Hull no. | Ship name | Class | Type | Homeport | Comment |
F-101 / POLA-101 | Benito Juárez | Reformador (Sigma 10514 LROPV) | Frigate / Oceanic Patrol Vessel | | Mexican built Dutch design |
A-301 | Huracán | Huracán | Missile boat | | Purchased from Israel |
A-302 | Tormenta | | Purchased from Israel |
PO-102 | Juan de la Barrera | Valle | Offshore patrol vessel | | Purchased from the United States |
PO-103 | Mariano Escobedo | | Purchased from the United States |
PO-104 | Manuel Doblado | | Purchased from the United States |
PO-108 | Juan N. Álvarez | | Purchased from the United States |
PO-109 | Manuel Gutiérrez Zamora | | Purchased from the United States |
PO-110 | Valentín Gómez Farías | | Purchased from the United States |
PO-112 | Francisco Zarco | | Purchased from the United States |
PO-113 | Ignacio L. Vallarta | | Purchased from the United States |
PO-114 | Jesús González Ortega | | Purchased from the United States |
PO-117 | Mariano Matamoros | | Purchased from the United States |
PO-121 | Uribe | Uribe | Offshore patrol vessel | | Purchased from Spain |
PO-122 | Azueta | | Purchased from Spain |
PO-123 | Baranda | | Purchased from Spain |
PO-124 | Bretón | | Purchased from Spain |
PO-125 | Blanco | | Purchased from Spain |
PO-126 | Monasterio | | Purchased from Spain |
PO-131 | Holzinger | Holzinger | Offshore patrol vessel | | Built in Mexico |
PO-132 | Godínez | | Built in Mexico |
PO-133 | De la Vega | | Built in Mexico |
PO-134 | Berriozabal | | Built in Mexico |
PO-141 | Sierra | Sierra | Offshore patrol vessel / Corvette | | Designed and built in Mexico |
PO-143 | Prierto | | Designed and built in Mexico |
PO-144 | Romero | | Designed and built in Mexico |
PO-151 | Durango | Durango | Offshore patrol vessel | | Designed and built in Mexico |
PO-152 | Sonora | | Designed and built in Mexico |
PO-153 | Guanajuato | | Designed and built in Mexico |
PO-154 | Veracruz | | Designed and built in Mexico |
PO-161 | Oaxaca | Oaxaca | Offshore patrol vessel | | Designed and built in Mexico |
PO-162 | Baja California | | Designed and built in Mexico |
PO-163 | Independencia | | Designed and built in Mexico |
PO-164 | Revolución | | Designed and built in Mexico |
PO-165 | Chiapas | | Designed and built in Mexico |
PO-166 | Hidalgo | | Designed and built in Mexico |
PO-167 | Jalisco | | Designed and built in Mexico |
PO-168 | Tabasco | | Designed and built in Mexico |
PC-202 | Cordova | Azteca | Coastal patrol boat | | Built in Mexico |
PC-206 | Rayón | | Built in Mexico |
PC-207 | Rejón | | |
PC-208 | De la Fuente | | Built in Mexico |
PC-209 | Guzmán | | Built in Mexico |
PC-210 | Ramírez | | Built in Mexico |
PC-211 | Mariscal | | Built in Mexico |
PC-212 | Jara | | Built in Mexico |
PC-214 | Colima | | Built in Mexico |
PC-215 | Lizardi | | Built in Mexico |
PC-216 | Mugica | | Built in Mexico |
PC-218 | Velazco | | Built in Mexico |
PC-220 | Macías | | Built in Mexico |
PC-223 | Tamaulipas | | Built in Mexico |
PC-224 | Yucatán | | Built in Mexico |
PC-225 | Tabasco | | Built in Mexico |
PC-226 | Cochimie | | Built in Mexico |
PC-228 | Puebla | | Built in Mexico |
PC-230 | Vicario | | Built in Mexico |
PC-231 | Ortíz | | Built in Mexico |
PC-241 | Demócrata | Demócrata | Coastal patrol boat | | Built in Mexico |
PC-242 | Francisco I. Madero | | Built in Mexico |
PC-331 | Tenochtitlan | Tenochtitlan | Coastal patrol boat | | Built in Mexico |
PC-332 | Teotihuacan | | Built in Mexico |
PC-333 | Palenque | | Built in Mexico |
PC-334 | Mitla | | Built in Mexico |
PC-335 | Uxmal | | Built in Mexico |
PC-336 | Tajín | | Built in Mexico |
PC-337 | Tulum | | Built in Mexico |
PC-338 | Monte Albán | | Built in Mexico |
PC-339 | Bonampak | | Built in Mexico |
PC-340 | Chichen Itzá | | Built in Mexico |
PC-271 | Cabo Corrientes | Cabo | Coastal patrol boat | | Purchased from the United States |
PC-272 | Cabo Corzo | | Purchased from the United States |
PC-273 | Cabo Catoche | | Purchased from the United States |
PI-1101 | Polaris | Polaris | Interceptor patrol boat | | |
PI-1102 | Sirius | | |
PI-1103 | Capella | | |
PI-1104 | Canopus | | |
PI-1105 | Vega | | |
PI-1106 | Achernar | | |
PI-1107 | Rigel | | |
PI-1108 | Arturus | | |
PI-1109 | Alpheratz | | |
PI-1110 | Procyon | | |
PI-1111 | Avyor | | |
PI-1112 | Deben | | |
PI-1113 | Fomalhuat | | |
PI-1114 | Pollux | | |
PI-1115 | Regulus | | |
PI-1116 | Acrux | | |
PI-1117 | Spica | | |
PI-1118 | Hadar | | |
PI-1119 | Shaula | | |
PI-1120 | Mirfak | | |
PI-1121 | Ankaa | | |
PI-1122 | Bellatrix | | |
PI-1123 | Elnath | | |
PI-1124 | Arnilan | | |
PI-1125 | Peacock | | |
PI-1126 | Betelgeuse | | |
PI-1127 | Adhara | | |
PI-1128 | Alioth | | |
PI-1129 | Rosalhague | | |
PI-1130 | Nunki | | |
PI-1131 | Hamal | | |
PI-1132 | Suhail | | |
PI-1133 | Dubhe | | |
PI-1134 | Denebola | | |
PI-1135 | Alkaid | | |
PI-1136 | Alphecca | | |
PI-1137 | Eltanin | | |
PI-1138 | Cochab | | |
PI-1139 | Enif | | |
PI-1140 | Shedaf | | |
PI-1141 | Markab | | |
PI-1142 | Megrez | | |
PI-1143 | Mizar | | |
PI-1144 | Phekda | | |
PI-1145 | Acamar | | |
PI-1146 | Diphda | | |
PI-1147 | Menkar | | |
PI-1148 | Sabik | | |
PI-1201 | Coronado | Isla | Interceptor patrol boat | | Built in Mexico |
PI-1202 | Lobos | | Built in Mexico |
PI-1203 | Guadalupe | | Built in Mexico |
PI-1204 | Cozumel | | Built in Mexico |
PI-1301 | Acuario | Acuario | Interceptor patrol boat | | Built in Mexico |
PI-1302 | Aguila | | Built in Mexico |
PI-1303 | Aries | | Built in Mexico |
PI-1304 | Auriga | | Built in Mexico |
PI-1305 | Cáncer | | Built in Mexico |
PI-1306 | Capricornio | | Built in Mexico |
PI-1307 | Centauro | Acuario B | Interceptor patrol boat | | Built in Mexico |
PI-1308 | Géminis | | Built in Mexico |
PI-1401 | Miaplacidus | Polaris II | Interceptor patrol boat | | |
PI-1402 | Algol | | |
PI-1403 | Castor | | |
PI-1404 | Merak | | |
PI-1405 | Caph | | |
PI-1406 | Mirach | | |
PI-1407 | Alhena | | |
PI-1408 | Saiph | | |
PI-1409 | Algorab | | |
A-411 | Papaloapan | Papaloapan | Tank landing ship | | Purchased from the United States |
A-412 | Usumacinta | | Purchased from the United States |
BAL-01 | Isla Tubarón | Isla Tubarón [2] | Logistics ship | | Built in Mexico |
BAL-02 | Isla Holbox | | Built in Mexico |
BAL-11 | Isla Madre | Isla Madre (Damen Stan 5009 Fast Crew Supplier) | Logistics ship | | Built in Netherlands |
BE-01 | Cuauhtémoc | - | Sail training ship | | Built in Spain |
BI-01 | Comala | Altair [2] | Research ship | | Purchased from the United States |
BI-02 | Onjuku | | | Confiscated from Japan |
BI-03 | Sayulita | Altair | Manzanillo [3] | Purchased from the United States |
BI-04 | Pátzcuaro | Veracruz [3] | Purchased from the United States |
BI-05 | Rio Suchiate | | | Purchased from the United States |
BI-06 | Zimapán | Altair | | Purchased from the United States |
BI-07 | Amealco | | Purchased from the United States |
BI-08 | Mazunte | | ? |
BI-09 | Rizo | - | ? |
BI-10 | Cabezo | | ? |
BI-11 | De Adentro | | ? |
ATR-01 | Maya | Maya | Transport ship | | ? |
ATR-03 | Tarasco | | ? |
ARE-01 | Otomí | Otomí | Tugboat | | Purchased from the United States |
ARE-02 | Yaqui | | Purchased from the United States |
ARE-03 | Seri | | Purchased from the United States |
ARE-04 | Cora | | Purchased from the United States |
ARE-05 | Iztaccihuatl | Iztaccihuatl | | Purchased from the United States |
ARE-06 | Popocatépetl | | Purchased from the United States |
ARE-07 | Citlaltépetl | | Purchased from the United States |
ARE-08 | Xinantécatl | | Purchased from the United States |
ARE-09 | Matlalcueye | | Purchased from the United States |
ARE-10 | Tláloc | | Purchased from the United States |
ARE-11 | Tepehua | Kukulkán [2] | |
ARE-12 | Huave | | |
ATQ-01 | Aguascalientes | Aguascalientes | Tanker | | Purchased from the United States |
ATQ-02 | Tlaxcala | | Purchased from the United States |
AMP-01 | Huasteco | - | Multipurpose | | Built in Mexico |
AMP-02 | Zapoteco | | Built in Mexico |
ADR-01 | Banderas | - | Dredger | | ? |
ADR-02 | Magdalena | | ? |
ADR-03 | Kino | | ? |
ADR-04 | Yavaros | | ? |
ADR-05 | Chamela | | ? |
ADR-06 | Tepoca | | ? |
ADR-07 | Todo Santos | | ? |
ADR-08 | Asunción | | ? |
ADR-09 | Almejas | | ? |
ADR-10 | Chacagua | | ? |
ADR-11 | Coyuca | | ? |
ADR-12 | Farallón | | ? |
ADR-13 | Chairel | | ? |
ADR-14 | San Adrés | | ? |
ADR-15 | San Ignacio | | ? |
ADR-16 | Términos | | ? |
ADR-17 | Teculapa | | ? |
ADR-31 | Contralmirante Luis Schaufelberger Alatorre | José Villalpando Rascón [2] | | ? |
ADR-32 | Comodoro David Coello Ochoa | | ? |
AM-60801 | Alvarado | - | Support ship | | ? |
AM-41801 | Blanquilla | | ? |
AM-22601 | Catemaco | | ? |
AM-51701 | Chapala | | ? |
AM-21202 | De en Medio | | ? |
AM-22602 | Galleguilla | | ? |
AM-51902 | Lagartos | | ? |
AM-60802 | Pájaros | | ? |
AM-21201 | Palancar | | ? |
AM-51901 | Progreso | | ? |
AM-32315 | Sisal | | ? |
AM-32316 | Tanhuijo | | ? |