List of extraterrestrial dune fields

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Tree-like dunes on Mars. Groups of dark brown streaks have been photographed by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on melting pinkish sand dunes covered with light frost. The image was taken near the North Pole of Mars, spring 2010. Objects about 25 centimetres across are resolved on this image, which is about one kilometre wide. Close ups of some parts of this image show billowing plumes indicating that the sand slides were occurring at the time of the photo; see center left. Dark Sand Cascades on Mars.jpg
Tree-like dunes on Mars. Groups of dark brown streaks have been photographed by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on melting pinkish sand dunes covered with light frost. The image was taken near the North Pole of Mars, spring 2010. Objects about 25 centimetres across are resolved on this image, which is about one kilometre wide. Close ups of some parts of this image show billowing plumes indicating that the sand slides were occurring at the time of the photo; see center left.

This is a list of dune fields not on Earth which have been given official names by the International Astronomical Union. Dune fields are named according to the IAU's rules of planetary nomenclature. The relevant descriptor term is undae. As of now, the only two Solar System planets, besides Earth, with named dune fields are Venus and Mars. Dune fields have also been discovered on Saturn's moon Titan, [1] Pluto [2] [3] and comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. [4]



There are three officially named dune fields on Venus. They are named after desert goddesses, as per the IAU's rules. They are listed below.


Dunes in Abalos Undae, Mars appear blueish due to basalt, while the reddish-white areas may be dust. Dunes in Abalos Undae, Mars.jpg
Dunes in Abalos Undae, Mars appear blueish due to basalt, while the reddish-white areas may be dust.

There are six officially named dune fields on Mars, which are named after nearby classical albedo features in accordance with the IAU's rules. Five of them lie between 75°N to 85°N, between Planum Boreum and Vastitas Borealis. These dune fields span over 200 degrees of longitude. The sixth, Ogygis Undae, lies on the southern hemisphere of Mars. They are listed below.

Unofficial field names

Namib sand dune (downwind side) on Mars
(Curiosity rover; 17 December 2015). PIA20281-MarsCuriosityRover-NamibSandDune-DownwindSide-20151217.jpg
Namib sand dune (downwind side) on Mars
(Curiosity rover; 17 December 2015).
Detail of the dunes of the Hagal Dune Field ESP 045334 2580 RED.dots and dashes.jpg
Detail of the dunes of the Hagal Dune Field


There are five officially named dune fields on Titan, which are named after Greek gods, goddesses or personifications of wind. They are listed below: [12]

Literature also uses names of dark albedo features when referring to Titan's dune fields:


Dune fields in Sputnik Planitia near Planitia PIA20198-Pluto-SputnikPlanum-Mountains-20150714.jpg
Dune fields in Sputnik Planitia near Planitia

Analysis of high resolution photos from New Horizons taken on 14 July 2015 of Pluto's Sputnik Planum region in 2018 has confirmed the presence of transverse dunes (perpendicular to the wind streaks) within the cellular nitrogen plains, spaced about 0.4 to 1 km apart, that are thought to be composed of 200-300 μm diameter particles of methane ice believed to be derived from the nearby Al-Idrisi Montes. [2] [3] These features are yet to be formally named.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Olympia Undae</span> Martian dune field

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hagal dune field</span> Martian dune field

Hagal is the informal name of a dune field on Mars located below the north pole of Mars. Its name derives from the sand dunes in Frank Herbert's novel Dune and the fictional planet Hagal. It is located at coordinates 78.0° N latitude, 84.0° E longitude, and consists of linear and round dunes with a southeast slipface orientation. It was one of the dune formations targeted for imaging by the HiRISE camera, on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, at the rate of one image every six weeks. in the third year of its seasonal expedition. It is also known as the "Martian Morse Code" due to the linear and rounded formations of its dunes, which have the appearance of dots and dashes.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Nili Patera dune field</span> Martian dune field

Nili Patera is a dune field on Mars. It is located on top of a lava bed, at the site of an ancient volcano, the Nili Patera caldera of Syrtis Major, near the Martian equator, and it is one of the most active dune fields of Mars. Its location coordinates on Mars are 8.7° N latitude, 67.3° E longitude. It is being actively studied by the HiRISE camera, on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, at the rate of one image every six weeks. The study of the movement of the dunes provides information regarding wind variation as a function of time and furthers the study of surface erosion characteristics of the Martian landscape. This information can then be used for the development and design of future Mars expeditions. The dunes of the Patera field are of the barchan type and their study by HiRISE was the first one to establish dune and ripple movement of a minimum of 1 metre on Mars. The Patera dune field, was also the first to be investigated using the COSI-Corr software, which was originally developed to analyse the movement of earthbound dunes. The research results from the evidence provided by the monitoring of the Nili Patera field, indicate sand fluxes of the order of several cubic metres per metre per year, similar to the flux observed at the sand dunes of Victoria Valley in Antarctica.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Abalos Undae</span> Martian dune field

Abalos Undae is a dune field on Mars in the periphery of Planum Boreum, the Martian North pole. It is one of the officially named northern circumpolar dune fields, along with Olympia, Hyperboreae, and Siton Undae, and also one of the densest of the region. Its northernmost boundary is located in the southwest channel that separates the Abalos Colles formation from the main polar ice cap, and from there the dune field extends southwest all the way to the lowlands of Vastitas Borealis.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hyperboreae Undae</span> Martian dune field

Hyperboreae Undae is one of the largest and densest dune fields of Planum Boreum, the Martian North Pole. It is named after one of the classical albedo features on Mars. Its name was officially approved by IAU in 1988. It extends from latitude 77.12°N to 82.8°N and from longitude 302.92°E to 316.02°E. Its centre is at latitude 79.96°N, longitude 49.49°W, and has a diameter of 463.65 kilometres (288.10 mi).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Siton Undae</span> Martian dune field

Siton Undae is one of the largest and densest dune fields in the vicinity of Planum Boreum, the Martian northern polar ice-cap. It is named after one of the classical albedo features on Mars. Its name was officially approved by IAU on 20 March 2007. It extends from latitude 73.79°N to 77.5°N and from longitude 291.38°E to 301.4°E. Its centre is located at latitude 75.55°N, longitude 297.28E (62.72°W), and has a diameter of 222.97 kilometres (138.55 mi).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Aspledon Undae</span> Martian dune field

Aspledon Undae is one of the named northern circumpolar dune fields in the vicinity of Planum Boreum, the Martian North pole. It is named after one of the classical albedo features on Mars. Its name was officially approved by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) on 20 March 2007. Its name is Greek, and derives from the name of a town in Boeotia, Ancient Greece, which, in turn, took its name from Aspledon, son of Poseidon, the ancient Greek god of the sea. The dunes of Aspledon Undae extend from latitude 71.47°N to 75.14°N and from longitude 305.83°E to 315.04°E. Its centre is located at latitude 73.06°N, longitude 309.65°E (50.35°W), and has a diameter of 215.2 km.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ogygis Undae</span> Martian dune field

Ogygis Undae is the only named southern hemisphere dune field on Mars. It is named after one of the classical albedo features on Mars, Ogygis Regio. Its name, which refers to Ogyges, a primeval mythological ruler in ancient Greece, was officially approved by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) on September 17, 2015. It is situated just outside Argyre Planitia, a plain located in the southern highlands of Mars. The dunes of Ogygis Undae extend from latitude −49.94°N to −49.37°N and from longitude 292.64°E to 294.93°E. They are centered at latitude −49.66°N, longitude 293.79°E (66.21°W), and extend approximately 87 km to the east and west from there. Ogygis Undae has an area of 1904 km2, and due to its large size is a primary subject for research on Martian dune morphology and sand composition.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Jani Radebaugh</span> American planetary scientist

Jani Radebaugh is an American planetary scientist and professor of geology at Brigham Young University who specializes in field studies of planets. Radebaugh's research focuses on Saturn's moon Titan, Jupiter's moon Io, our own Moon, Mars and Pluto. Radebaugh is a Science Team member of the Dragonfly (spacecraft) mission to Titan, the IVO Io mission proposal, and the Mars Median project. She was an Associate Team Member of the Cassini-Huygens RADAR instrument from 2008 to 2017, and was a graduate student scientist for Io for the Galileo mission. She does science outreach through her work as an expert contributor to the Science/Discovery program How the Universe Works and other television and radio programs. In December 2012, Radebaugh and her colleagues on the Cassini mission announced the discovery of Vid Flumina, a liquid methane river on Saturn's moon Titan over 320 km (200 mi) long and resembling the Nile river.

Ralph D. Lorenz is a planetary scientist and engineer at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. whose research focuses on understanding surfaces, atmospheres, and their interactions on planetary bodies, especially Titan, Venus, Mars, and Earth. He currently serves as Mission Architect of Dragonfly, NASA's fourth selected New Frontiers mission, and as participating scientist on Akatsuki and InSight. He is a Co-Investigator on the SuperCam instrument on the Perseverance rover, responsible for interpreting data from its microphone. He leads the Venus Atmospheric Structure Investigation on the DAVINCI+ Discovery mission to Venus. He is the recipient of the 2020 International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPPW) Al Seiff memorial award.

The Bagnold Dunes is a 35-kilometre-long (22 mi) group of dark grey dunes in the Gale Crater on Mars. They are named after Ralph Alger Bagnold, who crossed the Libyan Desert and was one of the first explorers to acquire a deep understanding of the physics behind sand dunes. The dunes migrate around 0.4 metres (1.3 ft) every Earth year.


  1. "Titan's Seas Are Sand, Cassini's Images Of Saturn's Moon Show" . Retrieved 22 April 2021.
  2. 1 2 Telfer, M.W.; Parteli, E.R.J.; Radebaugh, J.; et al. (1 June 2018). "Dunes on Pluto". Science. 360 (6392): 992–997. Bibcode:2018Sci...360..992T. doi: 10.1126/science.aao2975 . PMID   29853681.
  3. 1 2 Hayes, A.G. (1 June 2018). "Dunes across the Solar System". Science. 360 (6392): 960–961. Bibcode:2018Sci...360..960H. doi:10.1126/science.aat7488. PMID   29853671. S2CID   44138724.
  4. Jia, P.; B. Andreotti; P. Claudin (March 2017). "Giant ripples on comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko sculpted by sunset thermal wind". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114 (10): 2509–2514. arXiv: 1703.02592 . Bibcode:2017PNAS..114.2509J. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1612176114 . PMC   5347604 . PMID   28223535.
  5. "USGS Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature: Abalos Undae" . Retrieved 8 August 2007.
  6. Lapotre, M. G. A.; Ewing, R. C.; Lamb, M. P.; Fischer, W. W.; Grotzinger, J. P.; Rubin, D. M.; Lewis, K. W.; Ballard, M. J.; Day, M. (1 July 2016). "Large wind ripples on Mars: A record of atmospheric evolution". Science. 353 (6294): 55–58. Bibcode:2016Sci...353...55L. doi: 10.1126/science.aaf3206 . ISSN   0036-8075. PMID   27365444.
  7. Ewing, R. C.; Lapotre, M. G. A.; Lewis, K. W.; Day, M.; Stein, N.; Rubin, D. M.; Sullivan, R.; Banham, S.; Lamb, M. P. (2017). "Sedimentary processes of the Bagnold Dunes: Implications for the eolian rock record of Mars". Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 122 (12): 2544–2573. Bibcode:2017JGRE..122.2544E. doi:10.1002/2017je005324. ISSN   2169-9097. PMC   5815379 . PMID   29497590.
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  9. Sandoval, Greg (9 February 2016). "NASA's updated 360-degree view from Mars offers clear look at giant Namib Dune". GeekWire .
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  12. "USGS Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature: Search: TITAN: Unda, undae" . Retrieved 9 December 2018.
  13. 1 2 3 Arnold, K.; J. Radebaugh; C. J. Savage; E.P. Turtle; R.D. Lorenz; E.R. Stofan; A. Le-Gall & the Cassini Radar Team. "Areas of Sand Seas on Titan from Cassini Radar and ISS: Fensal and Aztlan" (PDF). 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 7–11, 2011 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1608. Lunar and Planetary Institute. p. 2804.
  14. 1 2 Le Gall, A.; M.A. Janssen; L.C. Wye; J. Radebaugh; R.D. Lorenz & the Cassini Radar Team (September 2010). "Regional variations among Titan's dunes: Belet versus Fensal dune fields" (PDF). European Planetary Science Congress 2010 Abstracts. 5: 247. Bibcode:2010epsc.conf..247L.

A large portion of this article was sourced from the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature, the official IAU database of planetary names.