Idris (wasp)

Last updated

Idris (10.3897-zookeys.811.29725) Figures 10-13.jpg
Close shot of several Idris species
Scientific classification

Förster, 1856


Idris is a genus of parasitic wasps in the family Platygastridae, containing about 160 described species. [1] This genus is part of the tribe Baeini, which are egg parasitoids. [2] Members of the genus Idris are mostly parasitoids of spider eggs, but at least one member of the genus uses stink bugs as hosts. [3] [4]


Species: [5]

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  1. Idris
  2. Norman F. Johnson, Huayan Chen, & Bernhard Huber. (2018). New species of Idris Förster (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea) from southeast Asia, parasitoids of the eggs of pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae). ZooKeys, 811(65–80), 65–80.
  3. Lomeli-Flores, J.R., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, S.E., Rodríguez-Levya, E., González-Hernández, H., Gariepy, T.D., & Talamas, E.J. (2019). Field studies and molecular forensics identify a new association: Idris elba Talamas, sp. nov. parasitizes the eggs of Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 125–141.
  4. Michelson, A. (n.d.). Tiny Parasitic Wasp Named After Idris Elba Hijacks Stink Bug Eggs. Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from
  5. "Idris Förster, 1856". Retrieved 3 June 2021.