List of sources of Chinese culinary history

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This is a list of historical Chinese sources referring to Chinese cuisine. Not long after the expansion of the Chinese Empire during the Qin dynasty (221207 BC) and Han dynasty (202 BC 220 AD), Chinese writers noted the great differences in culinary practices among people from different parts of the realm. These differences followed to a great extent the varying climate and availability of foodstuffs in China.


Pre-Han dynasty

Documents compiled before 206 BC.

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
Zhouli zhushu (Notes and Commentaries on the Rites of Zhou) simplified Chinese :周礼注疏; traditional Chinese :周禮注疏Government officialsAn annotated version of the Rites of Zhou [1]
Yili zhushu (Ceremonies and Rites with Commentaries) [2] 仪礼注疏; 儀禮注疏Banquet rites, single food offering rites, secondary food offering rites, and other rites mentioned
Liji zhengyi ( Book of Rites ) [3] 礼记正义; 禮記正義Eight different delicacies and others are mentioned.
Lüshi Chunqiu (Master Lü's Spring and Autumn [Annals])吕氏春秋; 呂氏春秋c.239 BC during the Qin dynasty Under the patronage of Lü Buwei An encyclopedic Chinese classic text compilation (Basic Taste)
Simin yueling jiaozhu (The Four Groups Practice Calendar)四民月令mid 2 ADEastern Han dynasty Minister Official Que ShiA book of mainly agricultural practices where food related topics are partially mentioned

Pre-Sui states

Documents from before the Sui dynasty (581–618).

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
Shijing (Classic of Poetry)simplified Chinese:诗经; traditional Chinese:詩經1000–600 BC Northern Wei dynasty Lu ShiA collection of poetry from the 11th to 7th centuries BC
Nanfang Caomu Zhuang (Plants of the Southern Regions)南方草木状; 南方草木狀Claims to have been completed in 304 AD. Often considered a Song-era forgery. [4] Western Jin dynasty scholar and botanist Ji Han (嵇含)Chinese subtropical flora
Qinjing (Book of Birds)禽经; 禽經The naming of birds with their characteristics and other elements
Shizhen lu (Food record)食珍录; 食珍錄 Northern and Southern dynasties eraYu CongRecipe book with a focus on southern cuisine
Qimin Yaoshu (Essential Methods of the Common People) [5] 齐民要术; 齊民要術533 and 544 BCNorthern Wei dynasty official Jia SixieAncient Chinese agricultural texts [6] [7] [8] (Section of Volumes 1–7)

Sui dynasty

Documents compiled during the Sui dynasty (581–618).

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
Shijing (Book of Foods)食经Sui dynasty Xie FengThe book collects 53 cuisines of various types from the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Sui Dynasty. [9]
Beitang shuchao (Excerpts of Books in the Northern Hall) [10] simplified Chinese:北堂书钞; traditional Chinese:北堂書鈔 Yu Shinan, an official and calligrapherThe oldest surviving leishu , which is a kind of Chinese reference book or encyclopedia. [11] Includes a chapter covering beverages and foods.

Tang dynasty

Documents compiled during the Tang dynasty (618–907).

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
Yiwen Leiju (Encyclopedia of Arts and Letters)藝文類聚
Ouyang Xun, a calligrapherА poetic encyclopedia; [12] [13] book 72 covers food.
Beiji qianjin yaofang (Essential Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold)備急千金要方
Sun Simiao, known as the King of MedicineAlong with Qian Jin Yi Fang (Supplement to the Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold), both significantly contributed to the development of Chinese medicine. [14] Book 26 refers to food treatments.
Shipu (Recipe Manuals)食譜
Wei Juyuan A menu from a banquet hosted by Wei Juyuan to thank the emperor for his promotion. It lists 58 dishes and includes descriptions of their cooking methods and ingredients. [15] [16]
Shiliao bencao ( Materia Medica for Successful Dietary Therapy) [17] 食療本草
684 [18] or
701 704 and 721–739 [19]
Meng Shen and Zhang Ding [20] The earliest complete dietary work. Based on Meng Shen's book Buyang fang (Prescription to Replenish and Nourish), Zhang Ding expanded it and renamed it as such. [19] (Fragment)
Chajing (The Classic of Tea)茶經
written between 760 and 780 Lu Yu The very first monograph on tea in the world that records Chinese methods of tea cultivation and preparation [21] [22]
Jiancha shuiji (Note on Brewing Tea) [23] 煎茶水記
Zhang Youxin (張又新), a tea expertDiscusses the way of tea brewing and suggests a trend towards more study of tea [24] [25]
Shiyi xinjian (A Revised Mirror for the Dietitian)食醫心鑑
published in 850UnknownFood therapy [26] [27]
Youyang zazu (Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang)酉陽雑俎
published approximately in 853 Duan Chengshi A miscellany of Chinese and foreign legends and hearsay, reports on natural phenomena, short anecdotes, and tales of the wondrous and mundane, as well as notes on such topics as medicinal herbs, tattoos, wine and foods.
Lingbiao lu yiji (Strange Southern Ways of Men and Things)嶺表錄異記
written between 889 and 904Liu Xun (劉恂)A book documenting the climate, environment, products, and customs of southern China during the Tang Dynasty. More than 60% of its content is related to food, including descriptions of ingredients, unique delicacies, cooking and dining utensils, and culinary customs. [28] [29] [30]
Shanfujing shoulu (The Manuscript of the Diet Minister's Classic)膳夫經手錄
856Yang YezhuanIntroduces many formulae for diet therapy [31]

Song dynasty

Documents compiled during the Song dynasty (960–1279). The population of China doubled in size during the 10th and 11th centuries. This growth came through expanded rice cultivation in central and southern China, the use of early-ripening rice from southeast and southern Asia, and the production of abundant food surpluses. [32] [33]

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
Shanfulu (Chef's Manuals)膳夫錄
Southern Song Zheng Wang (鄭望)A cookbook consists of 14 entries with descriptions of the processing and preparation of delicacies [34] [35]
Qingyilu (Records of the Unworldly and the Strange)淸異錄
950Tao GuA collection of more than 600 historical records and anecdotes spanned from Sui, Tang, the Five Dynasties and the early Song dynasty, under 37 categories including fine cuisines, vegetables, and fruits. [36] [37]
Taiping Yulan (Imperial Readings of the Taiping Era)太平御覽
977 to 983 Li Fang An encyclopedia (Volumes 843–867 are on diets)
Sunpu (Treatise on Bamboo Shoots)筍譜
c.970Zang Ning, a monkRecorded 98 kinds of bamboo shoot about heir names and aliases, characteristics, cultivation, tastes, processing and preservation methods [38] [39]
Benxinzhai shushipu (Vegetarian Recipes from the Study of the True Heart) [40] 本心齋蔬食譜
13th centuryChen Dasou (陳達叟)Lists 20 vegetarian foods with recipes.
Shanjia qinggong (The Simple Foods of the Mountain Folk) [41] 山家淸供
13th centuryLin HongThis cookbook introduces food and beverages of hermits in the mountains [42] and usages of sugar in cookery. [43] It also mentions a cultural proverb related to pasta. [44]
Rucao jishi茹草记事Published in 1646Lin Hong, Tao Zongyi, Tao Ting [45]
Shidafu shishi wuguan (Five Considerations When Scholar-officials Eat)*士大夫食時五觀
between 1045 and 1105 Huang Tingjian, a calligrapherDeals with five points of etiquette for shidafu (gentlemen or officials) when eating meat [46] [47]
Shouqin yanglao xinshu (A New Book on Supporting Parents for Longevity) [48] 壽親養老新書
1307Zou XuanA book mainly discusses the knowledge and methods of health care for the elderly, including dietary management, food preparation and other health care contents. [49] [50]
Beishan jiujing (The Wine Classic of North Mountain)北山酒經
between 1535 and 1615Zhu Gong (朱肱)The first book extant entirely focused on wine and wine making [51] [52]
Yushipi (Fine Dishes Notes)玉食批Song DynastyUnnamed royal kitchen servantA list of fine dishes served as daily meals to the princes of Emperor Lizong. [53]
Chalu (The Record of Tea)茶錄
Cai Xiang A renowned tea book [54]
Lizhi pu (Note on the Lychee)荔枝譜
1059 Cai Xiang The first monograph on any fruit tree written by a Chinese writer, in which over 30 varieties of fruit are mentioned including the lychee [55] [56]
Dongxi shichalu (Dongxi Tea Tasting Record)東溪試茶錄
circa 1064Song Zi'anA record of tasting teas from various origins in the region of today's Fujian, and analyzing their making process [57]
Pincha yaolu (Essentials in Tea Tasting)品茶要錄
1075Huang RuA collection of 10 articles on practices that should be avoided in tea making, and the influence of geographical conditions on tea quality [58]
Julu (Note on Oranges)橘錄
1178Han Yanzhi [59] A record of 27 citrus species around Wenzhou and their characteristics and cultivation methods [60]
Tangshuang pu (Book of Crystal Sugar)糖霜譜
1154Wang ZhuoThe first ancient Chinese monograph on sugarcane cultivation and cane sugar production methods
Xuanhe Era Tea Tribute from Beiyuan宣和北苑貢茶錄
1121-1125Xiong FanA record of 41 tea products from Fujian offered as tribute to Emperor Huizong of Song
Beiyuan Tea Tribute Addendum北苑別錄
1186Zhao RuliA supplement descriptive record to Xuanhe Era Tea Tribute from Beiyuan [61]
Xiepu (Notes on Crabs)蟹譜
1059Fu GongThe earliest records of knowledges on crabs in China [62] [63]
Xielüe (Crab Charts)蟹略 Southern Song Gao SisunA collection of knowledges and cultures about crabs in China as of Song Dynasty [64]
Junpu (Mushroom Manual)菌譜
Southern Song Chen RenyuA documentation of 11 species of edible mushrooms, the earliest of its kind in China [65]
Dongjing Meng Hua Lu 東京夢華錄箋注
1127Meng Yuanlao fl. 1126–1147Journal of daily life in Kaifeng of 1102~1125 [66]
Ducheng jisheng (The Famous Sages of the Capital)都城紀勝
1235Nai De WengDescriptively recorded the life of the citizens and the prosperity of commerce in Lin'an, the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty [67]
Wulin jiu shi武林舊事
Zhou MiRecollections of past urban life in Lin'an, the capital of the Southern Song dynasty
Nan Song shisi ji (Marketplaces and Shops in Southern Song)南宋市肆记Zhou MiOriginally a volume of Wulin jiu shi, recorded all kinds of markets and shops in Lin'an.
Mengliang lu (Records of Dreams of Glory)夢粱錄
Wu ZimuFrom the imperial court ceremonies to commoner's diet and daily life, another recollections of Lin'an.
Wushi Zhongkuilu 吳氏中饋錄
Madame WuThe earliest Chinese cookbook written by a woman and one of the first to mention the use of soy sauce
Fanshenglu or Xihulaoren fanshenglu繁胜录 or 西湖老人繁勝錄A record of the urban life in Lin'an, similar to the Ducheng jisheng [68]

Jin dynasty

Documents compiled during the Jin dynasty (1115–1234).

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
Shiwu bencao (Materia Medica on Food)食物本草Li Gao (李杲), a major medical scholar of the time [69] A compilation of the rich dovuments on food as medicine in China as of Ming dynasty. [70]

Yuan dynasty

During the Yuan dynasty (1271–1368), contacts with the West also brought the introduction to China of a major food crop, sorghum, along with other foreign food products and methods of preparation.

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
Nongshu (Agricultural Treatise)農書
1149Chen FuDeals with paddy rice farming and sericulture in southern China [71]
Riyong bencao (Materia Medica for Daily Use) [72] 日用本草1367 [73] Wu Rui, an official medical authorityOne of famous works on dietetics written in the Yuan dynasty. [74] It lists of 540 common foods with medicinal properties. [73]
Yinshan zhengyao (Orthodox Essentials of Dietetics)飮膳正要
Hu Sihui, an imperial dietary physicianThe book, that defines essential diets for a healthy person, is regarded as the first systematic document on nutritional principles in China. [69] [75]
Nongsang yishi cuoyao (Fundamentals of Agriculture and Sericulture for Food and Clothes)農桑衣食撮要
1314Lu Mingshan [76] Sugarcane and sugar manufacturing [77]
Yinshi xuzhi (Must Known for Diet)飮食須知
Jia MingOne of the famous works on a balanced and healthy diet which was written in the Yuan dynasty [69]
Yunlin tang yinshi zhidu ji (The Diet Preparation Methods of Yunlintang) [78] [79] 雲林堂飲食制度集
Ni Zan, a famous painterThe book recorded the author's homemade recipes, condiments, tea and wine, which reflects the style of Wuxi cuisine. [80] [81] [82]
Jujia biyong shilei quanji (Collection of Necessary Matters Ordered for the Householder) [83] 居家必用事類全集
1301An encyclopedia that became a precursor to encyclopedias of the late Ming, and has a chapter devoted to "foods of the Muslims" [84] [85] (gengji庚集, jiji己集)
Zhuanshi (A History of Cuisine)饌史
A compilation of anecdotes about diet extracted from Tang and Song books mentioned above on this page. [86]

Ming dynasty

China during the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) became involved in a new global trade of goods, plants, animals, and food crops known as the Columbian Exchange. Although the bulk of imports to China were silver, the Chinese also purchased New World crops from the Spanish Empire. This included sweet potatoes, maize, and peanuts, foods that could be cultivated in lands where traditional Chinese staple crops—wheat, millet, and rice—couldn't grow, hence facilitating population growth. [87] [88] In the Song dynasty (960–1279), rice had become the major staple crop of the poor; [89] after sweet potatoes were introduced to China around 1560, they gradually became the traditional food of the lower classes. [90]

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
Yiya yiyi(Yiya's Thoughts Remained)易牙遗意Han YiMore than 150 recipes of condiments, beverages, pastry, dishes, preserved fruits, etc. [91]
Tian chu ju zhenmiao zhuan ji (Heavenly Chefs' Collection of Wonderful Dishes)天厨聚珍妙馔集A collection of fine dining recipes
Shenyin or Quxian shenyin shu (Quxian's Reclusive Life)神隐 or 臞仙神隐书Zhu QuanA record of the rustic, hermit-like life of a practitioner of Taoism, including details of farming, the food process and the diet. [92]
Jiuhuang Bencao (Materia Medica for the Relief of Famine)救荒本草Zhu SuThe book newly mentions most edible plants. [93]
Shijian bencao (Food Guide for Materia Medica)食鉴本草1522~1566Ning YuanA work on dietary therapy, in which 251 items of food and ingredients were recorded, each with its medical attribute. [93]
Bianmin tu zuan (Illustrated Farmer's Guide)便民图纂Kuang FanAn encyclopedia of farmers' daily use. Volume 15 covers food and other topics. [94]
Yecai pu (Wild Vegetable Manual)野菜谱1524Wang PanA collection of 60 edible wild herbs, each with an illustration. [95]
Songshi yangsheng bu (Song's Book of Nourishment)宋氏养生部1504Song XuIt recorded 1010 food items, 1340 recipes and 160 methods of processing and preserving foods. [96]
Yunlin yishi云林遗事Gu YuanqingA collection of stories about Ni Zan, includes a chapter about his diet.
Shiwu bencao (Food Materia Medica)食物本草Wang YingGreatly contributed to the development of medical foods. [93]
Shipin ji (Food Collection)食品集1537Wu LuIt documents 350 types of food, divided into seven sections: cereals, fruits, vegetables, animals, poultry, insects and fish, and water.  For each food, it describes its nature and taste, toxicity, advantages and disadvantages of consumption, functions and indications. It also includes cooking methods for the foods. [97]
Guang junpu (Broad Mushroom Manual)广菌谱Pan ZhihengA documentation of 19 species of edible mushrooms and 4 species of edible non-macrofungi [98]
Bencao gangmu (The Compendium of Materia Medica)本草纲目1578–1608 Li Shizhen А total of 1892 medical substances are addressed in the book, and food items make up a significant portion of them. [93]
Mo'e xiaolu墨娥小录Regards various delicacies in food, drink, etc.
Duo neng bi shi多能鄙事 Liu Ji The book is divided into eleven sections containing essential knowledge for everyday life. Volumes 1 to 4 deal with food and cuisine.
Rucao bian茹草编Zhou LüjingA collection of 105 edible wild herbs, each with an illustration
Jujia bibei (Home Essentials)居家必备A household encyclopedia, Volume 7 covers brewing, tea making and cooking.
Zunsheng bajian(Eight Letter on Life Cultivation) [99] 遵生八笺Gao LianThe "eating and drinking" part recorded more than 3,200 recipes for beverages, foods, dishes, and medicaments. [100]
Yesupin(Classes of Wild Vegetables)野蔌品Gao LianIt includes descriptions of 96 wild-grown edible plants with details on their appearance, character and the way of cooking them. [101]
Haiwei suoyin

(Index of Seafood Products)

海味索引Tu BenjunA record of 16 aquatic products, to correct errors in earlier such books. [102]
Minzhong haicuoshu闽中海错疏Tu BenjunRecords of marine animals along the coast of Fujian. [102]
Yecai jian (Wild Vegetable Paper)野菜笺Tu BenjunRecords 22 common edible wild plants in the author's hometown.
Shantang sikao山堂肆考1595Peng Dayi (彭大翼)A 5-part encyclopedia with 240 volumes, including volumes on food and beverages, cereals, vegetables, and fruits.
Yecai bolu (Extensive Record of Wild Plants)野菜博录1622Bao ShanRecords of 435 edible wild plants. [103]
Shangyi bencao上医本草1620Zhao NanxingRecords of more than 200 food items that are also used medicinally
Shangzheng (Regiment of the beaker)觞政Yuan HongdaoDrinking games and customs
Nongzheng quanshu (Encyclopedia of Agriculture)农政全书 Xu Guangqi Details of agricultural practices with the effects of the climate and landscape
Yangyu yueling养余月令1633Dai XiA farmer's encyclopaedia organised by month of the year
Jiushi (Wine History)酒史Feng ShihuaChinese wine knowledge, customs and culture

Qing dynasty

Documents compiled during the Qing dynasty (1644–1912).

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
Xianqing ouji (Leisure Time)闲情偶寄 Li Yu Contains a section on food and drink
Min xiao ji闽小记1647 Zhou Lianggong Narrative of Fukienese folklore, produce and trivia [104]
Yinshi xuzhi (Necessary Dietary Information)饮食须知Zhu Benzhong [105] Dietary do's and don'ts from a medical scientist [106]
Tiaodingji调鼎集A cookery book compiled in the mid-Qing dynasty and collected the practical experience of cooks. [107]
Shiwu bencao huizuan食物本草会纂1691Shen LilongRecords of 220 foods that are also used medicinally, listing the nature, taste and function of each. [108]
Jiangnan yuxianpin (Fish species from the Lower Yangtze)江南鱼鲜品Chen JianThe book recorded 21 species of food fish.
Gui'eryue簋贰约 You Tong
Riyong suzi日用俗字 Pu Songling A literacy textbook based on objects and contents of everyday life, which has a chapter on foods and one on vegetables
Shixian hongmi食宪鸿秘 Zhu Yizun Over 400 recipes for condiments, drinks, dishes and pastries. [109]
Fan you shi'er heshuo (Twelve Thoughts on Meals)饭有十二合说Zhang YingGains of knowledge and thoughts about meals [110]
Yuanjian leihan (Categorized boxes of the Yuanjian Studio)渊鉴类函A large encyclopedia compiled in imperial order, with sections on foods, grains, medicinal herbs, vegetables and fruits. [111]
Juchang yinzhuan lu居常饮馔录Cao YinA compilation of dietary works from Song and Ming dynastyies [112]
Complete Classics Collection of Ancient China 古今图书集成1700–1725 Chen Menglei and Jiang Tingxi The food section is included in the Economy part
Xu chajing (The Sequel to Classic of Tea)续茶经Lu TingcanA combing and recording of tea production and consumption from the Tang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty.
Gezhi jingyuan (Mirrored contexts for thorough investigations)格致镜原Chen YuanlongAn encyclopedia of which the volume 6 covers food and drink.
Nongpu bianlan (Overview of agriculture and gardening)农圃便览1755Ding YizengThe book provides information on techniques for growing staple foods, legumes, fruits and flowers, as well as forecasting or treating and processing agricultural products, including brewing, cooking and medical treatment. [113]
Xingyuan lu醒园录Li HuananA culinary book with recipes for dishes, pastries, snacks, brewing methods as well as food preservation methods. [114]
Yangsheng suibi养生随笔1773Cao TingdongHealth care knowledges for the elderly, the 5th volume is dedicated to congees listing 100 recipes [115]
Suiyuan shidan (Recipes from the Garden of Contentment)随园食单1792 Yuan Mei A work on cooking and gastronomy
Wu xun pu (Wu region mushroom manual)吴蕈谱1683Wu LinA documentation of 26 edible mushrooms commonly found around Suzhou, and also listed inedible, poisonous mushrooms of the area [116]
Jihai cuo (Notes on Marine Products)记海错1814Hao YixingA book recording common marine animals and plants along the coast of northern China [117]
Zhengsuwen (Recognition of misused Characters)证俗文Hao YixingA dictionary to rectify Chinese characters often misused in everyday life. The first volume covers names and terms relating to food and drink [118]
Xilüe (On Vinegar)醯略Zhao XinA collection of texts on vinegar from over 100 ancient Chinese works. [119]
Yangxiaolu (Gourmet's Note)养小录1698Gu ZhongIn 22 categories, the book describes the preparation of 276 drinks, condiments, dishes and pastries. [120]
Yangzhou huafang lu扬州画舫录1795Li DouThe book describes life in the merchants' quarters of Yangzhou, including its food and teahouses. [121]
Tiaoji yinshi bian (Conditioning the sick body through diet)调疾饮食辨1823Zhang MuThe book contains the medicinal properties of more than six hundred kinds of foods [122] [123]
Qing jia lu清嘉录Gu LuThe book describes the folk customs, human history and natural scenery of the Suzhou area. [124]
Tongqiao yizhao lu桐桥倚棹录Gu LuA local journal describing the landscape, scenic spots, temples, monuments, and handicrafts in the area of Huqiu and Shantang in Suzhou. [125]
Suixiju yinshipu随息居饮食谱1861Wang ShixiongThe book includes more than330 food items and provides a detailed discussion of the tastes, characteristics and effects on the body of various drinks and foods, as well as their medical uses from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine. [126]
Lü Yuan Cong Hua Yinengpian履园丛话·艺能篇Qian YongThere's one chapter titled "Cooking". [127]
Zhongkui lu中馈录Peng Songyu
Huya湖雅Wang YuezhenA dictionary-like glossary of the rich agricultural and fishery products of Huzhou [128]
Zhongkui lu中馈录Zeng YiRecorded process for the production of air-dried hams, sausages and other food products, and condiments [129]
Zhoupu (Guang Zhoupu)粥谱
Huang YunhuA book specialising in the preparation of congee [130]
Xinbian jiazhengxue (New Home Economics)新编家政学Part 4, chapter 3 is on diet.
Chengdu tonglan成都通览Fu ChongjuA book reflecting the whole picture of Chengdu society in the late Qing Dynasty. Volume 7 is on food and drink. [131]

Post-Qing period

Documents compiled after the Qing dynasty.

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
Zaoyangfan shu Western Cookbook造洋饭书1909The earliest western cookbook in China. It is divided into 25 chapters, which introduce the ingredients and cooking methods of western food.
Shipin jiawei beilan Overview of Food Delicacy食品佳味备览He Yun ShiListed over 200 famous specialty foods in different parts of China, occasionally involves famous restaurants and the method of preparing dishes. [132]
Qingbai leichao

Anthology of Petty Matters in Qing

清稗类钞1917 Xu Ke An anthology of historiographical essays from the entire Qing period includes all aspects of history, society, state, the arts and human life. [133]
Pengren yiban

Introduction to cooking

烹饪一斑1935Lu ShoujianAn introductory cookery book for beginners [134]
Jiating shipu Family recipes家庭食谱1916Li Gong'erRecipes for family meals and dishes. [135]
Xican pengren mijue Tips for cooking Western food西餐烹饪秘诀1921Li Gong'er [136]
Jiating shipu xubian Family Recipes Sequel家庭食谱续编1924Shi XishengRecipes for family meals and dishes. [137]
Jiating shipu sanbian Family Recipes Third家庭食谱三编Shi XishengA follow-up of the Family Recipes Sequel [138]
Jiating shipu sibian Family Recipes Four家庭食谱四编Shi XishengA follow-up of the Family Recipes Third [139]
Sushi pu Vegetarian Manual素食谱1925Shi XishengMore than 250 recipes for vegetarian dishes [140]
Jiashi shixi baojian家事实习宝鉴1918Wang YanlunA guide to the different categories of household chores, including family meals cooking. [141]
Zhijia quanshu治家全书1919Gao JianhuaAn encyclopedia of women with a section on culinary expertise. [142]
Jiating wanbao quanshu家庭万宝全书Includes a section of culinary expertise.
Sushi shenglun素食养生论Yamazaki KesayaTranslated from the original Japanese book. Argues that vegetarianism is good for health. [143]
Shanghai kuailan

Shanghai Quick Browse

上海快览1924Tao FengziA guide for visitors or new residents of Shanghai, including a chapter introducing the restaurants and diners. [144]
Shiwu xin bencao (New Materia Medica of Food)食物新本草Translated from the original Japanese book. Introduces modern Western concepts and knowledge of nutrition and food hygiene [145]
Qinan kuailan

Jinan Quick Browse

济南快览1927Zhou ChuanmingA guide for visitors or new residents of Jinan, including a chapter introducing the restaurants and diners.
Beiping caipu (Beiping Recipes)北平菜谱1931A collection of recipes of the dishes that were served at the Dalian Liaodong Hotel [132]
Minzhong changshi congshu (People's Common Knowledge)民众常识丛书Yue JunshiHousehold tips aimed at female readers, including a section on culinary expertise [146]
Jinan daguan

Getting to Know Jinan

济南大观1934Luo TengxiaoA guide for visitors to Jinan, including a chapter introducing the restaurants and diners. [147]
Yinshi yu jiankang Diet and health饮食与健康1936Zhang EntingIntroduces the relationship between diet and health from the perspective of modern food chemistry and Western nutrition. [148]
Beiping fengsu leizheng北平风俗类征1937Li JiaruiDetailed and systematic collection of Beijing folk customs, including eating habits. [149]
Feishi shiyang sanzhong费氏食养三种1938Fei Zibin

Fei Boxiong

Three books on dietary therapy. [150]
Shiyong yinshixue Practical Dietetics实用饮食学1939Gong Lanzhen

Zhou Xuan

A textbook on healthy eating and nutrition. [151]
Xin shipu Latest Recipe新食谱1941Ren Bangzhe

Lin Guogao

Nutritional components in the foods of daily diet. [152]
Sushi shuolü素食说略Xue BaochenThe recipes of more than 170 kinds of vegetarian dishes popular in the late Qing Dynasty. [153]
Chifan wenti Questions to Eating吃饭问题1944Shan YingminPopular knowledge books on diet and nutrition. [154]


  1. "Siku Quanshu (Wenyuange Edition)".
  2. Birdwhistell, Anne D. (1996). Li Yong (1627-1705) and Epistemological Dimensions of Confucian Philosophy. Stanford University Press. p. 208. ISBN   978-0-8047-2605-4.
  3. Pohl, Karl-Heinz (1999). Chinese Thought in a Global Context: A Dialogue Between Chinese and Western Philosophical Approaches. BRILL. ISBN   978-90-04-11426-5.
  4. Métailié, Georges (2015). Science and Civilisation in China, vol. VI, Biology and Biological Technology, Part 4, Traditional Botany: an Ethnobotanical Approach. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN   978-1107109872.
  5. Alternative translations are Important Arts for the People's Welfare, The Manual of Important Arts for the People, Essential Techniques of Keeping Order among the Common People, The Art of Feeding the People, Important Technology for the People's Welfare, or Essential Farming Skills of the People of Qi.
  6. Needham, 1995, p. 189
  7. Lewis, Mark Edward (2009). China Between Empires: The Northern and Southern Dynasties. Harvard University Press. p. 116. ISBN   978-0-674-02605-6.
  8. Wenhua Li, 2001 Agro-Ecological Farming Systems in China Taylor & Francis, p. 26 -27 ISBN   92-3-103784-6
  9. "《食经》 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版". Retrieved 2024-10-12.
  10. Joseph Needham, Donald B. Wagner, Ling Wang (2008) Science and Civilisation in China Cambridge University Press, p. 372 ISBN   0-521-87566-8
  11. 북당서초 北堂書鈔 (in Korean). Doosan Encyclopedia.[ permanent dead link ]
  12. Brown, Kendall H. (1997-01-01). The Politics of Reclusion: Paintineg and Power in Momoyama Japan. University of Hawaii Press. p. 25. ISBN   978-0-8248-1913-2.
  13. Pearce, Scott; Spiro, Audrey G.; Ebrey, Patricia Buckley (2001). Culture and Power in the Reconstitution of the Chinese Realm, 200-600. Harvard Univ Asia Center. p. 58. ISBN   978-0-674-00523-5.
  14. Hou, Joseph P.; Jin, Youyu (2005). The Healing Power of Chinese Herbs and Medicinal Recipes. Psychology Press. p. 39. ISBN   978-0-7890-2202-8.
  15. "《中国饮食典籍史》". 上海古籍出版社. 2012. p. 123. Archived from the original on 2021-12-29. Retrieved 2021-02-02.
  16. Wilkinson, 2002, p.649
  17. Alternative translations are Pharmacopoeia of Foods for Treating Illness, Nutritional Therapy; a Pharmacopoeia of Natural History or Health Food and Curative Herbs
  18. Hu, Shiu-ying (2005). Food Plants of China. Chinese University Press. ISBN   978-962-996-229-6.
  19. 1 2 Hsu, Elisabeth (2001-09-27). Innovation in Chinese Medicine. Cambridge University Press. pp. 184–187. ISBN   978-0-521-80068-6.
  20. Peng Yoke Ho, F. Peter Lisowski Concepts of Chinese science and traditional healing arts p.35
  21. Chiffolo, Anthony F.; Hesse, Rayner W. (2006-08-30). Cooking with the Bible: Biblical Food, Feasts, and Lore. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 339. ISBN   978-0-313-33410-8.
  22. Wu, Dingbo; Murphy, Patrick Dennis (1994). Handbook of Chinese Popular Culture. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 74. ISBN   978-0-313-27808-2.
  23. An alternative translation is "Record of Waters for Boiing Tea"
  24. Wang, Ling (2005). Tea and Chinese Culture. Long River Press. pp. 43–44. ISBN   978-1-59265-025-5.
  25. Gleaming Qing Ming—Exhibition of China Tea Culture Literature Tea Cultural Museum of Macao
  26. Peiwen Li, Li Peiwen (2003) Management of Cancer with Chinese Medicine Donica Publishing Limited, p. 353 ISBN   1-901149-04-8
  27. 식의심감 食醫心鑑 (in Korean). Doosan Encyclopedia.[ permanent dead link ]
  28. "《岭表录异》中记述的唐代岭南山珍海错". (in Chinese). Retrieved 2024-10-12.
  29. August Johan Bernet Kempers The kettledrums of Southeast Asia p. 179
  30. Joseph Needham, Colin A. Ronan The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China p. 251
  31. Losso, 2007 p. 102
  32. Ebrey et al. 1999, p. 156
  33. Brook, 1998, p. 96
  34. Theobald, Ulrich. "Shanfulu 膳夫錄 (". Retrieved 2024-10-12.
  35. Joseph Needham, Ling Wang Science and Civilisation in China p. 127
  36. "清异录 – 书格". Retrieved 2024-10-12.
  37. Needham, Joseph; Ronan, Colin A. (1978). The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 5. Cambridge University Press. p. 76. ISBN   978-0-521-46773-5.
  38. "笋谱 – 书格(旧版)". Retrieved 2024-10-12.
  39. Valder, Peter (1999). The Garden Plants of China. Timber Press. p. 90. ISBN   978-0-88192-470-1.
  40. (in French) Association française d'études chinoises (1997) Etudes chinoises L'Association, p. 10
  41. Alternative translations are Pure Dinner at a Mountain House, or The Simple Life of a Mountain Dweller.
  42. Berg, Daria; Starr, Chloë (2007). The Quest for Gentility in China: Negotiations Beyond Gender and Class. Routledge. pp. 181–182. ISBN   978-0-415-43586-4.
  43. Mazumdar, p. 29
  44. Serventi, Silvano; Sabban, Françoise (2002). Pasta: The Story of a Universal Food. Columbia University Press. p. 319. ISBN   978-0-231-12442-3.
  45. Hong Lin, Zongyi Tao, Ting Tao Ru cao ji shi
  46. Huang, Tingjian, 1045–1105 City University of Hong Kong
  47. (in Korean) Prof. Jo Mun-su (조문수교수) 궁중음식 Archived 2001-11-15 at the Wayback Machine Jeju University
  48. An alternative translation is New Writings on Fostering the Longevity and Nourishing the Old Age of One's Parents
  49. 李治安(in Chinese) 2005 元史论丛/第十辑/元代社会文化暨元世祖忽必烈国际学术研讨会论文集 p. 407
  50. Fabrizio Pregadio The encyclopedia of Taoism 中国广播电视出版社 p. 269 ISBN   7-5043-4546-6
  51. Catharina Yung-Kang Wang Ang, KeShun Liu, Yao-Wen Huang 1999 Asian foods: science & technology CRC Press, p. 389 ISBN   1-56676-736-9
  52. Bob Flaws 1994 Chinese Medicinal Wines & Elixirs Blue Poppy Enterprises, Inc., p. 15 ISBN   0-936185-58-9
  53. "宋代宫廷饮食缕——皇帝的餐桌" (PDF). 故宫博物院 (in Chinese). Retrieved 2024-10-12.
  54. Kit Boey Chow, Ione Kramer, 1990 All the tea in China China Books, p. 8 ISBN   0-8351-2194-1
  55. Peter Valder, 1999 The Garden Plants of China Timber Press p. 301 ISBN   0-88192-470-9
  56. International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, Alan Kam-leung Chan, Gregory K. Clancey, Hui-Chieh Loy, 2001 Historical perspectives on East Asian science, technology, and medicine World Scientific p. 173 ISBN   9971-69-259-7
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  58. "品茶要录". 中国哲学书电子化计划. Retrieved 2024-10-12.
  59. |Schlegel, Rolf H. J. (15 December 2017). History of Plant Breeding. CRC Press. pp. 49–. ISBN   978-1-351-58895-9.
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  61. "北苑别录". 福建炎黄纵横 (in Chinese). Retrieved 2024-10-13.
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  63. Clancey, Gregory K.; Loy, Hui-Chieh (2001). Historical Perspectives on East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine. World Scientific. p. 173. ISBN   978-9971-69-259-9.
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  66. "《东京梦华录》 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版". Retrieved 2024-10-13.
  67. "《都城纪胜》 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版". Retrieved 2024-10-13.
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  69. 1 2 3 Losso, 2007, p. 102
  70. 校注; 魏启亮; 程英; 王如彤 (2018-05-01). 食物本草(点校本)(精). 人民卫生出版社 译者. ISBN   978-7-117-24625-5.
  71. Wilkinson, 1998, p. 629
  72. It can be translated as Materia Medica of Everyday Food Items
  73. 1 2 Heiner Fruehauf, (March 1998) The Ginkgo: Cultural Background and Medicinal Usage in China, The Journal of Chinese Medicine
  74. Losso, 2007, p.102 – 103
  75. Newman, 2004, p. 19-20
  76. Gang Deng, 1999 Maritime sector, institutions, and sea power of premodern China, Greenwood Publishing Group, p. 260 ISBN   0-313-30712-1
  77. Mazumdar, Sucheta (1998). Sugar and Society in China: Peasants, Technology, and the World Market. Harvard Univ Asia Center. p. 134. ISBN   978-0-674-85408-6.
  78. Wilkinson, 2000, p.649
  79. Alternative titles are Cloud Forest Hall Collection of Rules for Drinking and Eating or Dietetic Systems of Yunlin
  80. "《云林堂饮食制度集》 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版". Retrieved 2024-10-13.
  81. Newman, 2004, p.20
  82. Jacqueline M. Newman, Summer 2000 About: 14th Century eating/drinking rules and recipes; Book awards; Upcoming Chinese New Year
  83. An alternative translation is Complete Collection of Classified Affairs Essential for Those Living at Home
  84. March 2006 Beijing Halal China Heritage Project, The Australian National University, No. 5
  85. Elman, Benjamin A. (2005-04-30). On Their Own Terms: Science in China, 1550-1900. Harvard University Press. ISBN   978-0-674-01685-9.
  86. "《馔史》 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版". Retrieved 2024-10-13.
  87. Ebrey, Patricia Buckley (1999). The Cambridge Illustrated History of China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN   0-521-66991-X
  88. Crosby, Alfred W., Jr. (2003). The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492; 30th Anniversary Edition. Westport: Praeger Publishers. ISBN   0-275-98092-8.
  89. Gernet, Jacques (1962). Daily Life in China on the Eve of the Mongol Invasion, 1250–1276. Translated by H. M. Wright. Stanford: Stanford University Press. ISBN   0-8047-0720-0, 136.
  90. Crosby, Alfred W., Jr. (2003). The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492; 30th Anniversary Edition. Westport: Praeger Publishers. ISBN   0-275-98092-8, 200.
  91. 韩奕 撰; 邱庞 注释 (September 1984). 易牙遗意. 15235-121 (in Chinese). 中国商业出版社.
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  93. 1 2 3 4 Losso, 2007, p. 103
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  100. 高濂. 饮馔服食笺. 中国商业出版社. ISBN   978-7-5208-0936-8.
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  105. Cheng-Tsai Liu; Liu Zheng-cai; Ka Hua (1999). A Study of Daoist Acupuncture & Moxibustion. Blue Poppy Enterprises, Inc. p. 35. ISBN   1-891845-08-X.
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Wu Mei Yuan or Wumei yuan, translated into English as the Destinies of Five Beauties, is a Chinese romantic novel of the early 19th-century during the Qing dynasty. The novel is usually categorized as one of the caizi jiaren novels. Its authorship is ascribed to a writer named Jisheng Shi (寄生氏), which is a pseudonym, however, this is also disputed. It consists of 80 chapters. An early printed edition of the novel dating to 1822 is located in the National Library of China.

<i>Tiehua xianshi</i>

Tiehua xianshi, also translated into English as A History of the Immortal and Iron Flower or History of the Iron-Flower Immortals, is a Chinese novel of the Qing dynasty. Its authorship is ascribed to Yunfeng Shanren (雲封山人), which is a pseudonym. The novel consists of 26 chapters and was written in the Kangxi era (1662-1722). It is often categorized as a "caizi jiaren" romance novel, however, the novel also has various adventure elements that would be considered as part of "wuxia" and fantasy genres, and it is not simply just a love story.

<i>Ting Yue Lou</i> Chinese caizi jiaren romance novel

Ting Yue Lou is a Chinese caizi jiaren romance novel by an anonymous writer from the Jiaqing era (1796-1820) of the Qing dynasty. The novel consists of 20 chapters. An early printed edition of the novel dating to 1815 is now preserved in the Zhejiang University.

<i>Wu Jiang Xue</i> Chinese romantic novel

Wu Jiang Xue, is a Chinese "caizi jiaren" romantic novel of the 17th-century. Its date of composition have been dated by various scholars to either around 1605 in the late Ming dynasty or around mid 17th-century during the early Qing dynasty. Its authorship is ascribed to a writer named Pei Hengzi (佩蘅子). The novel consists of 24 chapters.

Wang Weichao, born in Zhaoyuan, Shandong, is a director of the People's Republic of China.

Cai Xiaoqing, born in Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province, is a director from the People's Republic of China. She is the daughter of Cai Ruohong.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Li Jinfa</span>

Li Jinfa was a Chinese poet, sculptor, and diplomat of Hakka descent. Li was often considered to be the founder of Chinese symbolistic poetry and was credited with helping modernize Chinese poetry. Li was also a professional sculptor throughout most of his working life. Briefly from 1944 to 1946, Li worked for Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Iraq and Iran. Li later immigrated to the United States where he remained until he died in 1976.

Lu Liangshu, originally from Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, and born in Shanghai, was a specialist in wheat breeding and cultivation, agricultural science and technology advancement, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the former president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Kangfuxin Ye, also known as Rehabilitation New Liquid, is an extract and formula used in Traditional Chinese medicine, derived from the desiccated bodies of American cockroaches.
