This article needs additional citations for verification .(September 2019) |
The following is a list of experimental cat breeds and crossbreeds [1] that do not have the recognition of any major national or international cat registries, such as The International Cat Association (TICA) in the US, Europe, and Australasia; the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) in the UK, the Fédération Internationale Féline (FiFE) in continental Europe, the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) in North America, or the more recent World Cat Federation based in Germany. Such a breed may be recognized by one of the smaller cat registries. Smaller registries include the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry (REFR), and others. This list only includes breeds recognized by at least one extant, national or international, multi-breed registry.
Breeders of some minority breeds actively seek major recognition for them, but have yet to receive it. For example, in regions where the formal cat fancy is in its infancy, naturally occurring native varieties – landraces – can be classified as minority breeds when attempts at selective breeding have begun to produce a formal natural breed with consistent traits, as is ongoing with the Aegean and Van cats. Other minority breeds are bred for private reasons and inadvertently attract an informal following. Minority breeds may be recognized by some registries, or none at all; recognition can be refused for a variety of reasons (including over-similarity to an existing breed, medical problems being statistically linked to the breed, and others). Some may have "preliminary" status in one or more registries, with experimental conformation standards already in place, but turn out to be non-viable over the longer term.
Discrepancies between breed names can often cause confusion; occasionally the name adopted by one registry is used elsewhere for an entirely different breed; for example, the breed known in Australia as "Burmilla Longhair" is analogous to the "Asian Semi-longhair" in Britain (also called the "Tiffanie"), but Australia already has a quite different breed known as the "Australian Tiffanie" and both are different from the American "Tiffany" (also known as the Chantilly-Tiffany). Such conflicts are decreasing due to better communication between registries, largely facilitated by the Internet and by the World Cat Congress.
The Aegean is a cat of Greek origin that has been developed since the 1990s by the Feline Federation of Greece, using cats from the Cyclades.[ citation needed ] The name comes from the fact that the cats were originally found around the Aegean Sea. [2] They are considered a national treasure of Greece. [2] Aegean cats are a landrace, and are one of the oldest distinct populations of the domestic cat. [2] They have an affinity for fishing and water, and are numerous in Greek fishing ports. [2] It is a medium-sized, muscular cat [2] with a lighter European or Continental type body,[ citation needed ] medium-sized round paws, and green almond-shaped eyes. [2] The coat is always two or three colors, one of which is always white. [2] The breed is mostly free from common feline diseases. [2]
The Alpine Lynx is a white, short-tailed cat breed that can have either curled or straight ears. [3] They may be either short- or long-haired, and may have tufted toes. [3] They are a medium-sized breed whose back legs are longer than their front legs. [3] It was developed from a cross between a Highlander and a white barn cat. [3] It is recognized by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry. [3]
The American Lynx is a short-haired cat breed with a spotted coat. This breed is bob-tailed or short-tailed. The coat pattern bears some resemblance to that of the bobcat. This breed is recognized by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry. [4]
The American Polydactyl is a polydactyl cat, meaning that it has more than the usual number of toes. This breed is currently in development. As of 2018, [update] it is recognized (since 2004) only by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry. [5]
The Cyprus cat is a landrace of cats native to Cyprus; it is a localized variant of the Aegean cat. As with the latter, attempts are underway to true-breed certain traits and establish a standardized breed, under a variety of names by different breeder groups. Recognition so far, under the name Aphrodite, is limited to the World Cat Federation/World Cat Congress since 2012, [6] provisionally by The International Cat Association since 2017, [7] and various more localized bodies such as the Cyprus Cats National Breed Association and the Cyprus Feline Society.
![]() | This section appears to contradict the article Tiffanie cat .(January 2024) |
The Australian Tiffanie is a cat breed derived from crosses between the short-haired Burmilla and the long-haired Chinchilla Persian. These cats resemble the old style of the Chinchilla Longhair. Some name confusion exists with this breed; this Australian cat is not the same as the Tiffanie breed in Europe (also known as the Burmilla Longhair) or the Tiffany breed in the United States. It is recognized by the Waratah State Cat Alliance. [8]
The Bambino is a dwarf cat cross between the Munchkin and Sphynx breeds; it has the short legs of the former and the lack of fur of the latter. It is recognised by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry. [9]
In 2019, the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority ordered a couple to stop breeding the Bambino due to welfare concerns. [10] [11]
The Bramble is a large wire-haired cat breed with a spotted coat pattern. It was derived from crossing the Bengal with brush-coated Peterbalds. It originates from the US and is recognized by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry. [12]
The Classicat is a cat breed originating from New Zealand. It is overall an Ocicat-type, but has a coat with the classic swirled tabby pattern. It is recognized by the New Zealand Cat Fancy. [13]
The Desert Lynx is a bob-tailed or short-tailed cat breed of US origin. This cat has spotted or marbled markings and resembles the bobcat, and the breed is recognized by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry. [14] [15]
The Dwelf is a dwarf cat cross of Sphynx, Munchkin, and American Curl stock, and has the defining traits of all three breeds: hairlessness, shortened legs, and curled ears. The breed is of US origin and was recognized by the now-defunct Dwarf Cat Association (or Designer Cat Association). [16] Later, it became recognized by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry. [17]
The Elf or Elf Sphynx is a nearly hairless variety with ears that curl backward. The gene responsible for hairlessness in the Sphynx (and thus in the Elf) produces skin that is not completely hairless; two types of hair formation occur: a few patches of light hairs particularly around the nose, tail, and toes; and a fine downy all-over covering. [18] Care issues are as with Sphynx cats. As of 2022, [update] this in-development variety is not recognized by major breed registries and cat-fancier organizations such as The International Cat Association (TICA) or the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA). Some breeders have published draft breed standards for the Elf, based on those for the foundation breeds, but these documents are not entirely consistent with each other. [19] [20] [21] [22] Breeders are seeking TICA recognition as a preliminary new breed. [23] The Elf has been included in the Australian National Cats (ANCats) breed list as experimental. [20]
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The Foldex cat, also known as the Exotic Fold, is a cat breed developed in the Canadian province of Quebec by crossbreeding a Scottish Fold and an Exotic Shorthair. The physical features of the Foldex include its medium size, rounded face, short legs, and folded ears, the latter being the defining feature of the Foldex. The eyes are well-rounded and wide open, and the ears are equipped with small and smooth-edged tips. The coat can vary from long to short hair, and is naturally dense and soft.
The Genetta is a dwarf cat breed derived from crossbreeding the Munchkin and Bengal (sometimes also Ocicat) breeds [24] to create a spotted, striped, long-bodied, short-legged cat with a spotted, striped, or marbled coat. [25] The breed is named after, and is a cat-breeding attempt to resemble, the African genet [25] (which is not a felid). This breed is of US origin. [26] It is recognised by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry. [17]
Originally developed in 1993 as the REFR-registered Highland Lynx, this cat is a crossbreed of the Desert Lynx and the Jungle Curl, to add the latter's curled ears to the former. [27] It became known as the Highlander in 2005, and was recognized as a "preliminary new breed" by TICA in 2008, and an "advanced new breed" in 2018. [28] Though the breed is said to resemble the bobcat and was originally given a name that included the word "lynx", it is a wholly domestic cat without any bobcat (or any other lynx species) ancestry. [29] The Rare and Exotic Feline Registry later split the breed into the original Highland Lynx (Desert Lynx × Jungle Curl) [27] and a separate new Highlander (a back-cross of Highland Lynx with more Desert Lynx), [30] which conflicts with TICA's breed definition.
The Jungle Curl cat is a felid hybrid cat breed of US origin, primarily a cross between the African jungle cat (Felis chaus) species (or a domestic hybrid based on it, such as the Chausie), and another domestic breed that has curled ears such as the American Curl, Highlander (Highland Lynx), or Hemmingway Curl, with the addition of several other spotted hybrid breeds, including Bengal, Savannah, and Serengeti. The Rare and Exotic Breed Registry recognizes the breed. The ears are curled, polydactyly is permitted, and the coat may be spotted or tawny, and of varying lengths. [31]
The Kinkalow is a dwarf cat cross between the Munchkin and the American Curl. It has short legs and curled ears. [32] It is recognised by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry. [17]
The Kucing Malaysia, or Piawaian Kucing Malaysia, is the first indigenous Malaysian cat breed. It has a conformation similar to the Tonkinese, while its color is similar to the Ragdoll. These cats have a white blaze on the face and muzzle and white markings on the colorpoint limbs. It is recognized by the Malaysian Cat Club. [33]
The Lambkin, also known as the Nanus Rex, is a short-legged dwarf cat breed of US origin with a densely curled coat. They are derived from crossing the Munchkin and the Selkirk Rex. This breed is recognized by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry [34] and formerly by the now-defunct Designer Cat Association or Dwarf Cat Association. [16]
The Mandalay is a cat breed originally derived from crosses between domestic short-haired cats and the Burmese. Later, Abyssinians were used to introduce the cinnamon and fawn genes. These cats resemble the Asian Shorthair that is bred in Europe. There should be no evidence of sepia-pointing; i.e., contrast between points and body. This breed originated in New Zealand and is recognized by the New Zealand Cat Fancy. [35]
The Minskin is a dwarf cat breed developed from the Munchkin, Burmese, Sphynx, and Devon Rex breeds; it has short legs, is mostly hairless or with a very short coat, and has point coloration at the extremities. It is recognised by REFR, [17] and recognized in the "preliminary new breed" category by The International Cat Association (TICA) since 2018. [36] [37]
The Minuet, also known as the Napoleon, is a dwarf cat breed that crosses the Munchkin and Persian (or sometimes the Persian variants Himalayan or Exotic Shorthair). This results in a cat with a Persian's brachycephalic ("peke-face") appearance, but with short legs. Coat length and coloration will depend on the non-Munchking parentage. This breed is of US origin and has been recognized by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry [38] and formerly by the now-defunct Designer Cat Association or Dwarf Cat Association. [16] It was recognized by The International Cat Association (TICA) as experimental in 2001, [39] renamed by TICA from Napoleon to Minuet in 2015, [40] and approved for TICA championship show status in 2016. [41] The breed is recognized under the original Napoleon name by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry. [42] However, like other dwarf-cat breeds, it is banned by many registries.
The Mojave Spotted (formerly Mojave Desert Cat [43] ) is a polydactyl cat with a spotted coat. They are derived from crosses between Bengal bloodlines and those of naturally polydactyl cats from the Mojave Desert region in the US. This breed is recognized by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry. [44]
The Owyhee Bob is a cat breed that is a mix of the Siamese and Manx cats, [45] and is of United States origin. The most distinctive feature of this cat is its color and build, and it is slow to mature like the Manx. The Owyhee Bob is a colorpoint breed (like the Siamese), of medium to large size. The body is medium in length, hard and muscular with a broad chest. The head shape is medium to large with full cheekbones and whisker pads, giving a rounded appearance to the muzzle. The strong chin gives a balanced appearance to the head. The ears are medium to large, wide set, full at the base and tapering, standing straight and upright, sometimes feathering to a rounded tip that is often tufted in the longer-haired cats. The large oval eyes are slightly slanted and wide set, and are always Siamese blue. Legs are medium in length and are sturdy and well-muscled. Paws are large and round (and can be polydactyl). [46] Females range from 8 to 12 pounds and males from 12 to 16 pounds, with some getting larger. The tails come in rumpy, stumpy and longy, with some breeders docking the long tails (in countries where this is still legal). They come in all coat lengths except hairless. The coat is soft and plush, like that of a rabbit, and should not be curly or wavy. The Owyhee Bob is sometimes said to have a temperament that is more like that of a dog than a cat; they can be taught to sit, lie down, and play fetch. They are a vocal breed. They are currently recognized only by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry. [46]
The Pantherette is a felid hybrid cat breed of US origin, in development since the early 2000s, [47] [43] and was said to have still been in development in a 2014 book. [48] It is intended to resemble a miniature black panther. [48] Pantherette is a crossbreed of black (melanistic) Bengals [48] (a hybrid of the domestic cat and the Asian leopard cat), with full-tailed specimens of the Pixie-Bob breed, as well as the Maine Coon and another experimental Bengal crossbreed known as the Mojave Spotted); [43] some unsubstantiated claims have suggested also some direct crossing to wild leopard cat subspecies, [49] though this is unlikely given the modern restrictions on international trade in wildlife, and the breeders' own sites do not make this claim. [43] [50] Pantherettes are large, muscular, and short-haired, with gold to green eyes. [51] Breed developers Mike and Marie Bloodgood of Kentucky have asserted a trademark over the name. [43] The breed was "recognized" by a small breeder club called the International Progressive Cat Breeders' Alliance (last updated in 2004, and defunct since 2017), [52] and its subsidiary International Pantherette Breeders' Association [53] (which produced a draft breed standard in 2001, no longer permitting outcrosses to other breeds in 2004, and not updated since then), [51] but these were both operated by the Bloodgoods themselves. [50] Pantherette remains listed by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry, but with no information about the breed as of 2024. [update] [17] The breeders' own websites and other public statements about it date to 2004–2006, [43] [54] [50] and new information about the breed stopped appearing in other sources around 2012, [55] so the breeding program may have been abandoned.
The Safari is a felid hybrid developed by crossing Geoffroy's cat (Leopardus geoffroyi), a wild South American species, with domestic cats. [56]
The Skookum is a dwarf cat breed with curly fur, derived from crossing the Munchkin with the LaPerm, a Rex breed. [57] This breed originates in the US and was previously known as the LaMerm. It was recognized by the now-defunct Dwarf Cat Association, and remains recognized by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry. [17]
The Tasman Manx is a curly-furred Manx-type cat breed that arose spontaneously in some Australian and New Zealand Manx crossbreeding lines. All can trace their ancestry to a single Persian stud that had European ancestry. This same cat may also be responsible for the Bohemian Rex (or Czech Curly Cat). Apart from the curly fur, these cats have the characteristics and conformation of the Manx.[ citation needed ] This cat is now recognised by NZCF. [58]
![]() | This section appears to contradict the article Tiffanie cat .(January 2024) |
The Tiffanie is of UK origin and is a variant of the (normally) short-haired Burmilla, which is itself a cross between the Burmese and Chinchilla Persian. In this breed, the recessive gene inherited from the Chinchilla is prominent. These cats are different from the Australian Tiffanie.[ citation needed ]
The Van cat is a landrace, native to the Lake Van area of Turkey (and not to be confused with the standardized Turkish Van breed, or the Turkish Angora breed). A state-sponsored breeding program is under way to true-breed some specimens into a standardized cat breed with fixed traits.
The Bengal cat is a breed of hybrid cat created from crossing of an Asian leopard cat with domestic cats, especially the spotted Egyptian Mau. It is then usually bred with a breed that demonstrates a friendlier personality, because after breeding a domesticated cat with a wildcat, its friendly personality may not manifest in the kitten. The breed's name derives from the leopard cat's taxonomic name.
The Munchkin is a breed of cat characterized by its very short legs, which are caused by genetic mutation. Compared to many other cat breeds, it is a relatively new breed, documented since 1940s and officially recognized in 1991. The Munchkin is considered to be the original breed of dwarf cat.
The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) was established in the United States in 1906. The CFA is currently the world's largest registry of pedigreed cats. Originally headquartered in Manasquan, New Jersey, the CFA moved to Alliance, Ohio in 2010. The association's stated mission is preserving and promoting pedigreed breeds of cats while also enhancing the well-being of all cats. CFA's first licensed cat shows were held in Buffalo, New York and Detroit, Michigan in 1906. The association today has a known presence in Europe, China, and Japan along with its well-established activity in the United States and Canada.
The Siberian is a centuries-old landrace of domestic cat in Russia, and recently developed as a formal breed with standards promulgated the world over since the late-1980s. Since 2006, the breed is recognised for registry and championship status with all major cat registries.
The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) is a cat registry, established in 1910 and the largest organisation that registers pedigree cats in the United Kingdom. It was formed from a small number of cat clubs which were registering cats at the time when the modern cat fancy was in its first stages. It is considered to be the original prototype for cat fancy registries. It is an independent body with around 150 member clubs, including specialist breed clubs and area clubs covering particular regions. The GCCF became an incorporated company on 5 November 2010. It licenses cat shows put on by its affiliated clubs with about 135 shows per year. Pedigree cats shown at these shows can gain the titles Champion, Grand Champion, Imperial Grand Champion and Olympian. The latter having three levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold. The word Champion is replaced by Premier for neutered cats, and Master Cat for cats competing in household pets. The showing of non-pedigree cats and Pedigree Pets is also popular at GCCF shows.
The Sokoke is natural breed of domestic cat, developed and standardised, beginning in the late 1970s, from the feral khadzonzo landrace of eastern, coastal Kenya. The Sokoke is recognized by four major cat pedigree registry organizations as a standardised cat breed. It is named after the Arabuko Sokoke National Forest, the environment from which the foundation stock was obtained, for breed development primarily in Denmark and the United States. The cat is long-legged, with short, coarse hair, and typically a tabby coat, though specific lineages have produced different appearances. Although once rumored to be a domestic × wildcat hybrid, genetic study has not borne out this belief. Another idea, that the variety is unusually ancient, remains unproven either way. The native population is closely related to an island-dwelling group, the Lamu cat, further north.
The Donskoy cat, also known as Don Sphynx or Russian Hairless, is a hairless cat breed of Russian origin. It is not related to the better-known Sphynx cat whose characteristic hairlessness is caused by a recessive mutation in the keratin 71 gene. The Donskoy's hairlessness, on the other hand, is caused by a dominant mutation.
A squitten is a cat with a genetic deformity which causes a partial formation or complete absence of the radius bone making it resemble a squirrel. These cats should be kept indoors and seen to by specialist veterinarians, as long term management of the condition is essential for quality of life in these cats. It is an example of a cat body type genetic mutation. The word is a portmanteau of squirrel and kitten.
The Chantilly-Tiffany or Chantilly/Tiffany, also known as the Chantilly or the Foreign Longhair, was a breed of domestic cat which originated in the late-1960s in North America. The Chantilly breed never got off the ground and has always been rare. It was near-extinction in the late-1980s and again in the late-2000s. Since 2015 the breed has been considered extinct with the passing and neutering of the last two cats of the Chantilly lineage, and with no intact Chantilly cats the inevitable resulting discontinuation of the breeding program.
The International Cat Association (TICA) is considered the world's largest genetic cat registry. Originally a North American organization, it now has a worldwide presence. The organization has a genetic registry for pedigreed and household pet cats and is one of the world's largest sanctioning bodies for cat shows.
The Tiffanie is a cat breed similar to the Asian Shorthair except it has semi-long fur length. The breed belongs to the Asian Group and is generally recognised in any of the Asian Shorthair or Burmese colours and patterns. Like the other cats in the Asian Group, the breed was developed during the 1980s in the United Kingdom by crossbreeding a Persian Chinchilla and a Burmese.
A cat registry or cat breed registry, also known as a cat fancier organization, cattery federation, or cat breeders' association, is an organization that registers domestic cats of many breeds, for exhibition and for breeding lineage tracking purposes. A cat registry stores the pedigrees (genealogies) of cats, cattery names, and other details of cats; studbooks, breed descriptions, and the formal breed standards ; lists of judges qualified to judge at shows run by or affiliated with that registry, and sometimes other information. A cat registry is not the same as a breed club or breed society. Cat registries each have their own rules and usually also organize or license (sanction) cat shows. The show procedures vary widely, and awards won in one registry are not normally recognized by another. Some registries only serve breeders, while others are oriented toward pet owners and provide individual as well as cattery memberships, while yet others are federations only deal with breed clubs or even other registries as intermediaries between the organization and breeders.
A dwarf cat is a domestic cat with dwarfism due to rare genetic mutations that cause a disproportionate feline body. The mutation usually leads to significant health problems. Unlike undersized cats of normal proportions, dwarf cats suffer from the genetic mutations osteochondrodysplasia and achondroplasia. These genetic disorders of bone and cartilage are typically manifested as abnormal bone shape, poor growth or lack of growth, bowing of the limbs to the side – front legs are more likely to be affected, and spinal malformations.
The Minskin is a breed of cat derived from intentional cross-breeding between the Munchkin and Burmese cat breeds, with the addition of Sphynx and Devon Rex. It is a mostly-hairless breed of cat
The Minuet is a hybrid mix of Persian and Munchkin cat breeds. Categorized by The International Cat Association (TICA) as a domestic hybrid, "developed from a deliberate cross between two existing domestic breeds, incorporating characteristics of both parental breeds into the new mix." The Minuet cat is characterized by its short legs, as a result of the dwarfism-mutation derived from the Munchkin breed.
The Persian cat, also known as the Persian Longhair, is a long-haired breed of cat characterised by a round face and short muzzle. The first documented ancestors of Persian cats might have been imported into Italy from Khorasan as early as around 1620, however, this has not been proven. Instead, there is stronger evidence for a longhaired cat breed being exported from Iran from the 19th century onwards. Persian cats have been widely recognised by the North-West European cat fancy since the 19th century, and after World War II by breeders from North America, Australia and New Zealand. Some cat fancier organisations' breed standards subsume the Himalayan and Exotic Shorthair as variants of this breed, while others generally treat them as separate breeds.
The Highlander is a new breed of cat. The unique appearance of the Highlander comes from the deliberate cross between the Desert Lynx and the Jungle Curl breeds, also recently developed.
The Lykoi is a breed of cat derived from a natural mutation causing a form of hypotrichia found in domestic short-haired cats. The mutation has occurred in domestic cats over the last 20 years. DNA testing has been done by UC Davis to confirm that the cats do not carry the Sphynx/Devon Rex gene. The breed was developed by Brittney Gobble in Vonore, Tennessee.
Mike is ... President of ... The International Pantherette Breeders Association (TIPBA) .... He is also the CEO and an All-breed Show Judge of the International Progressive Cat Breeders Alliance (IPCBA). Marie is also an IPCBA All-breed Show Judge, EO, and a sitting Director in ... The International Pantherette Breeders Association (TIPBA). Mike and Marie also founded the new Pantherette breed[ self-published source ]