List of universities in Timor-Leste

Last updated

National University of Timor-Leste central campus, 2023 National University of East Timor, 2023 (04).jpg
National University of Timor-Leste central campus, 2023

This is a list of universities and other higher educational institutions in Timor-Leste. Timor-Leste has one public national university, National University of Timor-Leste, founded in 2000 to replace the Indonesian-era Universitas Timor Timur, which ceased operations in 1999. The country also has a number of private universities, including the Dili Institute of Technology, the Institute of Business, Instituto Superior Cristal, Joao Saldanha University, Universidade Dili, Universidade Oriental Timor Lorosa'e, and Universidade da Paz. A Catholic university, Universidade Católica Timorense, was established in 2021. All of Timor-Leste's universities are located in Dili, the capital, but several also have satellite campuses in other locations.


In addition to universities, Timor-Leste also has a number of specialized higher education institutions. There are several technical schools, including the East Timor Coffee Institute  [ de ], Instituto Dom Boaventura de Timor-Leste, Instituto Ciência da Saúde, Instituto Profissional de Canossa, and the government-run Instituto Politécnico de Betano. Timor-Leste has two teacher training institutes, Instituto Católico para Formação de Professores and Instituto São João de Brito. A new teachers' college, Naroman Esperansa, is currently being built in Gleno. [1] There are also several theological institutions, including Instituto de Ciências Religiosas, Instituto Filosófico de São Francisco de Sales, Instituto Superior de Filosofia e de Teologia, and St. Peter and St. Paul Major Seminary. The government also operates the Instituto da Defesa Nacional to provide higher education to members of the military.

Most of Timor-Leste's institutions of higher education are accredited by the National Agency for Academic Assessment and Accreditation (ANAAA), run by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Culture.


Dili Institute of Technology DIT Dili, Baucau, Pante Macassar [2] Private2002 [3] ANAAA [4]
Timor-Leste Institute of Business IOB Dili, Maliana [5] Private2002 [3] ANAAA [4]
Instituto Superior Cristal ISC Dili, Aileu, Baucau, Same [6] Private2001 [3] ANAAA [4]
Joao Saldanha University JSU Hera [7] Private2015 [3] ANAAA [8]
National University of Timor-Leste UNTL Dili, Hera [9] Public2000 [3] ANAAA [10]
Universidade Católica Timorense UCT Dili [11] Private2021 [11] ANAAA (pending) [12]
Universidade Dili UNDIL Dili [13] Private2002 [3] ANAAA [14]
Universidade Oriental Timor Lorosa'e UNITAL Dili [15] Private2002 [3] ANAAA [14]
Universidade da Paz UNPAZ Dili, Ermera, Liquiçá, Suai [16] Private2004 [3] ANAAA [4]

Other institutions

Timor-Leste Coffee Institute ETCI Gleno [17] Private2003 [3] ANAAA [14]
Instituto Católico para Formação de Professores ICFP Baucau [3] Private2003 [18] ANAAA [18]
Instituto da Defesa Nacional IDN Dili [19] Public2010 [20]
Instituto Dom Boaventura de Timor-Leste IBTL Same [21] Private2020 [3] ANAAA [8]
Instituto Ciência da Saúde ICS Dili [22] Private2005 [3] ANAAA [12]
Instituto Filosófico de São Francisco de Sales IFFS Dili [23] Private2012 [3] ANAAA [14]
Instituto Politécnico de Betano IPB Betano [24] Public2017 [24] ANAAA [8]
Instituto Profissional de Canossa IPDC Dili [25] Private2003 [3] ANAAA [4]
Instituto São João de Brito ISJB Kasait [26] Private2016 [26] ANAAA [8]
Instituto Superior de Filosofia e de Teologia ISFIT Dili [27] Private2000 [3] ANAAA [14]
St. Peter and St. Paul Major Seminary SPEPAL Dili [28] Private2000 [28]

Defunct institutions


  1. "The project - Timor Leste". Naroman Esperansa. Retrieved 12 September 2024.
  2. "DIT | Dili Institute of Technology". Dili Institute of Technology. Retrieved 8 September 2024.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Leandro, Francisco José B. S.; Martínez-Galán, Enrique; Gonçalves, Paulo (2 September 2023). Portuguese-speaking Small Island Developing States: The Development Journeys of Cabo Verde, São Tomé and Príncipe, and Timor-Leste. Singapore: Springer Nature. p. 340. ISBN   978-981-99-3382-2.
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  12. 1 2 Abi, Mariano (19 March 2023). "ANAAA Lansa Akreditasaun Institusionál Programátiku 2023" [ANAAA Launches 2023 Programmatic Institutional Accreditation]. Timor Post. Retrieved 12 September 2024.
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  15. Martins, Filomeno (16 August 2021). "ANAAA launches second phase of university programs accreditation". TATOLI. Retrieved 12 September 2024.
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  22. "The Institute of Health Sciences". Timor-Leste Journal of Medical Science. Retrieved 12 September 2024.
  23. "Contacto". Instituto Filosófico de São Francisco de Sales. Retrieved 12 September 2024.
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  25. Dagur, Ryan (19 May 2021). "Timor-Leste govt gives major boost to 900 poor students". UCA News. Retrieved 12 September 2024.
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