List of Brussels Metro stations

Last updated

This list of Brussels metro and premetro stations includes all the underground stations in the Brussels metro and premetro network, arranged by line. The premetro refers to sections of the Brussels tramway network which run underground and at metro frequency.


Line 1

Line 1
BSicon utCONTg.svg
Line 5 to Erasme/Erasmus
BSicon utCONTg.svg
BSicon utSTRe.svg
BSicon utINT-L.svg
BSicon lcINT-M.svg
BSicon udKINTa-M.svg
BSicon uINT-R.svg
(Gare de l'Ouest/Weststation)
2 6 5 SNCB logo.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon PORTALf.svg
BSicon uvSHI2g+l-.svg
BSicon utINT-L.svg
BSicon utINT-R.svg
Beekkant 2 6 5
BSicon utSTRl.svg
BSicon utKRZtu.svg
BSicon utLSTR+r.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
Étangs Noirs/Zwarte Vijvers 5
BSicon utINT.svg
Comte de Flandre/
Graaf van Vlaanderen
BSicon utbKRZW.svg
Brussels-Charleroi Canal
BSicon utINT.svg
Sainte-Catherine/Sint-Katelijne 5
BSicon tCONTgq cerulean.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon tSTRq cerulean.svg
BSicon tCONTfq cerulean.svg
De Brouckère 3 4 5
BSicon tCONTgq.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon tSTRq.svg
BSicon tCONTfq.svg
Brussels Central
(Gare Centrale/Centraal Station)
5 SNCB logo.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon utCONTgq.svg
BSicon utTINTt.svg
BSicon utLSTRr.svg
Arts-Loi/Kunst-Wet 2 6 5
BSicon utINT.svg
Maelbeek/Maalbeek 5
BSicon PORTALl.svg
BSicon CONTgq.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon tSTRq.svg
BSicon tCONTfq.svg
Schuman 5 SNCB logo.svg
BSicon utUST.svg
BSicon tSTR+l.svg
BSicon lCONTf@Fq.svg
BSicon utINT-L.svg
BSicon tINT-R.svg
Merode 5 SNCB logo.svg
BSicon utCONTgq.svg
BSicon utABZgr.svg
BSicon tkSTR3.svg
BSicon PORTALl.svg
BSicon CONTgq.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon tkSTRr+1.svg
BSicon tkSTRc4.svg
BSicon tCONTgq cerulean.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon tSTRq cerulean.svg
BSicon tCONTfq cerulean.svg
Montgomery 7
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utKBHFe.svg
BSicon uSTRq.svg
BSicon utSTRq.svg
metro lines
BSicon STRq cerulean.svg
BSicon tSTRq cerulean.svg
premetro lines
BSicon STRq.svg
BSicon tSTRq.svg
SNCB lines

Line 1 replaces former Line 1B since 4 April 2009. Line 1 does not service though the stations between Erasme/Erasmus and Jacques Brel, which are now serviced by Line 5.

#Name in FrenchName in DutchOpenedInterchangeCoordinates
1 Gare de l'Ouest Weststation 1982 NMBS/SNCB, Line 2, Line 5, Line 6 50°50′56″N4°19′15″E / 50.84889°N 4.32083°E / 50.84889; 4.32083
2 Beekkant Beekkant 1981Line 2, Line 5, Line 6 50°51′13″N4°19′22″E / 50.85361°N 4.32278°E / 50.85361; 4.32278
3 Étangs Noirs Zwarte Vijvers 1981Line 5 50°51′25″N4°19′57″E / 50.85694°N 4.33250°E / 50.85694; 4.33250
4 Comte de Flandre Graaf van Vlaanderen 1981Line 5 50°51′17″N4°20′24″E / 50.85472°N 4.34000°E / 50.85472; 4.34000
5 Sainte-Catherine Sint-Katelijne 1977Line 5 50°51′08″N4°20′52″E / 50.85222°N 4.34778°E / 50.85222; 4.34778
6 De Brouckère De Brouckère 1976Line 3, Line 4, Line 5 50°51′03″N4°21′08″E / 50.85083°N 4.35222°E / 50.85083; 4.35222
7 Gare Centrale Centraal Station 1976Line 5, NMBS/SNCB 50°50′44″N4°21′25″E / 50.84556°N 4.35694°E / 50.84556; 4.35694
8 Parc Park 1976Line 5 50°50′48″N4°21′45″E / 50.84667°N 4.36250°E / 50.84667; 4.36250
9 Arts-Loi Kunst-Wet 1976Line 2, Line 5, Line 6 50°50′44″N4°22′07″E / 50.84556°N 4.36861°E / 50.84556; 4.36861
10 Maelbeek Maalbeek 1976Line 5 50°50′38″N4°22′35″E / 50.84389°N 4.37639°E / 50.84389; 4.37639
11 Schuman Schuman 1976Line 5, NMBS/SNCB 50°50′34″N4°22′54″E / 50.84278°N 4.38167°E / 50.84278; 4.38167
12 Mérode Mérode 1976Line 5, NMBS/SNCB 50°50′22″N4°23′52″E / 50.83944°N 4.39778°E / 50.83944; 4.39778
13 Montgomery Montgomery 1976None, Outer Ring Axis,Line 7 50°50′16″N4°24′25″E / 50.83778°N 4.40694°E / 50.83778; 4.40694
14 Joséphine-Charlotte Joséphine-Charlotte 1976None 50°50′24″N4°24′46″E / 50.84000°N 4.41278°E / 50.84000; 4.41278
15 Gribaumont Gribaumont 1976None 50°50′33″N4°25′3″E / 50.84250°N 4.41750°E / 50.84250; 4.41750
16 Tomberg Tomberg 1976None 50°50′37″N4°25′29″E / 50.84361°N 4.42472°E / 50.84361; 4.42472
17 Roodebeek Roodebeek 1982None 50°50′51″N4°26′9″E / 50.84750°N 4.43583°E / 50.84750; 4.43583
18 Vandervelde Vandervelde 1982None 50°50′51″N4°26′54″E / 50.84750°N 4.44833°E / 50.84750; 4.44833
19 Alma Alma 1982None 50°51′58″N4°27′09″E / 50.86611°N 4.45250°E / 50.86611; 4.45250
20 Crainhem Kraainem 1988None 50°50′56″N4°27′30″E / 50.84889°N 4.45833°E / 50.84889; 4.45833
21 Stockel Stokkel 1988None 50°50′29″N4°27′52″E / 50.84139°N 4.46444°E / 50.84139; 4.46444

Line 2

Line 2
Line 6 to King Baudouin
(Roi Baudouin/Koning Boudewijn)
BSicon uCONTg.svg
BSicon CONTg.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon tSTRa.svg
SNCB logo.svg SimonisElisabeth
BSicon HUBaq.svg
BSicon uINT-L.svg
BSicon HUBq.svg
BSicon tINT-R.svg
BSicon HUBeq.svg
BSicon utKINTaq.svg
BSicon utkBHF2+r.svg
BSicon utkSTRc3.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon tSTR.svg
BSicon uetkBHF+4.svg
BSicon uBHF.svg
BSicon tSTRe.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utSTRa.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon tSTRc2 cerulean.svg
BSicon tSTR3+l cerulean.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon tINTq cerulean.svg
BSicon tCONTfq cerulean.svg
Rogier 3 4
BSicon utkSTRc2.svg
BSicon utkKRZ3+lto.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon utSTR2+r.svg
BSicon utSTRc3.svg
BSicon tLSTR+1 cerulean.svg
BSicon tSTRc4 cerulean.svg
BSicon tSTRc2.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon tSTR3+l.svg
BSicon tCONTfq.svg
1 5 Beekkant
BSicon lINT-L.svg
BSicon utkINT+1.svg
BSicon utINT-R.svg
BSicon utSTRc1.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon utLSTR+4.svg
BSicon tLSTR+1.svg
BSicon tSTRc4.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utSTRe.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon utLSTR2.svg
BSicon utSTRc3.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
SNCB logo.svg 1 5
(Gare de l'Ouest/Weststation)
BSicon uINT-L.svg
BSicon utINT-M.svg
BSicon INT-R.svg
BSicon utSTRc1.svg
BSicon utSTRl+4.svg
BSicon utTINTt.svg
BSicon utCONTfq.svg
Arts-Loi/Kunst-Wet 1 5
BSicon uCONTf.svg
BSicon STRc2.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon STR3.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon STRc2.svg
BSicon umtKRZ3+1.svg
BSicon STRc4.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon LSTR+1.svg
BSicon STRc4.svg
BSicon utBHFe@f.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon uhbKRZWae.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
Porte de Namur/
BSicon utBHFa@g.svg
BSicon tSTRc2 cerulean.svg
BSicon tLSTR3 cerulean.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon LSTR2.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon STRc3.svg
BSicon tSTR+l cerulean.svg
BSicon tSTRr+1 cerulean.svg
BSicon tSTRc4 cerulean.svg
BSicon STRc2.svg
BSicon LSTR3.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
SNCB logo.svg 3 4
(Gare du Midi/Zuidstation)
BSicon STRc12.svg
BSicon KINT4.svg
BSicon KINTaq.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon KINT3.svg
BSicon STRq.svg
BSicon STRr+1.svg
BSicon STRc4.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon CONT1.svg
BSicon STRc4.svg
BSicon utkSTR2.svg
BSicon utkBHF3.svg
Hôtel des Monnaies/
3 4 Porte de Hal/Hallepoort
BSicon utkSTRc1.svg
BSicon utkINTl+4.svg
BSicon utdSTRq.svg
BSicon tSTR+r cerulean.svg
BSicon utdSTRq.svg
BSicon utkSTRr+1.svg
BSicon utkSTRc4.svg
BSicon tCONTf cerulean.svg
BSicon uSTRq.svg
BSicon utSTRq.svg
metro lines
BSicon STRq cerulean.svg
BSicon tSTRq cerulean.svg
premetro lines
BSicon STRq.svg
BSicon tSTRq.svg
SNCB lines

Line 2 was expanded in April 2009 in order to connect the stations Delacroix and Gare de l'Ouest/Weststation. In this way the line now forms a loop between starting and ending in the Simonis/Elisabeth station complex, known as Simonis on its upper level and Elisabeth on its lower level. Most of this line (between Yser/IJzer and Brussels-South railway station) runs under the Brussels small ring.

#Name in FrenchName in DutchOpenedInterchangeCoordinates
1 Simonis Simonis 1982NMBS/SNCB, Line 2, Line 6, Line 6 50°51′47″N4°19′50″E / 50.86306°N 4.33056°E / 50.86306; 4.33056
2 Osseghem Ossegem 1982Line 6 50°51′25″N4°19′30″E / 50.85694°N 4.32500°E / 50.85694; 4.32500
3 Beekkant Beekkant 1981Line 1, Line 5, Line 6 50°51′13″N4°19′22″E / 50.85361°N 4.32278°E / 50.85361; 4.32278
4 Gare de l'Ouest Weststation 1982NMBS/SNCB, Line 1, Line 5, Line 6 50°50′56″N4°19′15″E / 50.84889°N 4.32083°E / 50.84889; 4.32083
5 Delacroix Delacroix 2006Line 6 50°50′42″N4°19′28″E / 50.84500°N 4.32444°E / 50.84500; 4.32444
6 Clemenceau Clemenceau 1993Line 6 50°50′28″N4°19′50″E / 50.84111°N 4.33056°E / 50.84111; 4.33056
7 Gare du Midi Zuidstation 1988NMBS/SNCB, Thalys, Eurostar, ICE,
Line 2, Line 4, Line 6
50°50′07″N4°20′07″E / 50.835161°N 4.335222°E / 50.835161; 4.335222
8 Porte de Hal Hallepoort 1988Line 6 50°50′1″N4°20′36″E / 50.83361°N 4.34333°E / 50.83361; 4.34333
9 Hôtel des Monnaies Munthof 1988Line 6 50°50′0″N4°20′58″E / 50.83333°N 4.34944°E / 50.83333; 4.34944
10 Louise Louiza 1988Line 6 50°50′18″N4°21′44″E / 50.83833°N 4.36222°E / 50.83833; 4.36222
11 Porte de Namur Naamsepoort 1988Line 6 50°50′18″N4°21′44″E / 50.83833°N 4.36222°E / 50.83833; 4.36222
12 Trône Troon 1988Line 6 50°50′28″N4°21′59″E / 50.84111°N 4.36639°E / 50.84111; 4.36639
13 Arts-Loi Kunst-Wet 1988Line 1, Line 5, Line 6 50°50′44″N4°22′07″E / 50.84556°N 4.36861°E / 50.84556; 4.36861
14 Madou Madou 1988Line 6 50°51′0″N4°22′8″E / 50.85000°N 4.36889°E / 50.85000; 4.36889
15 Botanique Kruidtuin 1988Line 6 50°51′13″N4°21′57″E / 50.85361°N 4.36583°E / 50.85361; 4.36583
16 Rogier Rogier 1988Line 3, Line 4, Line 6 50°51′13″N4°21′57″E / 50.85361°N 4.36583°E / 50.85361; 4.36583
17 Yser IJzer 1988Line 6 50°51′26″N4°21′6″E / 50.85722°N 4.35167°E / 50.85722; 4.35167
18 Ribaucourt Ribaucourt 1988Line 6 50°51′47″N4°19′50″E / 50.86306°N 4.33056°E / 50.86306; 4.33056
19 Elisabeth Elisabeth 1988NMBS/SNCB, Line 2, Line 6, Line 6 50°51′47″N4°19′50″E / 50.86306°N 4.33056°E / 50.86306; 4.33056

Line 5

Line 5
BSicon PORTALf.svg
BSicon uKBHFa.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
Eddy Merckx
BSicon utSKRZ-G4.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
La Roue/Het Rad
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utKDSTaq.svg
BSicon utABZgr.svg
Jacques Brel/Molenbeek Depot
BSicon utBHF.svg
Jacques Brel
BSicon utCONTg.svg
BSicon utSTRe.svg
BSicon utdINT-L.svg
BSicon udKINTa-M.svg
BSicon udINT-R.svg
(Gare de l'Ouest/Weststation)
1 2 6 SNCB logo.svg
BSicon utdSTR.svg
BSicon uv-SHI2g+r.svg
BSicon PORTALf.svg
BSicon utINT-L.svg
BSicon utINT-R.svg
Beekkant 1 2 6
BSicon utSTRl.svg
BSicon utKRZtu.svg
BSicon utLSTR+r.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
Étangs Noirs/Zwarte Vijvers 1
BSicon utINT.svg
Comte de Flandre/
Graaf van Vlaanderen
BSicon utbKRZW.svg
Brussels-Charleroi Canal
BSicon utINT.svg
Sainte-Catherine/Sint-Katelijne 1
BSicon tCONTgq cerulean.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon tSTRq cerulean.svg
BSicon tCONTfq cerulean.svg
De Brouckère 1 3 4
BSicon tCONTgq.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon tSTRq.svg
BSicon tCONTfq.svg
Brussels Central
(Gare Centrale/Centraal Station)
1 SNCB logo.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon utCONTgq.svg
BSicon utTINTt.svg
BSicon utLSTRr.svg
Arts-Loi/Kunst-Wet 1 2 6
BSicon utINT.svg
Maelbeek/Maalbeek 1
BSicon PORTALl.svg
BSicon CONTgq.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon tSTRq.svg
BSicon tCONTfq.svg
Schuman 1 SNCB logo.svg
BSicon utUST.svg
BSicon tSTR+l.svg
BSicon lCONTf@Fq.svg
BSicon utINT-L.svg
BSicon tINT-R.svg
Merode 1 SNCB logo.svg
BSicon utABZgl.svg
BSicon mtKRZt.svg
BSicon ulCONTf@Fq.svg
BSicon PORTALg.svg
BSicon uBHF.svg
BSicon tSTRe.svg
BSicon STRc2.svg
BSicon uBHF.svg
BSicon STR3.svg
BSicon STRc2.svg
BSicon uBHF.svg
BSicon tSTR3+1ae.svg
BSicon STRc4.svg
BSicon lINT-L.svg
BSicon INT+1.svg
BSicon STRc4.svg
BSicon uINT-R.svg
Delta SNCB logo.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon uexKRW+l.svg
BSicon uABZgl.svg
BSicon PORTALf.svg
BSicon ueKRWgr.svg
BSicon uKDSTeq.svg
Delta Depot
BSicon CONTf.svg
BSicon utSTRe.svg
BSicon uBHF.svg
BSicon PORTALf.svg
BSicon uBHF.svg
BSicon utKBHFe.svg
BSicon uSTRq.svg
BSicon utSTRq.svg
metro lines
BSicon STRq cerulean.svg
BSicon tSTRq cerulean.svg
premetro lines
BSicon STRq.svg
BSicon tSTRq.svg
SNCB lines

The Line 5 replaces the former Line 1A since 4 April 2009 between Herrmann-Debroux and Beekkant. The section of former Line 1A between Beekkant and King Baudouin is now serviced by Line 6. The section of Line 5 between Beekkant and Erasme/Erasmus was formerly serviced by Line 1B.

#Name in FrenchName in DutchOpenedInterchangeCoordinates
1 Erasme Erasmus 2003None 50°48′54″N4°16′0″E / 50.81500°N 4.26667°E / 50.81500; 4.26667
2 Eddy Merckx Eddy Merckx 2003None 50°49′00″N4°16′31″E / 50.81667°N 4.27528°E / 50.81667; 4.27528
3 CERIA COOVI 2003None 50°48′58″N4°17′24″E / 50.81611°N 4.29000°E / 50.81611; 4.29000
4 La Roue Het Rad 2003None 50°49′15″N4°17′37″E / 50.82083°N 4.29361°E / 50.82083; 4.29361
5 Bizet Bizet 1992None 50°49′30″N4°17′52″E / 50.82500°N 4.29778°E / 50.82500; 4.29778
6 Veeweyde Veeweide 1985None 50°49′42″N4°18′0″E / 50.82833°N 4.30000°E / 50.82833; 4.30000
7 Saint-Guidon Sint-Guido 1982None 50°51′03″N4°21′08″E / 50.85083°N 4.35222°E / 50.85083; 4.35222
8 Aumale Aumale 1982None 50°50′22″N4°18′44″E / 50.83944°N 4.31222°E / 50.83944; 4.31222
9 Jacques Brel Jacques Brel 1982None 50°50′42″N4°19′07″E / 50.84500°N 4.31861°E / 50.84500; 4.31861
10 Gare de l'Ouest Weststation 1982NMBS/SNCB, Line 1, Line 2, Line 6 50°50′56″N4°19′15″E / 50.84889°N 4.32083°E / 50.84889; 4.32083
11 Beekkant Beekkant 1981Line 1, Line 2, Line 6 50°51′13″N4°19′22″E / 50.85361°N 4.32278°E / 50.85361; 4.32278
12 Étangs Noirs Zwarte Vijvers 1981Line 1 50°51′25″N4°19′57″E / 50.85694°N 4.33250°E / 50.85694; 4.33250
13 Comte de Flandre Graaf van Vlaanderen 1981Line 1 50°51′17″N4°20′24″E / 50.85472°N 4.34000°E / 50.85472; 4.34000
14 Sainte-Catherine Sint-Katelijne 1977Line 1 50°51′08″N4°20′52″E / 50.85222°N 4.34778°E / 50.85222; 4.34778
15 De Brouckère De Brouckère 1976Line 1, Line 3, Line 4 50°51′03″N4°21′08″E / 50.85083°N 4.35222°E / 50.85083; 4.35222
16 Gare Centrale Centraal Station 1976Line 1, NMBS/SNCB 50°50′44″N4°21′25″E / 50.84556°N 4.35694°E / 50.84556; 4.35694
17 Parc Park 1976Line 1 50°50′48″N4°21′45″E / 50.84667°N 4.36250°E / 50.84667; 4.36250
18 Arts-Loi Kunst-Wet 1976Line 1, Line 2, Line 6 50°50′44″N4°22′07″E / 50.84556°N 4.36861°E / 50.84556; 4.36861
19 Maelbeek Maalbeek 1976Line 1 50°50′38″N4°22′35″E / 50.84389°N 4.37639°E / 50.84389; 4.37639
20 Schuman Schuman 1976Line 1, NMBS/SNCB 50°50′34″N4°22′54″E / 50.84278°N 4.38167°E / 50.84278; 4.38167
21 Mérode Mérode 1976Line 1, NMBS/SNCB 50°50′22″N4°23′52″E / 50.83944°N 4.39778°E / 50.83944; 4.39778
22 Thieffry Thieffry 1976None 50°49′58″N4°24′6″E / 50.83278°N 4.40167°E / 50.83278; 4.40167
23 Pétillon Pétillon 1976None 50°49′38″N4°24′13″E / 50.82722°N 4.40361°E / 50.82722; 4.40361
24 Hankar Hankar 1976None 50°49′38″N4°24′13″E / 50.82722°N 4.40361°E / 50.82722; 4.40361
25 Delta Delta 1976None 50°49′08″N4°24′15″E / 50.81889°N 4.40417°E / 50.81889; 4.40417
26 Beaulieu Beaulieu 1976None 50°48′54″N4°24′34″E / 50.81500°N 4.40944°E / 50.81500; 4.40944
27 Demey Demey 1977None 50°48′48″N4°25′15″E / 50.81333°N 4.42083°E / 50.81333; 4.42083
28 Herrmann-Debroux Herrmann-Debroux 1985None 50°48′45″N4°25′41″E / 50.81250°N 4.42806°E / 50.81250; 4.42806

Line 6

Line 6
King Baudouin
(Roi Baudouin/Koning Boudewijn)
BSicon utKBHFa.svg
7 Heysel/Heizel
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon PORTALf.svg
BSicon PORTALg.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
SNCB logo.svg Bockstael
BSicon CONTgq.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon TUNNEL1q.svg
BSicon ABZq+r.svg
BSicon CONTfq.svg
BSicon utBHFe@g.svg
BSicon eBHF.svg
BSicon uBHF.svg
BSicon tSTRa.svg
SNCB logo.svg SimonisElisabeth
BSicon HUBaq.svg
BSicon uINT-L.svg
BSicon HUBq.svg
BSicon tINT-R.svg
BSicon HUBeq.svg
BSicon utKINTaq.svg
BSicon utkBHF2+r.svg
BSicon utkSTRc3.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon tSTR.svg
BSicon uetkBHF+4.svg
BSicon uBHF.svg
BSicon tSTRe.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utSTRa.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon tSTRc2 cerulean.svg
BSicon tSTR3+l cerulean.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon tINTq cerulean.svg
BSicon tCONTfq cerulean.svg
Rogier 3 4
BSicon utkSTRc2.svg
BSicon utkKRZ3+lto.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon utSTR2+r.svg
BSicon utSTRc3.svg
BSicon tLSTR+1 cerulean.svg
BSicon tSTRc4 cerulean.svg
BSicon tSTRc2.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon tSTR3+l.svg
BSicon tCONTfq.svg
1 5 Beekkant
BSicon lINT-L.svg
BSicon utkINT+1.svg
BSicon utINT-R.svg
BSicon utSTRc1.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon utLSTR+4.svg
BSicon tLSTR+1.svg
BSicon tSTRc4.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utSTRe.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon utLSTR2.svg
BSicon utSTRc3.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
SNCB logo.svg 1 5
(Gare de l'Ouest/Weststation)
BSicon uINT-L.svg
BSicon utINT-M.svg
BSicon INT-R.svg
BSicon utSTRc1.svg
BSicon utSTRl+4.svg
BSicon utTINTt.svg
BSicon utCONTfq.svg
Arts-Loi/Kunst-Wet 1 5
BSicon uCONTf.svg
BSicon STRc2.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon STR3.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon STRc2.svg
BSicon umtKRZ3+1.svg
BSicon STRc4.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon LSTR+1.svg
BSicon STRc4.svg
BSicon utBHFe@f.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon uhbKRZWae.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
Porte de Namur/
BSicon utBHFa@g.svg
BSicon tSTRc2 cerulean.svg
BSicon tLSTR3 cerulean.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon LSTR2.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon STRc3.svg
BSicon tSTR+l cerulean.svg
BSicon tSTRr+1 cerulean.svg
BSicon tSTRc4 cerulean.svg
BSicon STRc2.svg
BSicon LSTR3.svg
BSicon utBHF.svg
SNCB logo.svg 3 4
(Gare du Midi/Zuidstation)
BSicon STRc12.svg
BSicon KINT4.svg
BSicon KINTaq.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon KINT3.svg
BSicon STRq.svg
BSicon STRr+1.svg
BSicon STRc4.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
BSicon CONT1.svg
BSicon STRc4.svg
BSicon utkSTR2.svg
BSicon utkBHF3.svg
Hôtel des Monnaies/
3 4 Porte de Hal/Hallepoort
BSicon utkSTRc1.svg
BSicon utkINTl+4.svg
BSicon utdSTRq.svg
BSicon tSTR+r cerulean.svg
BSicon utdSTRq.svg
BSicon utkSTRr+1.svg
BSicon utkSTRc4.svg
BSicon tCONTf cerulean.svg
BSicon uSTRq.svg
BSicon utSTRq.svg
metro lines
BSicon STRq cerulean.svg
BSicon tSTRq cerulean.svg
premetro lines
BSicon STRq.svg
BSicon tSTRq.svg
SNCB lines

Line 6 replaces the former Line 1A between Beekkant and King Baudouin since 4 April 2009. It also runs under the Brussels small ring as does Line 2.

#Name in FrenchName in DutchOpenedInterchangeCoordinates
1 Roi Baudouin Koning Boudewijn 1998None 50°53′47″N4°19′40″E / 50.89639°N 4.32778°E / 50.89639; 4.32778
2 Heysel Heizel 1985Line 7 50°53′47″N4°20′12″E / 50.89639°N 4.33667°E / 50.89639; 4.33667
3 Houba-Brugmann Houba-Brugmann 1985None 50°53′25″N4°20′13″E / 50.89028°N 4.33694°E / 50.89028; 4.33694
4 Stuyvenbergh Stuyvenbergh 1985None 50°53′10″N4°20′30″E / 50.88611°N 4.34167°E / 50.88611; 4.34167
5 Bockstael Bockstael 1982None 50°52′39″N4°20′51″E / 50.87750°N 4.34750°E / 50.87750; 4.34750
6 Pannenhuis Pannenhuis 1982None 50°52′22″N4°20′31″E / 50.87278°N 4.34194°E / 50.87278; 4.34194
7 Belgica Belgica 1982None 50°52′4″N4°20′10″E / 50.86778°N 4.33611°E / 50.86778; 4.33611
8 Simonis Simonis 1982NMBS/SNCB, Line 2, Line 2, Line 6 50°51′47″N4°19′50″E / 50.86306°N 4.33056°E / 50.86306; 4.33056
9 Osseghem Ossegem 1982Line 2 50°51′25″N4°19′30″E / 50.85694°N 4.32500°E / 50.85694; 4.32500
10 Beekkant Beekkant 1981Line 1, Line 2, Line 5 50°51′13″N4°19′22″E / 50.85361°N 4.32278°E / 50.85361; 4.32278
11 Gare de l'Ouest Weststation 1982NMBS/SNCB, Line 1, Line 2, Line 5 50°50′56″N4°19′15″E / 50.84889°N 4.32083°E / 50.84889; 4.32083
12 Delacroix Delacroix 2006Line 2 50°50′42″N4°19′28″E / 50.84500°N 4.32444°E / 50.84500; 4.32444
13 Clemenceau Clemenceau 1993Line 2 50°50′28″N4°19′50″E / 50.84111°N 4.33056°E / 50.84111; 4.33056
14 Gare du Midi Zuidstation 1988NMBS/SNCB, Thalys, Eurostar, ICE,
Line 2, Line 3, Line 4
50°50′07″N4°20′07″E / 50.835161°N 4.335222°E / 50.835161; 4.335222
15 Porte de Hal Hallepoort 1988Line 2 50°50′1″N4°20′36″E / 50.83361°N 4.34333°E / 50.83361; 4.34333
16 Hôtel des Monnaies Munthof 1988Line 2 50°50′0″N4°20′58″E / 50.83333°N 4.34944°E / 50.83333; 4.34944
17 Louise Louiza 1988Line 2 50°50′18″N4°21′44″E / 50.83833°N 4.36222°E / 50.83833; 4.36222
18 Porte de Namur Naamsepoort 1988Line 2 50°50′18″N4°21′44″E / 50.83833°N 4.36222°E / 50.83833; 4.36222
19 Trône Troon 1988Line 2 50°50′28″N4°21′59″E / 50.84111°N 4.36639°E / 50.84111; 4.36639
20 Arts-Loi Kunst-Wet 1988Line 1, Line 2, Line 5 50°50′44″N4°22′07″E / 50.84556°N 4.36861°E / 50.84556; 4.36861
21 Madou Madou 1988Line 2 50°51′0″N4°22′8″E / 50.85000°N 4.36889°E / 50.85000; 4.36889
22 Botanique Kruidtuin 1988Line 2 50°51′13″N4°21′57″E / 50.85361°N 4.36583°E / 50.85361; 4.36583
23 Rogier Rogier 1988Line 2, Line 3, Line 4 50°51′13″N4°21′57″E / 50.85361°N 4.36583°E / 50.85361; 4.36583
24 Yser IJzer 1988Line 2 50°51′26″N4°21′6″E / 50.85722°N 4.35167°E / 50.85722; 4.35167
25 Ribaucourt Ribaucourt 1988Line 2 50°51′47″N4°19′50″E / 50.86306°N 4.33056°E / 50.86306; 4.33056
26 Elisabeth Elisabeth 1988NMBS/SNCB, Line 2, Line 2, Line 6 50°51′47″N4°19′50″E / 50.86306°N 4.33056°E / 50.86306; 4.33056

North-South Axis

Brussels Premetro
North-South Axis
BSicon ulCONTg@G.svg
BSicon utSTRa@f.svg
4 25 55
BSicon utINT.svg
(Gare du Nord/Noordstation)
SNCB logo.svg 4
BSicon utCONTgq.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon utINTq.svg
BSicon utCONTfq.svg
Rogier 2 6
BSicon utCONTgq.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon utINTq.svg
BSicon utCONTfq.svg
De Brouckère 1 5
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon utHST.svg
BSicon exlINT.svg
BSicon PORTALl.svg
BSicon uCONTgq.svg
BSicon utABZg+r.svg
51 82
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon PORTALl.svg
BSicon uCONTgq.svg
BSicon utABZg+r.svg
BSicon utCONTgq.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon utINTq.svg
BSicon utCONTfq.svg
(Gare du Midi/Zuidstation)
SNCB logo.svg Eurostar icon RDT.svg 2 6
BSicon PORTALl.svg
BSicon uCONTgq.svg
BSicon utABZgr.svg
81 82
BSicon utINT.svg
Porte de Hal/Hallepoort 2 6
BSicon utBHF.svg
Parvis de Saint-Gilles/
Sint-Gillis Voorplein
BSicon utINT.svg
Horta 81 97
BSicon utBHF.svg
BSicon PORTAL1c2.svg
BSicon FRMc2.svg
BSicon PORTALc3.svg
BSicon utABZ23.svg
BSicon PORTAL4c3.svg
BSicon PORTALc1.svg
BSicon uCONT1.svg
BSicon PORTAL4c1.svg
BSicon PORTAL1c4.svg
BSicon FRMc4.svg
BSicon uCONT4.svg
513 4

The Brussels tram routes 3 and 4 use the North-South Axis and run on surface outside the city centre. The common section offers a high service frequency during daytime hours between Vanderkindere in the municipality of Uccle and the Brussels-North railway station. It shares 4 connections with metro lines and also links two major train stations with access to Thalys and Eurostar trains at Brussels-South railway station.

#Name in FrenchName in DutchOpenedInterchangeCoordinates
1 Gare du Nord Noordstation 1976NMBS/SNCB
2 Rogier Rogier 1976Line 2, Line 6 50°51′13″N4°21′57″E / 50.85361°N 4.36583°E / 50.85361; 4.36583
3 De Brouckère De Brouckère 1976Line 1, Line 5 50°51′03″N4°21′08″E / 50.85083°N 4.35222°E / 50.85083; 4.35222
4 Bourse Beurs 1976None
5 Anneessens Anneessens 1976None
6 Lemonnier Lemonnier 1976None
7 Gare du Midi Zuidstation 1988NMBS/SNCB, Thalys, Eurostar, ICE, Line 2, Line 6 50°50′07″N4°20′07″E / 50.835161°N 4.335222°E / 50.835161; 4.335222
8 Porte de Hal Hallepoort 1988Line 2, Line 6 50°50′1″N4°20′36″E / 50.83361°N 4.34333°E / 50.83361; 4.34333
9 Parvis de Saint-Gilles Sint-Gillis Voorplein 1993None
10 Horta Horta 1993None
11 Albert Albert 1993None

Greater Ring Axis

Brussels Premetro
Greater Ring
BSicon uCONTg.svg
to Heysel/Heizel
BSicon PORTALf.svg
BSicon uCSTRa@g.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
Georges Henri
BSicon utCONTgq.svg
BSicon utTINTt.svg
BSicon utCONTfq.svg
BSicon utINT.svg
BSicon PORTALg.svg
BSicon uCSTRe@f.svg
BSicon uCONTf.svg
to Vandekindere

The Greater Ring Axis is an underground section under the greater ring of Brussels used by tram routes 7, and 25.

#Name in FrenchName in DutchOpenedInterchangeCoordinates
1 Diamant Diamant 1972None
2 Georges Henri Georges Henri 1975None
3 Montgomery Montgomery 1975Line 1
4 Boileau Boileau 1975None

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Brussels tram route 51</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Brussels Metro line 1</span> Metro line in Brussels

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Brussels Metro line 2</span> Rapid transit line

Line 2 on the Brussels Metro is a rapid transit line in Brussels, Belgium operated by STIB/MIVB. It exists in its current form since April 4, 2009, when the section between Delacroix metro station and Gare de l'Ouest/Weststation was opened, which allowed to close the loop from and to Simonis/Elisabeth. The configuration of the Simonis/Elisabeth metro station though does not allow trains on the line 2 to be able to perform the loop several consecutive times in the same direction, i.e. a train running clockwise from Elisabeth will have to run counterclockwise from Simonis. The two termini of line 2 have thus received different names: originally Simonis (Elisabeth) and Simonis , changed in November 2013 to Elisabeth and Simonis. Between the Yser/IJzer metro station and the Porte de Hal/Hallepoort station, the line runs under the small ring road of Brussels, which is itself built on the former Second walls of Brussels.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Brussels Metro line 5</span> Metro line in Brussels

Line 5 on the Brussels Metro is a rapid transit line operated by STIB/MIVB, which connects Herrmann-Debroux at the south-east of Brussels, Belgium to Erasme/Erasmus at the south-west via the city center. It exists in its current form since April 4, 2009, when the section of former line 1A between Beekkant and King Baudouin was replaced by the section of former line 1B between Beekkant and Erasme. Starting from Herrmann-Debroux, the line crosses the municipalities of Auderghem, Etterbeek, City of Brussels, Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, Koekelberg and Anderlecht. It serves 28 metro stations and has a common section with line 1 between Gare de l'Ouest/Weststation and Mérode station, and with lines 2 and 6 between West station and Beekkant. At Arts-Loi/Kunst-Wet the line also connects with lines 2 and 6. Railway connections are possible at Brussels-Central railway station, Schuman station, Mérode and West station.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Brussels Metro line 6</span> Metro line in Brussels

Line 6 of the Brussels Metro is a rapid transit line operated by STIB/MIVB, which connects King Baudouin metro station at the north-west of Brussels, Belgium to Simonis metro station at the north-west of the city center, then performing a counterclockwise loop around the center up to Simonis again. During this loop, the line runs under the small ring road of Brussels from Porte de Hal/Hallepoort station to Yser/IJzer metro station. It serves 25 metro stations and has 26 stops, metros on that line stopping twice at Simonis. It exists in its current form since 4 April 2009, when it replaced the former Line 1A between King Baudouin and Beekkant. The loop Simonis-Simonis is also served by line 2. The line has also a common section with lines 1 and line 5 between Gare de l'Ouest/Weststation and Beekkant. A connection with those lines is also possible at Arts-Loi/Kunst-Wet. Starting from King Baudouin, the line crosses the municipalities of the City of Brussels, Jette, Koekelberg, Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, Anderlecht and Saint-Gilles.

The North–South Axis is a tram tunnel in Brussels, Belgium, which crosses the city centre from North to South between Brussels-North railway station and Albert premetro station.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lemonnier premetro station</span> Metro station in Brussels, Belgium

Lemonnier premetro station is a premetro station in central Brussels, Belgium, located near the crossroads between the Boulevard Maurice Lemonnier/Maurice Lemonnierlaan and the Small Ring.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Brussels tram route 7</span> Tram route in Brussels

The Brussels premetro and tramline 7 connects the Vanderkindere stop in Uccle with the Heizel/Heysel stop in Laeken, where connecting services of tram 51, metro 6, bus 84 and bus 88 depart. The colour of the signage for this line is bright yellow.