Progressive International

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Progressive International
General Secretary David R. K. Adler
Varsha Gandikota-Nellutla
Founded11 May 2020
Ideology Progressivism
Political position Left-wing
Colors   red and black
SloganInternationalism or Extinction
PurposeTo unite, organize, and mobilize progressive forces around the world.
Region servedWorldwide
Website OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg

Progressive International (PI) is an international political organisation that unites and mobilises progressive left-wing activists and groups. [1] The organisation works with over 70 member groups. [2] This comprises trade unions, political parties, peasant organisations, and social movements including CodePink, Debt Collective, [3] Sunrise Movement, [4] and the Peace and Justice Project. [5] PI has been called "a worldwide anti-capitalist organisation." [6]



Progressive International was formally founded and launched on 11 May 2020, responding to a 2018 open call by the Democracy in Europe Movement (DiEM25) and The Sanders Institute for progressive forces to form a unified front. [7] [8]

The founding was supported by a council of over 40 advisors including Ece Temelkuran, [9] Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Yanis Varoufakis, [10] Carola Rackete, Nick Estes, Vanessa Nakate, Noam Chomsky, [11] Arundhati Roy, Naomi Klein [12] Niki Ashton, [13] Rafael Correa, Fernando Haddad, Celso Amorim, and Alvaro Garcia Linera.[ citation needed ]

The International claims to counter what it calls the resurgence of authoritarian nationalism worldwide as well as the rise of disaster capitalism. [14] As its mission, the Progressive International aims to "unite, organize and mobilize the world's progressive forces". [15]


The Progressive International is guided by an advisory Council that sets the organisation’s political and strategic direction. [16] The Secretariat, which includes translators, web developers, graphic designers, policy analysts, and community organisers [17] oversees the day-to-day organisational operations, separated into several thematic areas: Movement, Blueprint, Wire, and Observatory.

The Cabinet serves as the main executive organ responsible for development, planning, and staffing decisions. [18] The Cabinet draws its membership from the other two bodies, consisting of eight Council members: Srećko Horvat, Aruna Roy, Pierre Sané, Fatima Diallo, Rachmi Hertanti, Julian Aguon, [19] Renata Ávila and Scott Ludlum, as well as general coordinators David Adler and Varsha Gandikota-Nellutla. [20] [21]


In October 2020, Progressive International said that it was "particularly concerned about the integrity of the presidential elections in Bolivia" and sent an observer group made up of Members of Parliament from around Europe to observe the election. [22]

On 15 November 2021, the Progressive International launched their global observatory "as attacks on democracy escalate across the world" and "authoritarian leaders are getting organised to capture the courts, criminalise opposition, and rig the rules to hold onto power," said General Coordinator David Adler in a statement. [23]

The founding was endorsed by Noam Chomsky, Rafael Correa, Ertuğrul Kürkçü, Guillaume Long, Celso Amorim, Fernando Haddad, Jeremy Corbyn, Aruna Roy, Aída García-Naranjo and Andrés Arauz according to the Brazilian daily paper Folha de S.Paulo. The same article included a statement from Adler which singled out Narendra Modi in India and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil as being part of a wider network of authoritarian threats. [24]

The Belmarsh Tribunal

On 2 October 2020, Progressive International launched the Belmarsh Tribunal to convene groups of legal experts and Julian Assange supporters. [25] In the first year guests included Lula da Silva, Srećko Horvat, M.I.A. and Slavoj Žižek. [26] The hearings claimed that the charges against Assange were an "ongoing attack on press freedom". [27] The tribunal was modeled after the 1966 Russell-Sartre Tribunal, which investigated American involvement in the Vietnam War. In 2022, the third tribunal, which took place at the People’s Forum in New York City, coincided with the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. [28] Jeremy Corbyn and the Peace & Justice Project participated in the 4th Belmarsh Tribunal in Washington D.C. in 2023. [29]

NumberDateLocationLive-stream recording links published on YouTube
12 October 2020Remote due to Covid The Belmarsh Tribunal (2020)
222 October 2021 London The Belmarsh Tribunal: Free Julian Assange (2021) presented by Novara Media [30]
325 February 2022 New York City The Belmarsh Tribunal (2022) presented by The People's Forum [31]
420 January 2023 Washington, D.C. [27] The Belmarsh Tribunal D.C. (2023) presented by Democracy Now! [32]
54 March 2023 Sydney [33] The Belmarsh Tribunal Sydney (2023)


Shortly after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, [34] Polish members Lewica Razem left Progressive International due what Razem claimed in a statement on 1 March, was "the absence of declaration recognising Ukraine’s sovereignty and an absolute condemnation of Russian imperialism". [35]

On 9 March 2022, Progressive International organised their first Forum for Peace, in response to the "brutal invasion of Ukraine" and it's escalation "toward intercontinental war." [36] On 21 April, Ukrainian Commons journal quit Progressive International in a statement on Twitter. [37] [38] On 13 May 2022 a joint press conference hosted by Jeremy Corbyn, Ece Temelkuran and Yanis Varoufakis on behalf of the Progressive International, DiEM25 and MeRA25, presented the ATHENS DECLARATION which stated: “The war on Ukraine calls for support for victims of war and a new non-aligned movement”. [39]


Sourced from: [40]

Political parties

CountryParty/OrganizationAbbreviationNational LegislaturesGovernmentIdeologyNotes
Flag of the Taliban.svg  Afghanistan Solidarity Party of Afghanistan SPA
0 / 30
In exileAfter the Fall of Kabul on August 15, 2021, the Taliban took de facto control of Afghanistan and banned all other political opposition parties and groups.
Flag of Albania.svg  Albania Lëvizja Bashkë (The Together Movement)LB
0 / 140
Extra-parliamentary opposition
Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia Todos Somos Colombia  [ es; fr ]
0 / 188
1 / 108
In governmentMember of the Historic Pact
Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica Broad Front (Frente Amplio)FA
6 / 57
In opposition
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece European Realistic Disobedience Front MeRA25
0 / 300
Extra-parliamentary opposition
Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala Semilla Movement MS
23 / 160
In government
Flag of Honduras.svg  Honduras Liberty and Refoundation Libre
50 / 128
In governmentAffiliated with the Savior Party of Honduras and the Christian Democratic Party of Honduras in the National Congress.
Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia Landless People's Movement LPM
6 / 42
4 / 104
In oppositionIn government in the regions of ǁKaras and Hardap.
Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria African Action Congress AAC
0 / 109
0 / 360
0 / 36
Extra-parliamentary oppositionMembership is part of the Coalition for Revolution (CORE).
Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan Haqooq-e-Khalq Party HKP
0 / 104
0 / 342
Extra-parliamentary oppositionProgressive pro-democracy movement
Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia Green–Left Front ZLF
10 / 250
In oppositionDirect successor of Do not let Belgrade drown
Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia The Left Levica
5 / 90
In coalitionIn coalition with Freedom Movement and Social Democrats.
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain Catalunya en Comú CatComú
0 / 264
6 / 350
In coalitionIn coalition with Sumar in the Cortes Generales.
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland ForumAlternativo  [ fr; it ]FA
0 / 140
Extra-parliamentary opposition
Flag of Tanzania.svg  Tanzania Alliance for Change and Transparency ACT–Wazalendo
4 / 81
4 / 393
In opposition
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey Socialist Refoundation Party SYKP
0 / 600
Extra-parliamentary oppositionAffiliated with the Peoples' Democratic Congress.
Flag of Europe.svg  European Union Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 DiEM25
0 / 705
18 / 9,874
1 / 2,714
Extra-parliamentary opposition

Other members

Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina Central de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores de la ArgentinaCTA-TTrade union organization
Trabajadores Unidos por la TierraRural agricultural organization
Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh National Garment Workers’ Federation NGWF Trade union federation of garment workers in Bangladesh
Flag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia Wiphalas por el Mundo (Wiphalas Across the World) Wiphala organization
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil Central Única dos Trabalhadores CUTMain national trade union center in Brazil
Federação Única dos Petroleiros (Federation of Petroleum Workers)FUPPetrol workers union
Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem-Teto (Movement of Homeless Workers)MTST Housing rights organization
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Common FrontiersMulti-sectorial national working group
Flag of Chile.svg  Chile UkamauHousing rights organization
Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia People's Congress  [ es ]Social and political movement based in Colombia
Unión Sindical Obrera de la Industria del Petróleo  [ es ]USOOil workers union
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic Instituto de Desarrollo de la Economía AsociativaIDEACNon-profit organization
Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador Federación de Cooperativas de la Reforma Agraria de la Región CentralFECORACENPeasants and Indigenous community organization
Flag of France.svg  France ReActLabor NGO
Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala Guatemalan Trade Union, Indigenous and Farmer MovementMSICGTrade union center
Flag of Honduras.svg  Honduras LuchemosFeminist organization, associated with Libre
Flag of India.svg  India Andhra Pradesh Vyvasaya Vruthidarula Union APVVUUnion federation of rural informal workers
Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (Association for the Empowerment of Labourers and Farmers)Non-profit organization focused on right to information and employment
National Alliance of People's Movements NAPMAlliance of progressive social movements in India
Telangana Gig and Platforms Workers UnionTGPWUWorkers union in Telangana
Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia Aksi Ekologi & Emansipasi RakyatAEEREnvironmentalist collective of Indonesian researchers and activists
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Officine CivicheSocial justice organization based in Ciampino, Italy
Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya Mathare Social Justice CentreCommunity organization in Mathare, Nairobi
Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia Imagined MalaysiaNon-profit history organization
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico Collective Movement for the Arts and Culture of MexicoMOCCAMCollective of arts and culture workers
Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia Namibian Domestic and Allied Workers UnionNDAWU Domestic workers' union
Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria BAOBAB for Women’s Human RightsBAOBABWomen's rights NGO
Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan Pakistan Kissan Rabita CommitteePKRCNetwork of peasant organisations in Pakistan, member of La Via Campesina
Women Democratic Front WDF Socialist-feminist organization
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland Socialist Action
Flag of Senegal.svg  Senegal Centre for Research and Action on Economic, Social and Cultural RightsCRADESCThink-tank and advocacy framework in Francophone West Africa and the Sahel
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain Boza SurMigrant rights organization
Fridays For Future SalamancaEnvironmental activist organization
Flag of Sudan.svg  Sudan Sudanese Professionals Association SPAAssociation of Sudanese trade unions
Flag of Tanzania.svg  Tanzania Mtandao wa Vikundi vya Wakulima Tanzania (National Network of Small-Scale Farmers Groups in Tanzania)MVIWATAFarmers organization
Flag of Uganda.svg  Uganda Akina Mama wa Afrika AMwAPan-African feminist organization
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine The All-Ukraine Independent Trade Union (Zakhyst Pratsi)AUITUCross-sector Ukrainian labour union
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom App Drivers & Couriers UnionADCUTrade union for drivers and couriers
Autonomous Design Group ADGAnti-capitalist art collective
Common WealthProgressive think tank
Independent Workers Union of Great Britain IWGBTrade union representing mainly migrant workers and gig workers
Migrants OrganiseMigrant and refugee organization
Momentum Socialist organization, affiliated with the Labour Party
The Peace and Justice Project British political organization
The World Transformed Left-wing political festival
Flag of the United States.svg  United States Arab Resource & Organizing CenterAROCArab organization in the San Francisco Bay Area
Brandworkers Non-profit organization of food factory workers in New York and New Jersey
CODEPINK Anti-war organization
Debt Collective Debtors' advocacy group, union of student debt strikers
Democratic Socialists of America DSASocialist organization of the USA
Jacobin Quarterly magazine
KC Tenants Tenants' association in Kansas City
Sunrise Movement Climate change organization
Flag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe Zimbabwe People’s Land Rights MovementZPLRMCivic platform focused on the rights of marginalised communities to land based resources
Africa Review of African Political Economy ROAPE
EuropeCommons NetworkActivist organization
InternationalCrash CourseEconomics platform collective
Latin American Council of Social Sciences CLACSOInternational non-governmental institution with associative status at UNESCO
Palestinian Youth Movement PYMTrans-national organization of Palestinians in Palestine and in exile
Post Growth InstitutePGIInternational post growth organization
Progressive DoctorsInternational community of medical professionals

Former members

Flag of Chile.svg  Chile Social Convergence (Convergencia Social)Merged into the Broad Front
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland Left Together Left Progressive International in March 2022 due to "the absence of declaration recognising Ukraine’s sovereignty and an absolute condemnation of Russian imperialism" [43] [35]
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Left Bloc On 11 November 2023, the Left Bloc announced the "closure of the project" and the cessation of publications due to censorship and repression in Russia. [44] [43]
Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia Ne davimo Beograd Merged into the Green–Left Front
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine Commons [43] [38]

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