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This article is part of a series on the politics and government of Spain |
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The Interministerial Committees, in Spain, are a collective work bodies and sometimes decision-making-bodies consisting in senior officials of the State Administration belonging to different departments. To be considered an interministerial committee it is needed to be composed by at least three members and be able to make decisions, make proposals, advise or control a specific matter.
Unlike the Government Delegated Committees, to this committees may attend officials from other administrations or representatives of social interest organizations. [1]
The powers of the interministerial committees vary among themselves since their specific functions are established in their constitutive instrument. However, they need to have one of this competences: [1]
The constitutive instrument of this committees is not always the same: [1]
These are some of the committees that are currently active:
Name | Chair | Deputy Chair | Scope |
Defence [2] | The Secretary-General for Defence Policy | The Director-General for Defence Policy | To prepare the meetings of the National Defence Council and execute its decisions and to prepare the defence resources in case of crisis. |
European Union Affairs [3] | The Secretary of State for the European Union | The Secretary of State for Economy and Business | To coordinate the Administration action in the EU and to resolve inter-ministerial issues, mainly of economic nature. |
Immigration Affairs [4] | The Secretary of State for Migration | To consider issues relating on immigration and the right of asylum and to make studies and reports about the European and national migration policy and its consequences. | |
Tourism [5] | The Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism | The Secretary of State for Tourism | To consider issues relating on tourism. |
Statistics [6] | The President of the National Statistics Institute | To consider issues relating statistics and support the Superior Council of Statistics. | |
Medicine Prices | The Secretary-General for Health and Consumer Affairs | The Director-General for the Basic Portfolio of Services of the NHS and Pharmacy | To establish the maximum prize of medicines offered by the National Health System and to consider matters about state-finance medicines. |
Equality between Women and Men | The Minister of the Presidency, Relations with the Cortes and Equality | The Secretary of State for Equality | To oversee the integration of the principle of Equal Treatment within the Administration as well as coordinating the different department policies on equality and eradication of violence against women. |
Monitoring the Measures Adopted by the Congress' Defense Committee | The Minister of Defence | The Under Secretary of Defence | To consider matter relating the measures adopted by the Defence Committee of the Congress of Deputies as wells as improving the exchange of information between departments. |
Implementation of BIM | The Under Secretary of Development | The Director-General for State Heritage | To coordinate the implementation of the Building Information Modelling' methodology. |
Climate Change and Energy Transition | The Minister for the Ecological Transition | The Secretary of State for Economy and Business | To coordinate the actions on the National Plan for Energy and Climate, on decarbonization, on just transition and on the elaboration of the Climate Change and Energy Transition Draft Bill. |
Ecological Criteria in Public Hiring | The Under Secretary for the Ecological Transition | The Director-General for State Heritage | To coordinate the State Administration bodies and agencies in order to integrate an ecological criteria in public hiring. |
Social Criteria in Public Hiring | The Secretary of State for Social Services | The Director-General for State Heritage | To coordinate the State Administration bodies and agencies in order to integrate a social criteria in public hiring. |
Marine Strategies | The Secretary of State for Environment | The Director-General for Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea | To share and analyze common information about marine environment and to control and propose the marine strategies. |
Coordination of the State Peripheral Administration | The Minister of Territorial Policy and Civil Service | The Secretary of State for Territorial Policy | To coordinate the Peripheral Administration and to facilitate the exchange of information. |
Evaluation and Accreditation of Professional Competences Acquired by Work Experience | Director-General of the Public State Employment Service/Director General for Vocational Training | Director-General of the Public State Employment Service/Director General for Vocational Training | To evaluate and boost the requirements applied by the Administrations to recognize the experience acquired by work and not just by study. |
National Action Plan for Social Inclusion | The Minister of Labour | The Secretary of State for Social Services | To consider European or national matters relating social inclusion and social protection. |
Treaties and Other International Agreements | To coordinate the State, the regions and the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla in the compliance with international treaties. | ||
International Cooperation | The Secretary of State for International Cooperation | The Director-General for Sustainable Development Policies | To coordinate the international cooperation policies of the different administrations and elaborate the Master Plan and the Annual Plan about this matters. |
International Aerospace Policy | The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs | Under Secretary of Development | To advise the Government on international aviation and space policy. |
International Maritime Policy | The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs | Under Secretary of Development | To advise the Government on maritime issues relevant to Spain. |
Weapons and Explosives [7] | The Technical Secretary-General of the Ministry of the Interior | The Deputy Technical Secretary-General of the Ministry of the Interior | To consider issues relating the weapons and explosives regulation. |
National Plan for Preventive Actions against the Effects of Excess Temperatures on Health [8] | The Director-General for Public Health, Quality and Innovation | To consider preventive actions and strategies to ensure a proper application of the National Plan for Preventive Actions against the Effects of Excess Temperatures on Health. | |
Coordination of Cultural 1% [9] | The Minister of Culture and Sport | To establish the conservation plans financed by the 1% legal tax on every public work destined to the conservation of the Spanish historical heritage. | |
Rural Environment [10] | The Minister for the Ecological Transition | To consider issues relating rural development. | |
Coordination of the Defence and Development Ministries [11] | The Chief of the Operations Division of the Air Force Staff | The Technical Secretary-General of the Ministry of the Development | To consider all aire-related matters involving both ministries. |
Steel Structures [12] | The Technical Secretary-General of the Ministry of the Development | To consider matters relating to the use of steel on infraestructures. | |
Concrete [13] | The Technical Secretary-General of the Ministry of the Development | To consider matters relating to Concrete or prefabricated related materials. | |
Coordination of the Transport of Perishable Goods [14] | The Under Secretary of Development | To consider issues relating the transportation of perishable goods and to serve as a connection port between the international organizations and the national administrations. | |
National Climate Council [15] | The Minister for the Ecological Transition | The Secretary of State for Climate Change | To make recommendations about the government policy on climate change. |
Follow-up of the UK withdrawal from the EU | The Deputy Prime Minister | Created in 2016 to follow up all the matters relating the UK withdrawal from the EU. |
The Government of Spain is the central government which leads the executive branch and the General State Administration of the Kingdom of Spain. It is also commonly referred to as the Government of the Nation, or simply the Government.
The Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Cortes and Democratic Memory (MPR) is the department of the Government of Spain which assures the link between the different Ministries and the Prime Minister and is responsible for the relations between the Government and the Parliament.
The Moncloa Chief of Staff, officially called Director of the Cabinet of the Prime Minister, is the most senior political appointee in the Office of the Prime Minister of Spain. The Chief of Staff is appointed by the Prime Minister as its senior aid. This position has not executive authority although it is the principal advisor to the Prime Minister and it coordinates the work action of the different departments of the Government as well as lead the Cabinet Office.
The Directorate-General of the Police (DGP) is a component of the Spanish Department of the Interior responsible for exercising the direct command of the National Police Corps, the main civil law enforcement agency of Spain. The DGP, integrated in the Secretariat of State for Security, is in charge of organize, direct, coordinate and execute the missions entrusted to the National Police by the provisions in force, in accordance with the guidelines and orders issued by the Minister of the Interior.
The Secretary of State for Global Spain (SEEG) is a senior minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Spain. It is directly responsible of the strategic design of Spain’s foreign policy and external action. This involves, among other things, defining the key strategic lines of action, boosting and coordinating Spain’s economic and public diplomacy, defending and promoting the image and international reputation of the country, and being in charge of the Ministry’s communications. All of this occurs with the support of the rest of the Ministry’s bodies and institutions that are linked to it such as the network of Casas, the Fundaciones Consejo or other analogous entities.
The Spanish government departments, commonly known as Ministries, are the main bodies through which the Government of Spain exercise its executive authority. They are also the top level of the General State Administration. The ministerial departments and their organization are created by the Prime Minister and all of them are headed by a Cabinet member called Minister.
The Bureaus of the Cortes Generales are the governing bodies of each House of the Cortes Generales, the legislative branch of Spain. The Bureaus are made up of the President or Speaker of the House, the Vice Presidents or Deputy Speakers and the Secretaries. Each Bureau is autonomously regulated by the standing orders of its House and its composition its not the same.
The Government Delegated Committees, in Spain, are a collective decision-making-body of the Spanish government consisting on Cabinet ministers and non-Cabinet ministers. This Committees are secondary work bodies of the Council of Ministers responsible for the discussion or resolution the topics that do not require to be discussed in the Cabinet itself.
The Permanent Deputation, in Spain, is a parliamentary body consisting of a reduced number of members of parliament which assume the legislative powers of the Parliament when it is not in session. The members of this body are chosen proportionally to the number of deputies that each political group has. The chair of a permanent deputation is normally the speaker of the Parliament.
The Biscay Bar Association is the professional association of lawyers of Biscay. It is the professional association of Biscay with which lawyers must be associated in order to practice law.
The Ministry of Social Affairs (MAS), since 2020 known as Ministry of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda, is a department of the Government of Spain responsible for the government policies on social services, family, minors protection, disability and prevention of youth crime, adoptions and foster care and the promotion of cultural communication and youth association. Likewise, the department is responsible for the government policies on animal welfare and UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The Minister for Trade Union Relations was a Spanish cabinet position. The holder was considered a minister without portfolio and was responsible for the relations between the Government and the Spanish Syndical Organization.
The Office of the Comptroller General of the Social Security is the department of the Spanish Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration responsible for the internal audit and accounting duties of all the entities that integrate the Social Security system. Although integrated into the Ministry for Social Security, the Office reports directly to the Comptroller General of the State.
The Labour and Social Security Inspectorate (ITSS) is a Spanish autonomous agency in charge of the control of the compliance with labour and social security legislation. It also offers technical advice and, where appropriate, conciliation, mediation and arbitration in these matters. The ITSS is, therefore, the apex of the Labour and Social Security Inspection System.
The National Parks Autonomous Agency (OAPN) is an agency of the Spanish central government that manages the National Parks Network and the Spanish Biosphere Reserves Network, as well as mountains, farms and other patrimonial assets of its property. The agency was created on June 23, 1995 by the Agriculture Minister Luis María Atienza by merging two other agencies, the Institute for the Conservation of Nature (ICONA) and the National Institute for Agrarian Reform and Development (IRYDA).
In Spain, apart from the Central Administration, the central government has a Peripheral Administration. This administration is composed of all those decentralized government services, and they are coordinated by the Government Delegations, which are headquartered in the Spanish regions' capitals. Likewise, this delegations exercise its powers thorugh sub-delegations, headquartered in the provinces and insular directorates, heardquartered in some islands. In total, there are 19 government delegations, 44 sub-delegations and 7 insular directorates.
The Directorate-General of the Civil Guard (DGGC) is a component of the Spanish Department of the Interior responsible for exercising the direct command of the Civil Guard law enforcement agency. The DGGC, integrated in the Secretariat of State for Security, is in charge of organize, direct, coordinate and execute the missions entrusted to the Civil Guard by the provisions in force, in accordance with the guidelines and orders issued by the Ministers of the Interior and of Defense, within the scope of their respective powers.
The Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Emergencies (DGPCE) is a component of the Spanish Department of the Interior responsible for promoting, planning and coordinating the various actors involved in the field of civil defence, both national and international.
The National Institute for Safety and Health at Work is an autonomous agency of the Government of Spain. The INSST is considered a technical-scientific agency entrusted with the task of analyze and research on safety and health conditions at work, as well of promoting and supporting the improvement of them, in order to achieve a decrease in occupational hazards, work accidents and occupational diseases.
The Director of the National Intelligence Centre, officially Secretary of State-Director of the National Intelligence Centre (SED) is the head of the National Intelligence Centre (CNI), the main intelligence agency of Spain. The SED is appointed by the Monarch at the proposal of the Minister of Defense after deliberation by the Council of Ministers. He or she is the main advisor to the prime minister and to the defence minister in matters of intelligence and counterintelligence.