response. An example is the moving average (MA) filter, which can be implemented both recursively[ citation needed ] and non recursively.

Difference equation

In discrete-time systems, the digital filter is often implemented by converting the transfer function to a linear constant-coefficient difference equation (LCCD) via the Z-transform. The discrete frequency-domain transfer function is written as the ratio of two polynomials. For example:

This is expanded:

and to make the corresponding filter causal, the numerator and denominator are divided by the highest order of :

The coefficients of the denominator, , are the 'feed-backward' coefficients and the coefficients of the numerator are the 'feed-forward' coefficients, . The resultant linear difference equation is:

or, for the example above:

rearranging terms:

then by taking the inverse z-transform:

and finally, by solving for :

This equation shows how to compute the next output sample, , in terms of the past outputs, , the present input, , and the past inputs, . Applying the filter to an input in this form is equivalent to a Direct Form I or II (see below) realization, depending on the exact order of evaluation.

In plain terms, for example, as used by a computer programmer implementing the above equation in code, it can be described as follows:

= the output, or filtered value
= the input, or incoming raw value
= the sample number, iteration number, or time period number

and therefore:

= the current filtered (output) value
= the last filtered (output) value
= the 2nd-to-last filtered (output) value
= the current raw input value
= the last raw input value
= the 2nd-to-last raw input value

Filter design

Although filters are easily understood and calculated, the practical challenges of their design and implementation are significant and are the subject of much advanced research.

There are two categories of digital filter: the recursive filter and the nonrecursive filter. These are often referred to as infinite impulse response (IIR) filters and finite impulse response (FIR) filters, respectively. [5]

Filter realization

After a filter is designed, it must be realized by developing a signal flow diagram that describes the filter in terms of operations on sample sequences.

A given transfer function may be realized in many ways. Consider how a simple expression such as could be evaluated one could also compute the equivalent . In the same way, all realizations may be seen as factorizations of the same transfer function, but different realizations will have different numerical properties. Specifically, some realizations are more efficient in terms of the number of operations or storage elements required for their implementation, and others provide advantages such as improved numerical stability and reduced round-off error. Some structures are better for fixed-point arithmetic and others may be better for floating-point arithmetic.

Direct form I

A straightforward approach for IIR filter realization is direct form I, where the difference equation is evaluated directly. This form is practical for small filters, but may be inefficient and impractical (numerically unstable) for complex designs. [6] In general, this form requires 2N delay elements (for both input and output signals) for a filter of order N.

Biquad filter DF-I.svg

Direct form II

The alternate direct form II only needs N delay units, where N is the order of the filter – potentially half as much as direct form I. This structure is obtained by reversing the order of the numerator and denominator sections of Direct Form I, since they are in fact two linear systems, and the commutativity property applies. Then, one will notice that there are two columns of delays () that tap off the center net, and these can be combined since they are redundant, yielding the implementation as shown below.

The disadvantage is that direct form II increases the possibility of arithmetic overflow for filters of high Q or resonance. [7] It has been shown that as Q increases, the round-off noise of both direct form topologies increases without bounds. [8] This is because, conceptually, the signal is first passed through an all-pole filter (which normally boosts gain at the resonant frequencies) before the result of that is saturated, then passed through an all-zero filter (which often attenuates much of what the all-pole half amplifies).

Biquad filter DF-II.svg

Cascaded second-order sections

A common strategy is to realize a higher-order (greater than 2) digital filter as a cascaded series of second-order biquadratric (or biquad) sections [9] (see digital biquad filter). The advantage of this strategy is that the coefficient range is limited. Cascading direct form II sections results in N delay elements for filters of order N. Cascading direct form I sections results in N + 2 delay elements, since the delay elements of the input of any section (except the first section) are redundant with the delay elements of the output of the preceding section.

Other forms

Other forms include:

Comparison of analog and digital filters

Digital filters are not subject to the component tolerances, temperature variations, and non-linearities that greatly complicate the design of analog filters. Analog filters consist of imperfect electronic components, whose values may also change with temperature and drift with time. As the order of an analog filter increases, and thus its component count, the effect of variable component errors is greatly magnified. In digital filters, the coefficient values are stored in computer memory, making them far more stable and predictable. [12]

Because the coefficients of digital filters are definite, they can be used to achieve much more complex and selective designs specifically with digital filters, one can achieve a lower passband ripple, faster transition, and higher stopband attenuation than is practical with analog filters. Even if the design could be achieved using analog filters, the engineering cost of designing an equivalent digital filter would likely be much lower. Furthermore, one can readily modify the coefficients of a digital filter to make an adaptive filter or a user-controllable parametric filter. While these techniques are possible in an analog filter, they are again considerably more difficult.

Digital filters can be used in the design of finite impulse response filters which can achieve extremely steep rolloff slopes with no phase shift. Analog filters that perform the same function are often significantly more complicated, as they would require many delay elements.

Digital filters rely less on analog circuitry, potentially allowing for a better signal-to-noise ratio. A digital filter will introduce noise to a signal during analog low pass filtering, analog to digital conversion, digital to analog conversion and may introduce digital noise due to quantization. With analog filters, every component is a source of thermal noise (such as Johnson noise), so as the filter complexity grows, so does the noise.

However, digital filters do introduce a higher fundamental latency to the system. In an analog filter, latency is often negligible; strictly speaking it is the time for an electrical signal to propagate through the filter circuit. In digital systems, latency is introduced not only by delay elements in the digital signal path, but also by analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters that are required for a system to process analog signals. Digital filters must also deal with quantization and rounding errors, and often have much less headroom than analog filters, since most DSP ICs operate on only 5V or 3.3V while operational amplifiers typically operate on 12 to 24V.

Additionally, in very simple cases or in cases where frequencies and filter slopes are fixed, it is more cost effective to use an analog filter. Introducing a digital filter requires considerable overhead circuitry, as previously discussed, including two low pass analog filters. Analog filters also require substantially less power than digital filters and are therefore the only solution when power requirements are tight.

When making an electrical circuit on a PCB it is generally easier to use a digital solution, because the processing units are highly optimized over the years. Making the same circuit with analog components would take up a lot more space when using discrete components. Two alternatives are FPAAs [13] and ASICs, but they are expensive for low quantities.

Types of digital filters

There are various ways to characterize filters; for example:

A filter can be represented by a block diagram, which can then be used to derive a sample processing algorithm to implement the filter with hardware instructions. A filter may also be described as a difference equation, a collection of zeros and poles or an impulse response or step response.

Some digital filters are based on the fast Fourier transform, a mathematical algorithm that quickly extracts the frequency spectrum of a signal, allowing the spectrum to be manipulated (such as to create very high order band-pass filters) before converting the modified spectrum back into a time-series signal with an inverse FFT operation. These filters give O(n log n) computational costs whereas conventional digital filters tend to be O(n2).

Another form of a digital filter is that of a state-space model. A well used state-space filter is the Kalman filter published by Rudolf Kálmán in 1960.

Traditional linear filters are usually based on attenuation. Alternatively nonlinear filters can be designed, including energy transfer filters, [14] which allow the user to move energy in a designed way so that unwanted noise or effects can be moved to new frequency bands either lower or higher in frequency, spread over a range of frequencies, split, or focused. Energy transfer filters complement traditional filter designs and introduce many more degrees of freedom in filter design. Digital energy transfer filters are relatively easy to design and to implement and exploit nonlinear dynamics.

See also

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In mathematics, a recurrence relation is an equation according to which the th term of a sequence of numbers is equal to some combination of the previous terms. Often, only previous terms of the sequence appear in the equation, for a parameter that is independent of ; this number is called the order of the relation. If the values of the first numbers in the sequence have been given, the rest of the sequence can be calculated by repeatedly applying the equation.

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Filter design is the process of designing a signal processing filter that satisfies a set of requirements, some of which may be conflicting. The purpose is to find a realization of the filter that meets each of the requirements to an acceptable degree.

In signal processing, a finite impulse response (FIR) filter is a filter whose impulse response is of finite duration, because it settles to zero in finite time. This is in contrast to infinite impulse response (IIR) filters, which may have internal feedback and may continue to respond indefinitely.

Infinite impulse response (IIR) is a property applying to many linear time-invariant systems that are distinguished by having an impulse response that does not become exactly zero past a certain point but continues indefinitely. This is in contrast to a finite impulse response (FIR) system, in which the impulse response does become exactly zero at times for some finite , thus being of finite duration. Common examples of linear time-invariant systems are most electronic and digital filters. Systems with this property are known as IIR systems or IIR filters.

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In signal processing, a filter is a device or process that removes some unwanted components or features from a signal. Filtering is a class of signal processing, the defining feature of filters being the complete or partial suppression of some aspect of the signal. Most often, this means removing some frequencies or frequency bands. However, filters do not exclusively act in the frequency domain; especially in the field of image processing many other targets for filtering exist. Correlations can be removed for certain frequency components and not for others without having to act in the frequency domain. Filters are widely used in electronics and telecommunication, in radio, television, audio recording, radar, control systems, music synthesis, image processing, computer graphics, and structural dynamics.

Two dimensional filters have seen substantial development effort due to their importance and high applicability across several domains. In the 2-D case the situation is quite different from the 1-D case, because the multi-dimensional polynomials cannot in general be factored. This means that an arbitrary transfer function cannot generally be manipulated into a form required by a particular implementation. The input-output relationship of a 2-D IIR filter obeys a constant-coefficient linear partial difference equation from which the value of an output sample can be computed using the input samples and previously computed output samples. Because the values of the output samples are fed back, the 2-D filter, like its 1-D counterpart, can be unstable.

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Transfer function filter utilizes the transfer function and the Convolution theorem to produce a filter. In this article, an example of such a filter using finite impulse response is discussed and an application of the filter into real world data is shown.


  1. Lyakhov, Pavel; Valueva, Maria; Valuev, Georgii; Nagornov, Nikolai (2020). "High-Performance Digital Filtering on Truncated Multiply-Accumulate Units in the Residue Number System". IEEE Access. 8: 209181–209190. Bibcode:2020IEEEA...8t9181L. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3038496 . ISSN   2169-3536.
  2. Priya, P; Ashok, S (April 2018). "IIR Digital Filter Design Using Xilinx System Generator for FPGA Implementation". 2018 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP). pp. 0054–0057. doi:10.1109/ICCSP.2018.8524520. ISBN   978-1-5386-3521-6. S2CID   53284942.
  3. Smith, Julius O. "Introduction to digital filters". The Related Media Group. Retrieved 13 July 2020.
  4. "Lab.4&5. Introduction to FIR Filters" (PDF). Jordan University of Science and Technology-Faculty of Engineering. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2022-10-09. Retrieved 13 July 2020.
  5. A. Antoniou, Digital Filters: Analysis, Design, and Applications, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1993., chapter 1
  6. J. O. Smith III, Direct Form I
  7. J. O. Smith III, Direct Form II
  8. L. B. Jackson, "On the Interaction of Roundoff Noise and Dynamic Range in Digital Filters," Bell Sys. Tech. J., vol. 49 (1970 Feb.), reprinted in Digital Signal Process, L. R. Rabiner and C. M. Rader, Eds. (IEEE Press, New York, 1972).
  9. J. O. Smith III, Series Second Order Sections
  10. Li, Gang; Limin Meng; Zhijiang Xu; Jingyu Hua (July 2010). "A novel digital filter structure with minimum roundoff noise". Digital Signal Processing. 20 (4): 1000–1009. Bibcode:2010DSP....20.1000L. doi:10.1016/j.dsp.2009.10.018.
  11. Fettweis, Alfred (Feb 1986). "Wave digital filters: Theory and practice". Proceedings of the IEEE. 74 (2): 270–327. doi:10.1109/proc.1986.13458. S2CID   46094699.
  12. "Match #1: Analog vs. Digital Filters".
  13. Bains, Sunny (July 2008). "Analog's answer to FPGA opens field to masses". EETimes.
  14. Billings S.A. "Nonlinear System Identification: NARMAX Methods in the Time, Frequency, and Spatio-Temporal Domains". Wiley, 2013

Further reading