List of coronae on Venus

Last updated

This is a list of named coronae on Venus . With a few exceptions, cytherean coronae are named after fertility and earth goddesses.


List of coronae on Venus

NameLatitudeLongitudeDiameter (km)Named after
Abundia Corona 18.5125250 Norse goddess of giving.
Achall Corona −31.2259.6265 Celtic earth and nature goddess.
Acrea Corona 24.2243.7200 Greek resplendent mother goddess.
Aeracura Corona −19238.5250 Celtic earth goddess.
Agraulos Corona −27.7165.8170 Greek fertility goddess.
Ak-Ene Corona 9.4254.7150 Altay Great Mother, "White Mother."
Allatu Corona 15.5114125 Akkadian earth goddess.
Ama Corona −45.7278.2300 Jukun (Central Nigeria) goddess of childbirth, personification of earth.
Ambar-ona Corona −7082.5550 Uzbek women's and fertility goddess.
Ament Corona −67.2217.9115 Egyptian earth goddess.
Among Corona −13.4213.5210 Karen(Burma/Myanmar) mythological first woman.
Anahit Corona 77.1277.3324 Armenian goddess of fertility.
Annapurna Corona −35.5152300Indian goddess of wealth.
Aramaiti Corona −26.382350 Persian fertility goddess.
Artemis Corona −351352,600 Greek moon and hunting goddess.
Aruru Corona 9262450 Sumerian earth goddess.
Ashnan Corona 50.2357300 Sumerian harvest goddess.
Asintmah Corona 25.9208150 Athabaskan (W. Canada Subarctic) Earth and nature goddess; the first woman on Earth.
Asomama Corona 23.321.6180 Quechua potato goddess.
Aspasia Corona 56.1189.1200Name changed from Aspasia Patera.
Atahensik Corona −19170700 Huron/Iroquois goddess, creator of the sun and moon.
Atargatis Corona −88.6360 Hittite fertility goddess.
Atete Corona −16243.5600 Oromo (Ethiopia) fertility goddess.
Atse Estsan Corona 8.592150 Navajo fertility goddess.
Attabeira Corona −1.5211.5240 Taino (Puerto Rico) fertility goddess.
Audhumla Corona 45.512225 Norse primordial nourisher.
Azham Corona 66.4252.7380 Karachay/Balkar goddess
Bachue Corona 73.3261.4463 Chibcha (Colombia) goddess of fertility.
Baʽhet Corona 48.40.1145Baʽḥet, Egyptian personification of abundance. Formerly Ba'het Patera.
Banba Corona −47.2209.2110Irish earth goddess.
Bau Corona 52.8259.3355Sumerian fertility goddess.
Beiwe Corona 52.6306.5600Saami (Lapp) fertility goddess.
Belet-Ili Corona 620300Mesopotamian nature/fertility goddess.
Benten Corona 16340310Japanese love/fertility goddess.
Benzozia Corona 27.5204.5185Basque mother goddess.
Beruth Corona −19233.5350Phoenician earth goddess.
Beyla Corona 26.515.5400Norse earth goddess.
Bhumidevi Corona −17.2343.6150Hindu earth goddess.
Bhumiya Corona 15118100Hindu earth goddess.
Bibi-Patma Corona −47302450Turkman goddess of women.
Bil Corona 3168225Norse-Viking Earth and nature goddess.
Blai Corona −0.4134.5125Celtic fertility goddess.
Blathnat Corona 35293.8300Celtic fertility goddess.
Blid Corona −0.5231.3175Scandinavian goddess of Earth, nature, and happiness.
Boala Corona −70359220Mongo-Nkundo (Bantu group, Zaire) the first woman, ancestor of people.
Boann Corona 27136.5300Irish fertility goddess.
Bona Corona −24157.5275Roman virgin/fertility goddess.
Branwen Corona 2735320British goddess of love.
Cailleach Corona −4888.3125Scottish Celtic fertility goddess.
Calakomana Corona 6.543.5575Pueblo Indian corn goddess.
Carpo Corona −37.53215Greek fertility goddess.
Cassatt Corona 65.6207.6152 Mary Cassatt; American Impressionist painter (1844–1926). Formerly Cassatt Patera.
Cauteovan Corona 31.5142.9553Kataba (Colombia) fertility goddess.
Cavell Corona 38.318.8100 Edith Cavell; British nurse, heroine (1865–1915). (Formerly Cavell Patera.)
Ceres Corona −16151.5675Roman harvest goddess.
Cerridwen Corona 49.6201.8217Celtic nature goddess.
Changko Corona 10.96.2200Kachin (Burma/Myanmar) mother of all humans.
Chantico Corona −1.7215200Aztec hearth goddess.
Chanume Corona −29.2245.5330Kachin (Tibetan people of Burma/Myanmar) creator goddess.
Chiun Corona 18.3340.5150Hebrew fertility goddess.
Chuku Corona −23.5265.5380Igbo (Nigeria) creator goddess.
Clonia Corona 16167.4100Greek Earth and nature goddess.
Coatlicue Corona 63.2273199Aztec earth goddess.
Codidon Corona −4656250Arauakan (Colombia) great mother goddess.
Colijnsplaat Corona −32151350Teutonic fertility goddess.
Copia Corona −42.575.5500Roman goddess of plenty.
Cybele Corona −7.520.7500Phrygian fertility goddess.
Damona Corona 48.928140Gaulish fertility goddess, "Great Cow".
Demeter Corona 53.9294.8560Greek goddess of fertility.
Demvamvit Corona −65.538370Gurage (SW Ethiopia) women's goddess.
Deohako Corona −67.5118300Seneca Iroquois spirit of crops.
Derceto Corona −46.820.2200Philistine fertility goddess.
Dhisana Corona 14.5111.7100Vedic goddess of plenty.
Dhorani Corona −8243200Thai earth and love goddess.
Didilia Corona 1938320E. Slavic childbirth goddess.
Dilga Corona −18.7250.4220Karadjeri (NW Australia) Earth goddess.
Disani Corona 2.757.5300Nuristan (NE Afghanistan) fertility goddess.
Dunne-Musun Corona −6085630Evenk (Tungu) earth and taiga mistress.
Dyamenyuo Corona −57.542.5200Enets (Samoyed) women's and childbirth deity.
Dzuzdi Corona 35.220.680W. Komi-Permyakan (Ural Finn) mythological ancestor of Zyuzdino tribes, Upper Kama River area.
Earhart Corona 70.1136.2414 Amelia Earhart; American aviator (1897–1937).
Edda Corona 47.225.450Scandinavian goddess, "great grandmother", first woman to produce offspring.
Eigin Corona −5175200Celtic fertility goddess.
Eingana Corona 5350375Australian aboriginal snake goddess, maker of all beings.
Eithinoha Corona −577.5500Iroquois earth goddess.
Ekhe-Burkhan Corona −5040600Buryatian creator goddess.
Elihino Corona -3747.1175Cherokee Earth goddess
Emblae Corona 28.9205.4132Scandinavian Earth goddess, creator of life.
Emegeljie Corona −21.5213.5225Mongolian childcare goddess.
Emegen Corona 37.5290.5180Tuva (S. Siberia) childcare goddess.
Enekeler Corona −46264350Altay childbirth goddess.
Epona Corona −28208.5225Celtic horse/fertility goddess.
Ereshkigal Corona 2184.5320Mesopotamian nature/fertility goddess.
Erigone Corona −34.5284325Greek harvest goddess.
Erkir Corona −16.3233.7275Armenian earth goddess.
Eurynome Corona 26.594.5200Greek mother earth goddess.
Eve Corona −32359.8330Hebrew first name; name changed from Eve (crater).
Fakahotu Corona 59.1106.4290Tuamotu earth mother.
Fatua Corona −16.317.7400Roman goddess of fertility.
Fefafa Corona −24.8210.8100Polynesian goddess of Earth, nature, and the life/death cycle.
Feronia Corona 68281.7360Ancient Italian goddess of spring and flowers.
Flidais Corona −24.5177.3150Irish fertility goddess.
Fotla Corona −58.5163.5150Celtic fertility goddess.
Furachoga Corona −38258550Chibcha/Muiska earth goddess.
Gaia Corona 621.5400Greek earth/fertility goddess.
Gashan-Ki Corona 11.7243.7225Babylonian "Lady of the Earth."
Gefjun Corona −33.598.5300Norse fertility goddess.
Gertjon Corona −30276250Teutonic goddess of fertility.
Habonde Corona 381.8125Danish goddess of abundance.
Hannahannas Corona 0170.5200 Ḫannaḫanna, Hittite (Asia Minor) mother and insect goddess.
Haumea Corona 5421.8375Polynesian fertility goddess.
Heng-o Corona 23551,060Named for Chinese moon goddess.
Hepat Corona −2145.5150Hittite mother goddess.
Heqet Corona 7169.5250 Heqet,Egyptian fertility goddess.
Hervor Corona −25.5269250Norse fertility goddess.
Hlineu Corona −38.7241150Chin/Kieng (Burma/Myanmar, Bangladesh) ancestor goddess.
Holde Corona 53.5155.8200German fertility goddess.
Holla Corona −13237.7180German Earth, nature, and household affairs goddess.
Hulda Corona 12308.3230German goddess of fruitfulness and marriage.
Húraru Corona 968150Pawnee húraaruʼ "earth, land"
Iang-Mdiye Corona −4786300 Ede (Vietnam) goddess of rice.
Idem-Kuva Corona 25358230Finno-Ugraic harvest spirit.
Ilmatar Corona 34.325110Finnish sky goddess, creator of the world.
Ilyana Corona −69.565300Moldavian main female deity.
Inacho Corona −20.5212.2125Micronesian Earth and nature goddess.
Inanna Corona −3735.9350Semitic fertility goddess.
Inari Corona −18120.3300Japanese rice goddess.
Indrani Corona −37.570.5200Hindu fertility goddess.
Isong Corona 1249.2540Ibibio (Nigeria) fertility goddess.
Ituana Corona 19.5153.5220Amazon River goddess, "Mother Scorpion", afterworld ruler.
Iweridd Corona −21310500Brythonic (English Celtic) earth goddess.
Ixcuina Corona −47.5207.5150Aztec earth and fertility goddess.
Iyatik Corona −16.5347.5200 Iyatik, Keresan Pueblo (New Mexico) corn mother.
Jarina Corona 13165250Brazilian Earth, tree, and happiness goddess.
Javine Corona −5.5251.2450Lithuanian harvest goddess.
Jord Corona −58.5349.5130 Jord, Norse earth goddess.
Juksakka Corona −19.544.5320 Juksakka,Lapp goddess of birth.
Junkgowa Corona 37257280 Yolngu (Australia) fertility goddess.
Kaltash Corona 0.575450 Mansi (Ob River Ugra) mother goddess.
Kamadhenu Corona 21136.5400Hindu goddess of plenty.
Kamui-Huci Corona −63.5322.5300Ainu (Japan) earth goddess.
Kapenopfu Corona −21.7271200Angami-Naga (Burma/Myanmar) creator goddess.
Katieleo Corona −12.5327.5210Senufo (Burkina Faso) creator goddess.
Kayanu-Hime Corona 33.557150Shinto grain goddess.
Khabuchi Corona −11173285Avarian/Andalalan (Daghestan) childbirth deity.
Khotun Corona −46.581.5200Yakut goddess of plenty.
Ki Corona 43.2227.8300Sumerian earth goddess.
Kolias Corona −16.5207.9200Greek Earth, nature, and foothills goddess.
Kostromae Corona 40.67.6230E. Slavic female deity of spring and fertility.
Krumine Corona −5261.5300Lithuanian food goddess.
Kuan-Yin Corona −4.310310Chinese fertility goddess.
Kubebe Corona 15.5132.5125Hittite mother earth goddess.
Kulimina Corona −27.8261.9170Arawakan (Brazil, Venezuela) creator goddess who created women.
Kumang Corona 2511.840Mother goddess of Ibans, the Sea Dayaks of Borneo/Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Kunhild Corona 19.380.1200German fertility maiden.
Lalohonua Corona −24250.5460The first woman in Hawaiian mythology.
Latmikaik Corona −64123500Palau (Micronesia) fertility and childbirth goddess.
Latta Corona −38.6287225Chechen/Ingush (N. Caucasus, Russia) earth goddess.
Lengdin Corona 2.5223525Chinese Earth goddess.
Libera Corona 12.524350Roman fertility goddess.
Lilwani Corona −29.5271.5500Hittite earth goddess.
Ludjatako Corona −12.5250.5300Creek (SE USA) Giant turtle deity. Name changed from Ludjatako Mons.
Lumimuut Corona −11.5234.5230Minahas (N. Sulavesi, Indonesia) ancestor goddess.
Ma Corona −22.557420Fertility goddess from Asia Minor.
Maa-Ema Corona 40.8102.5300Estonian harvest goddess.
Madalait Corona 37.6206.4150Australian creator goddess; "Creator of life".
Madderakka Corona 9315.5220Lapp goddess of birth.
Makh Corona −48.785200Assyro-Babylonian goddess of fecundity.
Mama-Allpa Corona −2731300Peruvian harvest goddess.
Maram Corona −7.5221.5600Oromo (Ethiopia) fertility goddess.
Mari Corona 54151200Cretan goddess of plenty.
Marzyana Corona −5367.5550West Slavic grain and fertility goddess.
Masateotl Corona −53244180Aztec goddess of love and fertility.
Maslenitsa Corona 77202.50Slavonic personification of fertility.
Mawu Corona 31.7241.3295Fon (Benin) goddess of fertility.
Maya Corona 2398225Hindu mother earth goddess.
Mayauel Corona −27.5154200Mexican goddess of plenty.
May-Enensi Corona −42.568330Teleutan (S. Altay) fertility goddess.
Mesca Corona 27342.6190Irish fertility goddess.
Metra Corona 2697.7101Persian fertility/moon goddess.
Minona Corona 23.5218.5130Benin (W. Africa) goddess who grants fertility to both women and the land.
Miralaidji Corona −14163.8300Aborigine fertility goddess.
Mirizir Corona −66.418570Kassitan (Babylonia) earth and fertility goddess.
Miti Corona −3.5259.8180Koryak and Itelmen (Kamchatka) the Raven's (world creator) wife.
Modron Corona 32.823.150Welsh divine mother goddess.
Momue Corona −21220.3260Darghinan (Daghestan) childbirth deity.
Moombi Corona −64.5235.5100Gikuyu (Kenya), the first woman, ancestor of nine tribes.
Mou-nyamy Corona −49.559200Nganasan (Samoyed) lifebringing goddess.
Mukylchin Corona −12.546525Udmurt (Urals Finn, Russia) fertility goddess.
Muzamuza Corona 65.6205.4163Indian earth goddess.
Mykh-Imi Corona −7399150Khanty (Ob River Ugra) earth goddess.
Nabuzana Corona −8.547525Ganda (Uganda) crop goddess.
Nagavonyi Corona −18.5259190Ganda (Uganda) crop goddess.
Nalwanga Corona 48.7247380Ganda (Uganda) goddess of childbirth.
Nana-Bulukue Corona 39.414230Dahomean world creator deity, both male and female.
Nanen Corona 69.9198.550Brazilian Earth and nature goddess.
Nang Pao Corona −47204.5160 Nang Pao, A South Laotian mythical ruler who called for rain, bringing fertility to the rice fields.
Naotsete Corona −58.3249.5200Keresan Pueblo ancestor goddess, mother of all foreign (non-Keresan) people.
Navolga Corona −48.6296.5170Ganda (Uganda) goddess of childbirth.
Ndoi Corona −20.3230.3225Mende (Sierra Leone) Earth and nature goddess.
Nefertiti Corona 35.948.2371 Nefertiti Famously beautiful Egyptian queen (c. 1390-c. 1354 B.C.).
Nehalennia Corona 1410345Teutonic fertility goddess.
Nei-Teukez Corona 14.2258.890Micronesian (Gilbert Islands, Kiribati) mother of gods.
Nepret Corona 52.76.8303Egyptian grain goddess.
Neyterkob Corona 49.7204.7211Maasai earth/fertility goddess.
Nightingale Corona 63.6129.5471 Florence Nightingale; English nurse (1820–1910).
Nimba Corona 32.8204.588Guinea (West Africa) Earth and mother goddess.
Ninhursag Corona −3823.5125Babylonian earth goddess.
Ninkarraka Corona 65.3221150Babylonian goddess of childbirth.
Ninmah Corona 16.549700Sumer-Akkadian mother goddess.
Nintu Corona 19.2123.575Akkadian earth goddess.
Nirmali Corona −6.3172.360Nuristan (NE Afghanistan) childbirth goddess.
Nishtigri Corona −24.572275Hindu earth mother.
Nissaba Corona 25.5355.5300Mesopotamian wisdom/fertility goddess.
Nott Corona −32.3202150Scandinavian earth goddess.
Nungui Corona −42.5245.2150Hibaro (Peru/Ecuador) fertility goddess.
Nzambi Corona −45287.5225Congo (Bantu) ancestor goddess, mother of all beings.
Nzingha Corona 68.7205.7140 Nzingha queen, head of Amazon band (1582-1663). Name changed from Nzingha Patera.
Oanuavae Corona −32.5255.5375Gaulish Celtic earth goddess.
Obasi-Nsi Corona −53.5291230Ekoi (S. Nigeria) earth/fertility goddess.
Obiemi Corona −31.9276.6300Bini (Nigeria) childbirth goddess.
Obilukha Corona −81.519220E. Slavic crop protection deity.
Oduduwa Corona −11211.5150Yoruba (Nigeria) fertility goddess.
Ohogetsu Corona −2785.7175Japanese food goddess.
Okhin-Tengri Corona −70.540400Kalmykan fertility goddess.
Olwen Corona 37.567.5175Brythonic goddess of spring growth.
Omeciuatl Corona 16.5119175Aztec generative power.
Omosi-Mama Corona 64.5306480Manchoo childbirth goddess.
Onatah Corona 495.5298Iroquois corn spirit.
Onenhste Corona −19221.5230Mohawk/Iroquois corn maiden, the eldest of the Three Sisters, the harvest deities.
Ops Corona 68.889183Greek fertility goddess.
Otau Corona 67.8298.7172Bini (S. Nigeria) goddess of fertility.
Otygen Corona −5730.5400Mongolian earth mother.
Pachamama Corona −3621.8130Incan earth goddess.
Pakoti Corona -38.842.475Maori plant goddess
Pani Corona 19.9231.5320Maori fertility goddess.
Parma Corona 44.517.5110Komi-Permyakan (Ural Finn) personification of wilderness, in particular, of the North Ural taiga-covered uplands; mother of the first man, Pera.
Pasu-Ava Corona 29319250Mari (Volga Finn) harvest goddess.
Pavlova Corona 14.338.9370 [1] Anna; Russian ballet dancer (1881–1931).
Pazar-ana Corona −3.2214.8300Gagauzan (Moldova) "Sunday mother", protector of women.
Perchta Corona 17234.5500German fertility goddess.
Persephone Corona −36304.6120Greek underworld goddess, daughter of corn goddess Demeter.
Phra Naret Corona −66.6209.6150Thai fertility goddess.
Pölöznitsa Corona 0.5302675Finno-Ugric grain goddess.
Pomona Corona 79.3299.4315Roman goddess of fruits.
Ponmakya Corona 34.311.8280Burman (Myanmar) fertility goddess.
Prthivi Corona 10.8248.5375Hindu (India) mother goddess.
Pugos Corona −19335180Khanty (Ob River Ugra) lifebringing goddess.
Purandhi Corona 26.1343.5170Hindu goddess of plenty.
Qakma Corona 35.5207.1130Bella Coola/Nuxalk (SW Canada) creator of life, the first woman.
Qetesh Corona −20.5343.580Egyptian fertility goddess.
Quetzalpetlatl Corona −68357780Aztec fertility goddess.
Rabzhima Corona 4.911100Tibetan great mother goddess.
Rananeida Corona 62.6263.5448Saami-Lapp goddess of spring and fertility.
Rauni Corona 40.8271.9271Finnish goddess of harvest, earth.
Renenti Corona 32.7326.2200 Renenti,Egyptian goddess of abundance.
Repa Corona −13218.8240Egyptian fertility and underworld goddess.
Rigatona Corona −33.5278.5300Celtic fertility goddess.
Rind Corona 8.2247.5140Norse "Earth's Winter Queen," personification of the frost-covered Earth.
Romi-Kumi Corona −81.2180150Tukano (Colombia) great mother goddess.
Rosmerta Corona 0124.5300Celtic fertility/luck goddess.
Rzhanitsa Corona −17.6214.6450Russian goddess of rye fields.
Samdzimari Corona −11339.5260 Samdzimari was a Georgian fertility deity.
Samsing Corona −23.8229.5165Korean childcare deity, a good grandmother.
Sand Corona 41.715.5181 George. (Aurore Dupin); French novelist (1804–1876). Name changed from Sand Patera.
Santa Corona −34.5288200Sabine goddess of fertility and health.
Sarpanitum Corona −52.314.6170Babylonian fertility goddess.
Saunau Corona −1.3173200Abkhazian goddess of corn milling.
Schumann-Heink Corona 74.3214.5122 Ernestine; German singer (1861–1936). Name changed from Schumann-Heink Patera.
Seia Corona −3153225Roman grain goddess.
Seiusi Corona −62241150Tupi/Huarani (Bolivia) fertility goddess.
Selu Corona −42.56300Cherokee corn goddess.
Semiramus Corona −37293375Assyrian fertility goddess.
Shiwanokia Corona −42279.8500Zuni fertility goddess.
Shulamite Corona −38.8284.3275Hebrew fertility goddess.
Shyv-Amashe Corona −5763410Chuvash (Volga Region) main water goddess.
Silvia Corona 12.6355.7270 Rhea Silvia a Roman earth goddess.
Simoting Corona 41.221.5270Naga (Tibetan people in NE India) ancestor of all people.
Sinlaku Corona 17.3260.3300Micronesian (Kosrae Island, Caroline Islands) breadfruit tree goddess.
Sitapie Corona −36.5246.8270Indonesian earth, nature, and creator goddess.
Sith Corona −10.2176.5350 Sif, the Norse harvest goddess.
Su-Anasy Corona −7839300Tartar/Kumyk/Karachay mother of water.
Sulis Corona 44.314.2136British goddess of springs and healing waters.
Sunrta Corona 8.311.7170Hindu fertility goddess.
Sus-Khotin Corona −54241110Tajik and Uzbek fertility and rain goddess.
Tacoma Corona −37288500Earth goddess of Salish, Puyallup & Yakima Indians.
Tadaka Corona −4210.5260Indian Earth and nature goddess.
Tai Shan Corona −32.595175Chinese fertility goddess.
Takus Mana Corona −19.6345.3125Hopi (USA) fertility goddess.
Tamfana Corona −36.36400European-Norse fertility goddess.
Tamiyo Corona −36298.5400Japanese goddess of abundance.
Tangba Corona −47258200Lobi (Burkina Faso) earth goddess.
Taranga Corona 16.5251.5525Polynesian fertility goddess.
Tari Pennu Corona 0.3264.3180Khonds (India) Earth goddess.
Teteoinnan Corona −38.5149.5125Aztec fertility goddess.
Thermuthis Corona −833330Egyptian fertility/harvest goddess.
Thouris Corona −6.512.9190Egyptian fertility goddess .
Tituba Corona 42.4214.7163 Tituba, nurse who started Salem witch hunt (c. 1692). Name changed from Tituba Patera.
Tonatzin Corona −53164400Aztec earth and childbirth goddess.
Toyo-uke Corona −62.541.5300Shinto fertility goddess.
Triglava Corona −53.595400 Triglava,Ancient Slavic earth goddess.
Trotula Corona 41.318.9146 Trotula, an Italian physician (A.D. 1097). Name changed from Trotula Patera.
Tumas Corona −16.3351.2200 Tumas,Hopi (USA) fertility goddess.
Tunehakwe Corona −33.4303.6290 Tunehakwe,Onondaga/Iroquois deities of crops ("The Three Sisters").
Tureshmat Corona −51.5289.5150Ainu (Japan) creator goddess, created Hokkaido Island.
Tusholi Corona 69.5101.2350Chechen and Ingush (Caucasus) goddess of fertility.
Tutelina Corona 29348180Roman harvest goddess.
Ugatame Corona −76.5255370Kapauku (Papua/Melanesia) Great Mother goddess.
Ukemochi Corona −39296.1300Japanese fertility goddess.
Ulgen-ekhee Corona −14.2224300Buryatan Earth mother.
Umay-ene Corona −27.550.5370Kazakh childcare goddess.
Utset Corona −55.5167150Zia (SW USA) the First Mother.
Vacuna Corona 60.496448Sabinian (Ancient Italy) goddess of harvest.
Vasudhara Corona 43.22.7160Buddhist female Bodhisattva of abundance.
Ved-Ava Corona 33143200Mordovian (Volga Finn) water mother.
Verdandi Corona −5.565.2180Norse bestower of blessings.
Vesuna Corona −65.5275200Italian (Umbrian) vegetation goddess.
Whatitiri Corona −83140300Maori ancestor goddess, great mother.
Xcacau Corona −56131200Quiche (Guatemala) cacao goddess.
Xcanil Corona −3743200Aztec and Quiche maiz goddess.
Xilonen Corona 51321300Aztec maize (fertility) goddess.
Xmukane Corona −28.2269.5200Mayan mother and fertility goddess.
Xquiq Corona 38.114.655Mayan fertility and motherhood divinity.
Yanbike Corona −1.5328.5200Bashkir mythical first woman.
Yaroslavna Corona 38.821.2112Russian, wife of Price Igor; patiently waited for his return from captivity (12th century). Name changed from Yaroslavna Patera.
Ya-Yerv Corona −9214275Nenets (Samoyed) Earth mother.
Zamin Corona 31.5258.3315Persian earth goddess.
Zaramama Corona −22240.5240Quechua (Peru) maize deity.
Žemina Corona -11.7186530Lithuanian fertility goddess.
Zemire Corona 31.5312.5200Kumyk (Daghestan) fertility goddess.
Zemlika Corona −33.550150Latvian earth goddess.
Zhivana Corona 13287.5180Slavic goddess of life.
Zisa Corona 12221850German/Nordic harvest goddess.
Zywie Corona −38.6291.2200Polish goddess of life.

See also

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Quetzalpetlatl Corona is a corona in Lada Terra on the planet Venus. Latitude 68° South, Longitude 357° East. It has a diameter of 780 kilometers, and is the 4th largest corona on Venus. It lies in part on the Lada Rise, with part of the corona intersecting the Ammavuro-Quetzalpetlatl belt in the northwestern region of Lada Terra.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Irnini Mons</span> Mountain on Venus

Irnini Mons is a volcanic structure on the planet Venus, and is named after the Assyro-Babylonian goddess of cedar-tree mountains. It has a diameter of 475 km (295 mi), a height of 1.75 km (1.09 mi), and is located in Venus' northern hemisphere. More specifically, it is located in the central Eistla Regio region at in the V-20 quadrangle. Sappho Patera, a 225 km (140 mi) diameter wide, caldera-like, depression tops the summit of Irnini Mons. The primary structural features surrounding Irnini Mons are graben, seen as linear depressed sections of rock, radiating from the central magma chamber. Also, concentric, circular ridges and graben outline the Sappho Patera depression at the summit. The volcano is crossed by various rift zones, including the north-south trending Badb Linea rift, the Guor Linea rift extending to the northwest, and the Virtus Linea rift continuing to the southeast.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lada Terra</span> Terra on Venus

Lada Terra, named for a Slavic goddess of Love, is a major landmass near the south pole of Venus which is centered at 60°S and 20°E and has a diameter of 8,615 kilometres (5,353 mi). It is defined by the International Astronomical Union as one of the three "major landmasses," or terrae, of Venus. The term "landmass" is not analogous to the landmass on Earth, as there are no apparent oceans on Venus. The term here applies to a substantial portion of land that lies above the average planetary radius, and corresponds to highlands.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Surface features of Venus</span>

The surface of Venus is dominated by geologic features that include volcanoes, large impact craters, and aeolian erosion and sedimentation landforms. Venus has a topography reflecting its single, strong crustal plate, with a unimodal elevation distribution that preserves geologic structures for long periods of time. Studies of the Venusian surface are based on imaging, radar, and altimetry data collected from several exploratory space probes, particularly Magellan, since 1961. Despite its similarities to Earth in size, mass, density, and possibly composition, Venus has a unique geology that is unlike Earth's. Although much older than Earth's, the surface of Venus is relatively young compared to other terrestrial planets, possibly due to a global-scale resurfacing event that buried much of the previous rock record. Venus is believed to have approximately the same bulk elemental composition as Earth, due to the physical similarities, but the exact composition is unknown. The surface conditions on Venus are more extreme than on Earth, with temperatures ranging from 453 to 473 °C and pressures of 95 bar. Venus lacks water, which makes crustal rock stronger and helps preserve surface features. The features observed provide evidence for the geological processes at work. Twenty feature types have been categorized thus far. These classes include local features, such as craters, coronae, and undae, as well as regional-scale features, such as planitiae, plana, and tesserae.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Skadi Mons</span> Mons on Venus

Skadi Mons is a mountain on Venus in Maxwell Montes, at the center of Ishtar Terra. It is the highest point on the planet, with an altitude of about 10,700 meters above the mean planetary radius.

Xcacau Corona is a corona in the planet Venus, in the coordinates -56 ° S and 131 ° E.

Pavlova Corona is a corona found on the planet Venus, at 14.5°N 40°E, Mead Quadrangle. It is named after Anna Pavlova, a Russian ballerina (1881-1931).

Ninmah Corona is a corona found on the planet Venus, at 16.5°N 49°E Mead Quadrangle. It is named after Ninmah, a Sumer-Akkadian mother goddess.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Nott Corona</span> Corona on Venus

Nott Corona is a corona, a geological formation in the shape of a crown, located on the planet Venus at -32.3° N and 202° E. It is located in the Isabella quadrangle. It is named after Nótt, the Scandinavian goddess of the Earth.


  1. Grego, Peter (2007). Venus and Mercury, and How to Observe Them. New York: Springer Science & Business Media. p. 117. ISBN   9780387742861 . Retrieved 31 December 2019.