La Meseta Formation

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La Meseta Formation
Stratigraphic range: Late Paleocene to Early Oligocene
Type Geological formation
Unit of Seymour Island Group [1]
Underlies Weddell Formation
Overlies Lopez de Bertodano, Sobral & Cross Valley Formations
Thickness557 m (1,827 ft) [2]
Primary Sandstone, claystone
Other Siltstone, mudstone, conglomerate
Coordinates 64°14′21.782″S56°36′11.69″W / 64.23938389°S 56.6032472°W / -64.23938389; -56.6032472 . [3]
Approximate paleocoordinates 63°42′S61°30′W / 63.7°S 61.5°W / -63.7; -61.5
Region Seymour Island
Country Antarctica
Geologic map of Seymour Island, Antarctica.png
Geologic map of Seymour Island, Antarctica with La Meseta Formation in dark yellow

The La Meseta Formation is a sedimentary sequence deposited during much of the Paleogene on Seymour Island off the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. It is noted for its fossils, which include both marine organisms and the only terrestrial vertebrate fossils from the Cenozoic of Antarctica. [2] [4]


In some treatments, the La Meseta Formation is restricted to just the older Thanetian to Lutetian-aged strata, with the younger Bartonian to Rupelian strata treated as the overlying Submeseta Formation. [5] [6] However, other papers instead treat the Submeseta Formation as an allomember of the La Meseta Formation. [7] [8]


La Meseta Formation lies unconformably on the Cretaceous Lopez de Bertodano Formation. It is an approximately 557 metres (1,827 ft) thick sequence of poorly consolidated sandstones and siltstones. The depositional environment was probably coastal, deltaic or estuarine in character. The top of the sequence is an erosional unconformity to Pleistocene glacial gravels. [3] [2] La Meseta Formation is one of the sequences that make up the fill of the Late Jurassic to Paleogene James Ross Basin. [3]


The terrestrial environment surrounding the deposition area is thought to have been a temperate polar forest, including podocarp and araucarian conifers, as well as Nothofagus. [9] [10] Most of the fossilized woods and flowers discovered on Seymour Islands consist of extinct species of conifer trees and lilies during warm climate. [11] [12]


La Meseta Formation is extremely rich in fossils. Among mammals, the meridiungulata Antarctodon and Trigonostylops have been found in the formation. [13] [14] as well as marsupial Derorhynchidae, Microbiotheria, and polydolopimorphia. [15] [16] It is famous for its penguin fossils, for example the two genera Archaeospheniscus and Palaeeudyptes . [17] [18] Other bird fossils include Dasornis , a genus of pseudotooth birds. There is also an abundance of trace fossils. Diplocraterion, Helminthopsis, Muensteria, Oichnus, Ophiomorpha, Skolithos, Teredolites and Zapfella have been described. [19] Over 35 species and 26 families of fish, which includes sharks, have been described from the Ypresian Cucullaea bed. [3] [20]


Color key
Taxon Reclassified taxonTaxon falsely reported as presentDubious taxon or junior synonym Ichnotaxon Ootaxon Morphotaxon
Uncertain or tentative taxa are in small text; crossed out taxa are discredited.


TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Antarctodon A. sobraliLocality DVP 2/84 and IAA 1/90.Cucullaea I allomember (Telm 5).MLP 08-XI-30-1, an isolated right p4 or m1.An astrapothere
Trigonostylops T. sp.Cucullaea I allomember (Telm 5).An astrapothere Trigonostylops.jpg
TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Notiolofos N. arquinotiensisLocality IAA 1/13 and DPV 16/84.Acantilados II, Campamento, Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 4) and Submeseta Member (Telm 7).A Brachyodont lower right molar fragment, probably m1 or m2, preserves a portion of the talonid with most of the lingual side (MLP 13-I-25-1) and left M3 incomplete (MLP 95-I-10-6).A sparnotheriodontid litoptern.
N. regueroiLocality IAA 2/16Lower coquina bed of Cucullaea I Allomember.IAA-PV 173, Isolated complete left m3.
Victorlemoinea V. sp.Cucullaea I allomember (Telm 5).A sparnotheriodontid litoptern.


TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Basilosauridae [21] Indeterminate
Llanocetus L. denticrenatusLocality DPV 10/84 and DVP 13/24.Unit III Member and Telm 7.A partial mandible with two teeth (specimen USNM 183022) and an endocast of the braincase.A toothed baleen whale. Llanocetus denticrinatus.jpg


TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Derorhynchus [22] D. minutus [22] Locality IAA 1/90.Allomember Cucullaea I (Telm 5).MLP 96-1-5-44, incomplete right horizontal ramus of the dentary fragment with m2-3.
Pauladelphys [22] [23] P. juanjoi [22] [23] Locality IAA 2/95 and IAA 1/90.Allomember Cucullaea I (Telm 5).An isolated lower molar (MLP 95-1-10-2) and an upper left molar (MLP 96-1-5-44).
Xenostylos X. peninsularis [22] Locality IAA 1/90.Allomember Cucullaea I (Telm 5).MLP 94-111-15-10, an isolated upper right molar.
TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Marambiotherium [22] M. glacialis [22] Locality IAA 1/90 and RV-8200.Cucullaea I allomember (Telm 5).MLP 95-1-10-1, a fragment of a right mandibular ramus with a complete m4 and the posterior alveolus of m3 and MLP 88-1-1-1, an edentulous left mandibular ramus with the alveoli for p3-m4.A microbiothere, related to the modern monito del monte.
Woodburnodon W. casei Locality IAA 1/95.Cucullaea I allomember (Telm 5).MLP 04-III-1-2, an isolated, worn upper right molar (M2 or M3).A microbiothere, related to the modern monito del monte.
TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Antarctodolops A. dailyiLocality IAA 2/95, DPV 2/84, and DPV 6/84.Cucullaea I allomember (Telm 5).UCR 20910, a left dentary with p3-m2.A polydolopimorphian metatherian.
A. mesetaenseLocality IAA 1/90 and DPV 6/84.Cucullaea I allomember (Telm 5).Right dentary fragments.
Perrodelphys P. coquinense [22] Locality IAA 1/90.Cucullaea I allomember (Telm 5).MLP 96-1-5-11, an isolated left lower molar.A polydolopimorphian metatherian.
Polydolops P. dailyiLocality IAA 1/90 & DPV 3/84.Cucullaea I allomember (Telm 5).A polydolopimorphian metatherian.
P. seymouriensisLocality IAA 1/90 & DPV 3/84.Cucullaea I allomember (Telm 5).
P. thomasiLocality IAA 1/90 & DPV 3/84.Cucullaea I allomember (Telm 5).
Pujatodon P. ektopos [24] Locality IAA 1/90.Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 5).Specimen MLP 14-I-10-20, a lower left molar (m2 or m3) partially worn.A polydolopimorphian metatherian.

Other mammals

TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Sudamerica S. ameghinoiLocality IAA 1/90 upper level.Cucullaea I Allomember.MLP 95-I-10-5, anterior part of a left dentary with the rodent-like incisor partially preserved.A gondwanathere Sudamerica jaw.svg
Meridiolestida? [25] IndeterminateLocality IAA 1/90 upper level.Cucullaea I Allomember.A single tooth, now lost. [25]
Xenarthra?Indeterminate.Locality S124.Cucullaea I Allomember/ Telm 4.TMM 44190-1, left metacarpal II and A phalanx and a partial tooth [25]



TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Anthropornis A. grandisLocality IAA 4/12, IAA 1/90, DPV 13/84, and DVP 2/84.Telm 4 member, Telm 7 member, and Submeseta Allomember.Humerus: MLP 93-X-1-4 (proximal epiphysis), MLP 82-IV-23-4 (proximal epiphysis), MLP 83-I-1-190(proximal epiphysis) and MLP 88-I-1-463(proximal epiphysis).A giant penguin.
Anthropornis Anthropornis grandis.png
Palaeeudyptes Palaeeudyptes klekowskii.png
A. nordenskjoldi [23] Submeseta Allomember.Humerus: MLP CX-60-25 (proximal epiphysis), MLP 83-V-30-5 (diaphysis) and MLP 93-X-1-104(complete humerus).
Archaeospheniscus A. lopdelli Submeseta Allomember.A giant penguin.
A. wimani Submeseta Allomember.
Delphinornis [23] D. arctowskiiDPV 14/84Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 7).A penguin.
D. graclisDPV 14/84Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 7).
D. larseniDPV 13/84 and DPV 14/84.Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 5 and Telm 7) and Submeseta Allomember.
Marambiornis M. exilis DVP 2/84, IAA 1/12, and ZPAL 4Telm 7 Member.A limb element (right tarsometatarsus).A penguin.
Mesetaornis M. polaris Telm 7 member.A nearly complete right femur and two distal left tibiotarsi.A penguin.
Orthopteryx O. gigas [18] A penguin.
Palaeeudyptes P. antarcticus Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 3, Telm 4, Telm 5, and Telm 7) and Submeseta Allomember.A giant penguin.
P. gunnari [23] DVP 2/84, DVP 10/84, DVP 13/84, DVP 14/84, DVP 15/84, and ZPAL 4.Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 3, Telm 5, and Telm 7) and Submeseta Allomember.Multiple specimens consist of coracoids, ulna, and humerus.
P. klekowskii DVP 2/84, DVP 10/84, DVP 13/84, DVP 14/84, DVP 16/84, and ZPAL 4.Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 3, Telm 5, and Telm 7) and Submeseta Allomember.Several specimens consist of humerus, coracoid, ulna, and tibiotarsus.
Wimanornis W. seymourensisDPV 14/84.Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 7) and Submeseta Allomember.A penguin.
Tonniornis T. mesetaensisDPV 14/84.Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 7) and Submeseta Allomember.A penguin.
T. minimumDPV 14/84.Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 7) and Submeseta Allomember.

Other birds

TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Antarctoboenus [26] A. carliniiIAA 2/95 localityCucullaea I AllomemberMLP 95-I-10-8, distal end of left tarsometatarsusA stem falconiform.
Dasornis D. sp. A pseudotooth bird. Dasornis emuinus 1.jpg
?Diomedeidae IndeterminateCucullaea I AllomemberA potential albatross. [27]
Notoleptos N. gigliiSubmeseta III AllomemberLeft tarsometatarsus (MLP 12-I-20-305)An early albatross. [27]
?Phorusrhacidae IndeterminateLocality IAA 2/13Cucullaea I AllomemberA right ungual phalanx (MLP-PV 13-XI-28-546) and an incomplete ungual phalanx (MLP-PV 14-I-10-199) [28] A large-sized potential terror bird. [28]
?Procellariidae IndeterminateCucullaea I AllomemberDistal end of ulna (MLP 91-II-4-6)A potential procellarid. [27]
?Threskiornithidae IndeterminateCucullaea II Allomember (Telm 6)A fragmentary, curved bill (IB/P/B-0698).A potential ibis. [29]


TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
" Psephophorus "cf. P. terrypratchetti [30] Telm 4 [30] Platelets, shell fragmentA dermochelyid sea turtle related to modern leatherback turtles. [30] [31] Psephophorus NT small.jpg
Testudines indet.Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 5)Carapace platesA non-dermochelyid turtle with a bony carapace. [32]


TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Calyptocephalella C. sp. [33] Locality IAA 2/95.Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 5).The fragmentary right ilium (NRM-PZ B282) and a skull bone (NRM-PZ B281).A calyptocephalellid frog Calyptocephalella gayi foto.jpg

Cartilaginous fish


TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Callorhinchus C. stahli A ploughnose chimaera. [34] Callorhinchus callorynchus1.jpg
Chimaera C. seymourensis A rabbitfish. [34] Chimaera monstrosa.png
Ischyodus I. dolloiUpperTooth platesA relative of ploughnose chimaeras. Ischyodus avitus.jpg


TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Abdounia A. mesetaeCucullaea I Allomember (Telm 5)A requiem shark. [34] Abdounia beaugei.jpg
A. richteri
Anomotodon A. multidenticulataAn extinct relative of goblin shark. Anomotodon novus.jpg
Carcharhinus C. sp.A requiem shark. [35] Carcharhinus hemiodon nmfs 2.png
Centrophorus C. sp.A gulper shark. [34] Centrophorus harrissoni.jpg
Cetorhinus C. sp.MiddleGill rakerA relative of the basking shark. [36] Britannica Shark Basking Shark.png
Ceolometlaouia C. pannucaeA carpet shark. [37]
Dalatias D. licha The modern kitefin shark. [34] Dalatias licha (Kitefin Shark).gif
Deania D. sp.A longnose dogfish. [34] Deania calcea (Birdbeak dogfish).gif
Eodalatias E. austrinalisA dalatiid. [38]
Galeorhinus G. mesetaensis A relative of the school shark. [34] Galeorhinus galeus.jpg
G. sp.Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 5), Telm 6
Heptranchias H. howellii Upper lateral teeth.A relative of the sevengill shark. Heptranchias perlo (Sharpnose sevengill shark).gif
Hexanchus [23] H. sp. [23] A relative of the sixgill shark. Hexanchus griseus (Bluntnose sixgill shark).gif
Kallodentis K. rhytistemmaCucullaea I Allomember (Telm 5), Telm 6A houndshark. [34]
Lamna L. cf. nasus A relative of the porbeagle. Lamna nasus drawing.jpg
Macrorhizodus M. praecursorA lamnid. [34] Macrorhizodus falcatus.jpg
Meridiogaleus M. cristatusCucullaea I Allomember (Telm 5), Telm 6A houndshark. [34]
Mustelus M. sp.Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 5), Telm 6A smooth-hound. [34] Mustelus mustelus.jpg
Notoramphoscyllium N. woodwardiA carpet shark. Initially thought to be teeth of the modern zebra shark. [37]
Odontaspis O. winkleri A relative of the sand shark. Odontaspis ferox (Smalltooth sand tiger).gif
Otodus O. auriculatus A megatooth shark. Otodus obliquus.jpg
O. sokolovi [39] Upper
Palaeohypotodus P. cf. rutotiA sand shark. [39] Palaeohypotodus bronni.jpg
Paraorthacodus P. sp.A paraorthacodontid shark. [34] Paraorthacodus.jpg
Pristiophorus P. lanceolatus UpperA sawshark. Pristiophorus nudipinnis.jpg
P. laevis [40]
Pseudoginglymostoma P. cf. P. brevicaudatum Nomen dubium . [41]
Scoliodon S. sp.Multiple teeth.A requiem shark. Scoliodon laticaudus Day.jpg
Squalus S. weltoni UCR RV-8200, Telm 4.LowerA complete lateral tooth.A dogfish. Squalus acanthias.jpg
S. woodburnei UCR RV-8200, Telm 4.Lower.A complete lateral tooth.
Squatina S. sp.UpperAn angelshark. [38] Squatina squatina.jpg
Striatolamia S. cf. macrotaUpperA sand shark. [39] Odontaspididae - Striatolamia whitei.JPG


TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Marambioraja M. leiostemmaLowerA skate. [6]
Mesetaraja M. maleficapelliLowerA skate. [6]
Myliobatis M. sp.An eagle ray. [34] Myliobatis hamlyni.jpg
Myliobatoidea indet.Partial spineA stingray. [35]
Pristis P. sp.A sawfish. [35] Pristis clavata 2.jpg
Raja R. amphitrita LowerA skate. [6] FMIB 51687 Common Skate, Raja erinacea Mitchill Wood's Hole, Mass.jpeg
R. manitaria

Ray-finned fish

TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Labridae indet.Large lower pharyngeal tooth plateA wrasse. [42]
Macrouridae indet.Well-preserved skull with otoliths A grenadier. [43] [44]
Marambionella M. andreaeArticulated skeletonA clupeioid herring relative. [45]
Mesetaichthys M. jerzmanskaeFragmentary skull bones and vertebra.An early member of the Notothenioidei, the dominant marine fish of Antarctica today. [44] Initially assigned to the hakes. [46] [47]
Oplegnathus O. sp.Jaws with teethA knifejaw, earliest record of this family. [48] Naturalis Biodiversity Center - RMNH.ART.237 - Oplegnathus fasciatus (Temminck and Schlegel) - Kawahara Keiga - 1823 - 1829 - Siebold Collection - pencil drawing - water colour.jpeg
Proeleginops P. grandeastmanorumNeurocraniumAn early member of the Notothenioidei. [44] [49]
Siluriformes indet.A catfish. [50]
Trichiurus T. sp.TeethA cutlassfish. [50] Trichiurus lepturus.jpg
Xiphiorhynchus X. cf. sp. A relative of the swordfish. [23] Xiphiorhynchus sp.JPG


TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Antarcticeras A. nordenskjoeldiNRM 8, below IAA 1/90 (Ungulate Site).Cucullaea I shell bed, Telm 4.A fragmentary preserved straight shell.An enigmatic cephalopod that is either considered a descendant of the orthocerids or an oegopsid squid.
Euciphoceras E. sp.NRM 8, below IAA 1/90 (Ungulate Site).Cucullaea I shell bed, Telm 4.A fragmentary preserved straight shell.A nautiloid.


TaxaSpeciesLocalityStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Agathoxylon A. pseudoparenchymatosum Locality 5Cucullaea I allomemberFossilized wood.
fossilized seed of Notonuphar Notonuphar antarctica seeds.webp
fossilized seed of Notonuphar
Cupressinoxylon C. hallei Localities 4, 5, 6 and 7.Campamento and Cucullaea I allomember.Fossilized wood.
Notonuphar N. antarctica IAA 2/95.Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 5).Fossilized seeds.A water lily.
Nelumbo ? Nelumbo sp. [12]
Protophyllocladoxylon P. francisiae
Phyllocladoxylon P. antarcticum
P. pooleae

See also


  1. Zinsmeister, Jeffrey D. Stilwell ; William J. (1992). Molluscan systematics and biostratigraphy : Lower Tertiary La Meseta Formation, Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. ISBN   978-0875907703.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. 1 2 3 Pezzetti, T.F.; KRISSEK, L.A (1986). "Re-evaluation of the Eocene La Meseta Formation of Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula". Antarctic Journal of the United States. 21 (5): 75.
  3. 1 2 3 4 Reguero, Marcelo A.; Sergio A. Marenssi; Sergio N. Santillana (2012). "Weddellian marine/coastal vertebrates diversity from a basal horizon (Ypresian, Eocene) of the Cucullaea I Allomember, La Meseta formation, Seymour (Marambio) Island, Antarctica". Rev. Peru. Biol. 19 (3): 275–284. doi:10.15381/rpb.v19i3.1006.
  4. Vega, Greta C.; Olalla-Tárraga, Miguel Ángel (2020), "Past changes on fauna and flora distribution", Past Antarctica, Elsevier, pp. 165–179, doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-817925-3.00009-4, ISBN   978-0-12-817925-3 , retrieved 2023-09-20
  5. Acosta Hospitaleche, Carolina; Gelfo, Javier N. (2017-08-18). "Procellariiform remains and a new species from the latest Eocene of Antarctica". Historical Biology. 29 (6): 755–769. doi:10.1080/08912963.2016.1238470. hdl: 11336/54885 . ISSN   0891-2963.
  6. 1 2 3 4 Engelbrecht, Andrea; Mörs, Thomas; Reguero, Marcelo A.; Kriwet, Jürgen (2019-09-14). "Skates and rays (Elasmobranchii, Batomorphii) from the Eocene La Meseta and Submeseta formations, Seymour Island, Antarctica". Historical Biology. 31 (8): 1028–1044. Bibcode:2019HBio...31.1028E. doi:10.1080/08912963.2017.1417403. ISSN   0891-2963. PMC   6650296 . PMID   31337928.
  7. Marenssi, Sergio A. (2006). "Eustatically controlled sedimentation recorded by Eocene strata of the James Ross Basin, Antarctica". Geological Society, London, Special Publications. 258 (1): 125–133. doi:10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.258.01.09.
  8. Reguero, Marcelo Alfredo; Marenssi, Sergio Alfredo; Santillana, S. N. (2012). "Weddellian marine/coastal vertebrates diversity from a basal horizon (Ypresian, Eocene) of the Cucullaea I Allomember, La Meseta formation, Seymour (Marambio) Island, Antarctica". Revista Peruana de Biología. ISSN   1561-0837.
  9. Pujana, Roberto R.; Santillana, Sergio N.; Marenssi, Sergio A. (January 2014). "Conifer fossil woods from the La Meseta Formation (Eocene of Western Antarctica): Evidence of Podocarpaceae-dominated forests". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 200: 122–137. Bibcode:2014RPaPa.200..122P. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2013.09.001. hdl: 11336/17151 .
  10. Reguero, Marcelo A.; Marenssi, Sergio A.; Santillana, Sergio N. (May 2002). "Antarctic Peninsula and South America (Patagonia) Paleogene terrestrial faunas and environments: biogeographic relationships". Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 179 (3–4): 189–210. Bibcode:2002PPP...179..189R. doi:10.1016/S0031-0182(01)00417-5.
  11. Pujana, R. R., Wilf, P., & Gandolfo, M. A. (2020). Conifer wood assemblage dominated by Podocarpaceae, early Eocene of Laguna del Hunco, central Argentinean Patagonia. PhytoKeys, 156, 81–102.
  12. 1 2 Friis, Else M.; Iglesias, Ari; Reguero, Marcelo A.; Mörs, Thomas (2017-08-01). "Notonuphar antarctica, an extinct water lily (Nymphaeales) from the Eocene of Antarctica". Plant Systematics and Evolution. 303 (7): 969–980. Bibcode:2017PSyEv.303..969F. doi: 10.1007/s00606-017-1422-y . ISSN   2199-6881. S2CID   254058613.
  13. Antarctodon at
  14. Trigonostylops at
  15. Chornogubsky, L. (2009). A Reassessment of Antarctic Polydolopid Marsupials (Middle Eocene, La Meseta Formation). Antarctic Science.
  16. Goin, F. J.; Zimicz, N.; Reguero, M. A.; Santillana, S. N.; Marenssi, S. A.; Moly, J. J. (October 2007). "New marsupial (Mammalia) from the Eocene of Antarctica, and the origins and affinities of the Microbiotheria". Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina. 62 (4): 597–603. ISSN   1851-8249 . Retrieved 2017-02-12.
  17. Tambussi, Claudia & Acosta Hospitaleche, Carolina & Reguero, Marcelo & Marenssi, Sergio. (2006). Late Eocene penguins from West Antarctica: Systematics and biostratigraphy. Geological Society London Special Publications. 258. 145-161. 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.258.01.11.
  18. 1 2 Hospitaleche, C. A.; Reguero, M. (2011). "Taxonomic status of the Eocene penguins Orthopteryx gigas Wiman, 1905 and Ichtyopteryx gracilis Wiman, 1905 from Antarctica". Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology. 35 (3): 463–466. Bibcode:2011Alch...35..463H. doi:10.1080/03115518.2011.527476.
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  21. Buono, M.R.; Fernández, M.S.; Reguero, M.A.; Marenssi, S.A.; Santillana, S.N.; Mörs, T. (2016). "Eocene Basilosaurid Whales from the La Meseta Formation, Marambio (Seymour) Island, Antarctica". Ameghiniana. 53 (3): 296–315. doi:10.5710/AMGH.02.02.2016.2922. hdl: 11336/49679 .
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  24. Francisco J. Goin; Emma C. Vieytes; Javier N. Gelfo; Laura Chornogubsky; Ana N. Zimicz; Marcelo A. Reguero (2020). "New metatherian mammal from the early Eocene of Antarctica". Journal of Mammalian Evolution. 27 (1): 17–36. doi:10.1007/s10914-018-9449-6. hdl: 11336/82643 . S2CID   91932037.
  25. 1 2 3 Gelfo, Javier N.; Goin, Francisco J.; Bauzá, Nicolás; Reguero, Marcelo (30 September 2019). "The fossil record of Antarctic land mammals: Commented review and hypotheses for future research". Advances in Polar Science: 274–292. doi:10.13679/j.advps.2019.0021.
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  48. "An oplegnathid fish from the Eocene of Antarctica | The Palaeontological Association". Retrieved 2025-01-25.
  49. Hedges, S. Blair; Kumar, Sudhir (2009-04-23). The Timetree of Life. OUP Oxford. ISBN   978-0-19-156015-6.

Further reading