International Socialist Alternative

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International Socialist Alternative
Predecessor Committee for a Workers' International (1974)
Formation1 February 2020
TypeAssociation of Trotskyist political parties
HeadquartersHovenierstraat 45,
1080 Molenbeek,
Brussels, Belgium
Region served
LeaderCollective leadership

International Socialist Alternative (ISA) is an international association of Trotskyist political parties.


ISA was founded by sections on one side of a split in the Committee for a Workers' International (CWI).


In 2018 and 2019, a dispute within the Committee for a Workers' International developed around the questions of socialism and identity politics. [1]

One group founded the “In Defence of a Working Class and Trotskyist CWI” (IDWCTCWI) faction, which considers itself a continuance of the original CWI, using the same name. [2]

A second group, in support of the majority of the CWI's International Executive Committee, later renamed itself International Socialist Alternative and also considers itself the continuance of the original CWI. [2] [3]

Rosa campaign

The Rosa campaign is an international socialist feminist campaign named after Rosa Luxemburg and Rosa Parks aims to build the socialist-feminist wing of the Labour movement. [4] 25 November is the International Day Against Violence Against Women, which Rosa marked in 2021 with demonstrations in at least two cities. [5] [6] In Taiwan the occasion was marked by an ISA demonstration in support of Peng Shuai, who disappeared after accusing former Chinese vice premier Zhang Gaoli of sexual abuse. [7]


The ISA website maintains a list of claimed national sections. [8] The table below contains those, as of September 2024, that are active:

Austria Internationale Sozialistische Alternative
Belgium Linkse Socialistische Partij / Parti Socialiste de Lutte
Brazil Liberdade, Socialismo e Revolução
Canada Socialist Alternative
  • Alternative Socialiste
China 中国劳工论坛

Zhōngguó Láogōng Lùntán

  • 社會主義行動 Sewuizyuji Haangdung
  • 國際社會主義道路 (臺灣) Guójì Shèhuì Zhǔyì Dàolù Táiwān
Czech Republic Socialistická alternativa Budoucnost
England, Scotland, and Wales Socialist Alternative
Germany Sozialistische Alternative (SAV)
Israel/Palestine מאבק סוציאליסטי نضال اشتراكي

Socialist Struggle

Mexico Alternativa Socialista México
Netherlands Socialistisch Alternatief
Nigeria Movement for a Socialist Alternative
Poland Alternatywa Socjalistyczna
Russia Социалистическая Альтернатива

Socialisticheskaya Alternativa

South Africa Workers and Socialist Party (WASP)
Spain Alternativa Socialista
Sweden Socialistiskt Alternativ
United States Socialist Alternative

See also

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  1. Kelly, Fiach (6 March 2019). "Socialist Party documents illustrate criticism from international comrades". The Irish Times . Archived from the original on 13 July 2023.
  2. 1 2 Flakin, Nathaniel (9 August 2019). "The Split in the CWI: Lessons for Trotskyists". Left Voice. Retrieved 14 August 2024.
  3. Alternative, International Socialist. "Who We Are". International Socialist Alternative. Retrieved 16 August 2024.
  4. "ABOUT". ROSAInternational. Retrieved 30 December 2021.
  5. "Journée contre les violences faites aux femmes – Mobilisations de la campagne ROSA sur les violences faites aux femmes au c?ur des villes". DH Les Sports + (in French). Retrieved 30 December 2021.
  6. "VZW Rosa organiseert actie tegen geweld op vrouwen op de Oude Markt in Leuven". ROB-tv – Regionale Omroep Brabant (in Dutch). Retrieved 30 December 2021.
  7. "Calling for clarity – Taipei Times". 29 November 2021. Retrieved 30 December 2021.
  8. Alternative, International Socialist. "ISA Worldwide 🌐". International Socialist Alternative. Retrieved 7 September 2024.