HD 142022

Last updated
HD 142022
Observation data
Epoch J2000       Equinox J2000
Constellation Octans
Right ascension 16h 10m 15.02895s [1]
Declination −84° 13 53.8108 [1]
Apparent magnitude  (V)7.70 [2] + 11.19 [3]
Spectral type G9IV-V [4] + M1V [3]
B−V color index 0.79±0.01 [2]
Radial velocity (Rv)−9.96±0.13 [1]  km/s
Proper motion (μ)RA: −337.270  mas/yr [1]
Dec.: −31.386  mas/yr [1]
Parallax (π)29.1991 ± 0.0172  mas [1]
Distance 111.70 ± 0.07  ly
(34.25 ± 0.02  pc)
Absolute magnitude  (MV)5.02 [2]
Details [5] [3]
Mass 0.972+0.036
Radius 1.028+0.011
Luminosity 0.886±0.001 [6]   L
Surface gravity (log g)4.386±0.251  cgs
Temperature 5,516±31  K
Metallicity [Fe/H]0.24±0.073  dex
Rotational velocity (v sin i)2.048±0.214 km/s
Age 7.667+1.704
Mass 0.60±0.07  M
Radius 0.56±0.05  R
Luminosity0.063±0.014  L
Temperature 3,892±95  K
Other designations
CD−83° 202, GC  21507, GJ  9536, HD  142022, HIP  79242, SAO  258738, LTT  6382, GCRV  65757 [7]
Database references

HD 142022 is a binary star [8] system located in the southernmost constellation of Octans. It is too faint to be visible to the naked eye, having an apparent visual magnitude of 7.70. [2] The distance to this system is 112 light-years (34 parsecs ) based on parallax, but it is drifting closer to the Sun with a radial velocity of −10 km/s. [1]

The primary, designated component A, is an old, [8] Population I G-type star with a stellar classification of G9IV-V, [4] showing a spectrum with mixed traits of a main sequence and a subgiant star. It is an estimated 7.6 billion years old and is spinning with a projected rotational velocity of 2 km/s. The star has similar mass and dimensions as the Sun, but has a 55% higher metallicity. [5] It is radiating 89% [6] of the luminosity of the Sun from its photosphere at an effective temperature of 5516 K. [5]

The magnitude 11.19 [3] companion has the designation LTT 6384 and appears gravitationally bound to the primary. The pair have an angular separation of 22  arcseconds , which corresponds to a projected separation of ~820  AU . The estimated semimajor axis of their orbit is 1,033 AU. [8] The secondary is a red dwarf star with a stellar classification of M1V. [3]

The primary star has a single known planetary companion, HD 142022 Ab, discovered in 2005. [8] In 2023, the inclination and true mass of HD 142022 Ab were determined via astrometry. [9]

The HD 142022 planetary system [9]
(in order from star)
Mass Semimajor axis
Orbital period
Eccentricity Inclination Radius
b 4.51+0.91
71±13 or 109±13 °

See also

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